Celestial Avians

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"She rescued some pencils that rolled under a door. It sounds ridiculous, I know."

An laugh escaped from her lips at the explanation of how they met, not really laughing at the accidently dropping of pencils, but how it all happened. "Perhaps fate was trying to get you two to meet." Sen smirked sweetly, the prior icy cold feeling she held towards Orestes far gone.

Dragging her hands over the smooth flat surface of the table, her eyes lifted somewhat out of curiosity when another male finally came into the cafeteria; she casually drummed a melody on the table top. Though her hum of wonder to the question posed, Sen stopped with a stare. She realized that not everyone understood the term up north.

"Up north past that of the U.S; I was Canadian until more recent years." She reiterated; "Sorry I often forget what is known around here and what isn't, the term up north is common in the provinces."

Pushing her weight against the table to pull herself up and out of her seat, she yawned somewhat before tucking her fingers to her belt loop, draping one hand lazily over her hip. "I don't know about you, but i've had more than my fair share of this place;" lips remained frozen in a gentle smirk. "I'm going to walk around the campus to see what's all around and where the classrooms are; hopefully my prior impression hasn't made you think I am a ice woman. I just don't trust that one idiot and that teacher." She apologized honestly to the girl knowing that first impressions could last a life time. "If you are honestly the same as me and Shai', then..." Sen leaned forward to put her hands on the table as if she was about to give away the most private secret ever of man kind; "I'd like to have your help with me and Shai and Rimm. If your willing that is, but we can't speak about it here. We need to find a place that is out of ear shot and eyesight from the rest." She spoke honestly, serious in her tone. She wanted to scout around to see if they could find a place that would give them cover from the lurking bad tastes and feelings she was having about those selective few.
Ophelia looked at Shai for a llonger minute in that scratchy silence as the needle continued to run on the disc. She flopped the manilla folder down somewhat harsher than she intended to but couldnt help it. Then she stood up and readjusted the needle to its resting place and switched the phonograph off. She held her nose bridge in annoyance. "Do you expect me to not know zat? I reviewed your case over and over again. Now pay attention. And stop slouching! Observe." She stood up straighter than she ever did before and gestured with hands that her throat was also straight. "See? POSTURE! Now watch und listeen." She breathed out for a moment adjusting her vocals and her lungs. Then she began to sing with such perfect diction that had you just met her you would not guess she was from anywhere else other than the Americas.
"L'Amour est un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et c'est bien en
vain qu'on l'appelle,
S'il lui convient de refuser."

She stopped singing for a moment and shifted her wait, pausing to look at Shai for a moment. "Do you zee? Perhaps another demonstrazion?" She did not allow time for Shai to answer as she again shifted her posture back. This time she really showed her guts by walking, almost running around the ballet room with total grace and singing. "My dear marquis, why must you be so loathe to use your eyes. When you stop and stare take a lot more care and close this road to lies: my fingers, my ankles my feet, how shapely and trim and petite." These lyrics were followed by a procession of high scaled and in tune has. "Both accent and inflection show polish to perfection.Such graces are the traces of her old elite, such graces are the traces of her old elite."

She stopped singing here for a moment and without being out of breath and paused picking up some papers froma fake book titled 'Die Fledermaus' She handed the whole thing to Shai and pointed to the song 'The Laughing Song.'
"Und now it iz your turn. Sing these notes und concentrate on your tone. Ze true vocalist cun zink every note under any condition." She drew her lips tightly and stared at Shai waiting for her to sing.
"Perhaps fate was trying to get you two to meet."

Rao grinned. "Maybe. I wouldn't put it past them." The idea of three ancient women plotting a book bag scattering pencils crinkled her eyes in silent laughter.

"I don't know about you, but i've had more than my fair share of this place;" lips remained frozen in a gentle smirk. "I'm going to walk around the campus to see what's all around and where the classrooms are; hopefully my prior impression hasn't made you think I am a ice woman. I just don't trust that one idiot and that teacher." She apologized honestly to the girl knowing that first impressions could last a life time. "If you are honestly the same as me and Shai', then..." Sen leaned forward to put her hands on the table as if she was about to give away the most private secret ever of man kind; "I'd like to have your help with me and Shai and Rimm. If your willing that is, but we can't speak about it here. We need to find a place that is out of ear shot and eyesight from the rest."

