Cotton Blossom

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"You know what?" Wes clicks his tongue once, biting his bottom lip before continuing to shake his head. Grabbing Tim's collar, he pulls the slithery man upwards and to his feet, "I'm not really in the mood to talk, Timothy. Really, I'm not." Wes smiles, kicking the chair back and slapping Timothy in the pipes, causing the man's eyes to almost pop out of their skull. He tries to talk but all that comes out are choking sounds. Finally with the man silenced, for a few moments at least. Tim grabs onto Wes, trying to gain just a single breath of air but Wes simply drags him across the room to the garden doors.

Turning back around to Evangeline, Wes smiles warmly despite having a squirming piece of meat in his grasp, about to die. He has seen past the bruising once, he can see through it all again and again. But this is the night that will end all of her suffering. Wes will have to run, he knows he has to. The white men will come after him, telephones to the town police already hot. The maid he had seen, taken hostage, must have been the one to call them. She is the only one who saw him and knows what he wanted. Despite being used by Timothy, Wes still desires his wife. His dear. His wife. No one else could fill the void in his heart, he tried to flirt with other Cheyenne women just to see if he truly loves Evangeline and he is right. She is the only one for him, spoiled or not, Wes doesn't care.

"Evangeline, would you mind staying in the house. You'll, no doubt, have to answer a few questions when the police arrive but..." Glancing to his bug eyed brother, the veins popping out of his head in a silent anger, "... I'll be back for you. We can flee and run anywhere you like. Anywhere, you, me, and little Mia. Who, I would guess, is dying to see me." Shoving Timothy out the door, he quickly adds, "Tomorrow night, window open and we'll fly." Before closing the door all the way. With one last smile, he drags Tim into the night. He wouldn't kill the man in front of his wife or risk one of the children crying out if they hear the sounds of slashing skin and dripping blood. The forest will be a nice place, far, far away. He will hide out there and then come to take Evangeline away.
Her body was quivering with fear and nervousness as Wes dragged te young man out by the collar of his shirt. She immediately rushed into the next room here she grabbed both of her babies and held them close against her breasts. She had faith that her husband would return for them all and save them, show them happiness.

(Sorry for shortness movie about to start)
When Wes hurries out of the house, he swears he can feel clomping of hooves shake the ground beneath his feet. It could just be the pounding of his own heart against his ribs, causing unnecessary fear, or perhaps the maid really did act quickly and Wes took longer in the house than he originally planned. No matter what, he won't go back to jail. Evangeline needs him to survive and he damn well needs her too. He made a promise, a vow, and she is rightfully his. At least Tim won't be sticking his dick where it doesn't belong anymore. The thought of bedding another man's wife might gross out the white men, but Wes pushes past such thoughts, knowing Evangeline would rather die than give herself freely to Timothy.

The look in her eyes when he barged in through those doors, and for moments after he grabbed Tim, is enough to settle down his worry. They will now continue a new chapter in their life once more but this time Tim won't be around to ruin things. Yes, they'll have to run away, escape the law, but Wesinaco has no problem avoiding attention. Evangeline knows he can survive in the forest with their babies just fine. His hand is healed for he can use it with the consequences of a jab or stab of pain here and there. He hardly notices it anymore, the bones and tissue healing up just fine on their own with the help of a little Cheyenne medicine.

What happens on this night, Wesinaco dragging his half-brother deep into the forest and leaving his immobilized body for the wolves to snack on, won't ever be spoken of again. As far as Wesinaco is concerned, Timothy took a walk in the woods and took a tumble down a very large hill. Wesinaco made sure to leave him at the bottom of one where he knows the wolves will come to drink. Tightly, he bounds Timothy up against a large tree until the rope causes burns in his skin. He spent nearly half an hour walking through a brook so that if the police use dogs, their scent will be washed away and deposited elsewhere. Then Wesinaco just simply takes a seat in front of his brother, knowing the man cannot scream out for help due to the napkin shoved in his mouth, a bandana wrapped tightly there to cease all words from his throat.

