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Authorized Personal


n a m e :: Keanu Colt
s p e c i e s :: human
b i r t h p l a c e :: Earth , Hawaii
g e n d e r :: male
a g e :: 40
s e x u a l i t y :: bisexual

» ROLE «
s t a r s h i p :: U S S Gagarin
r a n k :: captain

d e s c r i p t i o n :: Keanu's looks are quite striking. He has sharp, angular features, covered by his graying beard. His hair is thick and soft, and is very looked after. His hair is always styled up, and he spends a lot of time on it. His eyes are a deep drown, and there is visible wrinkling. His face is very full of expression, and has an impossible time hiding how he's feeling.

u n i q u e m a r k s :: Not covered in many scars, tattoos or piercings, nothing stands out completely except for his dashing fashions.

b u i l d :: Keanu hits six foot two, but six foot three with his hair. He is quite lanky, but he isn't skinny. His body still is as toned as it was when we was thirty.

s t y l e :: One of the more stylish crew members, Keanu is known as the best dressed captain of the Gagarin so far. He pulls of many looks, but looks the best in a suit or anything formal. He spends money on his tailored clothes and rightfully so.


alluring and flirtatious, but also sarcastic and obnoxious. Keanu is what captains should technically be made of. But he is too far both ways. He loves to light-heartedly flirt and loves romance, and definitely gives off the vibe of someone who would give you a bath and roses. He has a certain way of making you feel magical, but also a little sinful.

That charm is manually turned on and off though, not everybody sees that side of him. To most people, he's cocky and very sarcastic. Almost to the point of being rude, if you're not used to it, amused by it or able to equally witted, you won't like it. But Colt doesn't care. He is who he is and isn't ashamed. Which is sometimes to his detriment.

He's very carefree and goes with his gut. Colt sees what he thinks to be right and follows it, which greatly pisses off anyone trying to get him to do the opposite.

Whilst Colt has seen his fair share of shit, he's no victim. He has an amazing strong will and recovers quickly. His optimism is equally annoying to anyone trying to get him down.


Born on the beautiful island of Hawaii, Keanu had a sweet childhood. He had two twin sisters, who were older than him by two years. His parents were also island natives, and they lived right on the edge of the beach. There was no hint of any problems to the family.

It stayed that way all through his childhood. He was an insanely smart kid at the school, and got all his physical education from running around on the beaches with his friends and swimming. He was always a popular kid who everyone thought to be cool.

He realized when he was ten, he spent a lot of time looking up into space, and wishing he was there. That, along with the "We Want You!" Posters for Starfleet, made him peruse a job in space.

His Starfleet application was happily accepted. He whizzed through the program and gave a lot of the reigning captains a run for their money. He was liked. He also met Arrelia, a beautiful woman from Morocco who studied quantum physics. Their relationship halted Keanu's promiscuity in its prime. The two got married just a year after he became captain, and she was a scientist on his ship.

And on he went to fly the Gagarin, then he became the captain of the Gagarin. A dream come true. He sent so many pictures to his family, and the entire village saw Keanu as a hero.

His reign of glory soon came to a halt when war broke out with the Klingons. Their discovery ship was blown into battle after a group of fifteen crew members were kidnapped from a planet by a rogue klingon ship. The Klingon attempted to use them as a bargaining chip to escape the system. And as the battle ships turned up, Keanu had to decide whether to obey his command and let the Klingon ship be pulled into battle, or to stop them. On that ship was Keanu's wife, Arrelia.

Of course Keanu fired at the starfleet ship to save his crew. And his wife.

After that day, the Gagarin lost all of its credibility. Not only did the captives not escape, but the name was tainted, and many didn't want to work on the ship that betrayed Starfleet. It was a miracle Keanu kept the ship.

He cursed himself for that day. But works on rebuilding the Gagarin. The captain was now well known as a trouble maker. The guy who went off course to help out an alien ship. The one who refuses not to stick his nose into trouble.

