Dark Fever

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Her answer warmed him in a way he'd not expected and Gabriel smiled, feeling a genuine ripple of happiness trail over his skin, making it tingle in the most odd of ways. He had moved toward Cassandra with a silent speed that surprised even him before he could stop himself and his hand touched her own, his fingers wrapping gently around hers and squeezing just a little. His eyes caught her brilliant blue ones with a gratefulness and fondness - though, he wasn't really aware of the latter - he didn't try to hide.

"Thank you for staying." His words were simple, but the emotions behind them were not and if ever there was a time in the future when he doubted Cassandra, he'd remember this. He'd remember that she had stayed when she could have left, that she'd helped him when others wouldn't. In this one act, she'd bound his loyalty to hers forever.

Sensing and - smelling? Could he do that? - her embarrassment, Gabriel moved away almost as quickly as he'd gotten close and he looked around again, starting to feel a bit trapped in this dim place. He didn't like cages. He didn't know why he didn't like cages, but his body wasn't thrilled about them. "Should we leave? Is it safe to?"
Cassandra flushed faintly when Gabriel had held her hand and when he moved away, she took a deep breath to calm herself and collect her thoughts. Come on, get it together. She forced herself to focus again to answer his question. "We can leave. Try to make sure you mask your behavior so that people won't suspect that you are infected." If he had retained any knowledge of his training and practice at blending it, she doubted it would be an issue, but she still felt like it would be good to remind him. She grabbed her bag and put it on, pulled her hood over her head, then opened the doors.

As they walked out, nobody seemed to notice or care who they were or what they were doing. The town was a busy one and people usually didn't take the time to investigate strangers. Cassandra immediately knew where to go after they emerged from the basement, and she walked quickly through the town streets. Within only a couple of minutes, they reached the well. There were guards around it but they were only there to enforce lawfulness. There were too many people at the well for the guards to check each newcomer so they didn't bother.

As they approached the well, Cassandra tugged nervously at her hood. Her unease showed in her movements but she managed to walk past the guards without a problem and began to fill her canteen. She took that moment then to glance at Gabriel and make sure that he was doing alright, hoping he wasn't overwhelmed or nervous being in public for the first time since his memory wipe.
Gabriel had taken Cassandra's advice seriously and though he wasn't entirely sure how he was supposed to behave, the minute his body came around people, it seemed to know what to do and he found himself curious about his own change in demeanor and the way his mind seemed to shift from open and easy to closed off and wary. He must have done it before, he knew that logically, but to him it felt like the first time and his own instinctual knowledge surprised him.

The smells and sights and sounds of the crowds were a bit overwhelming at first, but again seemed to be something his body knew how to deal with as he eventually started tuning them out somewhat and Gabriel didn't feel nervous around anyone because, well...he didn't know WHO he should be nervous of. His only experience today had been with Cassandra and she'd been wonderful. He'd had nothing negative with other people yet and though he knew that it was bound to happen eventually and that he WAS actually in danger according to Cassandra....he didn't feel it. Not yet anyway and he found himself watching her cues to know if anything was wrong.

So it was that when she went to the well and immediately seemed uneasy, he knew instantly about it and instinctively he came to her side, something purely protective coming off him in waves as he touched her elbow, his fingers warm against her skin. He bent his head, his mouth coming near her ear.

"You okay?"
When Gabriel touched her, Cassandra felt the tension start to slip away. His closeness was a reminder that she wasn't alone and even if problems should arise, he would be there to help her through them. She exhaled, not even aware that she had been holding her breath. She smiled faintly and looked up at Gabriel. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks."

Across the well, a man briefly glanced up at the same time Cassandra had looked up at Gabriel. He caught a glimpse of her face from underneath the hood and he did a double take. "Cassandra…?"

Cassandra gasped and in her surprise, dropped her canteen into the well. She hardly seemed to notice though as she nervously looked back at the man. "Oh…hi," she replied lamely.

