Darkest Light

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It felt like a piece of his heart was missing, a deep aching pain that never ceased. It dulled over time, but it never went away and Kana had given up hope that it ever would. And now Elidi was offering him a chance to soothe that pain, to see what his heart desired most, what he longed for and the Dark Elf could hardly comprehend it...even as he believed her.

A grin swept over his features at her words about the guards, not a small smile, but a true grin and he laughed softly before the smile faded to something smaller, but the gratitude in his eye and the happiness they contained was very genuine and still very much there.

"I would love to see my family again, Elidi. Thank you."

He could never repay her for this and if Kana had been growing fond of Elidi before, now he was absolutely positive he'd never met anyone like her before and she was truly growing special in his eyes. The mark on his chest seemed to agree as it glowed under his shirt, both a cold surge and a heated one - though, it was not something that hurt this time - sweeping through his body.
If the female elf was forced to stay with someone else, was not able to see her family for fifty years... she didn't know how she would handle it. Perhaps a bit like her companion; she would live her life, but she'd feel that ache for the rest of her life if it was never relieved. She figured most people would, some handling it better than others. But fifty years... that was almost a whole lifetime in human aging.

The male elf's face transformed into one that showed true happiness and gratitude, an actual grin curving his lips and a soft laugh coming from his throat. It made Elidi smile widely. She was elated that she could help Kana and let him see his family - seeing him grin like that for the first time since they met, seeing him so happy... it really made her glad she could be the one to do this for him. He deserved it more than anything, and she hated that it seemed only like a privilege when he was only with her.

She nodded in response to his thanks, her smile gradually fading as they continued eating their breakfast.
The snow stopped a few hours later and the two elves had set off. The horses hadn't been particularly pleased about traveling in the snow that nearly came to their chests, but they'd complied with their masters and the two had made better travel than they would have if they'd been on foot. The air was cold, freezing around them and at first Kana hadn't been too worried about it. The sun was out, not providing a great deal of warmth, but it was still sunlight and he hoped it would bring some comfort to his Light Elf companion.

As it started getting later, though, and the sun disappeared, Kana found himself growing concerned for Elidi. The temperature was dropping, but he knew there wasn't a shelter to take to at this point. It had been a risk they'd taken leaving the shelter they'd had, but they couldn't very well have stayed there forever.

Still, the Dark Elf's gold eyes went back to his companion as day grew darker, assessing her condition.
Once the snow stopped, Elidi had taken a look outside and quite a few inches of it had leveled out against the mountain side. It made her a bit concerned, but she could feel the sun rays, though dim, still shining above them. After folding a blanket in half and laying it beneath the saddle of Glaweth to try and keep her at a decent temperature as well, the two elves and their horses were off. But it was unquestionably freezing and the Light Elf tried to soak up as much sun as possible during the day.

It was only the second day of being in such cold temperatures without very much sunlight, so Elidi wasn't feeling the consequences yet - she was just feeling cold like anybody else would... well, except for creatures adapted to the cold, such as Ekanath.

Once the sun started to set and the air around them started to cool even more, she watched it go down almost sadly. Then she looked to the male elf, feeling his eyes on her, and gave him a small smile of assurance. "I'm fine," she said. She was just wondering where they were going to set up camp or if they were going to travel through the night.
Kana nodded, reassured and he looked forward again, scanning the terrain before them. He knew by foreknowledge what his eyes already told him and the male elf never thought he'd be uneasy about not being able to find shelter from freezing temperatures. With Elidi in his company, though, he had to think of such things, found himself doing it without prompt and now the Dark Elf growled softly under his breath, but stopped on a ledge, a slight overhang from the cliff-side to their left providing something of a cover, but not much.

"We'll stop here. There aren't any caves along the path for another day, maybe a day and a half." he told her reluctantly as he dismounted. He saw to Darkstep rather quickly and pulled the wood out that they'd carried with them, starting on a fire. The sooner he got it going, the better off Elidi would be as the temperatures dropped below freezing.

It had even started to snow again.

