Celestial Avians

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Monica was sitting at the front desk in the library, registering in the new books they had purchased for the new school year. There were tons of new topics they've decided to expand on, and various literary books that were now popular and fitting for the school atmosphere. A lot of her time working there so far has been typing in the information about the new books into the school's electronic card catalog, tagging the books with their new Dewey Decimal Call number, and then signifying that the books were "in stock" and placing them on their proper shelves. It was the most boring activity to date, but she was fine with it for now. At this moment, she needed to - blend in - and being able to handle monotone, mundane activities such as this tended to give her the impression of a pathetic human.

She had one thing on her mind, Shai'ahn's activities so far on campus... did she run into any interestingly new friends today? She was always so concern for her cousin's well-being, but here on this campus things have - changed... Now, all she wanted to know was who has she meet and are they of the - fowl category, or do they prefer...slithering?

So far, Monica has been unfortunate to run across any new students of interest, but just when she was planning on taking her break, a girl walked in that seem to cause her mind to wake up. She had an aura about him, one similar to Shai'ahns. Well, they all had that sort of aura that just seem to magnetize her dark mahogany eyes towards them.... That was the only way she could filter the humans from the Celeste.

Seeing that her break was going to last a little longer than normal, Monica didn't clock out just yet - stretching her time out dishonestly. Quickly grabbing a book cart with several new books stacked on it, she rolled down the aisles, placing the new books in their location while she lingered around the aura of this one girl. Soon, she'd rolled down the aisle where the girl was looking down the row of books just waiting to be cracked open again.

Monica rolled forward, placing a few books on the shelves and straightening them up as she did, before coming towards the girl. With a warm, inviting smile she greeted, "Hello there. You must be a new student here. I don't recognize your face."

She waited for the girl to answer, and Monica beamed. "Well, I'm Monica, one of the librarians here. If you need any help, just let me know, alright." She could smell a scent upon this girl that reminded her of her cousin. Hoping to strike up more of a conversation, Monica turned back around to face the girl again.

"Um, I was wondering, and this is really farfetch, I know, but are you staying in the dorms here?" When she answered, Monica's smile widened. "Great. Did you happen to see an Asian girl around this tall, with really, REALLY long black hair that reaches all the way to the floor? I'm really worried about her and all... She's sort of my cousin - through marriage. I'm looking out for her, but that rather hard to do while I'm working... I was just wondering if you've seen her anywhere on campus?"
"Hello there. You must be a new student here. I don't recognize your face." She waited for the girl to answer, and Monica beamed. "Well, I'm Monica, one of the librarians here. If you need any help, just let me know, alright."

Raonaid nodded. "Nice to meet you. I'm Raonaid. And I will. Let you know that is. If I need help. Thank you." She smiled at the shelves. It was unlikely that she would need help of any sort. Libraries were a safe place for her, and she knew how to find her way around anything with a Dewey decimal system. The offer was kind, however.

Hoping to strike up more of a conversation, Monica turned back around to face the girl again. "Um, I was wondering, and this is really far fetched I know, but are you staying in the dorms here?"

"Oh! Yeah, I just got here today, but yes I am."

When she answered, Monica's smile widened.
"Great. Did you happen to see an Asian girl around this tall, with really, REALLY long black hair that reaches all the way to the floor? I'm really worried about her and all... She's sort of my cousin - through marriage. I'm looking out for her, but that rather hard to do while I'm working... I was just wondering if you've seen her anywhere on campus?"

"Do you mean Shai'ahn? The last time I saw her was in the cafeteria. One of the teachers wanted her to sing, I think. Intense woman, strong accent." She resisted the urge to add that the teacher had seemed to be on the verge of some emotional explosion. With any luck, it was just her being paranoid. "So you're Shai'ahn's cousin? That's cool, being able to be near family." Her gaze drifted again to the rows of books. On an impulse she asked, "There wouldn't happen to be any work I could do here, would there? I love libraries."
"Do you mean Shai'ahn? The last time I saw her was in the cafeteria. One of the teachers wanted her to sing, I think. Intense woman, strong accent."

Monica froze in that moment, a worried expression falling on her face with a resounding, "Oh..." But she didn't collaborate any further.

"So you're Shai'ahn's cousin? That's cool, being able to be near family."

"Yea, well her father insisted that she start school here, since I'm on staff. It's rather difficult for her, being new to the country, as well as, new to any sort of public or private schooling. She's been homeschooled all her life." Being polite, she didn't go on about Shai, but she became rather interested in knowing more about this girl. If Shai's senses were on alert, she would have wanted to meet Raonaid in order to calm them down... Therefore, logic would suggest....

"There wouldn't happen to be any work I could do here, would there? I love libraries."

Monica nodded automatically, "Definitely. We have several student staffing here, from something simple like book return, book check out clerk, all the way to information specialist, if you're interested in diving into the world of Certified Librarian." Monica placed one of the last books on her cart on the shelf where it belonged and motioned for the girl to follow her. "I have a student application at the front desk, if you would like to sign up for a part-time position."

She rolled her cart back to the front desk and slipped behind the counter to pull an application from beneath, handing it to Raonaid with a professional smile - even though deep down inside she was jumping joyfully. "Just fill this out and return it when you can. We will be going through applicants and doing basic interviews during the first week when classes begin."