Caption the above user's avatar!

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...This is my semi-sexy face....
*Opens mouth and grins, revealing horridly yellow, rotten teeth*
Hey, I said semi-sexy.
Worst mutant ability ever.
I've been a bad girl.
Hey... Arn't I the guy who played Dr, Horrible..... Well I look like him.
hey its its.. someone famous.. yes it is, wait..wait for it... its.. its. its.. oh wrong person never mind..
Give me a cookie?
GET IN MAH BELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right Sonic... lick... LICK YOUR DADDY'S NIPPLES!

(Ja, ja TZS fails imagination class. What the heck IS your avatar Asmo? I have never been able to figure that out... It looks like a body impaled [ahem] on the horn of a humanoid dinosaur unicorn bull with wings sitting on a girder... how close am I?)
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