"Now brother, what shall we talk about? You stealing my wife? Raping her? Beating her? You are quite the foolish man to pick me as an enemy. I have done nothing wrong if you want to admit it or not," Tim jerks forward, yelling muffled sounds at Wesinaco and the man only smiles, pulling out his knife and running the blunt edge against his fingers, "Well, I assure you that this night will be a fun one. For me, at least. I get to kill you as slowly and as painfully as I want. Payback for what you have caused me. Perhaps I should let you starve first, hm?"
Luckily, the police at the house did not last long. Because they had no sign of Timothy actually being taken away by an intruder, they were merely forced to leave until daybreak. Evangeline hoped that by then she would be gone, her babies and all. She did not care what happened to Tim and explained to the authorities that he had merely stumbled off in a drunken stupor. It wouldn't be the first time and the police knew that he would come wandering back.
After they departed, Eva went up to the nursery, laid on the floor, and slept beside the cradles of her precious, tiny treasures. Her heart swelled at the thought of Wesinaco meeting his darling daughter Rosie for the first time. Like her big sister, surely she would be the apple of his eye. She looked almost identical to Mia, and had such a sweet, gentle personality, even at merely a week old.

Despite the fact that Wes was no doubt going to kill Tim, she was proud of him. She should have known that he would live up to his promise to get her back; a man like Wes did not allow someone to hurt him and his family and get away with it. Evangeline had always belonged to him and always would, no matter where the winds blew them. Evangeline felt it was the grace of God that brought them together, but it was their strength and love that kept them bonded.

In the morning, Evangeline sent the help home early, explaining merely that she wanted some time to herself. When they arrived back the next day, she and the children would be gone. Eva could not wait for that time, to be able to hold her husband close and be a family once more. Her heart ached for her, her limbs craving his strong and warm protection. He was the man that she had always belonged to and always would; her best friend, her lover, her husband.
Wanting to bring her husband the most joy, Evangeline dressed the babies up beautifully. Mia wore a little white sundress with a matching bonnet, and Rosie's was pink with tiny silk flowers along the hem. They were so precious and Evangeline grinned happily at them; "daddy will be here soon" she would explain, stroking their hair and kissing them softly.
What Wes did to Timothy is what the white men told ghost stories about. They believe the Cheyenne to be cruel and inhumane people even though they, at least most of them who are not war torn, aren't. The Cheyenne understand mother nature and what she gives them. In times of war they understand what it means to take a life, respecting the battlefield after a grand fight. Spirits, or maiyum, they believe, will live on so for those who die, both enemy and ally, there must be fires lit and ceremonies concluded. Up and up they will go, residing in the Milky Way through the long fork up to Seana, or the camp of the dead. Tim though, won't be given such justice. Being a cruel man, he will walk the road of an unredeemed sinner for eternity - the short fork of the Milky Way.

He undoes the knots, dragging the mangled and bloody mass of flesh to the stream. The images of the dark blue water becoming a wine color will stick with him forever. Finding a deep hole, Wes uses the rope to tie large rocks to Timothy's limbs and chest. Just as an anchor, Wes watches him sink lower and lower into the deep brook before vanishing out of sight. Wes waits there until the last of the blood runs downstream. Taking his small knife, Wes then hides in the forest, waiting for an old animal to come drink by the edge of the brook. Wes would never kill unless he needed to but this one time he prays to Ma'heo'o to forgive him for what he is about to do. He feels worse about killing the doe than his own brother. Still, Wes collects the meat for a fire, dumping the body in the stream too. If blood is found downstream, the doe will soon follow and all questions will be answered.

When the time comes, Wes bounds his way through the forest, stripped of his bloody top layers as to not scare his little Mia. He had been so caught up in the moment, he hardly noticed the flat belly of his Evangeline. The thought of another child didn't even cross his mind. So, believing the maids are still working in the house, Wesinaco makes a quick lap around the house, being sure not to be seen in the lower windows. Most of the lights are off in the gigantic structure except for one second floor window. That must be her. He concludes after yet another lap around. Finding it strange that he hasn't seen any workers yet, Wes almost steps inside the lower floors of the house just to make sure. His conscience soon slaps his wrists for thinking such thoughts and he is climbing up to the warm light of the window as fast as he can.

