Cotton Blossom

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Fear clutched at Evangeline's heart, but only briefly. Memories that she had been trying to bury by retreating into her mind resurfaced, of the cruel way that Tim had handled her. He had been a monster, seen her as a toy rather than a human being, much less his wife. He had roughly stuck his fingers instead of her, clamping down on her breasts, and when her body had reacted with both pleasure and fear he had lashed out on her. Tim had uttered words into her ears that she had never known existed; the way he spat them at her face only tipped her off to what they meant.

Luckily, Wes's words were much kinder, and it did not take Eva very long to realize that she was utterly safe. His hands were extremely gentle, touching her soft breasts and collar bone, tracing her ribs. It was clear that her body was reacting to the stimulation because goosebumps rose on her fair skin. She shivered a bit, blinking in her dreams. The pond was getting darker, and the fawns and fish had disappeared.
No. She didn't want to go back out there! Even if Wes was nearby, protecting her and loving her, she knew that Tim would be close behind. And what happened if she was ruined, that experience always in the back of her mind? She feared that any sort of touching and feeling would bring her pain, now... how could a man enter her, after all that, and bring her pleasure?

"Mmmm," she moaned ever so faintly, his hands against her breasts, stroking her nipples. The apex of her thighs began to turn, and she tried to draw her legs together. But she was immobile, unmoving... still stuck underneath that barrier, her eyes remained closed, her lashes barely fluttered. Only her lips pursed a bit, trying to absorb and understand the feelings that flowed through her.
"Tim is on a business trip. Everyone is worried about you... we all love you very dearly. Even Michael and John now know and are trying to help." chuckling, he speaks to her as if everything will be alright. "I just fear that if you're still under, Tim will take it upon himself to still hurt you. He'll crush whatever dreams you're having. Sweet, beautiful dreams. If there is water, he will turn it into blood. If there are trees, he will burn them down. It would be hell both in the outside world -and- where you are." Looking down at her gown, he sees a row of buttons moving down to where her abdomen is. Sucking his lower lip between his teeth, he wonders if he should...

I -am- getting a reaction out of her... He can feel her temperature rise ever so slightly, he nipples making a small mountain peak through the cloth. "Your not broken, after all." Wes did ponder, at times, if she could ever be stimulated so far. Would she ever be able to have the pleasure of sex as he knows it? Breathing into her cheek, he whispers more encouraging words, trying to coax her out of her own mind. He knows that this sleeping sickness can ruin someone in their head. It's horrible. A demon lurking in those deep caverns and only trying to rip them down.

Looking over his shoulder at the door, he, for a quick moment, considers locking it. Giving them their peace so that they may revel as they did before. How stupid would that be! He asks himself, wanting to slap his own face for thinking such a stupid thought. Melinda and Bethany would only fear the worst. Wes would be ranked up there with Tim, taking advantage of a woman mercilessly. Instead, he just unbuttons a single button covering the majority of her bulge. Slipping his hand inside, "uuh," comes his breath out, his spine shivering. She is still as warm as ever, causing him to groan out once more.

"Evangeline, say my name. Please." he whispers to her, having to force himself not to collapse completely on her for he rests across her hip sideways. "Tell me if this isn't what you want." opening up the hole to her soft skin, he leans in and kisses her breastbone. She moans and he smiles. Moving the sheets aside, he rests his hand on her thigh. Her cloth still covers it, yes, but he just hopes she will react. All he wants is a reaction. When she does, he gently pulls the fabric up. "It's really not bad... I can show you how -good- it can feel. There is a whole world you have yet to see, yet to hear, yet to feel. Let me... show you."
His hands, so big and firm, travelled along her smooth flesh. The goosebumps continued to rise and Evangeline shivered a bit... suddenly brought away from the times that Tim had mercilessly raped her, and reminding her of her first sexual experience. Wes had lovingly explored her body with his fingers, bringing her higher and higher into the stars. If only all love making could be that way. She had been in sheer bliss at the time, not used to the sensation but accepting it nonetheless. He made her feel exceptionally good, warm and wet and loved.

