STORAGE Citrus&Cement (Character Index)

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Mix Breed • Maintence • He/they/pup
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed bibendum eros a tellus aliquam eleifend. Praesent vel nibh diam. Sed velit ligula, rhoncus non interdum ut, accumsan quis massa. Fusce facilisis accumsan lacus, eu euismod metus mattis et. Duis venenatis risus suscipit venenatis ornare. Sed molestie sapien justo, sit amet viverra justo pulvinar sed. Vivamus ac nisi at massa molestie varius et vel nisl. Integer dictum lobortis dictum. In vulputate risus in aliquet imperdiet. In posuere lobortis lectus sed vehicula. Fusce elementum ex non urna luctus, sed sodales nisi efficitur. Quisque mattis finibus quam, non facilisis orci sollicitudin nec. Suspendisse porta ex non consequat eleifend. Nam ut lacus convallis, elementum augue sed, tempus elit. Vestibulum condimentum dolor a lectus tincidunt dapibus. Cras sodales lacus at erat pulvinar, vel sollicitudin augue aliquet.

Suspendisse urna libero, tincidunt commodo vestibulum porta, fringilla at enim. Suspendisse potenti. Donec blandit mi enim. Nam ut ultricies dolor, at laoreet tortor. Cras neque massa, consequat a ante eu, rhoncus pulvinar ex. Nam eu augue mauris. Nulla vestibulum lectus at neque vestibulum, eget consequat lectus dictum. Quisque commodo dolor non massa dignissim, sed tristique arcu eleifend. Vivamus fermentum lacus et quam efficitur, sit amet dictum purus aliquet. Proin fringilla volutpat lorem nec tincidunt. Sed nec justo a dui suscipit volutpat. Vivamus euismod varius ex quis hendrerit. Pellentesque consequat et ex nec rutrum. Praesent in tincidunt urna.

Mauris eu hendrerit massa. Vestibulum gravida quam posuere mauris malesuada bibendum. Aenean vitae tortor ornare, rhoncus eros aliquam, congue turpis. Ut blandit lorem felis, quis porttitor neque convallis ac. Etiam consectetur ornare libero. Fusce scelerisque ornare neque in mollis. Vivamus laoreet volutpat neque, vitae dignissim metus dapibus a. Duis dictum quam in sagittis faucibus. Curabitur condimentum libero vel orci malesuada laoreet.

Praesent ante lectus, dapibus ac dui eget, maximus convallis nibh. Nulla condimentum pellentesque eros, vel sollicitudin mauris condimentum quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam finibus dolor vel lectus fermentum, id euismod nisi faucibus. Nunc at dolor imperdiet ipsum lobortis posuere. Quisque placerat tincidunt tortor, et convallis ipsum. Vivamus porttitor pretium eros a consequat. Aliquam sollicitudin nulla ipsum, vel tincidunt elit gravida id. Donec ac ex auctor, suscipit lectus eu, gravida leo. Sed ac dignissim dolor.

Nam ac gravida ante. Donec vehicula nisi vel mauris elementum scelerisque eget et justo. In vitae lacinia tortor. Duis feugiat lacus leo, at dapibus felis finibus maximus. Fusce non luctus nisi, vel mattis lorem. Cras rutrum aliquet nunc, a accumsan eros ultrices vitae. Etiam non tristique enim. Duis ullamcorper nibh vitae tincidunt ullamcorper. Sed eget enim ut mi semper egestas sed ac dolor. Ut porttitor risus ut consequat porttitor. Nunc id dolor eu ligula maximus blandit dignissim non nulla. Cras imperdiet vitae ligula sed commodo. Phasellus cursus semper lorem ac viverra.
mentions • interactions • location
code by wren.
Last edited:
made by zenith

I am my mother's savage offspring
The one who runs barefoot
Cursing sharp stones
April 10th
Kadence Irene Murphy

Kad, Kaddie

25 years


Gender / Pronouns:
Genderfluid; he/they


Sexual + Romantic Orientation:
Homoromantic Homosexual


Wanna be musician
Professioanl Pain in the Ass
Real people job is re-seller of clothing

Curly, medium length and a bright orangy auburn

Deep set, almond shaped blue eyes


Skinny, on the slimmer side, wide shoulders and narrow hips

Hard-working | Abrasive | Friendly | Outspoken | Blunt | Flirty | Authentic | Charming | Dependent | Demanding | Envious | Hot-Tempered | Adventurous | Protective | Supportive

--Kadence can take the form of a dappled grey horse
--He is an excellent swimmer and can tread water for a good few hours
--Can manipulate small amounts of water/similar to water bending
--Can predict how long its going to rain but only when it is already raining

--Prone to really bad eczema/rashes due to forgetting to be close to water
--His ability to control water varies on emotion. Meaning anger can have more power over water while happiness weakens his ability to move water.
--Will get stuck in horse form if he is away from water/ has to be submerged in water to return to human form
--Cannot speak underwater/uses asl when in water or keplie form

Health Conditions:
--Seperation anxiety
--Borderline Personality Disorder

Strengths and Weaknesses:
-- +Physically stronger than his brother
-- +Excellent pianist
-- +Very persuasive
-- -BPD brain
-- -Cannot be near fire for the life of him
-- -Cannot stand being away from Kalan for long periods of time

Men | Forest Green | Frank Sanatra | Kalan | Stealing/Theivery | Bothering Kalan | Playing Mozart | High Heels | Eating Raw Cookie Dough | Cat Person

Other People Bothering Kalan | Bonfires | Smores | Jazz music | Lindsay Sterling (no reason) | The color yellow | Hard Candies | Overly pessimistic people | Snow

made by zenith
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Love Is A Song That Never Ends
  • Cadmus

    Name | Aliases


    Deer Boy




    26 years old (Appears)

    Unknown (Actual)

    Sex | Gender

    AFAB Transmasculine (He/it/they)

    Sexual Orientation | Marital Status

    Demisexual Biromantic Monogamist

    Species | Lineage Status

    White-Tailed Deer Satyr

    Notable features: white tail deer tail, hooved feet, antlers, floppy ears

    True Pure-Blood

    Kaburi-Tsuki Position | Rank OR Associated Business | Visit Frequency/b]

    Attendant ; Ranked in between Veteran and Newbie

    Working for about four years

    Takes necklace pendants

  • Cadmus

    Specialized Abilities

    Nocturnal Prowess- At night, Cadmus is more active and strong in his abilities and can see very well in the dark. The dark gives him strength and energy.