"Evangeline!" He calls as quietly as he can, holding tight to the frame of the house before making himself seen in the window. Only when she answers will he keep moving for he must make sure its her. He knocks his fist against the windowsill's bottom to get her attention. If heavier footsteps or lighter ones start to make their way to him, he can always push his body against the house, making him unseen to anyone looking down.
Evangeline had just put both of the children in their respective beds when she heard the tapping at the window; her body jerked in completely surprise, and then her heart began to race. She knew in her heart it was Wesinaco but she still had this deep-rooted fear that Tim was going to come pounding on her door and kill her himself. Surely he would be angry if he had won a fight against Wes and killed him, once and for all. Still, despite her fear, Evangeline rushed to the edge of the room by the window. She wore a long baby pink nightgown; Tim had always hated it, claiming she looked like a child in such fair colours. Still, she had the sense to know that Timothy would never be able to say a word to her again. The thought was both liberating and filled her with relief.

Parting the curtains, Eva peered out into the darkness. When Wes's dark green eyes, full of love and hope for his young wife, came into view she immediately unlatched the window and poked her head out. Her big blue eyes were already full of tears, and her body was quivering.
Here she was, a young wife and a mother, and she had doubted that she would ever see Wes again. What if he found himself a new Cheyenne wife, she wondered? Or if he decided that she was not worth all this fighting... Eva always wondered why the men fought over her as they did. Was it actually her, her love and her soul, or was it the power that seemed to exude when they finally had their hands on her? Evangeline certainly did not see herself as special or worthy of such a fight.

Within seconds Wes was clambering up the side of the house, and with one large heave he was in the room. He was bigger, taller, stronger than she had thought but Evangeline was certainly not afraid. Immediately she ran up to him, wrapping her slender arms around his waist and sobbing into his muscular and bare chest. And oh, did she cry! It seemed as though her entire heart poured out onto his shirt, and when he wrapped his arms around her in return, she only cried harder.
Her love, her husband, the man who meant most to her... infront of once more, fighting for her love and for his children. She was his again and always would be.
Wes clambers into a room he would never have imagined is Evangeline's. There is no doubt that Tim picked out the colors, bedding, and so on. It's the nursery, yes, but Wesinaco figures that she spends most of her nights in here before ruefully moving back to the "master bedroom" to give into whatever foolishness Timothy wishes of her. But that life is over - her nightmare in the big house is over. There is no way that they could be torn apart again for they're running from this small town and never looking back. That chapter is a shut door for Wesinaco will fight until his last breath if they try and throw him back in jail again. The door is closed and locked forever.

Shutting out the twilight sky behind him, Wes turns just in time to see the tear streamed face of his darling wife. Without any time to recover, he returns her embrace with his own loving one. A few steps backwards and Wesinaco regains the balance that has been lost due to her force, a gentle swaying motion resulting in Wes' arms. She is forever his now. All eternity they will spend dancing and laughing in the stars together as one entity. No barriers nor blocks will cease such a bond. They are seen as water and oil but even those two ingredients can make a beautiful and delicious cake. They'll run away again, flee until they find a safe spot. Then they will rebuild their life again. The way it should be for there will be no interruptions.

"I told you I would come back for you as soon as I was well again, didn't I? I love you, I love you, I love you!" Wes whispers, hands clasping around her cheeks so that he may kiss his wife over and over and over again. Just feeling her frame against his makes the Cheyenne's legs almost go weak with joy. There could be no other moment he would rather be in right now, his mind completely targeted on how much he loves his wife and how happy he is. That, though, is about to change. Wes pulls away, breathing heavily from their mingling lips and immediately a smile creases over his lips. Then he feels it, or perhaps doesn't! Her stomach is flat, well as flat as a woman who birthed two babies is. He looks down then touches her belly, not having to use words to ask if the baby is alive or not for there are two cradles and she did say something about "babies" or "children" when he had been forcing Tim out of the room. Wes remembers now, hands smoothing over her womb, waiting to hear the words he is longing for.
Evangeline's tear-filled eyes filled with a smile when her husband began to run his big, broad palm over her stomach. She imagined that among the chaos and madness, Wesinaco had completely forgotten that she was pregnant and obviously had given birth to their second baby. But the realization came now, and Eva was more than ready to introduce little Rosie to her father. She would grow to love him as Mia did, always be protected, held, cherished and loved. There would no longer be the man that did not kiss her goodnight, even hold her, claiming it was 'women's work'. Wes would love her as he loves his wife and first daughter, and Evangeline had no doubt of it.

