Changing Skies

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Ryeth blinked after the wolf and got up quickly, running to catch up to him and then getting in front of him, skidding to a stop and crouching down to his level, shaking her head. {No, no, Syl we can't just walk there. It's a long, long way and across a deep, great water. The only way to go there is by ship or by plane. It is too far to swim and too far to fly unless we use human vehicles.}

The Fae wrinkled her nose and gave him an apologetic expression. {I am afraid I couldn't go right now, anyway. I want to train, to get better at fighting before I go back home. There is danger there, too. I *will* go back to my home and when I do, you may come with me, but it can't be today, my beautiful wolf. I am sorry.}

She tilted her head, looking at him closely, wondering if he'd retained anything she'd said before mentioning the other side of the world. In the end, she decided it really didn't matter at the moment and she asked him something else instead. {Do you understand how far the distance is? Would you like me to show you?}
He huffed and sat, looking at her. {I do not understand the distance and I do not know human vehicles besides cars and I don't like them...unless they put the clear thing down so I can put my head out.} He said honestly. He sighed and nodded. {I want you to show me.} He shifted a little and turned his head, catching the smell of a rabbit nearby.

She was more important right now, however. He looked up at her and nosed her face. {Should we go back into the big den?} He asked, having no other word for 'house' in his wolf vocabulary. In his human form it would be different. {Do I have to wear pants here?} He asked, standing up and starting to walk back, nice and slowly, towards Aiden's house.
Ryeth sighed and started to follow him, only to stop him with a hand on his scruff. {No, you don't have to wear pants here.} she conceded and then sat on the ground again, crossing her legs and taking a deep breath. {We don't have to go back yet. What I want to show I want to show you is better done out here.} The Fae smiled reassuringly at her wolf and waited until he was close enough to touch. Ryeth reached out slowly and put her hands on Sylvester, cradling his head gently. {Do you trust me?}

When she got no kind of negative, the Fae smiled again. {Then just stay still.} She closed her eyes. All right. She'd heard legends of the Sidhe and Werewolf bonds. Time to see if they held any truth. The Fae had been taught to quiet her mind, to see her power since she was little and she did so now, entering into a trance-like state as she viewed the flowing green strands inside herself, connected to a red ball of energy that could only be her fire. The two powers were hooked together, but they seemed to constantly be trying to get away from each other, fighting. Ryeth ignored that this time, though, and instead focused harder, trying to find the strand of energy - either red or green, that would be stretching from her own mind into Sylvester's.

It took some time and she could very distantly feel the beads of sweat that appeared on her forehead, but she did eventually find it. The strand was nothing like she'd expected, a mixture of red, green and the wildest shade of gray she'd ever seen. It coiled and flowed freely from her mind out into darkness, connected to a tether that the Sidhe knew to be the werewolf.

Ryeth took a moment to admire it, the beauty, before she forced herself to focus and started to gather the memories necessary to help Sylvester understand what she needed to tell him. Slowly, ever so slowly and carefully she sent the first memory along the flowing strand of connection. It was her first view of the ocean from behind bars, expanding as far as she could see without end. The next memory was of a plane, and she gave the name for the human contraption and then a brief flash of seats on the inside before everything turned dim and she was in a cargo hold. Ryeth stopped the memory abruptly at that point, not even meaning to show it in the first place and concentrated again, sending the next memory.

It was of waiting for hours, hearing the hum of the plane, feeling the distance increase as her bonds to the earth started to disentegrate like sand through her fingers. Ryeth gritted her teeth, stopping the rest of that memory, too, only trying to convey the distance. She started another image, of landing and seeing a new land and the ocean behind her, of not being able to see the land she'd come from, her home. She sent an image of the ships she'd seen on the ocean that day, providing with it a name for the vessel and then ended the image, retreating from the bond-cord altogether as she slowly emerged back into the waking world.

Faded brown eyes blinked open to meet the wolf's and Ryeth spoke softly. {Now do you understand?}
Sylvester obviously let her know he did trust her and waited patiently while she focused and concentrated and gathered things together. He startled a little at first, then closed his eyes, focusing on the sights, the smells, the sounds, everything she remembered. Her home looked and smelled beautiful. The ocean made his nose itch.