"I want you to stay close to the flames and wrapped up, all right?" It wasn't a guarantee that it would keep her warm enough, but he at least had to try and make sure she was taken care of. They were friends, after all.
Elidi directed Glaweth to follow Kana and Darkstep as they moved, finding that they soon stopped on a ledge from the great cliff side. Once Elidi knew they were camping there, she hopped off of Glaweth and nodded to Ekanath before helping him prepare the fire. It was good to get a little motion going in her limbs before all she could do was be piled on with blankets, especially since she'd become sick in just the next few days.

She looked to him as he told to basically just stay warm, and she nodded again. "With pleasure," she replied, tending to both horses and giving them each blankets before sitting near the fire and grabbing her own blanket as she felt the soft snowflakes melt against her skin.
Kana smiled a little at her agreement and he went about his self-assigned task, leading Glaweth over to Elidi and with some coaxing made the mare lay down behind her mistress. Darkstep was next, settled with his rump to the mare's, the two horse's bodies providing a half-circle of shelter that kept some of the snow and wind out. They were better able to withstand the cold and they'd share their warmth with the Princess and Kana, too as the night got colder.

The male elf draped his own blanket over Elidi's shoulders before sitting down with his back to the stallion's side, not needing the blanket like she would. Now all they could do was wait the night out and many after it.


Kana was sufficiently worried now. It had been three days since their first night without shelter and it was clear that Elidi was worsening with the freezing temperatures around her. At first she'd appeared a bit weaker, more tired perhaps and she seemed to grow nauseous if she moved too fast, but she'd been insistent that they press on, so they had. Now, though, the Light Elf was in worsening shape. She hardly seemed able to guide Glaweth properly, the mare following the stallion by instinct alone, and she no longer sat up straight with that posture that had been drilled into her for years.

The Dark Elf could hear her breathing becoming more labored when the wind stopped blowing for a few precious minutes and at night when he checked her over, she was much too warm, even for her kind. And the fever just seemed to be worsening.

The Prince didn't know what to do. He couldn't warm her. He couldn't heal her. He couldn't get her out of these mountains any faster. And yet he felt a sense of urgency he couldn't explain and the mark on his chest constantly throbbed with heat, an aching pain he couldn't get rid of. He knew it was for her for some reason, but Kana didn't know what to DO to make this better.

She needed her own people. She needed shelter and medicine and warmth.

They needed to get to Dynasha.
Elidi thanked Kana for getting the horses together and giving her his blanket, giving him a small smile before turning her face back to the heat of the fire.

Over the course of the next few days, Elidi started feeling weak. She just felt tired and would get nauseous or light-headed if she moved too quickly. But it rather quickly got worse and her posture slumped, her chest had become tight making it hard for the princess to breathe correctly, and a mild fever was growing worse. She rarely talked, too tired to do so, unless Ekanath asked her something. But she still wanted to press on - it'd be better for the both of them if they reached the prince's kingdom faster.

"Our bodies don't adapt very well to weather, do they?" she asked jokingly, a small smile on her face as she looked to Ekanath. Her usual warm and bright eyes were dulling and her voice was also getting weak. "How many more days before we reach your kingdom?"
"Not really." Kana offered back with a faint smile that he had to force. It didn't look right on his face and his eyes didn't reflect it at all as he watched his traveling companion. She didn't look good. Didn't sound good and he was a lot more concerned than he'd ever thought he'd be because of it. He wanted to help her, warm her, but he was a creature of the cold. Not even his body would help and for the first time in his life, Kana almost felt guilty for being what he was. It meant he was no use to her and he hated it.

"A day or two." he answered softly, wishing he could say that day or even that hour. She wasn't going to last much longer, that he knew. He'd lasted three days in the desert, but that was with the nights being cooler, providing some relief. This environment was much worse for Elidi. It was cold during the day, the sun a cruel tease as it provided no true warmth, and the nights were freezing.

He looked back, his expression soft. "Do you want to stop for a little while?"
Elidi held back a sigh at Kana's answer, wishing they were already at Dynasha. But she wasn't going to complain because she knew that the prince was worried about her and she didn't want to make him worry more or feel worse. She shook her head weakly as she met his eyes, clenching her hands and warming them with what little fire power she had.

