Chores, chores, chores!

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Follow the Strange Trails
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Those pesky things we have to do everyday, unless we're rich enough to hire someone to do it for us (or bully others in the house about it).

What are your favourite chores, if any? And opposed to that, which chores make you wants to growl and grumble?

My favourite chore is folding clothes or putting them on hangers, mostly because I can watch something on the laptop while I do. :bsmile:

As for my least favourite chore, washing dishes. o_o"
Favorite chore? That exists?! Laundry is the only chore that I like doing because I have to go to a laundromat and I have two hours all to myself doing nothing at all.

My least favorite chore is sweeping the floor because it's neverending. I have hardwood floors and 6 cats and a dog...the amount of animal hair I sweep up every day is insane. Throw in my cats' habit of kicking litter out of the litterbox and well...needless to say I've got a broom in my hand at least 1/4 of my day.
Favorite is feeding the animals. It is a nice reminder that I am able to supply for those who rely on me. And I am forever entertained by how birds drink.

Least favorite is laundry because there's centipedes as long as my pinky down there. Ick.
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My least favorite chore is sweeping the floor because it's neverending. I have hardwood floors and 6 cats and a dog...the amount of animal hair I sweep up every day is insane. Throw in my cats' habit of kicking litter out of the litterbox and well...needless to say I've got a broom in my hand at least 1/4 of my day.
That's second on my list XD I have a hard time with one cat + hardwood floors, I can't imagine how tedious it must be for you!
I like laundry. When it comes out, I can wear it for the next hour and it will keep me warm.
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My favourite chores are sleeping and eating. 8D

My least favourite chores are everything else. :3
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I like cleaning my room and doing the dishes.
I also dislike cleaning my room and doing the dishes. <__<
It really just depends on the time of day, I guess...
Laundry I love since it's rather easy to sort out and fold clothing while listening to music. Cleaning my room is fun, too, after it gets a tad messy; get to later bask in its once-again prestige~

My least favorite.... hm. Well, I like dusting but I tend to get a bit sick afterwards. Guess I'll choose that one.
I'll be serious now.

I dislike doing dishes and dusting. Dusting is horrid. If I'm only doing my laundry, laundry is "O.K." but if I have to do my brother and dad's laundry too, no just no. Do your own laundry, lazy people.

Any chores that require me to be outside- pulling weeds, raking leaves- are also no no.

Whether or not I like cleaning depends on my mood and motivation at the time- more often than not, I don't like cleaning, so like commonsense would have you, I try to make as little mess as possible in my room.

My grandma (on my mom's side) is actually coming down to Florida with me to help me clean out Kat's Teenager Room full of junk she's never looked at in a million years. :D
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I am a crazy person who kind of enjoys some deep cleaning when I'm dealing with heavy emotions.
There's something oddly freeing for me about letting my thoughts go and just focusing on scrubbing the shit out of that surface until it sparkles like a mirror.

Yes, people have joked that they should make me upset more often because I do things like scrub the bathroom.
Yes, people have joked that they should make me upset more often because I do things like scrub the bathroom.
I know the feeling :"D I get told the same.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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My least favorite chore of all time is dishes! Especially sense our dishwasher has been broken for the past two or three months and we've been rotating who has to do them. I've been reduced to using paper plate and utensils to avoid dishes piling up. XD

My favorites on the other hand are sweeping/vacuuming and dusting. I love the feeling of a clean room afterwards and my allergies thank me. cx
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I don't really have a favourite but laundry isn't the worst of the lot.

The worst is when you have pets and a backyard. Someone has to clean that shit.
Mopping the floors is my favorite chore because I love the smell of Pine Sol or Fabuloso once I'm finished. Least favorite would have to be washing the dishes. I don't like being done with them when someone decides to put their plate in the sink nor if I think I'm done I'll look around to discover more dishes.
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Least favorite, PAIRING SOCKS...oh ugh..hate hate hate it.

but I like most other chores related to cleaning the house. I like the sense of accomplishment. At least NOW I do. When my kids were all young..I NEVER finished anything before they were already messing it up again. So to all you people with youngsters running around, some will have clean floors and a tidy house. AND I might'll look at it and wish it was cluttered and that your babies were still babies.
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Surprisingly, once I get into it, doing dishes is my favourite. I get super focused, listen to music, and I can get so much done XD

My least favourite is cleaning out the fridge... ugh T__T I also HATE bringing out the trash. We live on the third floor of our building and have to bring the trash in the basement... I have terrible balance so carrying down heavy stuff down 3-4 flights of stairs is a real pain.

I don't dislike laundry, but I hate starting it XD we have an agreement that my boyfriend starts with the first batch, and I take it on from there.
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Chores are disgusting.

I hate doing any sort of washing the most...especially washing the dishes.

My family is probably the only Asian family that actually uses the dishwasher as it was intended to be used
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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My favorite chore is mowing the lawn. I can put on my headphones and just plod gently around the garden pushing the lawnmower and it's easy to see the progress I'm making.

The chore i hate the most is dusting. I find it really hard to get any traction with dusting because of having to stop and move things and then put them back.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Definitely hate taking out trash...and laundry is just a total pain. I hate cleaning my room, but I don't mind dishes, bathroom cleaning or kitchen cleaning. Living room isn't too difficult, mostly picking things up and putting them away. Absolutely hate cleaning out the fridge. Yuck.
The worst chore is reading through all these damns "thoughts & prayers" requests!

But really, dishes. No thanks. I actually don't mind cleaning the bathroom, so find me a man that will do the dishes and I'll be set.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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