    Super Strength- Cadmus is able to lift about four times his weight in a single lift, much like ants are able to do so. Though he can only do it once a day/every few weeks depending on what it is he is lifting constantly.

    Pet | Companion

    Owns a robin named Flapjack

    Brief Background

    -- Born the youngest of nine children; child of Aura and Orpheus

    -- Had an average, farm life in the country of Greece. Nothing notable during childhood, very kind parents and loving family

    -- Parents pass due to hunters when Cadmus was young, raised by eldest sister Alela

    -- Struggling financially now that parents are gone and most of the siblings started working

    -- At age 18 became a food servant at the bathhouse/worked in food

    -- Later on in life became an attendant

    -- Sends money to family every week and never saves any for himself

    -- Family visits sometimes but do not know that hes' an attendant


    Cadmus is a very friendly guy! He loves to talk to people about anything and everything, he is also very well known for his cooking skill. A hopeless romantic, he fully believes in fairy tales of a happily ever after and soulmates. Cadmus is very sweet and loves to give gifts as his love language. Though Cadmus can be very obvious to romantic things or even sexual things, he just assumes everyone is very nice. He is also naive and a bit of an air head, not much thought going on up in his head. But he is loyal and considers those he works with as friends rather than co-workers.

    Distinguishing Features | Appearance

    5'5 inches tall

    Bright, sky blue

    Very pale, freckled, and average build/heavier set

    Prefers cottagecore attire, pale pinks and greens

    No body modifications

    Smells like vanilla and strawberries

    Antlers, hooved feet, deer tail, deer ears, bare chested, doesn't usually wear clothes

    Notable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions (if any)

    Flusters easily and Cadmus is a vegan!
  • Cadmus

    Personal Relations


    Personal Kinks | Restrictions (if any)

    + Edging

    + Marking

    + Being tied up

    - Knives

    - Choking

    - CNC

    Personal Quarters

    Cadmus' room is rather cottage like in apperance. It has a small kitchen, a bed and is very soft with plants array within it. The bed is king sized with a canopy of white around it and fairy lights hang from the ceiling.



  • NAME

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis ligula vel odio aliquet fringilla ac eget felis. Mauris faucibus libero at arcu gravida rutrum. Vivamus eget libero urna. Sed aliquet id diam et varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed venenatis ipsum quis tincidunt cursus. Nullam id velit lacus. Maecenas viverra elit in est tempus, eu ullamcorper mi luctus. Etiam tempus diam velit, sed dictum erat convallis nec. Suspendisse sit amet urna aliquam, venenatis tellus in, mollis est. Mauris commodo id purus in sagittis. Donec posuere fermentum neque, eu imperdiet dolor laoreet in. Cras aliquam imperdiet tellus. In faucibus sollicitudin augue sed iaculis. Ut porta vitae elit quis aliquet.

    Nunc dignissim eget eros sit amet bibendum. Nam convallis lorem mauris, eu pretium erat tempor quis. Maecenas accumsan orci eu neque hendrerit pellentesque. Donec sollicitudin mi non sem pulvinar commodo. In molestie, ligula pretium vehicula eleifend, mi augue consectetur tortor, quis fringilla sem ex vel metus. Vestibulum et sodales dolor. Vestibulum nec varius tellus, dapibus egestas nisl. Cras vehicula non tellus tristique lobortis. Morbi elit urna, fringilla eget rhoncus ut, lacinia ultrices orci. Nullam nec quam ut dolor faucibus vestibulum. Vestibulum vestibulum luctus sem ut tempus. Nulla metus enim, venenatis sit amet rutrum sed, rhoncus in est. Mauris tincidunt felis sit amet erat tempus laoreet. Suspendisse vitae nisl eget lorem tincidunt iaculis nec sit amet diam.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque porta velit a pharetra mollis. Phasellus at dui nibh. In tristique magna risus, ac commodo mi iaculis eu. Proin lobortis nunc a nunc cursus convallis. Quisque id erat interdum, sollicitudin erat in, finibus arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla ornare nibh vitae pellentesque laoreet. Vestibulum consectetur ut sapien a semper. Nunc eu odio nec diam lacinia ultrices. Praesent sit amet magna quis urna aliquam hendrerit. Donec tristique nibh vel suscipit commodo. Aenean sed nisi et tortor consectetur suscipit non ac turpis.

    Pellentesque blandit at ligula in dignissim. Fusce id ornare purus. Vivamus rutrum porttitor erat ac fermentum. Quisque eu enim in elit interdum finibus. Morbi faucibus, arcu nec viverra pellentesque, erat purus blandit sapien, volutpat posuere metus tortor a elit. Sed pulvinar ultrices scelerisque. Quisque sed semper tortor. Etiam eu rhoncus nisl, ut viverra felis. Pellentesque tincidunt condimentum odio vitae vehicula. Pellentesque mattis fringilla justo et euismod. Aliquam congue elementum nibh et congue. Praesent est sapien, viverra ac pharetra vel, lacinia commodo est. Pellentesque malesuada cursus tristique.