Raonaid leaned in unconsciously as Sen spoke. There was something odd about all of this. The whole school felt like it was holding its breath, waiting for... something. Rao knew to trust her intuition, and it was shouting that there were secrets to be uncovered. A private place to speak though, might be a problem. Her room mate had left, but when she came back was anyone's guess. "Say, do you know if this school has a library?"
With how Rao leaned forward almost seeming to hang off her every word, Sen smirked more like her usual self before pushing her hands hard off the table curving them right around to slip under her breasts as she nodded slowly, seeming content with all that she said.

"Say, do you know if this school has a library?"

"Prolly;" she answered simply before the mirthful chuckle wisped past her lips; "I wouldn't know where it is though, I haven't been all over this place yet. Hence why I said I'd like to take a walk around. If anything the library will probably be in the same area as the classrooms are." she spoke matter of factly, her hips swaying side to side in a slight thought before it just flew off out of her head and on to the next poor soul.

Itching under her brow Svenja could only wonder what was going on with Shai and the old boot of a teacher but again, she knew that Shai could handle herself.

Sliding a sneaker sole across the cafeteria floor, shoulders rolled up and over in a rocking motion before she gave a slow two finger salute - her way of bidding adieu- "Just check around Rao, you'll find the library soon enough." her foot slipped back again; "I'll catch you on the flip side," taking her leave with a simple grace that was actually accustom to her; Sen jumped up on the bench seat of one of the tables to get around a group of peers; incurring some on looks as she thumped her palm flat to the doors prompting her exit with little else.
Shai watched as the voice instructor continued to demonstrate proper posture for singing, as well as singing and dancing at the same time - still in perfect pitch. She was confused, not quite sure what the woman was intended with this venture. She understood clearly that the woman knew things about her - things no one should know. She also understood that this woman knew about her dangers, and had made it clear that there was no dangers there; but Shai was still uncomfortable about everything. She had questions and wanted to know them before she broke any oaths blocking her. But, the professor didn't seem to understand that Shai was not going to sing.

"Und now it iz your turn. Sing these notes und concentrate on your tone. Ze true vocalist cun zink every note under any condition."

"I'm sorry...but, I don't sing anymore... for good reason." Shai stood tall and very reserved as she spoke, only showing her fear at standing before authority in such a bold way. But, there were some things that needed to be understood before she could trust this woman. So far, her bracers continued to lightly hum in her ear - they were not going crazy like before, but they were not calm.

"Um...professor, if you know so much about me...then why do you ask me to do something that is forbidden for me to do? Besides, how do you know anything about me? Are you...an acquaintance of my father?"

The questions were innocent and in good measure. Shai may not know so much about the world outside her province in Korea, but what she did know was to seek truth and trust from those around her in order to find those who were real and humble in honesty. Those are the few who will look upon her with respect, understanding, and care. Their intentions will not cause pain; they will be as light as a goose feather.

Shai bowed her head out of respect, "Please, I must know...who are you, and why do you know things...that are secrets to others?"
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Ophelia took a momennt for herself as she waited for her student to sing. But after a few seconds she developed a nervous tick, and a mild headache.
"How do I know you? Vhy do I ask you to sink?" There was visible tension in her face as the pressure in her head boiled. Then just before bursting she flew into a fit.
"Of all the, you...I can't believe..." she paced around the music room and then slumped into her chair. "Do you vant to sink Shaiahn? Can you even imagine sinkink to an audience without fear? To stand and bow for the performance of a lifetime, parents front and center!" She had a stary eyed look in her eyes. "And you ask ME questions!?" She sighed. "Very vell. You ask if I know your parents. No. I am merely connected in a wider pattern. You ask why I beg you to sink, SINK! For the ages, the years, the laughter un tears! Zer is no greater gift that sinkink. And vith talent such as yours...it is a music teachers job to identify talent how ever peculiar." She sat up now with a hopeful gleam. "Please, Shaiahn, just one note. C minor is all I ask und I vill show you to control that peculiarity."
Shai'ahn shook her head, backing away slowly as she wrapped her arms around her for protection. Her brazers began to vibrate to reflect her nerves, humming in her ear in warning.

"I...I don't want to sing... Things happen when I do, and I don't want that to happen anymore. I don't care about performing...that would be wrong of me, that would hurt people. I don't want to do that."

She almost tripped over the chair that stood behind her, but regained her footing quickly. It scared her to even consider singing, using her voice. She missed doing so, yes, but she feared what her voice could do more. "If you know...then tell me why? Why should I sing when my voice is harmful? What in the world am I and why does my voice possess others?"

