Digimon: Legacy [SIGN UP 5 spot left / OOC]

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Kaleb Michaels




6' 0"


150 lbs





Digivice: (drawing only)



He used to be a well off, happy kid. Then his brother was killed in a bombing, and he not only lost a family member, he also lost his best friend. This caused him to become anti-social and shy. He will not be the first to introduce himself, nor the first to speak his mind. He minds his own business and rarely ever speaks up anymore. He's easily scare-able and usually has a level head, however if you make him angry, run. He tends to go over the deep end when really mad, and he has been known to fight. A lot.

Digimon Partner:




March Hare.png

Fresh, Yamanemon; In-Training, Shirousagimon; Rookie, Cheshimon; Champion, Okotte-Boushiyamon; Mega, Shirojoomon (dark, Akaijoomon); Ultimate, Arisumon (dark, Ryuhebimon); Crest, Koshinnousagimon

* means, Dormousemon, WhiteRabbitmon, Cheshiremon, MadHattermon, WhiteQueenmon (RedQueenmon), Alicemon, DragonSnakemon (AKA Jaberwocky), MarchHaremon ^w^

* Me and my lazy cheating self.... ALL AWESOME CREDIT GOES TO ORIGINAL OWNERS ^^

Partner ' s Personality:

All but her Rookie stage are hyper active and half mad (Or maybe completely mad). Talking in riddles and chives, she is hardly ever understood. When in her Rookie form, she's laid back and carefree, her voice dragging on slowly as she talks. She hardly has a care in the world and she is always showing her sharp teeth in a large grin. Each form has a certain hyperactiveness, however. In her fresh form, she talks quickly and is extremely feisty. In her In-Training form, she's always hopping about quickly, wanting to get to places extremely fast. If she doesn't get there in a certain amount of time, she starts to stress. When in her Champion form, she has radon spurts of hyperactivity and usually gets held up on something. As a mega, her hyperactivity is decreased some, such as in physical actions, but her mind makes up for it, never focusing on on her mind. When in Ultimate form, she is a mixture of all previous forms.

Expectation? (your hope by joining this RP):

Already stated ^^
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So I "started" a TV Tropes page for the RP. There hasn't really been enough time for people to post much yet, so there aren't any tropes yet, but if any of you digidestined are also conveniently tropers, then here's something to poke at when you're bored


I am derp. Of course there are tropes in the first three posts there just aren't a lot, and I just opted not to hunt through them yet. Silly me
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Okay~! accepted (just remember don't get overcrowded
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I'm redesigning Rinkusumon 's line. The computer versions are coming out much better. I've finished Shimamon and Oyamanekomon. I have to do Rinkusumon and Kimyanamon next. Then combine it all.
So I "started" a TV Tropes page for the RP. There hasn't really been enough time for people to post much yet, so there aren't any tropes yet, but if any of you digidestined are also conveniently tropers, then here's something to poke at when you're bored


I am derp. Of course there are tropes in the first three posts there just aren't a lot, and I just opted not to hunt through them yet. Silly me
wait so what tvtropes does?
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It's basically its own wiki where people look at works and the story telling tools (or tropes) they share with other works
Ah... great sweet! (I'm sorry if I ask too much) but would you like to make the story of Digimon Legacy~?
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[QUOKay!Death Name Cry, post: 1489307, member: 2808"]My Ai will only be use like once in awhile![/QUOTE]
Ahh kay~
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I've edited Kaleb's CS in the Digimon portion. There's no picture yet, though. Working on it!
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