Eventually, her world faded into darkness. She stared into the black abyss, frightened but feeling his hands. It was clear that she was beginning to come out of her dreams, once and for all. His hands against her body reminded her that she was safe, his soft words reassuring her that Tim was no where in sight. Having him so close insured that she would be well cared for. Evangeline knew that as long as Wes was nearby, TIm would never be able to lay a hand on her.

A few seconds later, Evangeline's lashes began to flutter. The room was brighter than her dreams, and she blinked a few times, trying to adjust to it. Wes's hands are still obvious on her skin, his lips against her nipples and a hand at the apex of her thighs. Surpisingly, Evangeline was not afraid - this was Wes, her kindhearted and gentle Cheyenne, who would never hurt a hair on her head. Now that she was coming to consciousness, her body was beginning to react to his touches. Perhaps this was unnatural - she should be shying away from him, the memories painful - but she remained still. Fear still clenched at her heart, fear that it was going to hurt no matter who it was, but she allowed Wes to touch and love her.

His grassy green eyes, now dark like a storm, peered up at her. She swore that she saw tears in them as she extended her neck a bit and blinked up at him. Her big blue eyes glanced up at his handsome face, and despite the healing markings, her lips curved up into the slightest of smiles. "Hi," she whispered, voice soft... like a bird's song, or a child saying their first words. Barely audible, but detectable, a sign of hope and the future to come.
What separates love from plain lust is the connection between the two people. Tim feels nothing and Wes feels the world. A simple smile makes his heart flutter into the skies, a kiss rocketing him out into space. Wes can't even imagine how wonderful he will feel when he can, and one day he swears he will, make love to her. For now, she is haunted, bruised and broken. Time, creeping slowly by the seconds and flashing by with years, will soothe her. As long as they can see one another, Wes will be content.

Before he has had the chance to touch her warm center, he glances up at her for only a second to make sure her face wasn't twisting in any way. Instead of looking into the pale pink skin of her eyelids, he is thrown into the loving pools of her eyes. An oasis in a sea of sand. His chest suddenly feels very, very, tight. The face of his lightening up like a bolt of lightening to the sky. Immediately, he tries to speak but finds no words. Bringing his face to hers, he takes no time in kissing her smile. His lips press into hers, forearms resting against her neck, hands sinking themselves into her hair. He doesn't pull or rip, just lets her locks flow through his fingers as he turns his head to the left and right, kissing all the words from his choked up throat.

"You're back... you're back." There are tears coming down his face by now, the long streaks marking his feelings. Whispering the words against her lips, he lets his breath tickle her cheek. Kiss, kiss, to each cheek before he pull away just enough so that he can focus on her eyes. His tell all of his emotions for the past few days. The fear, the loathing, the hate for Tim, the admiration, the craving for them to escape together. Nothing would be better. That's their last resort.

"Evangeline... I..." his forehead rests against hers, "I hope I didn't upset you..." gulping, he lifts his arms up so that he towers above her. Well, still half of his body is on the edge of the bed, even his feet bobbing above the ground. "I just figured with what happened, I would be able to bring you back. And... and I did!" He sounds amazed, still wrapping his head around her being alive. "You're alive. I didn't do anything, I swear on my life. Please don't be upset. You just.. reacted and I thought you could use some enjoyment. It's me. I would never hurt you. Never knowingly hurt you. The moment you would have shown any pain or any reason for me to pull away, I would have. Please forgive me... please."
The world was a little flurry, but the more that Evangeline blinked, the better it came into focus. She was mainly intent on Wes's face, so many emotions running through his eyes... happiness, excitement, fear, regret... and then some others she could not quite face. It was wonderful to wake up and see his eyes, and not the darkened grey pools of Timothy. The reminder of him made the young woman wince, but her body soon settled, realizing that he was no where to be found. Evangeline could vaguely recall Wes whispering to her that he was long gone, far away... at least for the time being.
In the mean time, she didn't wish to think of him. It was clear that her absence had made Wes very worried and for that reason, she did not wish to go back.

Seeing the excitement change to fear in his eyes, Evangeline's brows furrow. She listened carefully to his words and reached up, although slowly, to touch his face. Her bones cracked slightly and then both winced, although it did not stop her. Instead Evangeline stroked his cheekbone, admiring the hard planes of his face, ones she had come to love so dearly. Love. The word made her heart clench, and briefly she closed her eyes. Was it too early? Too premature?