Her eyes widened in disbelief as she slammed her hands over her mouth. Shai didn't intend to say that, to spill that little bit of her muse's abilities was not good at all. Even if this Instructor's intentions were good, all people were greedy - according to what her father has told her, and they will eventually want to use her for something wrong. She didn't understand why this teacher was asking her to do this...
Ophelia smiled, in final confirmation at this little fact. But of she knew. It was only too comforting that this little one be nervous. She sighed and sat back in her desk chair and rubbed her temples.
"I...hm. You zink you are zo special my dear?" Her eyes shifted directly into Shaiahn's and she walked around the desk closer. Then stopping in front of the frightened teen she stooped over so as to be somewhat eye level.
"But. If I told you that you were to remove your hand." Her voice seemed strange and had now lost its accent. In combination with the dead lock stare this would seem to have a similar effect on some.
Shai was on the verge of running out of the room, but Ophealia had stood up from her chair and stepped from behind her desk. She moved closer to her, standing off in such a way that it took all of Shai's control to hold her ground without breaking something accidentally in the room with her wild anxieties.

And then, something strange happened...

The instructor spoke again, but this time her voice had changed. Her accent was no longer there, and there was a twinge in her voice that seem to scratch the inside of Shai's head. Her eyes were dead bolted on hers, holding her in place, and the words she spoke... They weren't anything special - just a statement about an action...

to remove your hand...

Before Shai realized what was happening, her hand dropped back to her side, exposing her gasping mouth. Eyes widening in disbelief, Shai stumbled a few steps back, stunned that the instructor's words had somehow become alive within her - animating the very hand she mentioned.

"Wha-," Shai's voice cracked. "What did you do? Did you just...my hand...with your words?" She was confused. This school had its secrets, just like her and her new friends, but never in her wildest fantasies did she consider this. Now things was suddenly beginning to make sense. What Prof. Ophealia told her in the hallway...her frustration during this meeting...

Shai took a few deep breaths, calming herself before she shook her head. "Are you - why I was sent here...to this school?"
Ophelia placed her hand on Shai's shoulder, just ever so softly.
"My darlink," she shifted back to her familiar tone and gazed chirpily, "zer are secrets to this place even i don't know. For certain zough I was assigned you to make you a goot little girl. Now, zer are some who might vant to exploit your talent. I vish to show you a vay to sink vell. Without harm. Uh." He eyes shifted slightly again as she retracted her hand.

"Now. Sing. with ABSOLUTE CONTROL."
She had tons more questions, a lot of thoughts that have been fluttering around her head ever since she had her first encounter with her voice. All the questions her father and mother refuse to answer all rushed her like a thousand wings flapping wind down her pipe, but she held her tongue. Her brasers had calmed down considerably. This instructor was chosen to work with her - to teach her how to manage the power of her voice. She couldn't argue about that - she needed to learn just that. She was thrilled to know that she was right about this school after all, that it did hold secrets, and even more thrilling to know that their intentions were good. There was a reason why they were here - the silver tattoos... to learn.

Shai'ahn found the music she was suppose to sing - The Laughing Song was a difficult piece; she's heard it before, and knew she could reach the ranges well. But, always reluctant to attempt so, she's never sung it. But, this was a chance to finally put her limitations away. If this was why her father sent her there, then he obviously wanted her to sing...in order to learn how to control it.

Softly, still with a hint of fear, Shai'ahn's tiny voice began to move lyrically. Her lips slowly mouthed the words on the page, reading the notes in their proper hue.

What a friendly, ha ha ha
Situation, ha ha ha
What a startling, ha ha ha
Revelation, ha ha ha ha ha

She could feel the change in the air around her as her voice raised a little higher to reach the brighter notes. Her tone altered abruptly - without control - and her words became lively in the Instructor's ears. What she sung began to twirl itself into a strong suggestion for laughter, one that others wouldn't be able to resist. Shai was worried, was Prof. Ophealia capable of pushing back her voice's persuasions?