    Fusce pharetra, tellus quis malesuada consectetur, dolor augue facilisis ligula, vitae maximus tellus quam in nibh. Mauris consequat cursus tellus eu viverra. Sed ac tellus eros. Maecenas tincidunt tellus nec varius ultrices. Praesent congue luctus vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse rutrum tellus et scelerisque fermentum. Cras sit amet nisl malesuada, sollicitudin nisl id, suscipit mauris. In commodo molestie ante a dignissim. Etiam et arcu id nibh mattis tempor a ut ex. Sed luctus finibus iaculis.

code by wren.

The Horned Goddess
  • Hathor

    Name | Aliases


    No known alaises


    24 years old (Appears)

    Unknown (Actual)

    Sex | Gender

    AFAB Non-binary Feminine (they/them)

    Sexual Orientation | Marital Status

    Polysexual Sapphicormantic Polyam

    Aspects Of Divinity | Native Territory

    Horned Egyptian Goddess of Cows

    Hails from Egypt

    Kaburi-Tsuki Patronage | Pendant Preference

    Hathor has been coming here for a very long time, before humanity some would say, and some would say they had a rather good relationship to the owner. They visit very often, whenever Ra allows them to, and they love coming to the bathhouse. It is a good way to relax for them. They prefer their pendant as a necklace, it hands just above their chest.

    Specific Room Accommodations

    Hathor likes a more open and airy design like that of Ancient Egypt. Something that lets in a lot of light and is very warm at all times through the day. Though they also like the more minimalist side of things as well, so they tend to have no real preference and like to change it up a lot. Reference

  • Hathor


    Hathor is a very sweet and warm person. They love to give physical affection, words of affirmation and has a very motherly presence to them. They are very sly and flirty, a tease at most, and has no issues with showing off. They have a lot of self centeredness about them, and can be extremely vein and selfish. They're materialistic as well and have an affinity for anything shiny. Hathor is also very manipulative in their sickly sweet way and tend to have tanrtrums if their needs aren't met.

    Distinguishing Features | Appearance


    A deep, ocean blue

    Tanned/dark skinned, freckles, petite build

    Like light and airy fabric, tunics and such, and lots of jewlery

    Ear piercings, belly button, and industrial


    Has cow horns and a cow tail

    Notable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions (if any)

    Hathor is a vegitarian! Shes very exploratative

  • Cadmus

    Divine Abilities

    Divine Knowledge- Their brain is like the world wide web, filled with useless and dumb information with some facts throw in for spice. Hathor is very intelligent and loves to have debates or discussions.

    Cow Strength- As many livestock are, Hathor is very strong physically. They can lift pretty much anything without much struggle and often treats it like a cool magic trick. Though they don't use it often as they dislike the more manly side of themselves.

    Bull Temper- Hathor has a rage like no other that doubles their power and abilities when in use, but it take an immense amount of strength to do it. It is a last ditch effort ability.

    Symbol Of Divinity

    Cows are their symbol of divinity

    Divine Familiars


    Brief Background

    -- Said to be mother of Ra

    -- Some retelligns call her the daughter of Ra

    -- Has a very complex relationship with Ra in general

    -- Only child complex; very spoiled

    At a young age, about 15 so or, had a misscarriage from abuse

    -- Started acting out, trouble maker and bad influence

    -- Cleaned up act after passing of a dear friend of overdose

    Divine Relations

    None TBD

    Personal Kinks | Restrictions (if any)

    + Toys

    + Breeding kink

    + Voyuerism

    + Public intamacy

    - Pet play

    - CNC

    - Dirty talk

    - Quickies

  • NAME

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis ligula vel odio aliquet fringilla ac eget felis. Mauris faucibus libero at arcu gravida rutrum. Vivamus eget libero urna. Sed aliquet id diam et varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed venenatis ipsum quis tincidunt cursus. Nullam id velit lacus. Maecenas viverra elit in est tempus, eu ullamcorper mi luctus. Etiam tempus diam velit, sed dictum erat convallis nec. Suspendisse sit amet urna aliquam, venenatis tellus in, mollis est. Mauris commodo id purus in sagittis. Donec posuere fermentum neque, eu imperdiet dolor laoreet in. Cras aliquam imperdiet tellus. In faucibus sollicitudin augue sed iaculis. Ut porta vitae elit quis aliquet.

    Nunc dignissim eget eros sit amet bibendum. Nam convallis lorem mauris, eu pretium erat tempor quis. Maecenas accumsan orci eu neque hendrerit pellentesque. Donec sollicitudin mi non sem pulvinar commodo. In molestie, ligula pretium vehicula eleifend, mi augue consectetur tortor, quis fringilla sem ex vel metus. Vestibulum et sodales dolor. Vestibulum nec varius tellus, dapibus egestas nisl. Cras vehicula non tellus tristique lobortis. Morbi elit urna, fringilla eget rhoncus ut, lacinia ultrices orci. Nullam nec quam ut dolor faucibus vestibulum. Vestibulum vestibulum luctus sem ut tempus. Nulla metus enim, venenatis sit amet rutrum sed, rhoncus in est. Mauris tincidunt felis sit amet erat tempus laoreet. Suspendisse vitae nisl eget lorem tincidunt iaculis nec sit amet diam.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque porta velit a pharetra mollis. Phasellus at dui nibh. In tristique magna risus, ac commodo mi iaculis eu. Proin lobortis nunc a nunc cursus convallis. Quisque id erat interdum, sollicitudin erat in, finibus arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla ornare nibh vitae pellentesque laoreet. Vestibulum consectetur ut sapien a semper. Nunc eu odio nec diam lacinia ultrices. Praesent sit amet magna quis urna aliquam hendrerit. Donec tristique nibh vel suscipit commodo. Aenean sed nisi et tortor consectetur suscipit non ac turpis.