"Shhh," she whispered, her voice still soft and now a bit raspy. She could not say much as her throat was extremely dry, but Eva did not want Wes to feel guilty about anything he had done to her. If anything, he should be prided for what he had done for her.
Carefully, Evangeline's hands slipped down his neck and to his shoulders. Her skin was still burning where he had touched, but in a good way. Her body wanted him, did not fear him... not entirely, anyways. Not like it would Tim, when her heart would race in fear and tears would pool in her eyes automatically.
"I... it... it's okay," she whimpered. Her body was still hurting but he gave her refuge with his hands, gentle caresses. Her legs were moist in between, and she drew her legs together, cheeks blooming pink. Surely that was a good sign? "I... I like it. I... I l-like you," she told him quietly.
Wes reminds her again and again that she is safe and Tim is on a business trip. Words, he realizes that her throat must be as dry as a summer sandstorm. "Here, let me get you some water." looking up to the glass that is empty. "I can run to the bathroom and fill it up for you. Do you want me to call Mel and Beth up here? I am sure that they'd love to see how you're recovering. You're awake after all. My dear, you're awake and alive." gulping, he shakes his head, whispering in an excited bliss. "Maybe we can just have a few more moments of just... holding one another?"

Settling his hip down next to her, Wes wraps his arm around her shoulders, his hand cupping her shoulder joint. "Hearing those words have made me happier than a bird flying through the sky. Free and weightless. I am yours, Eva. Every night I have slept with you in my arms, making sure that t.. that the monster didn't return. I can't fight them off forever but I can certainly try. Do... do you have to marry him? Tell me. Reassure me that you won't marry him. We can run away. He will only keep hurting you." The more he thinks about it, the more the words just flow from his mouth like a rapid river.

"I don't want you to marry him." Wes concludes, "He will only hurt you more. Run away with me. Let's just leave. We can trust Mel and Bethany with not giving us away. They cared for you so much and I have been the watchdog. No matter what may happen. Until you marry that man, or choose to run away with me, I can give you shelter. He shouldn't touch you until the proper time. Vows have been made. Now, he is just cruel." talking about it even makes Wes growl, "I beat the crap out of him, Eva. He knows that I can protect you easily. Not even he can kill me. A bullet can cross through me but I'll kill him, I swear I will, before he touches you again." Resolute, Wes nods, leaning in to kiss her.
Breathing slowly in and out, Evangeline listens to his words. The sound of Tim's name caused her to wince a little bit... as though she was waiting for him to walk through that very door, throw Wes off of her, and beat and rape her to a bloody mess again. Even at the thought of it, Eva's mind begins to crumble and she swore she could almost see the flowing river and fish against her ankle again. The only thing that kept her afloat was Wes's words, so kind and caring. She drank in each of them, and snuggled close against his chest, a refuge in this madness.

Despite the situation, his words caught her off guard. Run away? Her head spun a little bit. Surely it was not that easy; Tim had rights to her and could easily press charges against his half brother for kidnapping. That would only end badly for them all, with Wes hanging and Eva back in Tim's hands, if they were found out. Evangeline had faith that Wes would be able to protect her - he hadn't failed, not really - but right now her head was spinning. She had just woken from five days of sleep and the last thing she wanted to think of was getting on her feet and running away with him.

There was, however, someone on the young woman's mind.
Her body still pulsating, she took Wes's wrists. Like she had days ago, when they had shared a quiet and passionate moment together, she brought his hands against her supple breasts. They were exposed from his tendering and his hands against her nipples made them harden and stand at attention.
Evangeline glanced up at him, blue eyes distant, "I... I... shhh," she whispered, "take me... take me from this place, right... right now, in... in this... bed." She encouraged his hands to rub at her sensitive peaks, sighing faintly at the sensations that rippled through her. Take me away.
When she asks such a thing of him, Wes hesitates at first. A statue above her, unwavering. Not sure if he heard her correctly. Surely she didn't want him to go all the way. Wes figures that the best remedy would be his fingers roaming around her every curve. For once, a man could touch her and not make her shake or recoil away. Smiling, his hand comes down on her cheek, cradling her cheek there and he rubs his thumb over her lips. They might be cracked and split but Wes can see past all that. He knows that her wounds, those rich black and blues or slashes where the leather almost drew blood, are temporary. Soon, as if it were a cloud, they will fade if untouched.