"We can push forward a little more," she said. "It's better we cover as much ground as we can, right?" she reminded. She wanted to get to Dynasha not just because she was getting worse, but also because she wanted Ekanath to see his family. They were also most likely still being followed still, so that also played a factor and Elidi didn't want them to get caught just because they slowed for her illness.

Kana answered back quietly before looking ahead again and they traveled on in silence once more. It didn't last forever, though, as the Dark Elf stopped Darkstep abruptly, hearing hoof-beats coming from...in front of them? He drew his sword, the metal creaking a scraping, ringing sound in the crisp, silent air and he maneuvered the stallion under him diagonal across the path so that he might have clear access to an attacker. Darkstep pawed the snow, a warhorse at heart and ready for combat, but smart and well-trained enough not to neigh and give away their position or the element of surprise.

It turned out none was needed though, as the patrol of horsemen came around the mountain's bend and skidded to a halt. The two groups looked at each other for a long moment before it registered to Kana that he was facing a squadron of Light Elves and it occurred to the Light Elves that they were facing an armed Dark Elf - something forbidden - and that this Dark Elf had a...Light Elf companion?

"Lower your weapon, Dark Elf, or face imprisonment!"

The leader called out his orders as he advanced and for a moment Kana's hand tightened, something dark and dangerous flashing across his face before reason caught up with him and he lowered his blade, glancing back at Elidi before he spoke. "I am Ekanath StormWolf. King Thorontur has charged me with bringing back his daughter Princess Elidi. It is she who accompanies me. She is sick."

That last part came out more quiet than he intended and while the others kept their weapons trained on him, the leader approached the female elf and confirmed for himself that she was indeed who Kana said she was. Immediately he bowed as much as he was able in the saddle. "Princess! We thought you lost. Please, come to our lodging, just three miles from here. We will get you warm, your Highness."
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Elidi moved with Kana, just wanting to be there already. But it felt like as soon as they started walking, they suddenly stopped and the princess looked to Kana who had his sword drawn. She looked around but found nothing, so instead she listened for what her friend might have heard. And then she heard the rhythm of hooves coming from in front of them and she kept watch.

Several men, two groups of patrol, had just come across the two's path, or rather vice-versa. Elidi panicked for just a small moment when the Light Elves were hostile towards the Dark Elf, but they seemed to believe him when Kana said he was traveling with their princess. When the leader approached her, Elidi smiled what she could, nodding when he pleaded her to go to their lodging.

"I will, but you must treat Ekanath with respect," she said with a serious tone, even if it was a bit weak. The leader only looked at her, but soon nodded and responded with an 'of course'. Then they were all on their way to the patrol guards' lodging and Elidi looked to her Dark Elf companion with a small smile.
Kana felt both relief that Elidi was going to get the care she needed, was among her own people again, and yet a tension inside him that curled dangerously within his limbs. He instinctively wanted to lash out at the guards when they looked over at him or shifted their grip on their weapons, but he could control that. THAT was a warrior's reaction, a part of him that even Light Elves respected. Any species respected it. That was strength and hard training, the desire to protect one's self and loved ones. It was a tension and an instinct that was well understood by any male or female warrior.

The part Kana was having difficulty keeping contained was the fear inside him, the abused part of his physique that was so unpredictable not even he knew whether that part of him wanted to strike out or flinch away. It effected the way he thought, fogged his mind and when they came to the lodging, the Dark Elf jumped in the saddle when a guard approached him and Darkstep reared, squealing out warningly as he pawed the air before coming back down, backing up and shaking his head as Kana worked to get him under control.

No, scratch that, as he worked to get HIMSELF under control.

Shadows seemed to cling to him in the growing twilight as his power drew them, sensing he wanted to hide. The Prince dismounted as Darkstep's bridle was caught and the Light Elf holding it glared at him as if he'd done that trick on purpose. Kana didn't respond, keeping his eyes down and quiet - so very quiet - as they were all led inside where a fire was already roaring brightly in the center of a pit in the large sitting room.

