Children of Royal Blood OOC-Still Accepting!

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Adira, do you ride western or european saddle?
.... oh shit. Look Sin, I am not going to argue with you over this especially not on this thread. I didn't mean to offend you with my statement if i did I like you was just stating my opinion. I didn't mean for any tension. I apologize.
i accept your apology

i dont take shit like that on threads any more because on a website i used to go on a lot i got shut down a lot and being a hardcore feminist living in the south also means i get shut down a lot in conversation

its nothing against you it just peeves me when something like that happens i guess\

i learned the hard way that you have to speak up and take no shit to not be ignored
ah very cool. my ex competes in dressage, stadium, and cross country eventing so it gives me a little knowledge on english... now I feel like an idiot because i said European... god i must be out of it,... or on some really good weed.
Uh its a mock club of the United Nations, it's a big conference in Chicago so I'm leaving next Thursday at 7 am for a 6 hour train ride. BUT I HAVE WIFI SO I CAN REPLY ALL DAY!
oh my god have you seen the parks and recs episode with the mock UN thing and Leslie and Ben get into an argument and this happens when Ben says Leslie should wabe the white flag
ah very cool. my ex competes in dressage, stadium, and cross country eventing so it gives me a little knowledge on english... now I feel like an idiot because i said European... god i must be out of it,... or on some really good weed.
Ok if I lose Charlie to you, I am fine with it.
Hey turn down for what. Yeah my horse is an American Saddlebred so we show saddleseat. His name is Fancy <3
one of my girlfriends has a horse, i dunno what breed it is or anything like that but she has one
Hey turn down for what. Yeah my horse is an American Saddlebred so we show saddleseat. His name is Fancy <3
Heyy SInce you live maybe 30 minutes from me you should tell me When you compete with Fancy~ (Is it a competition? I never rode a horse in my life) It would be cool to meet someone from Iwaku
Ok if I lose Charlie to you, I am fine with it.
yays :3
Hey turn down for what. Yeah my horse is an American Saddlebred so we show saddleseat. His name is Fancy <3
Very cool :) Emily's (my ex) has a thoroughbred named Captain Quinn. She actually goes around taking in off the track thoroughbreds and retraining them in eventing then re-selling them

That's me and my horse his first day in MI. Oh and a picture of Adira herself xD
Heyy SInce you live maybe 30 minutes from me you should tell me When you compete with Fancy~ (Is it a competition? I never rode a horse in my life) It would be cool to meet someone from Iwaku
where you guys from?
tbh horses scare me a little
wtf is up with their faces.... and the teeth
i went to a farm when i lived in Cali inlike the second grade and a kid got his finger bitten off by a horse
i mean he was tryng to pick the horses nose but like
that kid lost a digit
i dont trust horses
@Tonedeaf usually we compete in lansing or in Ohio. I'll let you know though!

@ProfessorNv I have an admiration for anyone who can take OOTB's and turn them into regular riding horses, I know it's not an easy task.

@sinister-cephalopod I've never seen that actually xD. Also yes if you allow a horse to bite your finger it'll snap because a finger is the same as a baby carrot. Most horses won't hurt a fly, if yo correct there biting. They are basically really big dogs.
Yeah she is something special alright... but anywho, so ohio huh? Thats not far from me since i live in Kentucky!
We should just have a Iwaku meet up at the (Place that has the Dragster. For the life of me I can not remember that roller coaster places name.)
im gonna go to bed have fun talking about horses
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