Deus OOC

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The Setting

The setting is quite complicated. The lifestyle, the architecture, religous factions and the social interactive state reflects that of feudal medival times for us how ever the technology far surpasses anything that we could comprehend. The planet is called Deus and on it are three major Empires and several small independant countries.

The empires are as followes:

Largest; Arcadia *relgious state would be similar to christianity military structure is based on the knight hood of camelot and the knights of the round table. Also making use of their stratigic weapons such as spears and bows branchingthem into further sublcasses. Keen eye's, strength and skill were needed for such tasks*

The second largest; Solvas *Religous state would be similar to Greek mythology military structure is base on gladiators and strength, as well as their Olympian soldiers utilising their atheletic skills with their projectile weapons based foot soldiers*

And the third; Naadia *Religous state would be similar to Nordic mythology is based on champions of certain gods I.E. Champion of Odin or Champion of Thor (note there can be more than one champion of a god when such cases occur they two champions willl treat each like brothers or sisters in some cases)*

The several smaller and indendant countries are as follows:

Gartonia, Bellos, Paax - these three are near and are slightly influenced religously by Arcadia, Regana, Denus, Seika, Krus- are near Solvas and are influenced religously by their gods and beliefs though some rituals may differ, Dael and Tytia - are near the boarder of Naadia and are Influenced by their Nordic gods.

The techonolgy as stated is far greater than one could comprehend. They have whats called 'Mass dissplacement' technology, which allows for large objects to become smaller and more compact. Prime examples of how they use this technology is in their weapons and armour. though their armour may seem light and minimal and their weapons may not even be visable. But once they engage the armour it can spread over the body and form the heavy plating they use in warefare. Their weapons are similar (for a better example of mass dissplacement think of transformers and you should get the idea)

This technology was founded by a man named Eizen Kruger, a revolutionary scientist from Naadia. He mainly specialised in micro machanics and after a lot of trial and error started the mass Dissplacement strain of technology. Though when it started it wasn't on such a small scale but over five hundred years of refining has brought it to what it is today, mass dissplacement items can be found all over the world from every day household utilities to large sacle containers and even docking porst for air ships.

Many knights, gladiators and Champions have undergone massive augmentation so they can use specialy crafted wepons, cybernetich enhancements and even pilot whats called a 'Heavy armor'. These augmentations can be anything from bio synthetic organs *except for the brain* to Cybernetic replacement of limbs. To pilot a Heavey armor most of the body (I.E Eyes, arms/hands and legs need some form of augmentation or a neural implant and some minor augmentation must be installed to allow the Heavy armor to link up with a specific pilot. Each pilot will have his own heavy Armor but they are rarely used for combat and mainly carry large versions of the pilots favoured Melee weapon. Heavy armors cannot fly but can use boosters to speed their way around and hover, boosters require a certain amount of engery and can be depleted if used for multiple actions such as several short bursts to evade any attacks or prolonged hover. Simply using it to go in a straight line will not deplete the energy reserves very quickly (Heavy armors are only given to elites, these Armors are named after gods or infamouse knights and warriors and the most powerul Elites have certain names resvered for them such Excalibur for Arcadia, Zeus for Solvas and Odin for Naadia).

The N.O.R.N.S., *non organic rational Sub-routine* are the guides for all those who interact with the world tree. They are a unique A.I. system born frm the world tree. The N.O.R.N.S. Are an A.I. unlike any other, it's a system that has evovled over hundreds of years to become what it is today.

The Wyrd is a telekentic ability that allows those who become champions of certain gods like Odin or Freya it allows them to telekenticaly link up to the world tree if they wish to, even if they are out in the field.

The Azir are the champions of the gods, though they are only champions they call themselves Azir mainly because of their strength power and longevity. Those that become champions of Freya or Freyr however are known as Vanir, and those that become champions of Loki are Ettins. Vanir are treated with more respect than the Azir all champions of Freya are similar is status as a queen in her own right. All those that become her champions are Valkyries and they decide weather those that fall in battle are worthy of being sent to Valhalla.

The Arcadians use a Intricate network of information mation, other wise known as merlin. The information they require is always there, as if by magic. Thus the name Merlin was given. It's a complicated A.I system that has ability to hack into certain parts of other networks and acces teh data that is required, those this takes some time and because ofthat they made the personal interface system, to look rather old and frail as if it were a practicle joke. But as teh years went by instead of seeing it as joke the people came to depend on the Merlin system and have done so for generations now.

The solvans use a rather unique database, it's speed is incredible and it's ability to gather informatioand pass the information around is incredible. They called the INterface system to the data Hermes, after the greek god of messengers, travel, cunning, diplomacy, language, writing and thievery. Hermes is silimiar to Merlin. he is able to hack into the old data banks that are long forggton or eventhe new ones that have recently been constructed and steal the information it needs or is relevant to the task at hand. howver he does it ush faster than the Merlin system. Hermes even plants small traps in the data base and causes many system to go down thus never revealing his preseance in the system. the only data base that canot be hacked by Hermes or the Merlin system is the 'World tree' this database is the oldest and most powerful. even if herms and Merlin worked together the N.O.R.N.S. would still halt their progress and keep the world tree protected.

