Digimon: Legacy [SIGN UP 5 spot left / OOC]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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GAHH I NEED TO POST MINE AS WELL (just got better)~ SO PEEPS where we're at... nvm , I just gonna read the post lol~!
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I need to post too. Just not right now, I feel myself slipping into one of my depressive states.
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Still! I'm a gm as well I should be responsible~!
I've posted where Luna is with the group.
But I'm not sure on what to put next so yeah.....
Going twice! Sorry, sorry, just posting to say that I've been sick lately, but am now not sick, and will be moving from bed rest mode to "Super Badass Writer-Man!" mode
Um okay thanks I'll have to reread to see where that's at. Stupid homework.
Okay done sorry it's not much but Luna is suppose to be shy till we get father after all.
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So, I think I'm gonna have to drop this. I just can't seem to get into it
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