He didn't like the plane. He didn't like the plane at all. The feeling of movement but unable to see the outside actually made him feel sick. The feeling of being so far from the earth and for hours on end didn't make him feel any better. He was glad for the landing, though that scared him a little too. The new land smelled a little more familiar to him, but only faintly, barely.

He slowly opened his eyes when it was all done and whimpered. The experience itself hadn't scared him, but he was a little airsick...He gently pulled away from her and walked over to the base of a tree, coughing up a little bile and some water but nothing else. His breakfast was long since digested and he was glad Aiden was making dinner.

He heaved a sigh and walked back over. {Sorry...I don't like planes...} He flopped down in front of her wearily. {That made me tired.} He admitted, closing his eyes again. {Show me happy memories?} He asked, now hopeful. He liked this new thing they shared. {Maybe I can show you happy memories, too. I'll show you one now.}

He shifted up to his human form and knelt in front of her, sitting back on his heels. He gently took her head between his hands and closed his eyes. Soon enough, images of his cage at the zoo slid into his memory. It was actually a fairly nice enclosure with fake rocks and some real trees and grass. People stood up at the top of one of the fake rock walls, leaning over a railing, holding their children up so they could get a better look. He howled and some tossed down food which the young wold pup bounded over to eat. He turned around and showed her his mother's face as she came up to carry him away from the wall, chiding him gently for trusting the humans so readily. He showed her the rest of the small pack of 7. It looked like he was the only pup, but he was truly happy with no worries. His belly was full, his heart was full, and his mind full of curiosity.

He stopped the memory and took his hands from her head, smiling at her.
Ryeth had been worried when he'd puked, biting her lip nervously. She'd never done that. She'd never shared memories before. Her people could speak to each other over great distances through the earth, but the sharing of was something they didn't know. This...this was very new to her and if she hadn't done it herself, she still would have believed that the Fae-Wolf bonding legends were just that...legends. But this...this was real.

When Sylvester had shown interest, though, she'd let him touch her head and had closed her eyes, waiting, bracing herself really for she had no idea what it was like to be on the receiving end of the memories. What the wolf showed her though...!

Every taste, every sound, every smell was so STRONG! She felt like she'd been blind before as she looked through his eyes. The warmth of the pack washed over her and the care of Sylvester's mother had her feeling safe, content. She felt the grass under her feet and the warmth of fur, the sound of the humans above her were familiar and the enclosed space of the cage felt like home. She was happy.

The Fae eyes fluttered open slowly and her eyes were once again a dark brown, like the energy she'd expelled had been given back to her. She smiled back slowly at the werewolf and felt a soft laugh in her throat. Slowly, without a word, she reached forward and touched his temple with the fingertips of one hand, seeing how much contact was really needed as she sent him another memory. This one was happy, truly happy.

She was hunting with the werewolf pack. She was still small, maybe around the age of a twelve year old human, but she held herself with confidence, the bow in her hand molding to her body as if an extension of herself. The wolves at her side panted in the white mist of the many-shaded green hills. It was cold and the air damp as most Scotland mornings were. The air was alive with mystery and energy and the pack was eager to run. The opportunity came as a rabbit flushed out of hiding and the entire pack was off like an arrow shot from Ryeth's bow. She ran with them, lithe as a sprite, joining their ranks as they howled to the sky, panting happily for the joy of the chase, the thrill of the hunt.

Ryeth opened her eyes then and grinned at Sylvester. {I think I like this.}
He looked at her with wide eyes. "You were hunting! That was a hunt! White Back told us of the hunts!" He grinned broadly, scooting towards her until he was almost in her lap. "Show me another hunt!" He, in his human form, put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her down onto her back maybe a little too roughly. Though, immediately afterwards he was licking her face. He nuzzled her and whimpered softly. "Show me another hunt! Please!! I'll show'll show you..." He sat up on her stomach, looking around, mind racing.

" we ate?" He looked down at her, using the contact of him sitting on her stomach to try and show her another memory. Maybe they didn't even need to be touching at all!

It was morning. They were in the 'stone den' as they called it, the cages behind the enclosure where they spent their nights. He didn't mind. He didn't know any different. The metal door separating the cage from the enclosure opened and the wolves filed out by rank, young Sylvester bounding out behind everyone else. He smelled blood as soon as he stepped out and whined, looking up at his mother who told him to wait. The alpha always eats first. She moved up to eat beside her mate and Syl whined, rolling around on the ground and generally being a pest. His mother came back, chided him for being greedy and impatient, then fed him when he eagerly licked at her jowls. He lapped up the regurgitated meat. It was cold and bloodless, but he knew nothing else but his mother's milk.

