[CLOSED!] Sailing in the Stars: The Beginning [OOC/Sign-Ups]

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Oh, well I assume that it's like a version of herpes where sores are replaced with infectious, semi-sentient tentacles. Genital Azathoth would be a much more potent, but surprisingly less infectious version I suppose. Which probably includes a range of unheard of side effects.

So medical practitioners of 2617 do have a much harder time.

Thank the universe for the modern human's incapability to comprehend those horrors.

And thank you for the information. Kind of.
@ the in-character thread:

I suppose that means either that (1) the captain has a quota of 3 medical personnel in total that she needs to/wants to recruit or (2) that both Jack and Erin are already part of the crew.

Which might be the case? And, if it is the latter, are they still to do the interview part (as a "reporting presence" sort of thing perhaps)?
Cthulhu and Azathoth are deities from the mythos of H.P. Lovecraft (renowned for its many tentacled-horrors). Cthulhu is the more publicized of the two, but Azathoth is reportedly the most potent (and, if I remember correctly, Cthulhu's grandfather, of sorts).

No, I am totally happy with the references to Lovecrafts morbid incomprehensible brainchildren.

That, however, provides me no knowledge on the topic of genital Cthulhu.

(I didn't recall reading about Azathoth being related with Cthulhu. Thank you for providing me the incentive to actually find out that Cthulhu was your great-great-grandson.)

Cthulhu is the High Priest of Azathoth, the head honcho of the Great Ones. Where Azathoth is the epitomy of chaos incarnate, Yogsothoth is the speaker and Cthulhu is the Priest destined to rise again and usher in a new epoch with the deaths of all mankind. We call this event 'Ragnarok' as those are the End Times, when the Titans finally break free from their chains and jails and fight for control over the Mortal Coil.
Now would it be rude to interject with a reply to Feng's hiring or should I let people get their posts in?
Now would it be rude to interject with a reply to Feng's hiring or should I let people get their posts in?
Naw, you're fine. Besides, Ive been buying everyone alcohol so I can imagine Feng is already tanked.
Cthulhu is the High Priest of Azathoth, the head honcho of the Great Ones. Where Azathoth is the epitomy of chaos incarnate, Yogsothoth is the speaker and Cthulhu is the Priest destined to rise again and usher in a new epoch with the deaths of all mankind. We call this event 'Ragnarok' as those are the End Times, when the Titans finally break free from their chains and jails and fight for control over the Mortal Coil.
Yeah, that. Don't expect the Blind Idiot God to know his own lore.

I did write Erin with an intention to have her to be able to take on the role of the only medical staff on the ship, so it's probably not pure coincidence that the two of them ended up with quite similar professional characterizations.
Of course! I did the same thing. That is why I felt like altering his specialties in retrospect. Don't want to steal Erin's glory, because she is quite glorious. Dutch on the other hand is a lump in the mud.
And yes, I'll just let Dutch deal with the SSDs.
Haha. Dutch will not take the responsibility of dealing with SSDs willingly. He'll probably have to have a drink or two before trying to diagnose THOSE.
Erin's secondary proficiency will be to keep things alive for long enough to divert the responsibility into Dutch's operating theare whenever she can't take care of it on her own.

(mostly kidding. Mostly. But yeah.)
Dutch will be like: "You do this on purpose, don't you?"
I think they'll have a very interesting dynamic.

Cthulhu is the High Priest of Azathoth, the head honcho of the Great Ones. Where Azathoth is the epitomy of chaos incarnate, Yogsothoth is the speaker and Cthulhu is the Priest destined to rise again and usher in a new epoch with the deaths of all mankind. We call this event 'Ragnarok' as those are the End Times, when the Titans finally break free from their chains and jails and fight for control over the Mortal Coil.
is feng kil?
All I'm waiting for is for the crew to get back to the ship.

Or the go ahead to start some planetary disaster. But I think the ship is a better option.
Yeah, I hear you. Who hasn't posted yet? I wanna get into space already.
I just ordered a large and an extra large pizza for dinner. Im the only person eating. I live a sad, sad life. Oh, and Whisket, am confirmed to be in LV on April 1st around lunch-time.
I just ordered a large and an extra large pizza for dinner. Im the only person eating. I live a sad, sad life. Oh, and Whisket, am confirmed to be in LV on April 1st around lunch-time.

Righteous, I'll actually probably be there as the girlfriend is leaving me behind to watch the animals.
Righteous, I'll actually probably be there as the girlfriend is leaving me behind to watch the animals.
Tight stuffs. Ill be hitting Action Comics while Im there with the guy picking me up.
Tight stuffs. Ill be hitting Action Comics while Im there with the guy picking me up.

You're going all the way to Hendo for comics? My neighborhood is literally right down the street from action comics.

I wish I could hang out with people...

PSH, it's overrated, I'm sure Jack smells in person. I know I do so that's something to look forward to.
You're going all the way to Hendo for comics? My neighborhood is literally right down the street from action comics.

PSH, it's overrated, I'm sure Jack smells in person. I know I do so that's something to look forward to.
I buy D&D stuff and MTG cards, my ride buys comics and D&D stuff. And I do smell. Like unicorns, lilacs and a strong, sensual white man who has no woman.
I buy D&D stuff and MTG cards, my ride buys comics and D&D stuff. And I do smell. Like unicorns, lilacs and a strong, sensual white man who has no woman.

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