"Take you?" He asks, shaking his head, "Eva, I don't think you're ready to be taken -completely- right now." raising his brow at her. Smiling a bit gleefully, he hoped she would ask just that question. To take her into the wonders where she has only grazed the surface. "But I can show you so many things even without," glancing down at his groin, Wes grins ever so brilliantly. The lights in his eyes are mischievous. Enjoying their secrets as much as she ought to be. "well, doing that just yet."

Shutting up, Wes gets the feeling that he is just prolonging the inevitable. Eva has stated what she wants and Wes is all too willing to give her exactly the thrill, if not more, of that one night. Thankfully Wes isn't thinking of the chances that someone could just walk in and see Wes making Eva moan in shrill of pleasure. His hands, this whole time, were steady against her breasts. Jumping into action, Wes nibbles and sucks gently around and at her hardened peaks. Pausing with his head against hers, he quietly warns her. "Just don't be too upset if I start to... well for a lack of a better word become -aroused-. Touching you lights my veins full of a beautiful fire. It's not exactly something you can just deflate." Wes chuckles, trying to lighten the seriousness of what he is talking about. Having him rub up against her in any wrong way might trigger her.
Sighing softly, Evangeline was glad that he did not reject her. Of course, her intention had not been for him to enter her; she knew that she was not ready for that, even with a man that she trusted as much as Wes. But she knew the wonders that he could do with his hands and his lips, and her body jerked in response to when he touched and loved her body. Immediately her small breasts rose up into his mouth, begging for more.
Evangeline did not think of what Tim had done to her, what pain he had put her through. Now, all that she was focused on was the man above her, loving her so thoroughly, touching and making her body feel wonderful.

Evangeline nodded her head slowly. She felt bad that she could not please Wes, but knew that her skills and bravery would come with time. She was at least glad that he did not push her, did not request it. "It... it... it's okay," she whimpered.

The thing that Eva loved most about being with Wes is the sweet, poetic words he whispered into her ears. He found just the right words, so beautiful and profound, to send her soaring into the clouds both mentally and physically. She had never met someone who spoke in such a way, and attributed it to his upbringing with the Cheyenne. His family sounded rather natural, in turn with the Creator and listening to only what nature said to them.

"Mmmm," she moaned softly as his gentle hands caressed her hips, her flesh warm underneath his fingertips. He felt wonderful around and above her, his touches so doting and sweet. When he brought his fingers to the apex of her thighs, she jumped and whimpered a bit... more in need however than fear. His fingers slowly parted her lower lips, touching that sweet spot in between her thighs. Eva looked down at him, blue eyes wide, "that... oh... that, this is wonderful." She did not understand why that part of her was so sensitive underneath his hands, but right now, she wasn't going to fight it or ask questions. "Mmmmm... W-Wes..."
With his feet nearly hanging off the edge of her bed, Wes' form gently stables itself against hers. All he knows is that her face, her voice, her open mouth and shut eyes will be his guide. Observing every detail of her skin, making sure it's true pleasure that radiates off of her. Wes truly understands how he makes a woman tick, knowing where to touch, when and how hard. Chuckling a little when she releases a breath and whispers out his name, her lower lip curling underneath her front teeth.

After days of being on edge, Wes finally relaxes his muscles. No longer does his arms cross defensively when watching Evangeline be fed. It's not that he didn't trust Bethany or Melinda, it was more a principle of showing the sickness that he will not give up what was keeping them all going; their faith in her youth. Being the youngest brother in his family, Wes would have been the suitable candidate to marry such a girl, her life on the farm connecting them more-so than most people thought. Wes grew up with the woods for the most part and she was raised knowing what the cotton needs in order to grow. But of course, being a Cheyenne, marriage was off the table. He will have to find his own wife of his own principles.

