College Antics - OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Oh your on your phone xD. I'm on a laptop, that's why sorry.
I'm always on a phone ^^' Don't have a computer sadly nor internet v.v
I'm always on a phone ^^' Don't have a computer sadly nor internet v.v
Okay good to know lol. I usually have a pic in my ic posts would this size be okay when we start IC?

Yep, that's fine ^^
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Name: Mystelia Everstar, Princess of Everlock

Alias: Elise Jones

Age: As far as you're concerned, I'm 19. Though, I may or may not be thousands of years old. I don't know.

Grade: What is this...grade? I'm a first-year student at this lovely establishment, if that's what you mean.
Race/Species: I'm human, I tell you! The pointed ears and blue hair definitely says that I AM NOT an Everen from the planet Everlock--an ageless species.

Powers/Affinity: Powers? What powers? No, you did not just see me put out a fire that I started with water from a puddle. No, you did not. I definitely cannot wield fire and water. I can't heal myself, either. Nope, definitely not.

Alignment: I'm loyal to whom I wish. Those who want my loyalty must earn my trust. Whether you are considered evil or good does not matter.

Role: I'm a good person, right? I mean, people come to me for advice a lot. Though I've noticed some of the others laugh at me because I refuse partake in their alcoholic substances. I do not really understand why.

Gender: I am female, thank you very much.

Sexuality: I do not understand this concept of "sexuality." I hold love for everyone. Oh, you mean romantically? Well, I suppose I have a simple affection for the opposite gender.

Appearance: I'm very pale in appearance with pointed ears and crystal blue eyes. I'm about 5 feet and 4 inches and weigh about fifty pounds. Oh...that's not normal for humans? Well, um, then I weigh two-hundred pounds? I don't look two-hundred pounds? hundred twenty-four? Yeah? Okay, then I weigh one hundred twenty-four pounds. NOT fifty. My hips are not very curvy, and I have a rather small chest. That's a good thing, right? My blue hair hides my ears most of the time, and I prefer to keep it that way. Thank you. Oh, and don't mind the picture. They wanted me to look sad for some reason.

Personality Summary: I am not a very shy person. After all, I'm royalty! Did I just say that? No, I did not. I definitely did not. I love meeting new people, and smiles are my charm. I won't tell you much about me, though, because you have to earn that tidbit. I'm not an entirely trusting person, but I'm willing to give everyone a chance no matter their race or species.

Likes: I like long walks on those sandy things they call beaches. Oh, and ice cream! And snow cones! I absolutely LOVE puppies and kittens! We don't have those on Everlock, sadly.

Dislikes: I don't like how polluted the air is here. Everything is so...dull. No bright colors. Of course, on Everlock, everything is far, far brighter. And we have no pollution. I don't like bugs, either. They're icky and sometimes bite. Especially spiders! Oh, I hate spiders!

Ambitions: I want to learn about this world. It's very...interesting. The culture, the creatures. It's very, very different from home. Ooo...I've heard being a doctor is fun. And a fire fighter! Maybe a, right? What's a lawyer? I want to be all of those things!

Fears: I don't want to go home. Terrible things happened there. I'm afraid they'll find me and take me back. Please don't let them take me back. And, as I said before, I HATE spiders.

Quirks: People say I tend to hop on my toes and skip around a lot. Is that weird? They also say I jump really high. I thought ten feet in the air was normal...I should probably do something about that before people start wondering.

Flaws: People say I'm naive. I'm not entirely sure why they would say that. After all, everyone has the best intentions, right? Maybe they're just trying to protect me from something. They're not laughing at me at all! Right?

Biography Summary: I...I don't want to talk about it.

Relationships: As I said before, I love everyone. EXCEPT SPIDERS.

Romantically Available: I mean, I'm open to any romance. I...I haven't really thought about it, though.

Roommate: Roommates sound cool! Where can I get one of those? I'll go watch a television program about it. The TV never lies!

Residence: Well, I live in a two-bedroom apartment. People say I should get a roommate, but I don't really know what they mean. Aren't "roommates" just going to spend my money and use my clothes? That's what I've seen on television. Anyways, there's a nice little kitchen with a small couch and chair in the living room. There's not really space for a dining table. There are two bathrooms for each bedroom, and that's about it!

Employment: I don't really have a job. I may or may not have stolen gold from my father's treasury.


Athletic: 2

Defense: 1

Speed: 2

Agility: 2

Health: 8

Charisma: 1

Intelligence: 2

Magic attack: 7
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Uhh, be so busy. I don't work on Monday so I will finish of Monday, I am still joining just been busy.
It's alright ^^ You're characters have been accepted :) I'll jot the links down later :)
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