    Pellentesque blandit at ligula in dignissim. Fusce id ornare purus. Vivamus rutrum porttitor erat ac fermentum. Quisque eu enim in elit interdum finibus. Morbi faucibus, arcu nec viverra pellentesque, erat purus blandit sapien, volutpat posuere metus tortor a elit. Sed pulvinar ultrices scelerisque. Quisque sed semper tortor. Etiam eu rhoncus nisl, ut viverra felis. Pellentesque tincidunt condimentum odio vitae vehicula. Pellentesque mattis fringilla justo et euismod. Aliquam congue elementum nibh et congue. Praesent est sapien, viverra ac pharetra vel, lacinia commodo est. Pellentesque malesuada cursus tristique.

    Fusce pharetra, tellus quis malesuada consectetur, dolor augue facilisis ligula, vitae maximus tellus quam in nibh. Mauris consequat cursus tellus eu viverra. Sed ac tellus eros. Maecenas tincidunt tellus nec varius ultrices. Praesent congue luctus vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse rutrum tellus et scelerisque fermentum. Cras sit amet nisl malesuada, sollicitudin nisl id, suscipit mauris. In commodo molestie ante a dignissim. Etiam et arcu id nibh mattis tempor a ut ex. Sed luctus finibus iaculis.

code by wren.

The Apothocarist
  • Kalina

    Name | Aliases






    Appears 30 years old

    Real age unknown

    Sex | Gender

    Cisgendered Feminine (she/her)

    Sexual Orientation | Marital Status

    Bisexual Demiromantic Polyamorous

    Species | Lineage Status

    Plant Creature/Person

    Notable features: green skin, petal lashes, long hair


    Kaburi-Tsuki Position | Rank OR Associated Business | Visit Frequency

    Works for the Kaburi, local apothocarist and visits quite freuqently. maybe once every two weeks. Is a buisness associate,

  • Kalina


    Kalina is a sweet and sensible creature, she is very loyal to the bathhouse in her practices and is quite intelligent. Comapred to the rest of spieces it was a feat, really, and Kalina is often seen as an outcast. She has issues with abandoment and heavily attaches herself to other regardless of their number of interactions. She is funny though, even if her jokes are a bit dark and cyrptic and even self deprocating at times. Kalina is also very open minded and loves to just go with the flow of things, shes more of a follower than a leader in most regards.

    Distinguishing Features | Appearance


    Long green to pale green to yellow hair

    petal eyelashes

    petite frame

    small chested

    Purple eyes with green rentinas

    Notable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions

    Kalina is a hopeless romantice who loves even mere friendly gestures, she cannot tell the different between flirting and friendly. She is a vegan dietary wise!

    Specialized Abilities

    Plant Growth[/b- Kalina is able to help plants grow and thrive, be it an extreme green thumb of sorts. She can also manipluate and control plant matter around her, but she cannot take water out of the plants or use them for long periods of time. She uses it as more of a defense and offense power.

    Mother Nature- She is able to talk to plants and heart the Earths heartbeat. She uses this power most often as she likes the conversations her plants have with her.

    Healing Properties- She can use her magic/essence to heal others from sever wounds to sometimes even death, but those both require a lot of power from her and can wilt her for days to come.

    Pet | Companion

    None as of right now

    Brief Background

    - Born to Rose and Clive, eldest daughter of four

    - Has four quaduplet brothers, Hazel, Basil, and Dill.

    - Surpassed her classmates in most academic settings

    - A nerd and gets outcasted for being smarter than an average plant person

    - Attends a college outside her home town

    - Drops out due to too fast of pace and loss of interest

    - Builds up flower powers and makes a garden

    - Meets the Karbari owner, strike up a conversation

    - Gets invited to stay at the base of the mountain and operate a green house

    - Accepts offer and has been working there since

    - Past very muddled or brought up only in serious conversation/random times

  • Kalina

    Personal Relations

    Mitsuru - boss/buisnessd associate


    Personal Kinks | Restrictions

    + Oral (giving and receving)

    + Pillow princess

    + Choking

    - Roughness

    - Biting

    - CNC

    Personal Quarters

    ( A brief breakdown of what their room looks like.

    Is it styled as the default modest tatami room? or is completely different in terms of theme? )

  • NAME

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis ligula vel odio aliquet fringilla ac eget felis. Mauris faucibus libero at arcu gravida rutrum. Vivamus eget libero urna. Sed aliquet id diam et varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed venenatis ipsum quis tincidunt cursus. Nullam id velit lacus. Maecenas viverra elit in est tempus, eu ullamcorper mi luctus. Etiam tempus diam velit, sed dictum erat convallis nec. Suspendisse sit amet urna aliquam, venenatis tellus in, mollis est. Mauris commodo id purus in sagittis. Donec posuere fermentum neque, eu imperdiet dolor laoreet in. Cras aliquam imperdiet tellus. In faucibus sollicitudin augue sed iaculis. Ut porta vitae elit quis aliquet.

    Nunc dignissim eget eros sit amet bibendum. Nam convallis lorem mauris, eu pretium erat tempor quis. Maecenas accumsan orci eu neque hendrerit pellentesque. Donec sollicitudin mi non sem pulvinar commodo. In molestie, ligula pretium vehicula eleifend, mi augue consectetur tortor, quis fringilla sem ex vel metus. Vestibulum et sodales dolor. Vestibulum nec varius tellus, dapibus egestas nisl. Cras vehicula non tellus tristique lobortis. Morbi elit urna, fringilla eget rhoncus ut, lacinia ultrices orci. Nullam nec quam ut dolor faucibus vestibulum. Vestibulum vestibulum luctus sem ut tempus. Nulla metus enim, venenatis sit amet rutrum sed, rhoncus in est. Mauris tincidunt felis sit amet erat tempus laoreet. Suspendisse vitae nisl eget lorem tincidunt iaculis nec sit amet diam.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque porta velit a pharetra mollis. Phasellus at dui nibh. In tristique magna risus, ac commodo mi iaculis eu. Proin lobortis nunc a nunc cursus convallis. Quisque id erat interdum, sollicitudin erat in, finibus arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla ornare nibh vitae pellentesque laoreet. Vestibulum consectetur ut sapien a semper. Nunc eu odio nec diam lacinia ultrices. Praesent sit amet magna quis urna aliquam hendrerit. Donec tristique nibh vel suscipit commodo. Aenean sed nisi et tortor consectetur suscipit non ac turpis.