The Elder Wolf walked up and sat in front of the young wolf as he ate, the only one that would willingly sit for the old wolf's stories, and started telling him about hunting and what it was like before when he could run and when there weren't so many humans around. They all tried so hard to get Syl to distrust the humans, but it was no use.

After the story, Syl ran up to the big wall again and looked up, waiting for the humans to arrive. They always threw down the best food! Sweet food! Bad for him food. Food his mother didn't want him to have! In the background White Back spoke to his mother, expressing his fears that he possessed 'the curse'. His mother promised to keep an eye on him. Syl wasn't paying attention.

Even as he stopped the memory and grinned down at her, he didn't seem to have realized the conversation going on in the background... "That is how we fed! I liked the food from the humans better."
Ryeth had grunted in slight protest as Sylvester knocked her over and sat on her stomach, but despite her small, lithe, 5'5 frame she was a lot stronger than she looked and the werewolf's attention to her face made her laugh quietly under him. She recognized his excitement for what it was and then the submissive actions for begging, but didn't get a chance to stop the werewolf and tell him that she'd show him what he wanted without anything in return before Sylvester was sharing another memory.

The Fae was proud of herself for enduring it with good grace and afterward she swallowed several times to keep the bile down, breathing carefully as she could still taste the regurgitated food in her mouth. And why in the world would the werewolf ability to shift be a curse? Maybe better not to ask... She licked her lips carefully before opening her eyes and looked up at Sylvester, giving him a raised brow. {Thank yeh fer that, but if yeh'd like me ta show yeh another memory, git off!} She said it with a growl, accent thick, but there was little bite in it even as she bucked and twisted, throwing the unsuspecting werewolf off, though, he didn't go far as her strength was nil next to his.

She ran a hand back through her hair as she sat up, pulling leaves and twigs out of the red mess calmly even as a smile danced around her mouth and she finally paid attention to the impatient werewolf. {All right, come here.} Once again the Sidhe touched her fingertips to his skin, this time his chest, and closed her eyes, letting the first memory of a hunt that came to her mind wash over her. It was a memory that surprised even the Sidhe so deeply had she buried it.

It was night. The rolling hills of Scotland were shrouded in fog, but the moon shone up above, a full moon and bright. The pack was already running, chasing the great elk they had driven from the herd. They'd been hunting for two days, dogging the creature to exhaustion, slacking their thirst on the blood that trailed from the prey, driving their hunger to new frenzy. Ryeth hunted with them. It was two days before her day of birth, two days before she would become an adult to her People, but first, she would become an honorary member of the pack. It was an honor rarely given to a Sidhe because of their peaceful nature, but Ryeth was not just a Sidhe. She had the wildness, the restlessness of a human in her, too, and that appealed to the wolves she'd been running and playing with since her childhood.

So she joined them on this hunt now, running with them, growing faint with them as they strove desperately to bring down their food, needing it for their very survival. It was no longer a matter of skill or of fun, it was life or death and all their cunning was needed.

They nipped and tore at the elk as the hours passed and the animal more and more lacked the energy to resist them. It happened in the latest hour of the night; the Dragga charged the great prey and latched on to its neck, refusing to let go as the rest of the pack surged forward, their gleaming fangs ripping into the doomed animal, bringing it to its knees as the life bled from its eyes. In the midst of the wolves was Ryeth, her knife slicing into the elk just as surely as the wolves' teeth did. She was covered in as much blood as they and when the pack finally stood back from the dead elk and howled their victory at the moon, the Fae howled with them, feeling at one with the pack as the thread of her life entwined with their own, reaching up to the bright moon above, unbreakable.

Ryeth gasped as she pulled back, shaking.
Sylvester shuddered as she pulled away and sat up. He looked at her for a long moment, sitting there, slouched in the grass and twigs and leaves. "I never got that chance...the humans robbed it from be before I was even born...and they robbed you of it too..." He pushed her down on her back again, though this time much more gently. He climbed on top of her, also gently, up on his hands and knees, and then went down to his forearms. He didn't put his weight on her, just sort of...held her gently against the ground. He put his head on her chest and closed his eyes.

