Date [or] Blind Date

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Bro Fest?

I ain't gay, but I could be your wingman! AKA, I'll take one for the team.
Blind date.

Living on the edge.
Blind Date, sorry October, I know it's thursday and all, but i don't feel like lubing up, and there's no way I'm letting you be on top. that you've gone out on a date with GMK, you'll never be the same patty again T_T

blind date...T_T
I'm gonna date you Myrn.
And you're going to freeken LIKE IT.
Date, because unlike some people, I don't believe in one night stands unless the sex was crap.
DATE! I'm digging your avatar. ^-^;''

And the fact that you want me to show you my titties.... XD
Blind Date

@ Clover, It's cause Grey Knights radiate an aura of such awesome that their enemies have trouble shooting them.
Blind date...just because you keep posting behind me with blind blind dater!
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