    Pellentesque blandit at ligula in dignissim. Fusce id ornare purus. Vivamus rutrum porttitor erat ac fermentum. Quisque eu enim in elit interdum finibus. Morbi faucibus, arcu nec viverra pellentesque, erat purus blandit sapien, volutpat posuere metus tortor a elit. Sed pulvinar ultrices scelerisque. Quisque sed semper tortor. Etiam eu rhoncus nisl, ut viverra felis. Pellentesque tincidunt condimentum odio vitae vehicula. Pellentesque mattis fringilla justo et euismod. Aliquam congue elementum nibh et congue. Praesent est sapien, viverra ac pharetra vel, lacinia commodo est. Pellentesque malesuada cursus tristique.

    Fusce pharetra, tellus quis malesuada consectetur, dolor augue facilisis ligula, vitae maximus tellus quam in nibh. Mauris consequat cursus tellus eu viverra. Sed ac tellus eros. Maecenas tincidunt tellus nec varius ultrices. Praesent congue luctus vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse rutrum tellus et scelerisque fermentum. Cras sit amet nisl malesuada, sollicitudin nisl id, suscipit mauris. In commodo molestie ante a dignissim. Etiam et arcu id nibh mattis tempor a ut ex. Sed luctus finibus iaculis.

code by wren.

My mother died and all I got was this free churro
  • Fenrir

    Name | Aliases




    Good Boy

    Loyal Pup



    Unknown Age/Ageless

    Sex | Gender

    Agender Masucline-Aligned AMAB (he/they/it/pup)

    Sexual Orientation | Marital Status

    Pansexual Panromantic Polyam | Single Unmarried

    Species | Lineage Status

    Wolf Mix/Mixed-breed

    Kaburi-Tsuki Position | Rank OR Associated Business | Visit Frequency

    Maintence | Blacksmith/Carpenter | Frequent Visitor

  • Fenrir


    Fenrir is known for his rather monotone and cold behavior. He is a silent but deadly person, and never really shows much emotion outside of annoyance or anger. Being a mixed breed has left him a hardened creature to beatings- both verbally and phsyically. Though under the very hard shell he keeps around him, Fenrir is rather kind and easily flustered. He doesn't say much usually, and has a large soft spot for the mounts and pets of Kaburi.

    Distinguishing Features | Appearance


    Golden brown eyes

    Olive complexion, very physically fit

    Prefers pants and no shirt with armor

    A few tattoos, gential piercing

    Pine needles and the night sky

    []iNotable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions[/i]

    -- Fenrir tends to pant like a dog when hes overheating

    -- He loves food and will do anything for a snack

    -- He is not a picky eater but prefers canivore diet

    -- A lover of sweets too

    -- Only eats with his hands, tools are for monkeys

  • Fenrir

    Specialized Abilities

    Super Strength- Fenrir has the ability to lift up to 10x his size. He is also a very active and routine person, so he can lift cars, sometimes buildings and the like.

    Wolf Form- He has the ability to shift into a wolf or wolf parts at any given time. Though it is usually influenced by his emotions so he tries not to feel things to keep it at bay. The more wolf he goes, the more he looses his humanity and then can become a feral beast.

    Norse Magic- Oh rare occasions, Fenrir has the ability to rip through realms and holes in the universe. This isn't a common power for him and has only been used once in his whole existence. It takes his whole power source to get it to work and could possibly kill him.

    Pet | Companion

    Fenrir has a pet dog name Odin; he is a small yorkie

    Brief Background

    -- Born to Loki and a Giant; wedlock bastard child

    -- Chained up by the Norse Gods as they believed he was born evil

    -- 'Destined' to defeat Odin, so he is passed around like a doll

    -- Abused physically and verbally for a good majority of his life

    -- Has never known love or comfort

    -- Found Kaburi several years ago; made a name for himself

    -- Got into crafting and woodworking

    -- Became a carpenter

    -- Makes furniture/maintence the bathhouse

  • Fenrir

    Personal Relations

    Loathes Loki

    Despises other Norse beings/Deities

    Personal Kinks | Restrictions

    + Giving oral

    + Breath play

    + Prefer to priortize partner over self

    + Rougher the better/Very animalistic

    - Bathroom things

    - Being tied up

    - CNC

    Personal Quarters

    Fenrir lives out in the back of the Kaburi house. He prefer the shed or some where outside to sleep so he doesnt techincally have a 'quarters'

code by wren.
Fenrir Helvig
28 years old
My Mother Told Me
Steady Course To The Haven
code by wren.
Damien Kale Conrad
27 years old
Wolf In Sheeps Clothing
Petty Little Coward
code by wren.

There was a little chuckle from the hunter as there was a kiss placed on the corner of his lips, and he pulled the other in close to him with an arm around his shoulders. Fowler shook his head at the other, he was so weird when it came to storms. Both loved them and hated them. Liked the sound and what not, but not the getting wet part. The dark skinned man opened his mouth to respond to the other about the rain when suddenly it was like a bomb was dropped on him.