The leader of the patrol led Elidi to a place beside the flames and sat near her, but a respectful distance considering their statuses. "My Lady, is there anything we can get you? Any provisions you might need for your journey home?"

Kana didn't speak, leaving that up to Elidi at the moment as he stayed near the opening of the room. He hadn't been invited in, not really even acknowledge now and in the soldier's minds, that was respectful enough. They hadn't arrested him for drawing a weapon on them. That was payment enough.
Elidi could tell Ekanath was feeling tensed in the situation they were in, especially since they were around so many Light Elf guards. She didn't blame him - couldn't blame him, and she wished she could just do something to help him feel more at ease. Once they were at the lodging, a guard had popped out towards the Dark Elf who jumped in response, making Darkstep feel spooked as well as he lifted on his hind legs before coming back down. Elidi watched with some concern, hoping the guard wouldn't do anything rash. But once Kana dismounted, she began to dismount from Glaweth as well, patting the horse who showed concern for her master in a small whinny.

Once she stepped down, she made a small breathy noise and closed her eyes before starting for the lodging with a couple guards' help. Her vision was weird, no words to really explain it correctly, and her usual elegant gait was weak and stumbling every once in a while. But once they were inside with the warmth of the fire, it was like Elidi felt instantly better though she was still sick. She sat down where she was led to and closed her eyes, almost smiling at the relief she felt. When she was asked if she needed anything for her journey back to Sanesia, she looked around the room to try and spot Kana but he was near the entrance. She wasn't sure if he stayed there because it was cooler, but she had a feeling it was because he wasn't necessarily invited in. She met her golden eyes with his and gave a silent message within them, telling him he could come more inside if he really wanted to. She was the princess; even if the guards didn't agree with her, they had to listen.

Then she turned back to the guard and smiled as warmly as she could. "We need more water and some food. Our rations have been cut down to rather sparse amounts," she paused and looked to the Dark Elf just in case she had missed anything, letting him speak if he needed to before continuing. "But before that, we would like to visit Dynasha. I would like to visit Dynasha," she spoke as she looked directly in the guard's eyes. "Once I feel better, of course."
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Kana smiled just a little, a ghost of an expression that was actually a lot to ask of him in this situation. He appreciated her offer, but he wouldn't be comfortable in the least nearer the fire and nearer the guards. He stayed where he was and when Elidi glanced at him for confirmation, he merely nodded slightly to her, letting her speak. However, when she mentioned his homeland, he grew tense again as the leader blinked in thinly veiled shock.

"Dynasha, your Highness? Are you sure that is wise without the approval of your father, the King? Or a proper guard?"

The male Light Elf glanced back at Kana then and the Prince bristled just slightly at the subtle insult in that look. The ONLY reason he'd been a prisoner for so long was NOT because he was inadequate as a warrior! It was because he'd chosen to place the safety of his people above his own! The jab stung and Kana's shadows around him darkened like thunderclouds. He said nothing, though, knowing that to do so would only get him in trouble. He'd learned that well enough over the years.

"Princess, let us escort you home. Perhaps, when you ARE well, your father will take you to tour Dynasha."
Elidi nodded slightly to Kana before looking back to the shocked guard who she knew had just given Ekanath a look.

"What is your name?" she asked.

"Durion, your Highness."

"I do not need my father's consent to visit a kingdom we rule, Durion," she said, hoping that Kana wouldn't take it offensively since she had to say something along the lines of that otherwise the Durion and the rest wouldn't be very much at ease. "And I have a proper guard. His name is Ekanath StormWolf, prince of Dynasha, and he is the one who rescued me from my kidnappers. We are only a couple of days - at the most - away from his home and I think he deserves to see his people, and most of all family. Do you not think so?" she asked, always looking at Durion or the other Light guards.
The silence in the room was deafening and Kana cringed back, hardly able to control the reaction, when light-filled eyes from nearly all the guards focused on him, assessing, judging. He stayed still, looking at no one but Elidi even though she was not focused on him and soon enough the guards turned their attention away and back to the Princess. It felt like forever to the Dark Elf and he shivered when the feeling of pressure released him.