"She's just right here," Eva whispered, reluctantly drawing her body away from his. She smiled when he noticed that she had referred to another girl, his eyes widening a bit. "Yes, a little girl...," she murmured, gripping his hand in hers and guiding him towards the twin cradles against the far wall. Both children was completely silent and nestled comfortably underneath their soft pink stitched blankets.
Immediately Evangeline tugged Wes towards the cradle up against the bed, bringing him over to look at the tiny, one week old baby sleeping soundly inside.

At first when Eva extracted her from her confines, Rosie whined and whimpered a bit. Her little blue eyes soon opened to the world though, and her fussing settled when Evangeline settled the infant against her bosom. She looked so absolutely precious and tiny against her chest, and Eva smiled as she pulled back her sleeper a bit, revealing her innocent face to him.
Evangeline smiled warmly up at her husband and tenderly stroked at the baby's face, trying to coax her back to sleep. She was a true angel in her mother's eyes, a blessing despite the time that she had arrived. Eva told her husband, "she's just eight days old... and... and I named her Rosalie. But I call her Rosie... I think i-it suits her nicely."
The man's heart nearly explodes inside his chest, the proud father gazing upon his baby with a bright, bright, smile. She is perfect in every single way he could imagine, the small hands, feet, body, yet those big blue eyes, like his other ladies, stand out. They are, by far, Evangeline's brightest doorway into her mind and soul. They shine when the celestial blue reflects his image for her mind to see, the synapsis and neurons recognizing her has his. He is only hers. But now he looks to his baby girl for the first time. Even though he could not catch her as he did Mia, he is certain all the love he holds will still be there throughout the years. She is, after all, his child.

Wes attempts to speak again, the choppy syllables finally becoming something recognizable. "She is so... beautiful." Then there are flashbacks of their cabin nights, hugging and holding Mia for all she is worth. It's the kind of life he wants again, the simplistic complexity of living in the forest. Unlike the towns, its harder to get to know your neighbors but Wes doesn't mind solitude. He actually prefers it if they don't have any other human contact at all. They could easily live miles away from a town or camp - even better yet, they could live with a Cheyenne tribe. Evangeline, he is certain, would be welcome with open arms once the tribe understands that they love one another and would have it no other way. They just must be certain not to find a ruthless Cheyenne tribe like the one back south. The thought makes Wes shake a little.

"Rosalie," the tall Cheyenne man whispers to their eight day old bundle. Squeezing his arms around Rosie, Wes takes her from her mother, the baby's wide eyes looking to the man. Green mixes with blue, the kindness almost being passed through the air to the child. For a moment she looks like she is about to cry out for her mother but then Wesinaco starts to hum and rock her, whispering Cheyenne words of tranquility and love for only her to hear. Within days, no minutes, Rosie will know he is her father. For whatever odd connection occurs, he isn't sure, she soon is nestled and happily cooing against Wes.

Looking back up to Evangeline, Wes leans over to kiss her cheek, "I thought I ordered a boy. You know how upset I'll get if you don't produce me a male heir to inherit my non-existant fortune of under twenty dollars. I am most displeased with you, Evangeline." Clearly joking, Wes' smile and voice giving him away immediately, he rests his head on her shoulder, unable to take his eyes off of Rosie, "But in all honesty, she is perfect. You're perfect. Mia is perfect. I'm so proud to be your husband and their father, my dear."
Seeing the man with his baby girl made everything, all the pain and the suffering and the tears, completely worth it. Evangeline could see that Rosalie was already beginning to understand who this wonderful man was. Unlike Tim, Wes held her and kissed her, but most of all loved the baby with all of his being. She was a precious gift to him and certainly not a burden. The love burned in Wes's eyes and Evangeline knew that it would never burn out. This tiny child was a large piece of him, just as he was a big piece of her. Nothing, surely, could break such a beautiful and true bond.