The man walked around the well and over to them, then hugged Cassandra tightly. "I thought you were dead. What…where…" He shook his head, not sure where to even begin with his questions. It was then that he noticed Gabriel and he blinked in confusion. "Who are you?" He let go of Cassandra as he asked, but Cassandra was far too frazzled to do a proper introduction so she stood there awkwardly, looking very deer-in-headlights as she tried to process what just happened.
Gabriel had smiled at her, glad that she had relaxed, but anything he might have said in return was cut off as he heard someone say her name. The blond's eyes snapped to the other male, not alarmed but not welcoming either. His mind really didn't know what to think, unsure if this was a danger or not, but his instinctual reaction was the desire to growl at the other person and he suppressed it quickly.

He didn't stop his reflexes, however, as Cassandra's canteen started quickly sinking, his hand diving into the water to snatch the strap at the last possible second, dragging it back up. A child, near him, gaped and blinked in amazement, but he didn't say anything as his mother pulled him away to go look at something in the market stands and Gabriel turned his attention back to Cassandra....and the man now hugging her.

Gabriel's palms itched to grab the male and shove him away and he could FEEL the growl in his throat even if he didn't let it erupt. The blond didn't question his reactions, he wasn't really even thinking about them or what they might mean. He was too focused for that and when the man asked him who he was, Gabriel almost didn't register the question. He was lucky his training was stronger than any memory loss as his eyes had yet to turn and give them away. He answered carefully, voice not friendly but not overly hostile either - and the latter part took effort for reasons he didn't understand.

"I'm Gabriel. You?"
The man eyed Gabriel for a moment before answering simply. "Colton."

By now, Cassandra's brain was starting to work again, though she still seemed out of sorts. "Oh, uh…Colt, this is Gabriel. He's my friend. Gabriel, this is my brother."

Cassandra may have called him her brother, but Colton looked nothing like her. He couldn't have been more than 25 years old, with dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin. He was definitely fit and less lean than the average person, implying he could afford a diet that could support an increased muscle mass. His clothes too, were practical but still nicer than what the others in the town were wearing.

Colton regarded Gabriel coolly and didn't say anything more to him. He turned to Cassandra. "You need to tell me what happened. Let's go back to my place."

Cassandra looked at Colton nervously, then at Gabriel, then back at Colton. She was still convinced that Gabriel had a tracker somewhere in his bag and since she hadn't found one, she was hesitant to bring the bag anywhere important. She didn't exactly want the government knocking on Colton's door. "Um…I can't. I actually need to go."

"Cassandra, I haven't seen you in years. You can't just leave. We're going back to my house." He glanced over at Gabriel. "Your friend can come along too, I guess."

Cassandra still seemed unsure but she didn't want to explain the reasons behind her hesitancy in public, so she merely nodded. She could tell Gabriel was tense and she watched him carefully, hoping he could keep it under control and not reveal himself.
The fact that Cassandra remained nervous around Colton and that she'd tried to refuse his demand that they go back to his house cancelled out any respect Gabriel might have been inclined to give the other male, Cassandra's brother or not. He didn't like the way the hazel-eyed man bossed her around, not even asking if she'd tell him about her experience - whatever it was - or request that she come back with him. He just assumed that Cassandra would and it angered the blond.

Cassandra had agreed, though Gabriel knew she didn't want to. He didn't know why she didn't desire to be with her brother, but he didn't have to know or understand. She was reluctant and therefore he was wary and not at all inclined to be friendly to Colton. Gabriel only refrained from snapping at the man - either verbally or with his fangs as they almost seemed to ache in his mouth - because he could feel Cassandra's gaze, her silent plea that he not act out.

Gabriel forced himself to breathe carefully and he looked down at the dark-haired beauty, his eyes piercing into her blue, silently questioning if she was really willing to do this, protective of her as he completely ignored Colton. Well, not really, if the man so much as made the wrong move, Gabriel would be aware of it and ready to counter it.
Cassandra seemed to understand Gabriel's silent question and she nodded, giving him an apologetic look. This detour was unnecessary and would take time away that could be used for finding the forest to help Gabriel. Still, she knew she couldn't leave now so she turned and started following her brother. It took a few minutes but eventually they entered a part of the town that was clearly wealthier than the rest. In the old world, the houses there would have been nothing spectacular, but in this post-bombed world, they were quite impressive.