Dark eyes widened slightly in very much surprise, he didn't think he'd hear that- like ever. Fowler had accepted that Finch just wouldn't be able to respond with that word months ago, and this is what drove him to question this with a furrowed brow, "I-I mean I love you too, my dove," He almost sputtered with a little grin placing itself on his lips, but his dark gaze was concerned. Fowler leaned foward for a moment as if to study the other then snorted, "Alright, so not a dream and I should've guessed that cause in my dreams you don't wear clothes,"

Fowler put a hand to the back of Finchs' head affectionately, "You alright though, Finch? Something wrong?" He had wanted to hear Finch respond back with an I love you for months, now a year and some months, and he was questioning it. It just felt like something had to be wrong for Finch to finally say it, that or dire danger- whichever came first.


Fowler Speech
Raven Speech

Brady Morrison - Twenty - FTM Transmasc - Solarian

Brady Speech
Hail Speech
Riley Speech

Brady Morrison - Twenty - FTM Transmasc - Solarian

Solaria had a noble and vast history behind it since the war so many eons ago now. It was filled with flowering fields, beauitful gardens and rich plants that the little farming kingdom boomed with life. It had a long line of soldiers that served under the Militia and many families were decendents of those who fought bravely in the war, and the Morrisons' were one of them. Starting with General Brandon Morrison over a hundred years ago and continuing from there, the Morrison name was widely known and respected due to the high ranking memebers of the militia.

So for one young person it was no surprise they wanted to follow in the footsteps of their loved ones. Like their father, grandfather and uncles before them, young Brady Morrison

Brady Speech
Augustus Wake


Daniel Mac Carthaigh


Rory Winchester



Damien Conrad

post text xx

coded by hypnos.
Last edited:
Meredith Windsor
30 years old
Ain't it fun?
When the world don't orbit around you?
code by wren.
❧ Sean Wyvern ☙
Pup, dog, Seamus

Werewolf Knight

Cisgendered Masculine AMAB


29 years

December 12th


Sean has longer, black hair with streaks of white in the front of it

A bright, glowing orange color


Very fit, buff even, with a wide stature

No skin details


Vitligo (not a health condition but worth mentioning)
Borderline personality disorder

Sean is a very rugged and quiet man. He likes to keep to himself most of the time and hardly ever talks about himself, he'd rather the other participant of the conversation do the talking. He is very kind though with a large heart and a soft spot for children, he is often in the orphanage, and usually does whatever he can to help even if it hurts himself. Sean deals with a lot of self hatred and self deprication that he shows off in jokes or working till he could no longer stand. The werewolf is also very loyal and protective, with a bit of a jealousy streak, and tends to become aggressive when challenged.

Code by Jenamos
Sean Wyvern
Werewolf • Knight • He/they/pup
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed bibendum eros a tellus aliquam eleifend. Praesent vel nibh diam. Sed velit ligula, rhoncus non interdum ut, accumsan quis massa. Fusce facilisis accumsan lacus, eu euismod metus mattis et. Duis venenatis risus suscipit venenatis ornare. Sed molestie sapien justo, sit amet viverra justo pulvinar sed. Vivamus ac nisi at massa molestie varius et vel nisl. Integer dictum lobortis dictum. In vulputate risus in aliquet imperdiet. In posuere lobortis lectus sed vehicula. Fusce elementum ex non urna luctus, sed sodales nisi efficitur. Quisque mattis finibus quam, non facilisis orci sollicitudin nec. Suspendisse porta ex non consequat eleifend. Nam ut lacus convallis, elementum augue sed, tempus elit. Vestibulum condimentum dolor a lectus tincidunt dapibus. Cras sodales lacus at erat pulvinar, vel sollicitudin augue aliquet.

Suspendisse urna libero, tincidunt commodo vestibulum porta, fringilla at enim. Suspendisse potenti. Donec blandit mi enim. Nam ut ultricies dolor, at laoreet tortor. Cras neque massa, consequat a ante eu, rhoncus pulvinar ex. Nam eu augue mauris. Nulla vestibulum lectus at neque vestibulum, eget consequat lectus dictum. Quisque commodo dolor non massa dignissim, sed tristique arcu eleifend. Vivamus fermentum lacus et quam efficitur, sit amet dictum purus aliquet. Proin fringilla volutpat lorem nec tincidunt. Sed nec justo a dui suscipit volutpat. Vivamus euismod varius ex quis hendrerit. Pellentesque consequat et ex nec rutrum. Praesent in tincidunt urna.

Mauris eu hendrerit massa. Vestibulum gravida quam posuere mauris malesuada bibendum. Aenean vitae tortor ornare, rhoncus eros aliquam, congue turpis. Ut blandit lorem felis, quis porttitor neque convallis ac. Etiam consectetur ornare libero. Fusce scelerisque ornare neque in mollis. Vivamus laoreet volutpat neque, vitae dignissim metus dapibus a. Duis dictum quam in sagittis faucibus. Curabitur condimentum libero vel orci malesuada laoreet.

Praesent ante lectus, dapibus ac dui eget, maximus convallis nibh. Nulla condimentum pellentesque eros, vel sollicitudin mauris condimentum quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam finibus dolor vel lectus fermentum, id euismod nisi faucibus. Nunc at dolor imperdiet ipsum lobortis posuere. Quisque placerat tincidunt tortor, et convallis ipsum. Vivamus porttitor pretium eros a consequat. Aliquam sollicitudin nulla ipsum, vel tincidunt elit gravida id. Donec ac ex auctor, suscipit lectus eu, gravida leo. Sed ac dignissim dolor.

Nam ac gravida ante. Donec vehicula nisi vel mauris elementum scelerisque eget et justo. In vitae lacinia tortor. Duis feugiat lacus leo, at dapibus felis finibus maximus. Fusce non luctus nisi, vel mattis lorem. Cras rutrum aliquet nunc, a accumsan eros ultrices vitae. Etiam non tristique enim. Duis ullamcorper nibh vitae tincidunt ullamcorper. Sed eget enim ut mi semper egestas sed ac dolor. Ut porttitor risus ut consequat porttitor. Nunc id dolor eu ligula maximus blandit dignissim non nulla. Cras imperdiet vitae ligula sed commodo. Phasellus cursus semper lorem ac viverra.
mentions • interactions • location
code by wren.