He didn't speak, just let her feel how he felt. He wanted that. He wanted to know how to hunt. She let him see his failed attempts at even catching rabbits as they darted through the underbrush. He was just too slow to keep up, unable to catch them as they zigged and zagged and lept and ran and bounded and lost him. They were quick memories, and many, but he finally slowed them to a stop and heaved another sigh. There were no wolves out there with him to help him learn. His own mother didn't know. Just The Elder, just White Back. Other names of the other wolves would flood her mind as well, then his. Little Cursed One.

He growled a little and climbed off her, not wanting to share with her anymore. He flopped onto his stomach on the ground and folded his arms under his head. {I'm tired of this game for today.}
Ryeth sat up slowly. She felt like crying and she realized she was when the first tear dripped on to her hand. She wiped the wetness away quickly, ashamed of it, and the earth rumbled just a little under her before going quiet again. The plants nearest her wilted, though, and the grass turned a slight shade of brown before the Sidhe glared, getting control of her emotions and stopping the progression around her. She took a deep breath and moved backward until her back hit a tree and there she stopped, closing her eyes and trying to sort through her own jumbled memories and now Syl's.

His hurt and anger, frustration kept washing over her relentlessly as if there was something she was supposed to learn from it, something she was supposed to understand. It felt like the key to unlocking a memory, a memory she'd forgotten or misplaced somewhere. It was something she had known at one time, a new thing that hadn't gotten the time to take proper root. It was trying to now, trying to come forward and suddenly the Fae remembered. She remembered her connection to the wolves, a connection she thought had died the day they had, the day her people had, the day her heart had died within her. It was a connection that had surpassed Sidhe and Wolf. It was something new, something she'd not understood and she still didn't. They wolves had always accepted her like one of their own, even when they'd had no reason to. The Sidhe had said the day she was born was the day the wolves came to guard their Family, their mounds, but not like other wolves did. These one had STAYED, never straying further than fifty miles outward no matter how scarce prey got, no matter how bad the weather or the traffic of humans. The pack had even let other wolves on their territory, other packs that had only stayed for a short time but had never failed to meet Ryethke while they were there. It was not normal. Her mother had told her that it was Ryeth they'd been drawn to.

That connection - not just to Sylvester (though her bond to him would always be unique), but to any wolf she came into contact with - was stirring again now, her heart was reviving within her, painfully, and the Fae wanted to scream with the intensity of it, the pain of loss and grief, but she didn't, holding it in as another, more important, aspect of the renewed connection showed itself. It was making her understand again on a level she'd forgotten existed.

Her eyes snapped open, a vivid gray color for a moment before it faded and she looked over at Syl. Her voice was the growl of a wolf, not just an attempt, but an actual growl, low and rumbling, as she spoke his tongue more fluently than she ever had before. Something had shifted in her demeanor and the bond between them felt like it had swelled, the cord growing more visible, stronger.

{I can teach you, Blessed One. I will teach you to hunt if you desire it.}
Syl's ears perked at the growl and he lifted his head, looking at her. Blessed one. He smiled and got up on his knees. {Really? You can teach me? You can teach me to be a real wolf?} He wiggled a little, then remembered he didn't have a proper tail in his human form and stopped.

He crawled over to her and up nice and close. There was something humans did when they were grateful...something they did when they were excited...What was it...oh! He leaned up quickly and placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek, then sat back, grinning. In the brief physical contact a wave of emotions would wash over her, all of them positive. He was happy and excited and more than ready to make new memories.

He sat back on his heels again, just grinning at her before his head snapped to the side and he straightened a bit. "Aiden's cooking." He said, his head coming back around to look at his fae. He smiled. "We can learn in the morning." He stood up and offered her his hand. "Do you want to ride on my back? I want to carry you. No more memories, I promise."

He shifted up into his lumbering, hulking werewolf form and crouched so she could climb onto his back. {I'll go slow though. Sometimes if I go fast like this, I hit my head on branches...}
Ryeth found herself wishing she had a tail and ears that could perk as her body seemed to shiver with excitement as Syl kissed her cheek. She wasn't sure if it was his emotions that made her want to behave the way her body was urging her to or her own, but it really didn't matter, did it? Her eyes flashed gray again as she smiled at the werewolf and coming over gracefully, slid on to his back. When he straightened she leaned forward, holding his fur in a calm grasp.