(for more information on the nordic god, Camelot and the greek gods please use the referances at the bottom of the page)
The Plot

The three Empires have been in a power struggle for the past decade, this struggle has mainly be about mining rights for the metals needed to make the Armours and weapons they use. And so far Arcadia is winning owning five mines and are after more. Naadia however is set for mining rights as their mine is right underneath them, and the entrance is located in the mountins behind them. Solvas how ever owns only two mines and those are rapidly decreasing and thus have attacked Naadia for their mine. Arcadia however are simply waiting it out so they can destroy the victor and take all the mines and thus achiving world domination.

Naadia though small is very powerul. Their technology is of the highest calibur. They have been reinventing the 'Mass dissplacement' technology and even have been refining the cybernetich implants. The champions that are successfull in being given the implants are known as the Azir, the Vanir and the Ettins (A-zeer and Van-ear) and are treated as gods and worshipped by the citezens of Naadia and it's surrounding countires.

The Azir, the Vanir and the Ettins are feared throughout as they normally go out alone against impossile odds and some how they come back alive. The most feared is a man named Kurzon Champion of Odin (using the Original beliefs before the Vikins made him a figure for war) his intellect and wisdom surpasses that of the other Azir making him the favoured knight by their empress who sits in the capital city of Midgard (yes the cities and certain land marks are named after certain places in each empires religion execpt for Arcadia that is based around camelot and so on this should give you an idea of what to work with and what to research for your characters) Midgard is the home to the people, all the Azir and Vanir and so on are located in the palace which is known as Asgard and is home To the 'World Tree Yggdrasil' this tree is actuall a pool of information, a very intricate network with it's user interface progam named Mimir.

With this tree of knoledge Naadia has been able to survive but only just the space probes 'Huginn and Munin'(named after the two ravens by Odins side that travel the world and give Odin their reports) have been damaged and are currently being rpaired (yes space flight and space travel has been achieved but only to the edge of the solar system so far however the people belive that the stars are for where the dead are to travel and should not be traversed by the living and so you'll only find memorial stations and so on. But there are satalites as well) as for now Naadia fights only to protect it's lands from invasion while the Empress Amelia and Kurzon construct a way for peace, though prefering to do it peacfully, the Champions do not mind obtaining peace through the blood of their enimies.

Solvas are desperate in their need of matterials not only to make new 'Heavey armors' but also to repair their own armies. And will stop at nothing to get their hands on things they need to survive. Luckily technology has granted them an abudence in in food produce, thus homes and people can eat and drink for pretty much nothing. It is however energy and metals that they need and that is what the peoples coin goes to.

Arcadia however are the largest of all three owning fives mines they have an abundance of everything are set on world domniation. Dealing with a few Ettins along the way. Buying them off and so on, waiting for solvas to crumble before they take it for themselves. King Arthur, ruler of the royal capital Camelot and leader of teh knights of the round table. Strives to controll the world making every one worship Christianity. He is a self proclaimed messenger of God and by self proclomation shall bring his word to every corner of the world. Even taking it to "the savages of Naadia and brutes of Solvas" as spoken in the Kings coronation speach.

It's a war on a planetary scale, some are fighting for survival, some are fighting to protect their people and others are fighting to dominate the world. The side you choose is up to you, but you will need to do some research into your character and the place they are from familiarsing your self withthe history and mythology of said culture and religion. I however reserve the right to play Kurzon but if you still wish to be a Champion of Odin you can do.
Reffereance materials

This is a list of referance materials that will be added as people help with reasearch. My personal knowledge of these times and religions and so on are extremely basic PLEASE DO NOT expect me to do all your reasearch if you wish to do your thats fine if you want to use what information is below you can do that as well just make sure you give the source of you reasearch so i can make sure everything is in order and fits with the setting.

Nordic gods

Camelot and the knights of the round table

greek gods

I hope you guys like the idea, I'm looking for about 4-5 people to start witha nd if others wish to join later no matter how far into the story we are they can do. Maps may be added depends if some is wlling to draw one up with me as I don't have any art programs other than paint.

The new name for this RP will be Deus after the planet. please give me some feed back and let me know if your interested if so I'll post the OOC up.

