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The Setting
The setting is quite complicated. The lifestyle, the architecture, religous factions and the social interactive state reflects that of feudal medival times for us how ever the technology far surpasses anything that we could comprehend. The planet is called Deus and on it are three major Empires and several small independant countries.
The empires are as followes:
Largest; Arcadia *relgious state would be similar to christianity military structure is based on the knight hood of camelot and the knights of the round table. Also making use of their stratigic weapons such as spears and bows branchingthem into further sublcasses. Keen eye's, strength and skill were needed for such tasks*
The second largest; Solvas *Religous state would be similar to Greek mythology military structure is base on gladiators and strength, as well as their Olympian soldiers utilising their atheletic skills with their projectile weapons based foot soldiers*
And the third; Naadia *Religous state would be similar to Nordic mythology is based on champions of certain gods I.E. Champion of Odin or Champion of Thor (note there can be more than one champion of a god when such cases occur they two champions willl treat each like brothers or sisters in some cases)*
The several smaller and indendant countries are as follows:
Gartonia, Bellos, Paax - these three are near and are slightly influenced religously by Arcadia, Regana, Denus, Seika, Krus- are near Solvas and are influenced religously by their gods and beliefs though some rituals may differ, Dael and Tytia - are near the boarder of Naadia and are Influenced by their Nordic gods.
The techonolgy as stated is far greater than one could comprehend. They have whats called 'Mass dissplacement' technology, which allows for large objects to become smaller and more compact. Prime examples of how they use this technology is in their weapons and armour. though their armour may seem light and minimal and their weapons may not even be visable. But once they engage the armour it can spread over the body and form the heavy plating they use in warefare. Their weapons are similar (for a better example of mass dissplacement think of transformers and you should get the idea)
This technology was founded by a man named Eizen Kruger, a revolutionary scientist from Naadia. He mainly specialised in micro machanics and after a lot of trial and error started the mass Dissplacement strain of technology. Though when it started it wasn't on such a small scale but over five hundred years of refining has brought it to what it is today, mass dissplacement items can be found all over the world from every day household utilities to large sacle containers and even docking porst for air ships.
Many knights, gladiators and Champions have undergone massive augmentation so they can use specialy crafted wepons, cybernetich enhancements and even pilot whats called a 'Heavy armor'. These augmentations can be anything from bio synthetic organs *except for the brain* to Cybernetic replacement of limbs. To pilot a Heavey armor most of the body (I.E Eyes, arms/hands and legs need some form of augmentation or a neural implant and some minor augmentation must be installed to allow the Heavy armor to link up with a specific pilot. Each pilot will have his own heavy Armor but they are rarely used for combat and mainly carry large versions of the pilots favoured Melee weapon. Heavy armors cannot fly but can use boosters to speed their way around and hover, boosters require a certain amount of engery and can be depleted if used for multiple actions such as several short bursts to evade any attacks or prolonged hover. Simply using it to go in a straight line will not deplete the energy reserves very quickly (Heavy armors are only given to elites, these Armors are named after gods or infamouse knights and warriors and the most powerul Elites have certain names resvered for them such Excalibur for Arcadia, Zeus for Solvas and Odin for Naadia).
The N.O.R.N.S., *non organic rational Sub-routine* are the guides for all those who interact with the world tree. They are a unique A.I. system born frm the world tree. The N.O.R.N.S. Are an A.I. unlike any other, it's a system that has evovled over hundreds of years to become what it is today.
The Wyrd is a telekentic ability that allows those who become champions of certain gods like Odin or Freya it allows them to telekenticaly link up to the world tree if they wish to, even if they are out in the field.
The Azir are the champions of the gods, though they are only champions they call themselves Azir mainly because of their strength power and longevity. Those that become champions of Freya or Freyr however are known as Vanir, and those that become champions of Loki are Ettins. Vanir are treated with more respect than the Azir all champions of Freya are similar is status as a queen in her own right. All those that become her champions are Valkyries and they decide weather those that fall in battle are worthy of being sent to Valhalla.
The Arcadians use a Intricate network of information mation, other wise known as merlin. The information they require is always there, as if by magic. Thus the name Merlin was given. It's a complicated A.I system that has ability to hack into certain parts of other networks and acces teh data that is required, those this takes some time and because ofthat they made the personal interface system, to look rather old and frail as if it were a practicle joke. But as teh years went by instead of seeing it as joke the people came to depend on the Merlin system and have done so for generations now.
The solvans use a rather unique database, it's speed is incredible and it's ability to gather informatioand pass the information around is incredible. They called the INterface system to the data Hermes, after the greek god of messengers, travel, cunning, diplomacy, language, writing and thievery. Hermes is silimiar to Merlin. he is able to hack into the old data banks that are long forggton or eventhe new ones that have recently been constructed and steal the information it needs or is relevant to the task at hand. howver he does it ush faster than the Merlin system. Hermes even plants small traps in the data base and causes many system to go down thus never revealing his preseance in the system. the only data base that canot be hacked by Hermes or the Merlin system is the 'World tree' this database is the oldest and most powerful. even if herms and Merlin worked together the N.O.R.N.S. would still halt their progress and keep the world tree protected.
(for more information on the nordic god, Camelot and the greek gods please use the referances at the bottom of the page)