The bickering was something new for Cinder to be in presence of, but it still always made her uncomfortable. She shifted in her spot on the plane and looked as they started to hover above the ground, Kane giving out orders of working together and then left the plane along with Alex.

She spotted Elena outside with Ghost and she climbed down from the hover craft to stand there- what was she suppose to do? Cinder probably should've asked as they where to work in pairs, but she didn't have anyone to work with. She ran a hand through her orange hair and looked down at the ground for a moment. Suppose she could just wing it? Or maybe make Kane and Alex a trio instead of a duo?

The red-head looked around for a moment before shaking her head- no that'd be stupid. She pulled her phone from her back pocket to check it briefly, a little hope of a message stirring in her chest before she put it away quickly. Alright, time to focus on the task at hand.

Cinderella Van Bandt

made by zenith
Keola Mahoe
Interactions: TEXT HERE
Mentions: TEXT HERE
Loction: TEXT HERE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod felis non tortor aliquam faucibus. Donec finibus, arcu sed sollicitudin facilisis, arcu metus facilisis leo, et dignissim magna urna nec dolor. Ut bibendum dolor eget tellus pellentesque, in convallis mi viverra. Curabitur a erat semper, laoreet ante vel, molestie justo. Sed euismod at justo a dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla molestie suscipit sagittis. Proin vel elementum erat. Nunc nibh tortor, mollis vel ullamcorper consequat, placerat a elit. Vestibulum imperdiet nunc porta, faucibus ante non, pulvinar orci. Maecenas et bibendum ex, in ullamcorper enim. Quisque gravida at dui ac pharetra.

Phasellus id elit et nibh ornare euismod. Nam eros nulla, porttitor ac lectus ac, pulvinar semper quam. Nam iaculis nisl tristique dui congue, eget ullamcorper ligula tempor. Sed malesuada erat non lacus dignissim ultricies. Duis id eleifend sem, a vestibulum augue. Fusce tempor scelerisque libero. Cras enim ipsum, posuere vitae diam vel, semper maximus urna. Mauris pellentesque neque nec fringilla fringilla.

Sed consectetur tellus nec diam varius, in egestas felis tristique. Pellentesque venenatis, nisi dictum euismod ornare, leo lorem egestas felis, sit amet facilisis orci erat eu velit. Praesent eget imperdiet risus. Donec non mi mattis, rutrum nibh ut, interdum mauris. Mauris maximus accumsan leo id venenatis. Maecenas blandit placerat eros non fringilla. Maecenas vitae purus magna. Fusce auctor massa neque, nec iaculis sem malesuada et. Ut rhoncus, turpis non rhoncus volutpat, leo metus porttitor augue, at placerat elit lorem ac neque. Duis dui erat, rhoncus id erat in, iaculis egestas velit. Nullam faucibus ultricies euismod. Ut a lectus dignissim, accumsan quam sed, congue elit. Mauris fermentum rutrum mattis. Mauris pellentesque elit ac fermentum gravida. Suspendisse eget leo id metus eleifend dictum.


If I Surrender
code by wren.
Shawn Diaz
Let Go

Now You Won't Let Go
code by wren.
Shawn Martinez
No nicknames as of yet

Mafia Boss of the Northern Critical

Cisgendered masculine


32 years

October 31st

Madrid, Spain



A deep, chocolate brown with a blonde underside

Deep, dark brown with flecks of gold


Muscular, fit and athletic

No skin details

Many, many tattoos all over his body

Enlarged heart
Onset schizophrenia


Shawn is known for his undyling loyalty to his cause and those who work for him. He not easy man to cross and once that happens then one better hope their life never mattered in the first place. He can be rather aloof and distant, liking his alone time and solitude to just think and do his favorite passtime; the violin. Shawn has a large heart for those less fortunate them himself, and regularly helps out with homeless children or those in need. He if flirty and charming when he feels like being social, otherwise he can wear quite the unapproachable face. Shawn is a hopeless romantic but in his own weird way of bringing trinkets or things that remind him of the person to said person. He is cunning and methodical, cold blooded and a buisness man to boot.


Jose Martinez (father)
Ophelia Martinez (mother)
Edward Martinez (older brother; 35 years)
Josephine Sanchez (older sister; 32 years)
Riley Diaz (younger sister; 28 years)
Frankie Martinez (youngest sibling; 25 years)
Shadow Martinez (beloved cat; 5 years)


-- Loves spooky things, espiecally ghost hunting
-- Wears mainly browns, blacks, whites and greys.
-- Spain is his native home
-- He inherited the mafia from his grandfather, Hernando Martinez, upon his death two years ago
-- He is known as the new guy on the block to the mafia
-- Owns a large maincoone cat named Shadow
-- Advid gardener, he has his own veggy garden
-- Has a Spanish accent, speaks Spanish as first language

Code by Jenamos
  • Love
Reactions: vei_li_os
Shawn Martinez
• Mafia Boss• he/him •
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed bibendum eros a tellus aliquam eleifend. Praesent vel nibh diam. Sed velit ligula, rhoncus non interdum ut, accumsan quis massa. Fusce facilisis accumsan lacus, eu euismod metus mattis et. Duis venenatis risus suscipit venenatis ornare. Sed molestie sapien justo, sit amet viverra justo pulvinar sed. Vivamus ac nisi at massa molestie varius et vel nisl. Integer dictum lobortis dictum. In vulputate risus in aliquet imperdiet. In posuere lobortis lectus sed vehicula. Fusce elementum ex non urna luctus, sed sodales nisi efficitur. Quisque mattis finibus quam, non facilisis orci sollicitudin nec. Suspendisse porta ex non consequat eleifend. Nam ut lacus convallis, elementum augue sed, tempus elit. Vestibulum condimentum dolor a lectus tincidunt dapibus. Cras sodales lacus at erat pulvinar, vel sollicitudin augue aliquet.