After the baby settled nicely against his chest, Evangeline walked across the room and grabbed a small blanket. She draped it over the baby on her husband's arm and then began to flit about the room. She would have loved to bask in the presence of her new baby and her husband, but knew better than to take her time. Soon the authorities would return looking for Timothy, and surely once it was discovered he did not return they would go pointing fingers. Evangeline knew that the sooner then moved on from this house - a jail for the young mother, most accurately - the better. She did not know where they would be going but she trusted Wesinaco to protect her and their baby girls; he had never failed them after all, even if he seemed to doubt that after what happened with Tim. Some things were simply out of their control, and Eva would never hold those against him.

"I just need to get a few things together; nothing large, I promise," she murmured, kissing her daughter on the head as she rubbed her back. It was amazing how fast she had taken to Wes, her tiny head on his shoulder and her little mouth opening and closing with soft coos. She basked in the love that this new man gave her; a kind of love that Tim would never, and could ever, offer her. But Rosalie would never know that from this point forward; all she would get was the undying affections of her real father.

Evangeline was an intelligent woman and immediately raided their jewelry box; she took Tim's golden watch and of course, her diamond wedding ring. Together they would bring a pretty penny, enough to perhaps even buy them a small plot of farmland. She also grabbed some things for the babies, wanting them to be comfortable - little jumpers and dresses, a stuffed animal, and of course some blankets.
"Evangeline, she is beautiful. My little baby girl," oh how he holds her tight against his bosom, "Did you have help when you birthed her?" Wes can't even imagine the misery she must have been in to bring their little girl into this world. Last time, at least she had Wes to help hold her hand, dab her sweaty forehead, and, the most important part, catch the baby. Still, at least their baby is happy and healthy by the looks of it, "There was no trouble or anything, my dear?" He asks, almost worried sounding for he doesn't want anything bad happening to their child.

Seeing his wife collect the small gems that would give them quite the pretty penny, Wes smiles. She is the best wife he could ever ask for. He, of course, has traveled sparingly, only the clothes on his back and some money, flint, steel, and other small trinkets stuffed in his pockets. Of course his prized possession, given to him by the tribe he spent the last few months with. Not having a plan, Wes will just wing it as he always does. The land will tell him where to go, the soft whisper of the breeze from mother nature's guide. The land will contours and Wes will know when to dip down into the water filled valley's or when to hide away in the mountains from the searching village.

When she is ready, they'll walk right out of the front doors, leaving her nightmare behind. A new dream starts with their first steps. Much like Mia's first steps, they'll rebuild their life. It hurts, deeply to Wes, that Evangeline was taken over and over by his brother but he will act as if she were raped. She needs him, because it pretty much was rape. Only he can construct her back to her to their former glory.
At the mention of their daughter's birth, Evangeline's face darkened. Giving birth to the precious baby had been one of the hardest things that the young mother had to go through; not only was it absolutely painful, but she had been alone and afraid. There had been so much blood... fluid... she had to rip the cord with her very fingertips because she could not move down to the kitchen to get a pair of scissors. Tim had not even been sympathetic or sorry when he came back home that day; he seemed more partial that the baby should had died upon birth. Evangeline shivered at the thought and stroked her hand over Rosie's tiny head.
"No, it was just me," she said, and that was it. She did not want to burden her husband with what she had felt when she had brought their child into the world. The point now was that he would be there for any of their future children, and she would never have to go through that alone again. And Rosalie was here, safe and happy against her father's chest.

Luckily it was the dead of the night and thus the two of them did not have to worry about being seen. After Evangeline got a few of her things together she took Mia from her cradle. She smiled as she switched her husband, allowing him to dote over his baby girl. She had grown so much since he had last seen her, walking and talking and giggling with glee. Evangeline smiled as the two bonded again, praying to the Lord that they would never be separated again. Mia needed her father like she needed air; for survival, to live.

