Classic TV

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October Knight

Original poster
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  1. Male
Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good!
What is your favorite Classic TV show?

Two of mine are M*A*S*H and The Twilight zone. Both are awesome and contributed much to modern day sitcoms.

What about you?

Also Twilight Zone!! The originals. <3<3
And the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis show. Because of mom getting me into it. And Jerry Lewis made me giggle.<3
and I Love Lucy. Because.
and Bewitched. Also just because.
Batman w/ Adam West.

Green Hornet.

Before World's Finest became a staple of my comic book collection, the team up of batman and robin with Green Hornet and Bruce Lee was my wet dream team.

Oh, and the Incredible Hulk. I learned the sad walking away song! Its called the Lonely Man!
Since we're talking classic television, I'm implying originals with my selections. In no particular order:

Batman. MASH. Twilight Zone. Dragnet.

I'm sure there's more, but that's simply off the top of my head.
Bewitched! I loved that show!


SAVED BY THE BELL ANYONE? Has 90s become "classic" yet? c_____c
Jinx told me I look like Jessie from Saved By The Bell.
I refuse to watch it. - ^-

Ah, Klinger. <3 Even though Radar was totally my favorite. M*A*S*H FTW! :D Also, when I was in high school I actually watched a lot of Abbot and Costello.