Suspendisse urna libero, tincidunt commodo vestibulum porta, fringilla at enim. Suspendisse potenti. Donec blandit mi enim. Nam ut ultricies dolor, at laoreet tortor. Cras neque massa, consequat a ante eu, rhoncus pulvinar ex. Nam eu augue mauris. Nulla vestibulum lectus at neque vestibulum, eget consequat lectus dictum. Quisque commodo dolor non massa dignissim, sed tristique arcu eleifend. Vivamus fermentum lacus et quam efficitur, sit amet dictum purus aliquet. Proin fringilla volutpat lorem nec tincidunt. Sed nec justo a dui suscipit volutpat. Vivamus euismod varius ex quis hendrerit. Pellentesque consequat et ex nec rutrum. Praesent in tincidunt urna.

Mauris eu hendrerit massa. Vestibulum gravida quam posuere mauris malesuada bibendum. Aenean vitae tortor ornare, rhoncus eros aliquam, congue turpis. Ut blandit lorem felis, quis porttitor neque convallis ac. Etiam consectetur ornare libero. Fusce scelerisque ornare neque in mollis. Vivamus laoreet volutpat neque, vitae dignissim metus dapibus a. Duis dictum quam in sagittis faucibus. Curabitur condimentum libero vel orci malesuada laoreet.

Praesent ante lectus, dapibus ac dui eget, maximus convallis nibh. Nulla condimentum pellentesque eros, vel sollicitudin mauris condimentum quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam finibus dolor vel lectus fermentum, id euismod nisi faucibus. Nunc at dolor imperdiet ipsum lobortis posuere. Quisque placerat tincidunt tortor, et convallis ipsum. Vivamus porttitor pretium eros a consequat. Aliquam sollicitudin nulla ipsum, vel tincidunt elit gravida id. Donec ac ex auctor, suscipit lectus eu, gravida leo. Sed ac dignissim dolor.

Nam ac gravida ante. Donec vehicula nisi vel mauris elementum scelerisque eget et justo. In vitae lacinia tortor. Duis feugiat lacus leo, at dapibus felis finibus maximus. Fusce non luctus nisi, vel mattis lorem. Cras rutrum aliquet nunc, a accumsan eros ultrices vitae. Etiam non tristique enim. Duis ullamcorper nibh vitae tincidunt ullamcorper. Sed eget enim ut mi semper egestas sed ac dolor. Ut porttitor risus ut consequat porttitor. Nunc id dolor eu ligula maximus blandit dignissim non nulla. Cras imperdiet vitae ligula sed commodo. Phasellus cursus semper lorem ac viverra.
mentions • interactions • location
code by wren.
Jacaerys Targaryen
Jace, Jay


Agender Masculine (AMAB)


27 years old

Spring Time

Dragon Stone


Pansexual Polyamorous

A bright, pearlescent white

A striking, pale blue-purple color


Narrow, atheletic, average

No skin details




Jace is a fiercely loyal person, believing everything he is told at face value and never questioning why someone would lie to him. He can be stubborn and hot headed with a high temper, but its usually because he is trying to put his heart in the right place. He wants to help, not hurt, and Jace is not what one would call royal material. He would rather be a knight to the king than be the king himself, and he is a skilled swordsman. A hopeless romantic, he reads a lot of romance novels, Jace can be flirty and bold and isn't afraid to go after what he wants as his.


Daemon Targaryen (father)
Aemma Velryon (mother)
Aegon Targaryen (second eldest, 25 years)
Visery Targaryen (third eldest, 23 years)
Joffery Targaryen (second youngest, 21 years)
Rhaenyra Tyrell (youngest, 17 years)


-- Jace is a skilled pianist and violinist, though this is usually secret
-- He can speak High Valyrian fluently
-- Doesn't have a dragon
-- A large Valyrian steel sword named Brutus
-- A lover of smut novels
-- A virgin (mockingly so)

Code by Jenamos
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit quis neque ut facilisis. Vestibulum libero enim, varius quis risus a, cursus fermentum nibh. Mauris vitae euismod sem. Praesent euismod lacus in efficitur tempus. Vivamus gravida ex turpis, et pretium turpis sollicitudin nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ultrices enim justo, at imperdiet elit malesuada vitae.

Suspendisse dictum, lacus nec malesuada venenatis, sapien risus bibendum massa, sed sagittis nibh sapien sit amet augue. Pellentesque quis urna rutrum, commodo erat eget, aliquam leo. Phasellus eget sem aliquet, blandit mi nec, cursus ligula. Cras porta nisi eget metus tristique, eu pretium nisi interdum. Cras vel efficitur lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum magna ligula, feugiat vitae lacus sed, mattis feugiat arcu. Quisque vehicula risus nec lacinia luctus. Vestibulum quis ultrices sapien, eu placerat erat. Nullam faucibus felis eu blandit scelerisque. Integer bibendum eleifend ipsum, sit amet hendrerit mi molestie at.

Pellentesque urna arcu, cursus in risus egestas, condimentum tristique nisl. Sed consequat at tortor nec fringilla. Donec diam justo, lacinia scelerisque hendrerit non, faucibus eget nunc. Ut risus ex, interdum eu nisi sed, gravida pellentesque neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget condimentum dolor. Sed viverra consectetur nisl, ac aliquet augue bibendum at. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi gravida mollis erat, eget rutrum lorem euismod quis. Curabitur in posuere ante, et tristique nulla. Aenean quis ante augue. Nullam at lacinia erat. Nulla id pharetra purus. Sed laoreet lacinia massa, non consectetur ex iaculis vel.