Evangeline wrapped Rosie up in a soft cotton blanket before the four of them departed. Evangeline did not even look back at the house that had been her prison for all this time. No longer would she have to worry about brutal beatings, being forced down onto the bedsheets, listening to Tim's crude words. His voice was now just a whisper in the wind, untouchable to her, just a memory. Evangeline's shoulders sagged with relief.
Of course she was still wary about her husband's feelings; she had after all married another man, had been taken by him so many times... she feared that he would grow angry too. But her common sense took over, and she reminded herself that Wes was not Tim. She would be okay... they would be a family again. Now they had to start rebuilding what they had lost.
That face. Her face with her lips pulled down, her own memories flooding her head. A smile evokes good thoughts but a frown, a shutter, they are happiness' bane. Evangeline's eyes spiral down, her head turning from his. So Wes doesn't push the issue. He is certain that Timothy did nothing, absolutely nothing, for Wes' child. In a way, he is thankful that he, the proper father, is the first to hold and love her. All memories of Tim would fade, even for their Mia, in time. The two girls within a blink of an eye would be proud and strong women, unknowing to the turmoil, prosecution, their parents have gone through for them to enter and stay in this world.

Wes knows he would sacrifice anything for them. Food, water, shelter. His women come first and then his own needs will follow. Still, a tiny itch in his heart reminds him that they won't live poorly. He is a plethora of knowledge. The land is his prowling ground and as any good Cheyenne, he treads carefully, being sure only to harm what is needed to survive. Like a lizard's tail, the plants will regrow in the spring, the animals happily mating underneath the blanket of forests that spread across this land. Wes will take what he needs, being sure to leave enough buds to make next years plants even stronger. The checks and balances of nature lives on with men like Evangeline's true husband.

With Mia hugging her father, Wes takes any luggage Evangeline requires into the forest. Once there, they are greeted by a furry black tail wagging back and forth, small delighted whimpers coming from that long snout of Arathi's. He is overjoyed to smell a new scent, immediately bounding over to Rosie. Placing his paws on Evangeline's leg, he tries and sniff reasoning into the slow moving bundle. Stroking the back of Arathi, Wes simply laughs and Mia immediately reaches out for her friend, determined little noises coming from her throat. After their reunion, Arathi bounds forward, knowing instinctively by his master's scent that Wes doesn't want to stay for long.

And so they walk, Wesinaco standing close to Evangeline the whole time. "We have the whole world ahead of us, Eva. Where would you like to run away to?" Knowing full well their house is nothing but charred embers, Wes doesn't bring their former life up. That town, that way of being, is gone forever.
Evangeline's mind was elsewhere as they began to walk. Despite the fact that Wes had come now to rescue her, her mind and heart was still a lot with Timothy. He had shattered her to pieces, and even though his blood was washing down the northbound river, she wondered if he would forever haunt her heart. There would always be that demon in the back of her mind, telling her that she was not good enough, not beautiful or kind or even feminine. Tim had tore her down to her very roots, and now those were dying too. Eva imagined she would have been long dead if she did not have her baby girls to live for. They had been her source of strength and comfort throughout the entire marriage, and when Timothy was done belittling and raping her each night, she usually stole into the nursery to sing to her children.

Wes's question caught the young woman off guard a bit and she jumped, causing Rosalie to whine. Arathi, still having not met the young baby properly, perked his head up and looked for the sound.
Evangeline ran her fingers through her long dirty blond curls, not knowing what to say to her husband. She knew that she needed to express herself; not only where she wanted to go, but what she had been through. Would he still love her after he learned what Tim had done to her, and made her do? The things... oh, her heart clenched at the thought. Those things were meant only for a man who had a wife that he loved and who trusted him... not a monster like Tim. Eva felt ill just thinking about it.

"Anywhere but here," Eva murmured, ducking her head down to avoid a branch and nestle her nose into Rosalie's fine curls. Soon she would lose that sweet baby scent and grow to smell like flowers and the forest. But where there was one, Evangeline was sure there would be another. Despite her fears, her love was limitless for Wes. And now that they were free, they surely could live peacefully, growing their family.
Her eyes filled with tears and she tried to look away, "just... let's go."
Wes is no fool, he has seen the bruising on his wife. Knowing Tim's ways, he is certain that blood had been spilt. Her sweet crimson blood causing black and blue splotches underneath unbroken skin. Her heart forced to keep beating for the sake of her children and her husband. After all that has happened, he will stick by her side through whatever lies she may believe. Would he ever find another? No. But a fragile heart such as Evangeline's might fantasize a simple smile, a touch, a friendly hand on the shoulder. If he has to prove himself, he will do so with an open mind and a calculated heart. His answer has come and will not be erased.