Stirring her juices below, Wes keeps his lips on her supple breasts. So soft, round, and small. They're prefect. With each and every kiss and every turn of his finger, he desires her in a deeper sense. No longer does he want to just pleasure her, he wants to always pleasure her. The thought of her going off and marrying Tim only makes him rub her red nub faster, feeling the river break open more and more. Grunting, he asks her to run her fingers through his hair. "You won't hurt me." he assures her, giving her permission to tug or yank as hard as she may wish. The sensations running through her body may cause her to do strange things she never thought a sweet and innocent girl like her would do. Never before had she moaned out so loud, praying to god for this not to be a dream. Wes is right there with her, starting to gently rock against her as he said he would. "And it'll only get better..." Wes assures her, leaning up to kiss as far up as he can without leaving her warm center without his care.
Doing as she was told, Evangeline wrapped her arms around Wes's shoulders and began to touch his dark locks. She tenderly stroked them, enjoying their smooth texture and silky feel. Touching him, if even at a relatively innocent spot on his body, added an entire new level to her pleasure and their connection. There was no denying now that they shared something profound; more than just lust and pleasure... that was for unpure women, those that sold their bodies. And though they might not have been married, Wes still respected her body and respected her wishes. It was no long just about the physical bond, but the emotional, as well. And with each stroke against her sensitive opening, Evangeline felt more of these emotions swirl in her belly.

"O-Oh...," she sobbed slightly, removing one hand from his hair. The more that he touched and stroked her nether regions, the more pleasure she felt. It was as though she were climbing a steep mountain, and only Wes could bring her to the top.

A little unsure of what she was feeling,a fraid of what the final release might be like, Evangeline wrapped her arms underneath his armpits, keeping him close but also forcing him to come face to face with her. For awhile Evangeline merely stared into those green pools of his, so soulful, so worthy of her trust. Even after the wrath she had endured at Tim's hand, sexual and physical, she was glad to still be able to enjoy this with Wes. He was her refuge in the sea of doubt and despair.
"Wes," she whimpered, eyes meeting his shyly, "I... I... it's... I feel..." And once again she was at a loss for words. Was it even possible to put these sorts of feelings into words? If so, Evangeline imagined that he would eventually teach her.
Closing his eyes for a moment, Wes thinks of how electric it must feel when that time comes. A time where they can hold on dearly to one another and just let the ocean of their desire rock them gently on the sea of sheets. She will call out his name and he, in return, will whisper hers. Oh what a bliss it will be! Even though he may have a shirt on, it doesn't stop him from feeling her breasts on his chest once more. She pulls him tight and he only rocks her boat harder. Once again, her whirlpools, those bright blue eyes, suck him deep into his own heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. His heartbeat runs away from him. For that is what she does to him and he loves it!

"Evangeline, what do you feel?" He whispers to her, not nearly reaching the amount of pleasure she is nearly peaking at. Yet, his body may not be shaking in pleasure but Wes doesn't need to be. Knowing that Eva, for the first time in her life, will be satisfied all the way, is what keeps him sacrificing his own desires for hers. He can go to town and pay any whore to pleasure him. She, on the other hand, has to deal with slapping, tugging, biting and, what Wes predicts, is quite a lousy performance. He, on the other hand, will open up so many new doors for her. Testing the waters, he touches the tip of his pointer finger against her opening. Waiting for her to respond, he continues to bring her to other worlds.

"Whisper all your thoughts. Do you see the stars? Crave the comfort of a rushing river? Tell me everything. Let yourself be sucked in to what you see, every sensation only making the picture more vivid. Do you see yourself somewhere? Just a landscape? Perhaps a mirror to another time? You are beautiful and therefore have beautiful thoughts. Thoughts you would have never had if we hadn't been in those woods together. Hold them tight, every last detail, until the end. Until it'll fade away on its own." Staring into her eyes, he knows that the more she attempts to speak, the likelier she will be unable to. Pleasure has a way of shocking people into a throaty gurgle of attempted syllables.
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Completely unaware of what she was feeling, Evangeline twisted and rocked with his body. Wes's words were sweet in her ear, and as she closed her eyes, feeling the tremors of pleasure beginning to come to a head, she tried to make sense of the images she was seeing. "It... it," she whimpered softly, trying to find her voice. It was nearly impossible to speak with these feelings flowing through her body. "I see, colours...," she whispered, "no... no image... just... just red, and pink... purple... Mmmm..." The harder that he tended to her sensitive area the more pleasure she felt.