Colton approached one house and unlocked the door. The furniture inside matched the wealth of the house and Colton seemed quite pleased with it. Cassandra however, was restless and didn't pay the surroundings any attention, until of course, her eyes fell on a crest on the wall. The government insignia. Cassandra's stomach dropped. That's not good. She looked over at Gabriel and hoped, dear god, that he didn't mess up.

Once they were inside, Colton turned his attention to Gabriel. He could tell Gabriel wasn't exactly fond of him but that only seemed to amuse him. "So…how do you know Cassandra?"
Gabriel felt uneasy the further into the wealthier buildings they got and he knew it wasn't just Cassandra's nervousness that was putting him on edge. HE didn't like this place, either. It reminded him too much of...of...gah, the memory wouldn't come to him and the blond left it alone, paying attention to where they were going instead. When Colton led them into the house, Gabriel literally paused before going in the door, his nose telling him this place was bad. Very bad.

He didn't know WHY though and Cassandra had already gone in, so Gabriel followed, not wanting her out of his sight. And it wasn't just because she was the only person he knew. He felt protective of her and she'd said they were friends. Friends looked out for one another, he did know that much.

Gabriel wasn't impressed with the house either, but he did follow Cassandra's eyes to the insignia and it was then that he felt his blood freeze with a fear so great that for a moment he felt he couldn't breathe and his eyes, facing Cassandra and directed away from Colton, went cat-like for a brief moment, out of control. Cassandra's eyes caught his gaze then and while the fear didn't leave, his mind frantically latched on to the distraction she provided and he got his infected ability back under his command, taking a careful breath, trying to calm.

He'd barely started to suppress the fear that made his heart pound against his chest and his body shiver with subtle tremors when Colton spoke and Gabriel forced himself to focus on the unpleasant man, forced his mind to work and his expression to remain neutral. He didn't know what that symbol was, but it terrified him and he knew now that Colton either belonged to or had contact with whoever the insignia belonged to. He would be careful not to give Cassandra's brother any reason to call said people.

He answered the man's question evenly. "We met while traveling." At least...he was going to assume that was how they'd met.
"Traveling, huh? You're not the talkative sort, are you?" Colton said with amusement. He had no idea why Gabriel seemed on edge, but he found entertainment in toying with him. He didn't push him any further however, and instead looked back at Cassandra. "Come, we can talk here." He led them into the living room and sat down in a chair across from a couch that he motioned for them to sit in.

Cassandra sat across from him, her mind racing. She wasn't exactly unhappy to see her brother per say, but the circumstances were horrible and she had a hard time focusing. Since she remained quiet, Colton decided to start. "…Cassandra, where were you? I haven't seen you in 7 years. I thought you were dead." For the first time since they met, he seemed serious. "Why did you leave?"

Cassandra shifted uncomfortably. "I had to. It's a long story." She saw that Colton was not satisfied with her answer so she searched to change the subject. "You've done well for yourself," she said quickly, then looked around the room in fake admiration.

Colton nodded. "Yeah. Bounties can make you a lot of money. Recognition, too. The government now comes to me whenever there is a problem in town with Infected."

Cassandra tensed visibly and her eyes seemed to darken with anger. She didn't say a word, not trusting herself to speak civilly. Not only was her brother a supporter of the government, he was now a bounty hunter. The thought made her furious.

Colton realized something was wrong and since Cassandra refused to speak, he looked to Gabriel. "What? Are you two some d*** anarchists or something?"
She was angry. His pack member was angry and Gabriel struggled not to get rid of the cause, his body tense, on edge with both fear and building fury of his own. He wanted to leave but wouldn't go without Cassandra and he knew her situation was complicated. He felt he had a pretty good idea of why she might have left home in the first place considering she was an infected and her brother didn't seem fond of them to say the least. Maybe there was more to the story, but Gabriel was willing to bet her risk of being discovered was part of it.

Now they were at risk again and the blond was finding it beyond difficult to sit still and act normal, to not bare his teeth or growl with anger, to not flinch away or leap back in fear. His mind didn't understand why he felt this way - or at least it didn't remember what could have caused his reactions - but his instinct knew and it wasn't happy in the slightest. It didn't want to be controlled and when Colton addressed him, Gabriel almost jumped.