"No, go fast. I will keep the trees from harming you." she assured him, feeling the power of the Earth at her fingertips. It was just BEGGING to be released and the Sidhe knew that if it wasn't she'd be shaking the ground with her nightmares tonight. Not that she wanted to think about that, but it was true.

Energy, both familiar and strange radiated from the Fae. It was both soothing, like the whispering grasses of the earth and then wild, like the raging of a storm on a bright-moon night. Ryeth wasn't even sure how to contain it and she was hoping that using her earth-gift would help. If Sylvester went quickly, she'd have a challenge, moving the branches out of the way and even the trees if it suited her.
Syl grinned. {Forgot you can do that...I want to see...}

And with that, he dug his large claws into the ground and started galloping through the forest on all fours. Once he saw she could move the branches, he started getting playful and wanting to test her. Instead of running in a perfectly straight line towards the house, he started zig-zagging through the trees and bushes and rocks as gracefully as any 9 foot tall hulking mass of muscle could.

He let out a howl-like-laugh and made sure not to drop her or shift too suddenly, and if he did run into a tree, he made sure not to turn his back to it like he normally would. Since, ya know, his fae was back there.

It was an incredible feeling though, being able to let out his own raw power. To flex his muscles and really go all out, to run as fast as he could and not worry about slamming his head into things...

He loved his fae. Deep down, he truly, honestly, purely loved his fae. All he wanted to see in life was her happy and knowing she was happy made him happy.

Not too far away, just on the other side of that electric fence, was Ciro and Alcmene's land. Ciro was standing outside, barefoot in the grass, feeling it and the sun beating down on him. He had been feeling for a while like there had been something missing. Like the earth that usually whispered to him, thanking him for the light and the life he gave it, had been quiet for three, long years. Suddenly, he could hear it again. He could hear the whispers of thanks and it filled him just about to bursting with pride.

Alcmene could hear it too and she was happy for her brother. She sat on the steps of the back porch with a large sun hat on to protect her eyes and her face as she watched her twin bask in his own glory. She laughed softly and looked up to the sky, squinting at the brightness of the sun. It really was a beautiful day. It wasn't too hot, it wasn't too cold, and she really did enjoy her brother's light. She just...she felt like something was still missing...
Ryeth couldn't have described the sheer amount of happiness that was running through her right now as her werewolf zigged and zagged, testing her to the fullest extent of his ability, teasing her as he raced through the trees and rocks, his feet pounding against the earth with power. The Fae could feel each footfall, not just through his body, but through the ground itself and she could almost determine where he was going to go before he did. She moved the branches and bent the bushes he leaped over with but a flick her mind. The trees, though, they provided a workout as she had to do it quickly, VERY quickly and Ryeth found herself laughing when she was a tad too late and Sylvester had to skid to a temporary slow-down before charging ahead again.

Okay, so they needed practice, but what a training session!! And to think of how great they could be together once they'd mastered this.... It filled her with a great deal of excitement and the Fae felt the power within her surge even higher, like there was no limit to it as they finally emerged into the field leading up to the house. The sun hit her full force and she found her eyes closing, soaking it up, feeling a sense of almost-completeness that had nothing to do with the earth. She didn't think to question it, too distracted by the tree that quite suddenly sprang up - out of the FIELD - in front of her and the werewolf.

Ryeth yelped and moved it quickly as Sylvester headed straight for it. She quickly found her hands full again as her power flowed through her, from her, like water from an underground stream and everywhere Ryeth's looked, the grass sprang up greener, when she passed flowers bloomed even if it wasn't their month or season to. The field seemed to spring to life when she laughed with the joy of a child.

As the Fae's sense of oneness with the earth and the sun - and even the hidden moon - combined grew stronger, healthier, so did the energy and the strength of the power that seeped out of her without effort. Ryeth found herself staring with wide eyes as another tree that had not been there before, suddenly grew with astounding speed from the ground, shooting into the sky. Another followed it and several more as she looked around quickly, watching with all the wonder of a child as the forest seemed to start chasing them, following.