After that it was nearly impossible for the young woman to speak. She opened her eyes again, wanting nothing more than to see his handsome face when she reached the very heights of her pleasure. Evangeline's body began to shake slightly, and her insides quivered with the sheer pleasure of it all. Wes only continued to touch and stroke her womanhood, bringing her up and up. What was this called? Did he have a name? Her pleasure was trying to come to a peak and reaching out to tug on Wes's hair again, Evangeline grappled to reach the very tip of that mountain.

"Oh, oh... W-Wes...," Evangeline sobbed softly, clinging onto his neck and wrapped her arms around him.
A moment later the pleasure took over, and Eva tried to stifle her moans with his skin. She cried out softly, feeling her entire insides turn inside outside... or so it felt. Her clit pulsated heavily underneath his fingertips, and her stomach clenched as she moaned out. Oh, it was just magnificent... and now she was certainly seeing the moon and the stars, but she was amongst them rather than down below. That feeling lasted a good minute, a full minute of pure love and pleasure. Her toes tingled and her body was hot, and Evangeline continued to moan out softly. "Oh, Wes...," she cried when she finally came down from it all.
"That's it, sweetheart." Wes breathes, soaking in every detail and every shake of her body. He never thought in one thousand years that he could calmly sit by a woman's side neutrally while she moans, gasps and gawks in another world. Normally he is used to his needs being satisfied near or around the same time. Most men would mind a woman crying out instead of their spasming. Still, Wes says nothing and just enjoys the sights but more importantly, his name being called from her throat. "Come down when you're ready." chuckling, he adores the way she squirmed underneath him, her heavy lids closing and her chin tilting upwards to the sky.

"And now you understand..." he tells her, trailing off so that he can remove his hand from her warm center. Wiping the juice on her sheets before lifting her up. Her shoulders reach the metal bars of the headrest. Before she can question what he is doing, he pulls down her nightgown. "Melinda and Bethany have a strange habit of coming in at the worst of times." grinning, he keeps the palm of his hand on her stomach after pulling the sheets up to her waist. Her smell, he figures, can be aired out later but for now, it'll have to be masked. Leaning over, he kisses her breastbone again, trailing up to her neck. With each kiss, another button is closed, giving her the privacy a woman should have.

Reaching her jawline, Wes pauses, stroking her hair back. Taking a moment, he just looks into those bright blue eyes of hers and never wants to leave. For the rest of his life, he just desires to be here in this bed with no one else around to stop them. Smiling, Wes tries not to think about the chances of them getting caught for he is certain they'll crave this experience like a dog needs a bone.

"You see," he starts, leaning in and kissing her cheek, "what feelings your body can conjure." his own eyes are alight, that green bright and true, "All you need to know is where to put the key to unlock such treasures." the hand on his stomach smooths over the parting of her legs.
Cocking her head to the side, Evangeline smiled softly. She was amazed that one man could bring her so much pleasure while another could deliver so much pain. Evangeline could only begin to imagine what he might be able to do with different parts of his body... and her chest tightened at the thought. Certainly she still was not ready for that... not after what Timothy had done to her... but it was a sweet thought that she knew would come only in time.
Evangeline felt a little bad that he did not get an pleasure from this, but again, in time she imagined he would teach her all of those things. Surely she could touch his body in a similar way and bring him up and up. The thought made her flush, and Evangeline laughed softly, tucking her chin in a little bit.

As he touched the part in her legs, Evangeline sucked in a small breath. Her cheeks seemed to be flushed a permanent shade of pink, and she smiled sheepishly at him. "Thank you," she whispered, pressing her hand against the side of his neck and feeling his pulse. It must have taken him quite a bit of effort because his heartbeat was frantic underneath her fingertips. "For showing me this."

Though the woman was still wary about the ways that Tim had beaten and abused her, she was at least now aware that there was another side to this entire love making concept. Wes had showed her the pleasure, the beauty of what a man could do for a woman. And like him, she didn't believe that this was the last time, either. They shared something both profound and beautiful, and surely it went beyond just their sexual moments together. It was visible in the looks they care one another, the tender care.
Slowly, Evangeline leaned back down into her pillows, curling happily into her lover. She was content, her mind no longer wanting to seek refuge as she had found it out here. Idly her fingers traced a pattern on his chest, adorning his physique and sighing against the feel of him.
"You, my dear Evangeline, are most welcome. After all you've endured, the least I can do for you is make you soar like an eagle through the clouds." Running his clean hand across her cheek, he feels the furnace comfort him. "You're adorable, you know. And every inch, I dare say, is a new surprise where anything can occur. If I were to kiss you, I would feel like a newly formed person for each and every breath you take in, takes away mine." Leaning down at her side, Wes curls his body over hers, pressing his face against her neck. Now that she is ready to lay down, so will he.