Anarchist? Did he truly expect Gabriel to admit if they were? The blond narrowed his eyes and to his credit, they remained normal-looking even if his voice had gained an edge of steel to it, something he couldn't help anymore among all the other things he had to control. "I believe in laws and justice when it is fair to everyone. Those who abuse their power, whether it be a status or an ability, don't deserve it." He wasn't going to get anymore specific than that if he didn't have to, but it was the truth anyway.
Colton snorted and waved away Gabriel's answer dismissively. "That's the talk of losers. The virus kills people. Why would we let those infected keep walking around? We can't afford to have equality when people are dying."

At that moment, not one, but two women emerged from a room. Their hair was tousled and they were dressed minimally, to say the least. One of them smiled at Gabriel and Cassandra. "Ooo Colt, did you bring friends?"

Colton laughed. "I almost forgot. Cassandra, meet …uh, well I forgot their names. Anyway ladies, I'm afraid you will have to leave for now." The girls seemed disappointed but they left the house and afterwards, Colton turned to Cassandra and winked. "My money draws women who want to be my wife, but I have to try them out first, you know?"

It was too much. Cassandra couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't stand how her brother was involved with the government. She couldn't stand how he made his living killing innocent people. She couldn't stand how he further used that money to womanize. Most of all, she couldn't stand the way he treated Gabriel. She couldn't take it anymore and she finally burst. She stood up suddenly and shoved Colton to the back of his chair.

"What the f*** is wrong with you!? How can you side with the government? Do you have any idea what they do? Do you even realize that the people you kill are innocent? What if Mom and Sierra had survived the virus? Would you have killed them too? I can't believe you. What happened to you, Colton? You never used to be like this." Cassandra knew she should stop but she was already ranting and she felt compelled to continue. "You want to know why I left? I left because I got infected. I left because I was scared of infecting you. Enough people in our family died because of the virus and I wasn't going to lose someone else I loved. But look at you now. You're not the brother I loved at all."

Colton stared at Cassandra in shock. He didn't say anything for a while as he buried his head in his hands, trying to grasp everything that she had said. After a while, he looked up at Gabriel. "You…are you infected too? Were you the one that infected her?" His tone darkened at the last part, suggesting the possible danger.
Gabriel was all kinds of shocked. Not by Colton's answer to him, but definitely by the women who had made his face color before they left and then at Cassandra's outburst. It had startled him as she'd been so controlled one minute and was now so volatile the next...and yet, he was oddly pleased, too. And proud. He was so completely proud of Cassandra that he couldn't help but smile at her, revealing his fangs completely.

She was absolutely gorgeous in her fury, he noted. Her blue eyes blazed with fire and her dark hair shadowed her face, giving her a dangerous look. Her size didn't matter as she was a storm of spitting rage and Gabriel's animal side was practically purring inside him in approval. It was ready to be unleashed, stretching its claws and when Colton directed his gaze to Gabriel and asked his question, voice threatening, the blond only gave him a look that said 'you are the biggest idiot I have ever met and I would love to tear you apart'.

His tone was calm, though, even if his dark amber eyes glinted with the wildness running through his blood. "I am infected, yes, but I have only known your sister for three weeks, so no, I didn't infect her."

But he was very, very glad she had been even if it had caused her grief.
Colton saw the change in Gabriel and he narrowed his eyes. He didn't like him one bit and the tension between them would have surely escalated into something dangerous had Cassandra not grabbed his focus again.

"What are you going to do now, Colt? Arrest us? Kill us?"

Colton looked back at Cassandra. He stared at her for a few minutes, soaking in the image of his sister as he decided what to do. Finally, he sighed and shook his head. "You know I can't do that, Cass. You're my sister. I'm not going to hurt you."

Cassandra didn't relax just yet. "And what about Gabriel?"

Colton growled in frustration but he relented all the same. "If he is important to you then I'm not going to hurt him."

With that, Cassandra allowed herself to relax marginally. "Good. We need to leave now."

"Wait, what?" Colton stood and took Cassandra's wrist to stop her. "Cassandra, please. I'm sorry. I had no idea. I wouldn't have said those things…did those things, had I known. I know now though so let me make it up to you. You forced yourself into isolation when you were just 15 and I should have been there for you. Stay here. Your friend can stay too. I'll look for a new line of work. There's no reason for you to leave."