Shifting Mia in his arms, Wes nods to Evangeline, the air between them growing quiet. Only the crunching of the brush, snapping of twigs, and the soft rays of moonlight are there to guide them through the forest. They walk, Wes assisting his wife whenever he can in the darkness of the night. A log is easily lifted over, a rock walked around. But when they come to that same old winding river that has greeted many travelers, Wes is the first to break the silence.

"Would you like to camp here? You must be exhausted from all that walking. Here, at least sit for a while and rest," Wes calls to her, placing Mia on the ground next to the sitting Arathi. The dog immediately lays down, allowing Mia to use him as a pillow. A hairy one at that. Wes brushes off the top of a fallen tree, tapping the bark with his hand before lifting his body up to sit. Once comfortable, he pats the wide side next to him, wanting Evangeline to join him as he watches the river flow. The sounds are as sweet as her voice to his ears, nothing else equalling such bliss. The soft murmurs of Mia playing with Arathi are heard for the nap didn't last long at all. The excitement of being in a new and strange place ought to keep them all up.
The young mother on the other hand was rather exhausted; she supposed it was a combination of just giving birth, the turmoil that Tim had put her through, and the long journey that had her so spent. Immediately she nestled into the tree beside her husband, keeping Rosalie nestled in her blankets. Eva crossed her legs so that her skirts bloomed in between her legs, and she laid the baby down there. Rosie cooed and gurgled a bit before drifting off into sleep, the leaves fluttering, a gentle hello to her newborn ears. Evangeline could only imagine what she was thinking of the world around her now; she had tried to expose her, bringing her to sit outside when she was just days old, but nothing would compare to being out there.

Nestled beside her husband, Eva did not take long to drift off into sleep. It was the dead of night and she was positively exhausted; where they would end up frightened her, and her past plagued her dreams.
She envisioned Timothy tracking them down from his grave, alive once again. This time he would take no mercy and kill them all, blood on his skin and darkness in his eyes. Evangeline had screamed for her children, her beautiful babies, but Tim had no remorse. Even from the dead he still haunted her, and Evangeline wondered if she would ever escape the memories. He had planted so many foul ideas inside of her head, done so many awful things. In their few months of marriage he had managed to tear apart the very fiber of her being... something she swore that she would never let him do.

"No!" Eva screamed, jolting herself awake. Immediately Rosalie began to sob, not liking the sudden movement and loud noise.
When Evangeline looked up towards her husband, she was surprised to find that he was awake. He looked down at her, brows knitted in the center. Evangeline looked away though and took the baby, rocking her gently against her breast. "Hush now, little baby... all will be well. I love you." She leaned down and kissed the baby's head, praying her husband asked no question. She wasn't ready to answer them.
Wes waited a while until he fell asleep, unsure of what might lurk in the shadows. His conscience knows exactly what is out there but he is uncertain how close those threats might be. Armed with only a small knife, Wes unsheathes it and runs the face of the blade over his fingers. Images then come to him, a muffled screaming in his ear from his brother's last attempt at a compromise. Still, Wes continued his work, the blade bouncing from finger to finger as he relives the entire bloody experience before his open eyes. Eventually he puts back the blade, looking over at Evangeline and Rosalie.

Mia, not feeling comfortable anymore against Arathi's exposed belly, makes her way from Wes' feet to his stomach. She mutters something he can't even try to understand. Blinking, Wes picks her up from his leg and settles her on his chest. She, in return, reaches up to feel his face, remembering him for who he is. A jaw that could never belong to any other man, his eyes as equally valued. Wes smiles at his daughter, her hands finding their way to his lips. Pulling her hands away, he kisses her face in short repetitious cycles, causing her to giggle out and squirm in his arms.