"If every day could be like this," Wes marvels, "I don't think my body would be able to believe such wonders." glancing at the door, he holds on tighter to Evangeline. With a heavy heart, he knows that the more time they spend together now, the more they'll hope against hope to steal moments away from the gods themselves. Smiling, Wes can't wait to feel the pleasure she can give him in return for all he has done for her. Yet, those thoughts will have to wait. A bird with a broken wing has to recover before she can fly again. Even before this disaster, he remembers well, she wasn't ready to even -look- at his manhood. Wes sighs just a little, playing it off as satisfaction for her fingers tracing his chest. It'll be a while, he just hopes he can wait that long.

"I'm a new man, sitting here with you and feeling your hands against me." Wes admits shyly, not thinking it was possible to feel so venerable towards a woman. For odd reasons he has yet to understand, he wants Eva to feel and explore all of him. Know how his brain works and be able to calm him as Melinda does. He is, after all, hers now.
Listening to his words, Evangeline sighed softly. These were the types of words, the types of actions and kisses, that a woman could only really dream or read about. Perhaps it was Wes's Cheyenne upbringing that made him so poetic and fluid with his words. She snuggled happily into his chest, breathing against his body, absorbing his smell, feel and voice. She was saddened to know that soon the moment would disappear, a memory like all the rest... but after these wonders, she was sure that Wes would return to bring her more.

Her hands continued to travel his skin, diving into the crevices of his muscles. It was truly amazing how different this man was from her husband-to-be. Where Tim was soft and white, Wes was muscular and bronzed. His skin was utterly smooth, his chest not sporting any hair. Evangeline smiled and snuggled happily into him, sighing in contentment when he wrapped an arm around her waist and gingerly touched the softness of her round bottom. She squirmed a bit, still unused to his sexual and pleasuring touches. She was amazed that her body was so quick to respond.

"What... what happened?" she asked thoughtfully, peaking up from his chest and staring into those grassy green eyes of his, now more of an emerald with his lust for her. When he raised a dark brow at her, Evangeline lifted her hands up to touch his neck, gently toying with the hairs there. She was thirsty for knowledge, knowing that he could touch her. "What happened to me.., like... like my body was... finishing. Is that normal? What do you call it? I... I never had it with... with... T-Tim." She nearly choked on his name. "It... it was... wonderful."
Wes is pleased when she doesn't pull away from him, his hand well filled with her. Much like his motions on her breasts, he simply squeezes and rubs for he wishes to know her as she knows him. It's enough for him to press himself against her. The more she knows, the better this whole situation will be. Never asking too much, he will gladly make enough space between them if she pushes him away. Right now, he just wants to feel her pressing against his lower power, his minds eye only imagining what she could possibly feel like.

"I don't know what your people may call it. Any knowledge I have taken is from books and this sort of ... erotica." His lips meet hers for a sweet moment, "Is not found within their pages. I can read adventures, mysteries or dryer books about history and business. What I cannot find is how to please the parts of a woman for I don't know what they are in your language. From age ten or so onwards, I lived with my mother, learning the Cheyenne way of life. I can tell you what it's called for my people." Leaning down, he whispers in her ear the strangest words. Native American words that the white men always wrinkle their noses at and frown in disapproval.

Wes' attention is fully on her beauty. Whether she is battered and bruised or clean and shining, he fears that he will always love her. Not hearing the footsteps clapping their way towards the door, Wes leans in closer to her ear and takes her lobe between his lips. Sucking ever so gently, he pulls her by her butt closer to him after his whispered words drew them apart. Groaning out softly, his lips vibrating onto her ear, Wes cocks his head to the side so that he may bring those same lips fully upon hers.