Cassandra looked at her brother and something in her softened. She could tell he was being sincere. "Thank you. I wish we could, but we really can't." She hesitated before continuing, unsure of whether or not she could trust Colton but in the end, she decided she had to. Too much had been revealed already. "We are looking for a forest."

Colton thought for a moment. "A forest…? Let me help you. I know the general location of a few. Plus, I am familiar with a lot of people in the government. I can keep them off your back. Not to mention, I have the resources to make your trip easier. If I am gone for too long, there might be suspicions, but I can take you to the edge of the state."

Cassandra considered this, then looked to Gabriel, silently telling him that it was his decision. She trusted her brother and she would be fine with him helping them. However, she knew that Gabriel wasn't fond of him and Colton tagging along meant he would probably be exposed to some of the valuable information that surrounded Gabriel, potentially endangering their goals.
Gabriel listened to them both intently, his ears hearing every inflection on a word, giving it new meaning and every scent that occupied said words. He heard Cassandra's initial anger fade to be replaced by a nostalgic fondness for the man before her and he heard Colton's sincerity even if it was tinged with dislike when his words were about Gabriel. The blond didn't bother to hide his own abilities anymore and his eyes were cat-slit again, wary as they flickered between the two.

It had only been a few hours since he'd woken with no memory, but it felt like it had been a lifetime ago to Gabriel. There had been no gradualness with anything for him and he had the strange feeling that nothing ever was. He was in the deep end now, struggling to learn how to swim before he drowned and he felt like he always had been. He also guessed from Cassandra's earlier explanations that just when he felt like he was getting good at rising above the water, keeping his head clear, he was pulled under again. He had to wonder if Colton was going to be the cause of one of those episodes.

Would the man try to drown him or was there a blessing here in a really crappy disguise?

Cassandra was looking at him to make the choice and somehow he felt that was right, like he'd made some decisions for them in the past, but in another way it scared him. He didn't know enough! He was already trying to figure himself out! And this person had been less than helpful already and demeaning to Cassandra, and he set Gabriel's fangs on edge. But he was also Cassandra's brother and his apology had been genuine if a bit late and....he knew that in some way, Colton wanted to redeem himself to his sister....and Gabriel knew that would give Cassandra some peace.

It wasn't for his sake - definitely no. He still wanted to attack the man - but for Cassandra's that Gabriel finally nodded, not trusting himself to speak lest his words be different than the motions of his coiled body.
With Gabriel's answer, Cassandra looked back at Colton. "Alright. You can come. We're heading for Nevada so it will take a while." They were only about an hour away from the New Mexico-Arizona border, after all.

Colton nodded. "That's fine. I'll stay with you for as long as I can." He briefly glanced at Gabriel. He had noticed that Cassandra's decision was based on Gabriel's and that irked him. Still, it was because of Gabriel that he was now able to help his sister so he pushed away his dislike – at least for the mean time. "I need to get ready to leave. It'll be a few minutes."

Once Colton walked away, Cassandra turned to Gabriel, glad for the chance to talk to him alone for a bit. "Thank you. I know you don't like Colt but he's usually not this bad. He was always a handful but he has taken care of me well in the past. I think we can trust him."
Gabriel looked after the other male and the growl rumbled in his throat - finally - briefly before he cut it off again and focused his attention on Cassandra. When she thanked him, he felt the irritation bleed away if not his unease and the blond sighed, forcing himself to uncoil a little as he nodded back to her. His hand came to run through his hair, nervous and unsure as he glanced back at where Colton had gone, but when his eyes met Cassandra's vivid blue ones again, they were filled with trust.

For her.

"If you trust him then I will trust you."

He would not trust Colton. The man rubbed him the wrong way, even if he was sincere in helping and Gabriel did not look forward to future days filled with his presence. It almost amused him in a wry kind of way. Here he was with no memories to speak of and already he was being picky about who he liked. He couldn't help it, though, anymore than he could help the pain developing in his head. It was only a dull throb right now, but as soon as his eyes would flicker to the insignia, the pain would worsen and Gabriel nearly trembled with the need to leave this place. He wasn't safe here. He didn't know why - how could he know about the tracker in his body - but the feeling was unshakable.