Shai stopped the song short of its cadenza, knowing if she'd added more energy to the song, more inspiring, inspiriting chords and runs with her vocal cords, the range of her abilities would bring others who would hear her melodic call. If she didn't watch herself, she could have caused the whole building to laugh themselves into an early grave.
Ophelia had been standing up fully straight as she observef Shai's performance. She arched her mouth in a satisfied smile. Her eyes watched carefully the girl sing in front of her and strictly corrected the girl's posture as she sang. Then she stopped at the moment she became nervous. But as so far nobody had died and Ophelia had listened the whole time. With the the song interupted she began to gently clap.
"Bravo!Bravo Shaiahn. A vunfull performance. Did you not feel a difference? Could you not hear it? Zat clarity...zo...uh!" She sighed content at shai's skills. "Now, you have questions I'm sure. Und we can be friends I'm sure. So, ask."
Shai shook her head, astonished to hear herself sing after so long; her voice was almost foreign to her ears. But, to see that her voice had no effect on the instructor was even more impressive.

"It...it didn't effect you?" She asked with a fold of her brow. "Normally, when I sing, someone ends up doing what the song expresses - which typically causes them to hurt themselves. How are you able to resist?"
Ophelia went over to shai and pullef up a chair. "My little vone, zer vas no reason to resist. Zis is vat happens ven you sink while controling your voice. Are you not pleased?"
"But...it altered harshly," Shai explained, trying to recall exactly what her voice did when she'd sung. "There was that odd feeling I always get when the effects twirls around me. It's like a strong wind swirls around me, looking for someone to play with..."

She was confused, not realizing what the instructor had done in between the lines of the verse she sung. "You mean, I was singing -with control? How did that happen? I don't know how to control the influence."
"Of course not dear. How zilly of you to presume." She closed her eyes and shook her head. "No it takes time to sing confidently. Your voice can lead people to do as you vish. But to control it totally you must control yourself. Its like zis. I vant to move my chair. Can I do it sleeping? Of course not. I must be avake und willfully grab ze chair und poosh it. Und ze zame for sinkink. Vatch." She belted out an A clear and strong. "Villfully" she did her best to mock shyness in singing. The A barely came out and was without air in seconds. "Zee dear?"
Again, it had to do with confidence...

Shai'ahn may her way towards the chairs, sitting down in one with a heavy sigh.

"I've never felt comfortable with my voice... Either I would accidentally do something terrible with it, or someone would use me to do something worse... My father kept me away from people to keep me from hurting someone else, to keep me silent... Even if I learn to control my voice - I just can't see myself using it. It's dangerous to toy around with a person's will. It makes me feel...evil..."

She seem to fall back under the natural shadow she'd been accustomed to - anything to avoid returning to the past. She didn't know why she was telling Prof. Ophealia her feelings, but she figured she was the only person in the world who would truly understand what she was going through. It's not easy to be heard when it causes trouble. And to live for years being told to only be seen... not heard; yes, Shai'ahn had no confidence in herself - not really.
Ophelia nodded as Shaiahn explained a little. There was something in her voice that caused all, mostly herself to fear. And she Ophelia understood this. She went to her desk and began to straighten up. "Ve vill vork on zis more in ze coming veeks." She said rather calmly. "If you trust me vith you secret, zen I trust you vith mine. Vat choice is zer?" She smiled half awkwardly and put her sheet music away. "Your voice iz nozink to fear und stifle. Still, until you are stronk und confident vith it I vill continue to teach you. Ok?"

Shai stood up, grabbed her things, and turned to head out the door. But, she stopped halfway before reaching it. Turning back, she quickly bowed low, "Thank you for your help, Prof. Ophealia. I truly appreciate it." And then turned back the way she came, rushing out the door and back downstairs.

Eventually, she made it back to her dorm room, hoping to finish her meal and take another dose of pain medicine. Her first day in America, her first day on campus... she would need one whole journal to record all that's happened to her that one day.

Feeling colder than she's ever been, and not due to the weather, Shai'ahn pulled her quilt over her head to hide herself from her inner chills. She didn't feel right about herself at all. Awakening her special voice brought back painful, scary memories she didn't wish to recall; she felt as if more was to come...
Raonaid grabbed a few things to eat before she followed Sen's advice and headed out to look for the library. It took a little while, and a few wrong turns, but she eventually found it. Her eyes widened as she stepped inside. Towering bookcases filled the room, and she couldn't tell how long it went on. Desks were scattered about the stacks, with chairs ready for someone to curl up in them. The ceiling was a rendering of the night sky, deep blue with golden stars and constellations. The room held an air of wonder about it. Mutely, Rao walked among the shelves, trailing her fingers along the spines of the books.