Then all is torn down, his world collapsing in front of his very eyes. Evangeline shouts, Rosalie crying out for comfort from unknown threats. Wes' heart jumpstarts itself, pushing itself into overdrive. Tingles vibrate through his arms, the knife once again in his hand as his eyes scan the area in front of his wife. He had bolted up from his position on the ground, Mia held tightly against his chest. But the seconds pass and his brain starts to settle. All, well almost all, is well. Wes stares at his wife, eyes wanting to know why she shouted out but his heart not letting him speak. Slipping the knife back, that same hand reaches out to run along her jaw. A silent comfort that he knows she needs. Leaning back against the tree, he hooks his arm around her shoulders, still saying nothing while he rests his head against hers much like Arathi lays his head on Wes' leg or Evangeline's stomach.
Would the nightmares always plague her? Evangeline felt as though now she had no refuge from the memories and the nightmares. They haunted her when she was awake, asleep, when she was alone and when she was with her family. The young woman feared closing her eyes, afraid of what images might play out on the backs of her eyelids. She hated herself for giving into Timothy's angry words, believing them when they were repeated over and over again. That she did not deserve a man like him, a family, a home. She deserved to rot six feet under the ground; and even that might be merciful. Tim's words still echoed in Eva's head and as she nestled herself into the crook of Wes's arm, hot tears began to slip down her face.

With Rosalie nestled against her soft breasts, Eva began to cry softly. Her shoulders began to shake and her chest heaved.
It was as though all of the emotions from the last few months were finally flowing out. Evangeline had been afraid to show her tears in front of Tim, knowing he would call her weak and worthless. He did not appreciate emotions as her first husband did, did not understand what she was feeling and why the moisture pooled in her baby blue eyes.

"Oh... W-Wes..." she began to sob. Her heart was breaking in her chest. "Please... please... make it stop," she pleaded. She sounded so desperate, like she had been fighting all this time and now she was ready to give up. Let the grief and the pain consume her. Maybe it was because she felt safer here, as though she knew she would be cared for if she broke down.
Stroking Rosie's head and trying to soothe her, Evangeline tipped her face down, "I... I'm, oh... it... it's... it hurts so badly... what... what he did. The memories, my own body. He is a mo-monster. Was. What... what... he did..."
For the first second of her breakdown, Wes isn't quite sure what to say. After all she has been through, he doesn't even want to think about uttering Tim's name, let alone talking about him. So the older husband holds her as if she were a small child, close and firm against his own chest. Mia, oblivious to the reasons of her mother's distress, reaches out for her with small wiggling fingers. Wes is sure the small child can attempt to comfort his dear wife but the truth is that only time and his dedication to her will truly heal all that has been ripped from her. Her pride, strength, integrity... All of it ripped out.

"Evangeline, let the dam break. Cry until there are no more tears left to fall. Hold me close and never forget the happiness that I have shown you. All that I have taught you and you, in adoring return, have shown me. I know the world can be cruel and you have been maimed. Believe me that I have brought justice for all the pain the world has caused you. Don't let the exertion of our ties be unraveled. Soon whatever haunts you will be a distant memory like flesh rotting in the earth. Those who have hurt you can no longer do so. We're together once more and that is a sweeter victory than any nightmare can bring pain. You're safe my love, safe."

Thinking he has spoken too much, Wes pauses and lets Evangeline cry until she can only gasp for her next breath. Around those perfect blue eyes lies a battlefield of pink from the saturation. Wes wipes her face as much as he can, kissing her cheeks no matter what thoughts may be running through his mind. Thoughts of Tim and what he has done to her emotionally and mentally make Wes' face stern and serious, perhaps even hurt, when Evangeline looks away.
Poor Evangeline felt as though she was being torn apart from the inside outside. She was exhausted both physically and emotionally and was afraid of where her next step would take her. Would she be able to get through this, to move on with her life? Eva knew that she had done it before but the first time that Timothy had hurt her had surely not hurt this much. It was as though he had ripped apart the mended seams and sometimes it was impossible to mend something a second time.

Clutching hard onto her husbands biceps, Evangeline tried to ground herself in the present. No more monster, no more Tim. Wesinaco was the exact opposite of what that man had been and surely would never lift a hand against her. He had only even shown her love, happiness and pride. Taught her to be strong and intelligent and always praised her for being both. He was a different man entirely but only time would engrain that into his heart.

"I am... Am... A horrible person," she whimpered, "I let him d-do it Wes! Let him get away with all that horrid stuff. It was... Was... So awful... I considered so many things that n-now I am ashamed of." Suicide, bringing her babies with her into Heaven. Surely her husband would look down on her for that, for being so weak at the time. "Where did I go wrong?"