(((Kay, that's it! Night!)))
Cassandra saw the agitation in Gabriel's behavior and she reached out, taking his hand into hers. "It will be okay. He'll help us. Besides," she lowered her voice, "he will only stay until we reach Nevada. He will never interfere with what we have to do at the forest."

A few minutes later, Colton returned with a bag full of supplies but also with two plates of food. He handed them to Cassandra and Gabriel, though he only looked at Cassandra while he did so. "You should eat before we leave."

Cassandra nodded and took the food gratefully. It was her first hot meal in a long time and her mouth watered at the smell of it. "Thank you." As she started to eat, she began to feel more at ease with Colton again. The earlier strain between them had relaxed somewhat and she seemed more comfortable in his presence.

Colton too, was starting to decompress a little. He still didn't like Gabriel, but finding out his sister was alive and then reuniting with her had put him in a good mood, despite the less than ideal circumstances. Besides, he knew that if he was going to be traveling with Gabriel, he might as well try to make their relationship civil. With that, he looked at Gabriel and tried to hide the disdain in his voice. "So what powers do you two have?"
Her touch calmed him - not completely, but enough so that Gabriel didn't feel like bolting and he was surprised by that fact even as he wasn't. He hadn't known she could do that. After only knowing each other for three weeks and now him not remembering her at all, his logical mind told him that he shouldn't trust her this much, it wasn't reasonable, but his body and the part of him that didn't *think* were perfectly willing to listen to her and Gabriel found himself relaxing a little.

If she said everything would be all right, then it would.

Colton's presence caused the irritation to flare in him again, but Gabriel took the food and even started eating, realizing that for some reason, he was starving. When WAS the last time he'd eaten? He had no way of knowing but the food sat right with him and it helped his patience so that when Cassandra's brother finally spoke again - and Gabriel could smell the disdain on him easily - the blond didn't snap like he might have done just a few minutes before.

He looked up, though his attention had never strayed so far that he wasn't aware of every move Colton made, and Gabriel regarded the other male silently for a moment before answering. He was completely unaware that his wolf-like gaze could be extremely unnerving when directed at people he had no fondness for. "I have enhanced reflexes, senses, fangs, sixth sense and I can talk to predatory animals."

Gabriel glanced at Cassandra and then back at her brother, his voice even. "If Cassandra wants to tell you her abilities then she will do so." It wasn't his place to tell and Gabriel got the feeling that most infected acted this way.
Colton had tried his best to remain calm while talking with Gabriel, but his unwavering gaze and description of his abilities made Colton bristle. He had a pretty wide knowledge of the infected and their powers, and he knew that Gabriel's made him a prime suspect for turning feral. He didn't voice these concerns though, and instead looked to Cassandra. He didn't say a word to her, just raised an eyebrow and waited for her explanation.

Cassandra would have answered her brother anyway, but seeing him tense up with an underlying hostility just reinforced her decision. Even if Colton's aggression wasn't directed at her, it still put her on edge. "I have night vision, enhanced reflexes, and a strong instinct for danger."

Her answer seemed to make Colton relax a little and he was relieved that she didn't appear to be anywhere near as likely to turn feral. "Night vision, huh? I want to see."

Cassandra blinked, surprised at his demand. She didn't think he would have taken interest in her powers. She pulled back her hood and once the light from the windows touched her face, she winced slightly. Still, she fought the urge to close her eyes as she looked up at Colton and he observed her eyes carefully. The pupils were not huge like he expected, they were just slightly too big for the current lighting. "If you can see in the dark, your pupil dilation is fine. Your contraction however…that's where you are having problems. I wonder if there are eye drops for that. I can look into it the next time the government contacts me." With that, he pulled up her hood again for her and Cassandra sighed with relief.

Colton turned his attention back to Gabriel. "Have your abilities caused you any problems too?" Considering how he just worked to help her, Cassandra took his question pleasantly, assuming he wanted to help Gabriel as well. Colton knew Cassandra would feel that way and he used the guise well – the only real reason why he asked Gabriel was to find out about any potential weaknesses.
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