Chores, chores, chores!

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Changing the cat litter hhhhhh
Easier now that I don't have an unwieldy corner litterbox, but still terrible.

I also hate washing the dishes. Anything to do with dishes sucks. If it wasn't bad for the environment I'd just use paper dishes all the time.

And laundry. I am one of those people that only does laundry once they run out of underwear.

Even though it takes me a while to motivate myself to do it, I like cleaning the bathroom. I find it satisfying.
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I feel like whenever I clean the kitchen, the floor gets dirty all over again.. Stupid wood floorboards.
There's just something cathartic about vacuuming. I also like to organize stuff.

Though, really, I don't mind doing most things as long as I'm not just cleaning up after someone else.
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