Compliment the member above you!

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Cause you're puuurdy and got awesome cupcakes.

I seriously mean that, you post pictures of amazing looking cupcakes.
I love OK's geeking over food, his adoarble-ness, and just because of how nice he always is. ^__^
Oh, you~

I love how you're always cheerful and peppy, and kicking people in the face if they piss you off!
You are one of the coolest people I've met.
You let me 'steal' your hats which makes you AWESOME in my book ^^ *steals hat* ta da!
Everywhere you post you seem to be enjoying yourself, that's awesome from my point of view! :)
Your sense of humor consistently makes me lol.
Your Warhammer 40k references make me want to learn more and more about it! Which is awesome!
Your ability to combat halitosis is second to none
Beer and metal. You're a dammed cool cat in my book.
You always give insight to lots of others problems. You like to help people!
You've got a great sense of humor, and you're always cool to people. that's awesome!
You're always ready to help EVERYONE on Iwaku, Your RP's are amazing, even if some of them don't work out all the time, your moderating skills are simply incredible and you manage to appear cheerful through it all.

You're one amazing girl and I'm glad I know you.
You always try and take things diplomatically and try to make everyone happy as a mod. Plus, we always share pervy thoughts.
You rock, Myrn!
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