This part of the earth didn't have Sidhe, only Terrakenetics and the difference was a great one. The ground and growing things were just as curious about her as she was about this land, but Ryeth knew that the trees couldn't follow them all the way back to the house(!), so she pulled on Syl's fur to get his attention, her voice mirthful, but serious at the same time. {Stop, stop! I have to make the trees go back!} She nearly laughed again as she said it, helping him avoid another tree that sprang up.
Sylvester slid to a stop and spun around. He laughed loudly and barked at a tree that sprang up right in front of him, inches from his nose! {Ha! Go back, tree! Before I mark you as my own!} He nipped at it lightly and sat down on his haunches. {Tell them, Gaia! Put them back into their shells! Into their nuts and acorns! Send their curious bark back into the ground!}

All of the barking and creaking and laughter made Aiden move to look out the window. His eyes widened and he fumbled for the phone.

Emily rolled off her couch and grabbed her cell phone. She looked at the caller ID and frowned, answering it. "Aiden? What's up?"

"This...this Sidhe might be more than we thought she was."

"...What's going on? Do I need to come down there? Is everything ok?"

"Her and Syl just ran out of the forest and it''s ******* chasing them or...or some ****!"

"Uh...wait, what?" She sat up. "What are you saying?"

"There's...this power..." He walked out onto his back porch with his phone, watching the two. "Just...I don't's like standing next to Ciro when he's in the sun, or Alcmene when she's staring at the full moon..."

" you need me to come over? Or...or can you handle it?"

"Oh, I could torch the whole forest if I had to, but I'm not going to. No, she' looks like she's making them go back...Emily, I think she's like the twins..."

"Oh, don't say that. Please, please, please don't say that...Shit. Do we have to keep an eye out for the water, too??"

He ran his hand through his hair, just staring at the two outside. ", this...maybe this is a good thing...they're on our side, Em...Maybe they're here to help us..."

She climbed back up onto her couch. "This is starting to scare me, Aiden...This...I play with blood and this is really starting to terrify me..."

"I think the war might be closer than we want it to be...than anyone wants it to be...If the Sun and the Moon and the Earth have all risen up and come to us..."

"Will you come over here?"

He turned away from them finally, frowning. "Em, I can't just leave both of these two by themselves..."

"Please, I just...please?"

"Can you wait until after I get them fed?"

"Sure...but...I'm just...I'm going to curl up in the corner, ok?"

"Ok. I'll be there as soon as I can. Hey, light a fire in your fireplace. That'll make it easier."

"Ok. Thanks, Aiden..."

"No problem." He walked back inside and shut the door. "I love you, know that, right? And we're in this together..."

"I...I know...I love you too..."
Ryeth laughed, a wild laugh, as wild as the earth itself as she stretched out her hand and the trees started to shrink, to go back into the earth, completely compliant to her command. Her eyes glowed a vivid, feral gold as she watched the forest retreat back where it should be and she giggled when she let her hand drop back to Syl's fur, feeling more energized than before...and yet contently tired too. She scratched her wolf's ear and swayed lazily on his back as he started back toward the house.

They were both hungry now and the Sidhe waved at Aiden when she saw him on the porch, none of the wariness she'd showed just two days before in her demeanor. She was still damaged, still scared and still distrusting....but she was that way when not like this. It was like having two different personalities - maybe even more than two - and right now she was the Earth. She was happy and calm, trusting and caring.

The Sidhe jumped from Sylvester's back as he came to the porch, not waiting for him to crouch down as she landed lightly on her feet like a sprite. The gold faded from her eyes as she climbed the steps to the door and opened it, peeking her head inside and smiling in a friendly way at the Pyrokenetic. "Aiden, what did yeh make? It smells good!"
"I've gotta go. Bye." He hung up and slid his phone into his pocket, turning around to the fae. He smiled. "Eh, I jut reheated some pasta sauce I made a while ago and put some spaghetti on, too. It's just about ready." He said, moving back over to stir both pots. "Oh, and I thawed a steak for Syl."

"Meat!" He shifted down to his human form and hurried inside. He wasn't allowed to be in his war form inside the house. Not after the last time...

"Do you want it on a plate on the floor or do you want to eat at the table with silverware?"