It's at that moment, their lips mingling happily with one another, that he hears the familiar squeak of her door open. A jolt of worry comes through his body. The fear of being caught and executed making his whole body shake. Immediately his hand unlatches itself from her plump bottom, luckily the sheets were covering -most- of it. His heartbeat immediately ricochets in his ears, his entire being pulling itself off of her. His large green eyes look towards the door, seeing Melinda standing there with a tray in her hands.

"I... uh," he starts, pushing his hair behind his ear, "She.. Evangeline woke up, Melinda!" he cries out, trying to sound as pleased as he can but just looking like a child being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Big round eyes, heaving chest and bumbling words. "Yes, Mel, she is finally awake. And um, I was just making sure if she needed... anything! Um. Her breath was very shallow, you see. I could hardly hear." He hopes that she just saw the tangle of bodies beneath the sheets, his dark hair masking their lips being so familiar with one another. "So I ... I leaned in close and she wishes for a .. glass of water. It sounds as if she has swallowed sand."
The moment seemed to be over as quickly as it started, and Eva frowned when he pulled away. Upon seeing Melinda at the doorway however, her own eyes wide and her feet haulted in the entrance, she blushed and knew that Wes had been rejecting her. It was rather obvious that the young woman had seen more than what she and Wes had hoped; they had not exactly been discrete with their tendering, the scent still lingering in the room and the sheets a little disheveled.
Nonetheless, with a slight smile, Melinda went straight into nurse mode. Placing the tray down on the dresser she crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed opposite of Wes. Her gaze was mischievous, not once judgmental or reprimanding. She stroked Eva's hair from her face, surveying the bruises and scrapes on her body. Evangeline could easily see in her eyes but she suspected, but none of them said anything.

"I'm glad that you're awake, honey," she murmured, getting the glass of juice from the tray and bringing the cup to her lips. She allowed her to drink a good amount of it before drawing it away and offering her a bit of food.
Evangeline smiled sheepishly and cupped her hands in between her legs, now a little bit self conscious. She could only pray that Melinda did not think to much of their cuddling... and if she did, not to breathe a word of it.
"How are you feeling?" she asked softly, beginning to braid her hair, which was now in a mass of curls around her bed, probably courtesy of moving around in the sheets.
Evangeline looked up and blinked innocently, "I... I hurt." And it wasn't a lie. Now that Wes had drawn away from her, the pain was beginning to surface again. She could still feel every lash from the belt, every bruise on her skin.
Melinda frowned and then stroked her head, "it'll be okay. Here, have some of this tea. Wes has been making it and it will help with the healing and the pain." Evangeline glanced over at Wes, smirking gently. It was clear that he cared dearly for her.
Combing his hands through his own mass of hair, Wes keeps his teeth clenched. Thinking that he has given so much away already from his rapid fire speech, he concludes that silence is the best token now. Keeping his gaze on Melinda, his dark iris still wide with gaping adornment for Evangeline, Wes carefully watches as she turns around. The soft clanking of a tea pot can be heard and the soothing drip of the liquid into the bell shaped cup. While her eyes are focused elsewhere, Wes reaches forward and squeezes Evangeline's hand gently before pulling away once more.

"It's not going to taste like those small peppermint sweets you adore." Now that it's his turn to grin, he watches as she lifts the cup to her lips. It nearly hurt Wes as he watches her expression change from that of a curious little taste, as a child might tenderly stick their toes into a pool, to a hacking cough with wide eyes. Reaching forward, Wes steadies the teacup in her hand, fingers wrapping around hers. "You don't want to spill anything, now do you? The nice new sheets would feel wronged to have hot tea spilt on them." The heat can be felt through the delicate porcelain. "I can get you some honey to wash out the aftertaste." Rising from the bed, he waits to see what the two women might say.

"I apologize for the taste but most medicines work better the harsher they taste. That's how you know that they're working. For the taste distracts your mind from your pain. Now just relax and drink up." Standing, he swallows and turns towards the door. His feet make their usual rumbling on the weak floorboards, a gasping creak echoing through the room. "I will return soon." Giving the two ladies time to perhaps chat, Wes thinks its best to take his time. Nothing spells gossip like two women alone in a room. He just hopes that Melinda will keep their secret safe. At a better time he will bring such a sighting up but for now, they'll focus on Evangeline.