Coveted Power

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Clara's eye's slowly opened as she began to awaken from her slumber. She then sat up suddenly and turned her head around quickly as she examined her surroundings. The sudden movement made her begin to feel dizzy again so she laid down and tried to remember what had happened. She then remembered the events of last night, the dark haired man, their escape, and the man in the carriage who helped them. This was their house.

Clara sighed with relief when she realized she was safe. Carefully she slid off the bed and onto her shaky feet. She felt awfully strange. Something had changed within her, and she could feel it. She felt a slight tingly in her body. She held up her hand and looked it over. It looked to be the same, but it felt different somehow. Now wasn't the time to be worrying about herself though, she had to check on Jonathan.

Clara walked out of her room. She checked a bedroom nearby her own but nobody was there. Perhaps he had already woken. She soon discovered this was true when she walked into the kitchen. Jonathan was there, as well the other residents of the house.

"Jonathan!" Clara exclaimed "Are you alright? How are you feeling?" She looked concerned, but much less frazzled than the night before.
Adam, Jareth, Elizabeth and Jonathan sat around the table. Jareth looked as if he were about to fall asleep at any moment, but he still refused to go to bed. It weren't for any particular reason, probably just because no one of his siblings showed any signs of the need of sleep and he didn't want to look like the weak link just because he was youngest.

Adam and Elizabeth was chatting with each other. Jonathan had since long stopped listening to them and gotten into his own world. There was nothing more he needed to discuss with them and there was too much he had to figure out on his own. What had happened the other day? What had happened that night? The dream he had before had felt so real. And what was that he did with the earth? Did he really move the earth? There was so many questions, but no real answers. Every time he had an answer he refused to accept it as the truth. He didn't want to be like that, he didn't want those powers he had found during the fight. What he already had was already too much.

While he tried to think about his own problems he also picked up a lot of the thoughts from the others. He was too tired to actually try to keep them out, so he just tried to be polite and ignore what he heard. There weren't much coming from Jareth, he was so tired so his thoughts were going into blurry dreams, while Elizabeth and Adam was focused on their chat, though sometimes now and then questions arouse in their minds about Jonathan and Clara.

Suddenly Clara stepped into the kitchen, but Jonathan didn't notice her brainwaves before she spoke. "Clara." He said a bit surprised. He wasn't used to be surprised by people coming up behind him like that. But he was extremely tired after the day before so it wasn't such a shock that his mind wasn't in top shape.
"I'm fine, just a bit tired." He told her, trying to calm her down. He didn't have any bad injuries, only some bruises. But he couldn't really consider himself fine, even though most of it was psychological he still didn't feel fine. But he couldn't worry her.

"What about you? You're not hurt anywhere?" He asked her.

"Come sit down honey, you will need some breakfast before you get back to town." Elizabeth said and started to get the breakfast to the table for Clara.
Clara's eyes looked over Jonathan carefully. She was relieved that he seemed to be for the most part unhurt. He certainly did look better than yesterday, though he still looked quite drained. Actually, when she looked at the faces of the others in the room she noticed that they too looked quite tired.

Clara herself was not hurt physically, but she did feel a little odd, and was still recovering mentally from the events the day before. "No, no, I'm fine," she replied as she shook her head, then giving a weak smile. She then turned to Elizabeth as she spoke. "Ye-es, thank you." she said as she sat down in a chair across from Jonathan. She was always a little shy and awkward near people she didn't know well.

As she sat and waited while breakfast was being served she began to remember the events from last night, but then she quickly tried to block it from her mind. She didn't want to think of those horrible memories. However, she was unable to stop herself from remembering. The dark-haired man, and the others, and the destruction she caused, all of it was so horrible. Then, she began to faintly remember her dream. However, she couldn't remember the exact details, just short flashes of images and emotions. In a few moments though she was snapped out of her trance when she heard Elizabeth setting things on the table.

Clara's stomach growled. Only just then did she realize how hungry she actually was. She held her arms around her stomach as if doing so could block the sound while blushing slightly. She didn't want to rush them.
Elizabeth couldn't help but giggle when she heard the girls stomach growl. "Sounds like you will need a lot of food to quiet that monster down." She joked as she put the bread on the table. She started to take forth the rest of the breakfast quickly so that Clara wouldn't have to wait.

"Adam will give us a ride back to town after you have eaten." Jonathan then mentioned to Clara. "I'll come with you to the inn your parents are at, just in case those weirdos from yesterday comes looking for us. After you are safe with your family I will get back to my own home."

It wasn't like he wanted to leave Clara, it felt like they had some kind of connection after all that had happened. And they both had weird powers that no other humans seemed to have. But he needed to go back to his family and explain why he didn't come back the previous day. Clara needed to go back to her family so they knew she was alright. Hopefully they could meet again in the future, Jonathan wouldn't go anywhere and Clara had told him that she went into town once a year with her family so he might meet her again.
Clara dove into her breakfast as soon as it was served, filling her mouth with the fresh delicious food. She looked up when Jonathan mentioned that Adam would be taking them back to town. She nodded, then swallowed and thanked the family before going back to eating her breakfast.

Once finished, Clara sighed happily, feeling very satisfied. She felt very strange as well though, very different from any other day. It seemed like the strange power she had used yesterday had had a permanent effect on her body. She could feel large amounts of energy flowing through her veins, as if a switch that had previously been turned off was now on. She wondered if it was the same for Jonathan, or had he always had those abilities? Perhaps she could ask him later.
The others sat in silence and waited for Clara to finish her breakfast. Jonathan was drinking a cup of tea and Adam went to make sure the carriage was ready when they all had finished. Elizabeth forced Jareth to help her with the dishes that had become a pretty big mountain during the last few days. Shortly before Clara had finished her meal Adam came back in and sat down beside Jonathan and finished his own cup of tea that had gotten a bit cold.

As Jonathan had finished his tea and Clara had finished her food, Adam stood up and smiled. "If you two are ready to leave then the carriage is waiting outside." He told them. Jonathan nodded and rose, but waited for a moment on Clara.
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