Critical X(Private for Oni)

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He didn't even have time to pick himself up when several shadows slipped around him. The red cursors indicated that had to be an enemy Sapphira explained about. And there was eight of them around him. As they were shot down by Xanthus he put his gun away and said, "You had me worried there for a minute try not to do that during a real mission kid. If anything we have a deparment who covers up anything we do but remember if the jump is too much for you kick of a few things it could help you. Learn to use the area around you." He clapped a hand to Ryk's back and said, "Anyways let's move out."

He then led Ryk through the building the two of them made it back outside on the street below after taking a flight of stairs. Stopping as his phone beeped though Xanthus had Ryk stop and he looked at the message. He frowned and he grabbed the radio quickly saying, "Sapphira get us out of here now!" "Is something wrong you two just got in there?" Asked Sapphira over the radio. "I just got a message from Kai there's activity around the district the girl resides in. I can't take any chances I need to pull her in now." Said Xanthus. "Are you sure that's wise Xanthus? Zane said to wait till her powers show she could be put into shock and turn on us if we push her into it so soon." Said Sapphira with a sigh.

"I know but if she dies then what did we fight for all this time?" Asked Xanthus. "Very well I'll drop the simulation now." Said Sapphira. "Sorry Ryk but this is something I can't fuck up on." Said Xanthus as the area suddenly returned to normal around them.
It was quiet... too quiet and the dust that had settled in the abandoned building stirred unnaturally around him. Ryk's hackles raised and his mind focused in on the current moment, and he knew he was in trouble.

They appeared without warning, surrounding him without his even being able to react. He'd let his guard down, a horrible overconfidence blinding him to the fact that this was more or less, a live exercise. It wasn't like fighting the fools he was used to.. This was real.

"Shit!" He spat, and drew his sword, hand trailing infront of him to draw the hilt out of thin air before the short edge of a ninjato appeared in a blaze of blue to catch the edge of one of his attackers, parrying the blow, but before he could do anything further his enemies were dropping like flies. He watched the shots fired and recognized them as the main gun of Xanthus only just as the last body fell over, lifeless. Ryk stood there, impressed, but silenced by his own lack of experience. He looked down and followed behind Xanthus in silence until the man had received what appeared to be a very important call.

Ryk couldn't hear the most of it, but he could tell whatever it was it was enough to upset Xanthus, and whats more, it had something to do with.. a girl? The simulation dropped around them, scattering to pixels that faded into the walls and floor to leave them right where they'd been standing before the simulation had started. He didn't take the time to gawk, but instead gave an understanding nod to Xanthus before speaking. "I don't mess up this time, you have my word. Lead and I will follow, Sir."
"Sure thing kid let's go now." Said Xanthus leaving the simulation area with Ryk. The two of them we're just reaching the parking lot and got into the vehicle when Kai's voice came over the radio saying, "Xanthus you there this is highly urgent!" Grabbing the radio Xanthus said into it, "Yeah what's the status report on the area now Kai." "Not good I just got a red level reading which means only one thing. There is an S class in that area this is too dangerous for you to go on. Come back and we'll dispatch one of the seven out as soon as we can get a hold of them." Said Kai.

"I don't have time for this crap Kai if someone doesn't get there fast I've failed my fifteen years as an acting guardian." Said Xanthus backing the car up. "You're going against direct orders if you don't come back there be-" Kai was cut off when Xnthus shut the radio off and slammed his foot onto the pedal speeding them out of there. "Kid one thing you'll need to learn is don't do as your told all the time otherwise you'll come to regret it when something bad happens. I hope you paid attention to your lessons because there's no turning back." Said Xanthus glancing at Ryk from the corner of his eye as he drove them down the road.
Ryk gave a brief nod at the lesson Xanthus was trying to teach him. Don't always follow orders... or you'll regret it. Seemed simple enough.. but Ryk had always plaid by the rules and now he was supposed to break them? For some girl? What foolishness.. but it was clear the girl was important, and as Xanthus had more experience in the field and the keys to the car, Ryk had no choice but to buckle in and wait for them to reach their destination. "Got it, but how do we approach an S Class? Just how much stronger ARE they going to be?"
"Kid I ain't as that cruel to send you to the wolves on an almost first mission. There won't be a we because you'll be getting the girl out of there while I try and keep the bastard busy." Said Xanthus. They had pulled up to a residental area and stopped a few stops from their destination. Xanthus got out of the car only to duck and cover and yank Ryk down as the car window by them shattered. The cause had been a highly powerful bullet. "Idiot are you asking for a death wish!" Yelled a pissed voice. "Great they sent you... Why is it I'm always taking orders from a brat." Said Xanthus glaring toward Mana who stood there. "Shut up and come on it's highly urgent right well next time wait for me you shit head!" Said Mana. "Go back to grade school you little shit." Said Xanthus annoyed. But he followed after Mana and said, "Come on Ryk."
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