Character sheet



Appearance: *this includes any augementation that could be seen on the out I.E. eye, arms leg and so on*

Race: *Are you Arcadian, Solvan, or Naadian*

Sub race/class: * Solvans have a unique projectile system that dominates much of their forces as their Gladiators are the ones that deal with close quarter combat. these projectiles are called SLINGER, DISCUS and JAVALIN. Naadian sub races are as followes, AZIR, VANIR or ETTIN. The Arcadians how ever have Stratigic Sub classes suh as PHALANX and LOONGBOW, Phalanx deal with high speed flank attacks with their main wepoan being Spear like or polearms.,while LONGBOWS deal with ranged attacks wearing downthe enemy numbers. KNIGHTS and K.O.R.T's deal with close quarter combat*

Status: * are you a Champion/wolf ( note wolves are the foot soldiers that can not have
access to to heavey armours only champions have access to them) Knight/KNight of the round table or K.O.R.T. or are you a Galdiator/Olympian ( Olympians are the foot soldiers that carry the projectile)*


Mech sheet

Name: * the name of the mech is to be that of a certain god or knoght of the round table, if that gods or knights name is taken by someone else you may need to alter what champion, knight or gladiator you are or find another name for it the name. Odinhow ever is no longer revsered please feel free to use it untill it it taken. A list of take names will be made*

Appearance:* this dose not include weapons or addons this is simply the base and it's colour*

Weapons: *weapon list/decription goes here. please be advised that most mechs carry Enlagred versions of the favoured melee weapon of the pilot, though they do carry A fire arm it not often used. most battles are fought with melee weapons, expect for CHampions of Tyr/Loki. if you are a Gladiator class Olympian with a JAVELIN, DISUS or SLINGER then you would have weapons of that calibur on board but you would also have a large shield designed to nullify the engery from engery blades and a long spear*

You do not need to worry about about telling us what your character is like attitude wise. that can be judged and changed and so on through gameplay.

If you are playing a character that uses long range projectiles please let me run through your idea first, JAVELIN's would most likely be heavy cannons, DISCUS would be explosive/volatile engery blasts. And SLINGERS would be faster firing weaponary such as rifels and so on. ALL melee weapon are energy based as well making blades very hot and so cut through metals, however energy blades are not anything like Lightsabers (take a look at optimus primes CQC weapon in transformers and you'll get what i mean by them). LONGBOWS are high out put weapons similar to Javelins How ever they are used for anti infantry and Ati heavy infantry such as 'heavy armors'. PHALANX weapons only have a short engery blade in the shape of a spear or pole arm, but can still be used in close quarters, any damage done by the 'NON' bladed pole wouldn't do a great deal of damage but dose have a lot of force behind it. Naadians however do not use that many Projectiles. Champions of Tyr and Loki however will prefer them. All Champions have side arms but very rarely use them, that how ever dose not mean they are completly unable to.
Character sheet

Name: Emain Macha

Age: 24

Appearance: *this includes any augementation that could be seen on the out I.E. eye, arms leg and so on*

Race: *Are you Arcadian, Solvan, or Naadian*

Sub race/class: * Solvans have a unique projectile system that dominates much of their forces as their Gladiators are the ones that deal with close quarter combat. these projectiles are called SLINGER, DISCUS and JAVALIN. Naadian sub races are as followes, AZIR, VANIR or ETTIN. The Arcadians how ever have Stratigic Sub classes suh as PHALANX and LOONGBOW, Phalanx deal with high speed flank attacks with their main wepoan being Spear like or polearms.,while LONGBOWS deal with ranged attacks wearing downthe enemy numbers. KNIGHTS and K.O.R.T's deal with close quarter combat*

Status: * are you a Champion/wolf ( note wolves are the foot soldiers that can not have
access to to heavey armours only champions have access to them) Knight/KNight of the round table or K.O.R.T. or are you a Galdiator/Olympian ( Olympians are the foot soldiers that carry the projectile)*


Mech sheet

Name: Cu Chulainn

Appearance:* this dose not include weapons or addons this is simply the base and it's colour*

Weapons: *weapon list/decription goes here. please be advised that most mechs carry Enlagred versions of the favoured melee weapon of the pilot, though they do carry A fire arm it not often used. most battles are fought with melee weapons, expect for CHampions of Tyr/Loki. if you are a Gladiator class Olympian with a JAVELIN, DISUS or SLINGER then you would have weapons of that calibur on board but you would also have a large shield designed to nullify the engery from engery blades and a long spear*
well I'm not gonna rush if you questions go ahead i'll be happy to answer, or at least try too.
Could I use Cu Chulainn (from Irish lore)?
You could use my redone srw Iwaku rules for this setting, you know.

But yeah, I have trouble looking for it.
They aren't too hard to find on the wiki. I was thinking of an outcasty Nadian who had clawed their way to getting to be a champion, and as a reward got a "cursed" armor (Like Hel, mayhaps)
WHAT!? Gladiators had military structure?

I'll see what I can come up with after some sleep.
well Archy, he could be an Ettin, or champion of Loki, that sounds like something an Ettin would.

@vay: well thats what i've turned it into, coz my knowledge of military history is a big fat 0

@ parou: what rules?