
Anissa kept to her small area as Monet and Chase exchanged words. At the mention of a gift store and clothing, her interest perked though. Sitting up from where she'd managed to curl herself up, she watched Monet leave and Chase return. Chase dawned a black wool-lined jacket that wasn't bad, but wasn't her style either. Then again, gift stores did have limited selection. She sighed faintly, "If you're comfortable it'll do, but I'd imagine you'd look better without the hood, perhaps a wool-lined dungaree jacket, but that might not be your style...then again I'm just starting in this whole 'style' thing eh" she trailed off with a sigh, "a nicer clothing store with a better coat selection definitely, but then again who cares, right? It's just about survival" she gave a feeble, slightly forced, smile as she looked straight ahead out the window. Don't look down don't look down! she kept telling herself.
So, perhaps the girl did have SOME logic in her, despite her slightly ditzy first impressions. Stretching a moment, she decided to see what other clothing and items this gift-store might have. It certainly wasn't going to be any high end fashion store, but then again she could never afford those things anyways. She just liked to make herself look pretty. She never believed she could really be the real thing, just an aspiration of hers. Plus, a coat to wrap up in wouldn't be a bad idea, she was starting to realize how cold it really was.