Durion didn't look too happy about having to comply, but he was respectful. "If that is what you wish, Princess, than we will serve you in whatever way you desire." He stood, bowing and the other guards stood with him - well, most, five stayed seated where they were, having been here when the patrol showed up. "If you will pardon our departure, our patrol was not yet over when we came upon you. We must complete our duty. The men who remain will care to your needs."

So saying, the patrol left again, each soldier giving Ekanath a suspicious look and a wide berth as they exited the lodging. Kana didn't acknowledge them and when they were gone he stayed where he was, arms crossed tightly over his chest and his gaze on the floor, hard.

Not one of the guards had answered Elidi's question and that was answer enough.
Elidi hadn't meant for all eyes to be on Ekanath, but things were the way they were and she couldn't stop it. At least not yet. She'd be sure to d*** well try when she got home. When they looked back to her, she gave each and every one of them the same look they gave Kana; judging, suspicion, and assessment. They had to look away from her pale yet strong eyes.

"Thank you, Durion," she said as he complied and stood before bowing. "You do your job well, so make sure to keep doing it," she said, a glint in her eye as she watched him and his men leave the lodging. After they left, she looked to Kana but he was looking at the ground and she cursed very quietly under her breath. Then she turned to the five guards that were still there.

"I want each and every one of you to treat Ekanath with respect," she said firmly as she met some of their eyes. "That means no cruel looks or snide remarks, do you understand me?" she said. They all nodded in consent, not looking at their princess or the Dark Elf. "He has helped me in several ways you men could not, so treat him well. Be sure to tell Durion and his men that as well." She couldn't help but be a little degrading, even if it wasn't her first intention. She looked to Kana with an apologizing look just in case he was looking at her and then she laid down fully on the couch.

"I'm going to rest now," Elidi said, her voice much more weak now. She was exhausted.
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He appreciated her effort, he really did, but when Elidi laid down, when her eyes shut and her breathing evened out, Kana left the lodge. He wasn't allowed to go alone and he knew he had a guard following him as he moved out to the edge of the mountain, looking over the edge of the drop-off, but he did his best to ignore the Light Elf. The wind and snow whipped his white hair around and Kana let it sooth away the anger inside him. His power wanted to lash out, the storm inside him building now that the drugs were long gone out of his system and it had nothing but this bracelet to try and contain it, but the Prince wouldn't release it yet.

He wouldn't risk Elidi being caught in the destruction.

So he calmed himself and let the cold sooth his body. It occurred to him then that he could leave. One guard was not enough to keep him, not even a challenge really especially since he was in HIS element, not theirs. He could leave, go home, rally his people perhaps and cause trouble. He could leave and just disappear, become a cold shadow in the night. He could be free. There were many who were not convinced he should be their next King anyway. He could escape that, escape everything.

It was tempting, so tempting that he even started to search for where the other elves had put Darkstep, but he stopped himself just as suddenly. A pair of warm gold eyes smiled at him in his mind's eye and Kana knew he couldn't go.

Not if going meant he'd leave Elidi.

The mark on his chest nearly burned at the thought of it, had been burning for a time now that he noted the pain, and Kana turned away from escape, from freedom, feeling the heat stop, replaced by a coolness and a constant pulsing that was almost comforting.

Right now it just made Kana feel frustrated.
It didn't take long for the princess to fall asleep, and when she did, the guards felt more at ease. But they respected her wishes as best they could - not really talking to the Dark Elf standing near the doorway just in case some remark would escape their thoughts. They were actually rather busy making sure their princess was safe and okay, listening to her rather strained breathing during her sleep and making sure she didn't make any strange noises. Only when Ekanath leave the lodging did one of them follow behind, but only to keep a watch on him and make sure he didn't do anything he shouldn't do.

The horses were kept near the horse stalls of the guards own horses, except since the spaces were all filled, the best they could do for the horses was lay them underneath a half building with barely a roof to cover them. But they were given blankets and food, tended to before they were left alone.

When Durion and his men returned, they let Ekanath know that a different patrol was out there now. The original five men in the lodging was making dinner, but Elidi was still sleeping and they weren't sure if they should wake her to eat or not.
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