His eyes widened and he shifted down to his wolf form immediately, wagging his tail happily. He got to eat on the floor!! {Gaia!! Gaia, Gaia, Gaia! I get to eat on the floor!" He bounded over to her and jumped up, putting his paws right into her stomach. {I get to eat like a wolf today!!}
Ryeth grunted - he was no small thing! - and then grinned, laughing as she ruffled his ears. "And I get to eat like a hungry person. Shoo! Go eat then!" She shook her head as she pushed him away, toward his meat and sank down into a chair beside the table, feeling suddenly tired, but happily so. She blinked dark brown eyes slowly, watching Aiden and then Sylvester, studying the small kitchen with some real wonder. She'd grown up with the Sidhe. They were a very ancient people and their ways were ancient, too. The people they lived near kept to the old ways and so modern things in this land, America, were strange to Ryeth even as she understood their functions. She was educated about the outside world, but it didn't mean she'd experienced any of it.

No, her only experience had been captivity and now she got to really marvel at what she saw. It was fascinating.

The food Aiden placed before her was even more so, though, and she smiled at him before starting to eat, her stomach grateful for it as all she'd had today was the toast from that morning. The burst of energy - okay more like tidal wave - had worn off and the Sidhe found herself growing quiet as she finished her food, eventually setting her head on her outstretched arm, giving Aiden another grateful smile, but keeping her eyes on Sylvester with fondness.

{I think I need a nap, Mutt.}
Sylvester ran over to his food as Aiden put it down and started ripping at the large steak with his teeth happily. Raw meat! So delicious! No stupid plants in the way!...Not that plants are stupid. Plants don't belong in meat....Meeeaaatttt...

Aiden sat across from her at the table, eating quietly, thinking everything over. He sighed when he was done and looked up. "Can I trust you two to behave while I'm gone? I need to go over to Emily's for a bit tonight. There's some things we need to talk about, nothing important, just...her kitchen sink is leaking and she wants me to come fix it..." He hoped that sounded convincing anyway. He looked up at Ryeth and smiled. "I'll show you where your room is first though. It's just upstairs." He picked up the plates when she was done and went over to stick them in the sink. He ran some water in them and looked at her. "I might be gone all night, but I might not. I'll be here in the morning anyway...I've taught Sylvester how to make toast but please don't let him turn on the stove or the oven...frozen waffles and toast are his limit right now..."

He looked up. {Frozen waffles?! Gaia, I'm going to make you waffles in the morning!} His tail thumped the ground happily and he went back to licking his plate and the floor clean, letting out a small burp.

He looked at Syl, then over at Ryethke. "So yeah...if you need anything, Syl should know where it is. Make sure you let him out if he has to go to the bathroom, though...I...have been completely unable to toilet train him..." He said, sounding a bit defeated. "So...please let him out...not that I don't think you would..." He looked at her. "But uh, yeah...I'll show you where your room is, if you want."
Ryeth listened to the Pyro ramble, holding in a smile until he was done whereas she raised a brow, something in her eyes very teasing and somewhat wise beyond her years. "We'll be fine, Aiden, and I guarantee Sylvester won't do anything he shouldn't in the house." She stood from her place at the table, smiling still as she tilted her head at the Pyro, red hair tumbling over her shoulder, leaves and sticks poking out through the wild mess but looking completely natural on the Sidhe.

"Do not worry about coming back tonight. Emily needs you."

She didn't explain how she knew, didn't even really acknowledge that she might have said something she shouldn't have known and walked toward the stairs. The wise aura faded and she was once again just Ryeth, just a young women curious about all around her. Right now she was curious to see her room! "Syl, come on!"
Aiden blushed a nice deep red. "Uh, thanks..." He followed her to the stairs and looked up at her. "First door on the left. Down the hall is my bedroom. The door across from yours is a bathroom. There's also one in my room and one downstairs, and two more bedrooms that are empty." He smiled. "Just...make yourself at home, I guess. And if you could, keep a fire going in the fireplace so I don't have to have Emily drive me home?"

With that, he walked over to the fireplace downstairs and crouched, starting a fire in the fireplace with his hands and little effort. With that done, he glanced back at the pair on the stairs, then crawled into the fireplace and through the flames...and was gone.

Syl watched, wagging his tail. {I wish I could do that.} He climbed up the stairs with her and sniffed around some. He rubbed his side against a wall to get his scent on it without peeing on it, then smiled up at her. {It's a nice house.} He walked up to the door to the room that was to be hers and sat in front of it, waiting for her to use her thumbs to open it.

It was a nice room. Quaint and comfortable. There was a bed with quilts, a dresser, a small closet, a full length mirror, and the window looked out over the back yard with a nice view of the trees.