It took him years to get over Arrelia, and now doesn't see himself as ever falling in love again. All of his energy goes into making his crew and his ship happy.



Authorized Personal


n a m e :: Nova
s p e c i e s :: romulan
b i r t h p l a c e :: Romulus , Krocton Segment
g e n d e r :: female
a g e :: 26
s e x u a l i t y :: asexual / greysexual / homoromantic

» ROLE «
s t a r s h i p :: U S S Gagarin
r a n k :: security officer

d e s c r i p t i o n :: Nova has tanned skin, her green blood shows on her lips and every time she blushes. Her eyes are monolidded, and a deep brown. Her face looks not quite Vulcan, but not quite Romulan. She has the swept up, arched eyebrows, but the V shape on her forehead is not as dented as most Romulans, but it is noticeable. Her ears are pointed, and stick out of her bobbed hair. Her hair is a dark, almost blue tone, and is but with bangs, which mostly covers her forehead.

u n i q u e m a r k s :: Her forehead definitely is a tell-tale sign she is a Romulan, she also has a few recognizable collection of white scars ingrained in her hands and arms.

b u i l d :: Nova is recognizably fit. She stands at five foot six, not incredibly tall. Her body is incredibly toned, her muscles stand out in anything she wears. Her body isn't curvy, and most shape is from muscle.

s t y l e :: Always decked out in her red security outfit, Nova doesn't fully get the chance to embrace fashion. She isn't particular about it, and looks fabulous in most. Although, she loves make up and always has some on. She loves lots of eye make up, and usually has something dramatic painted on.

Nova is focused, extroverted, feminine and passionate. She loves people and loves to be around them. In general, she gives out a positive aura.

Her attitude is always optimistic, and she's always driven to complete tasks given to her. Nova doesn't take no lightly and always wants to impress.

She loves girly and feminine things, despite what people may judge from first sight.

Sometimes she can come off as a showboater, and really tries to be the centre of the attention. This comes from trying to prove herself, and she always feels like she has something to improve on. She hates what people might think, and is a big people pleaser.

She also is very intense sometimes, and her ideas can come off as a bit wacky. Sometimes they work, sometimes people don't give her the chance. This can make her come off as a bit aggressive and pushy.


Born in a raging world of protest, Nova's life started in a war. A small group of extremists against Vulcans had began their riots in the Krocton Segment, fighting against the communication between the Vulcans and the Romulans. Nova's mother was giving birth in her home as the riots escalated. Her husband was part of the riots, so she gave a painful birth alone, the rebels against the Vulcans. They had just taken down a Starfleet ship that had landed to help with the attempt at diplomacy.

Nova's birth was traumatic, and her mother died just after, holding her baby. Nova screamed and screamed. Two Starfleet officers were running back to the emergency escape pod as they heard the crying. The woman begged her male counterpart to just check. When they found the baby, still attached with the cord, the woman almost cried. She couldn't leave a newborn in a burning street. After much debate, the officer wrapped her in her jacket and escaped with Nova.

The Officers, George and Lucy, raised Nova after that day, despite the strong opposition from Starfleet. When Nova was four, her mother lost her job over the upbringing of her, but George kept his as a Science officer. The two never got married, so George could keep his job, but they considered themselves Nova's parents.

She grew up with a fair amount of discrimination, but found friends with the other non-human kids, ironically some vulcans took her as a friend. She showed to be not extremely intelligent, but very good at any sort of sport. She was good at anything physical and knew how to problem solve.

When she was fourteen, she was the top of her class at most sports, and was on the team for everything. A lot of people complained, saying she was only the best because of her blood. This didn't discourage her though. Nova was aware of who she was, and even though she didn't know about how she was found, she knew she was a romulan. It wasn't typical, but she learnt how to be caring and kind, like her human parents.

At 17, her father was killed in an accident on board his ship. A malfunction in the engine room killed seven officers. It broke Nova and her mothers heart. The two had to find a way for them to live without him.

This encouraged Nova to get the strength to apply to Starfleet Academy, to study combat. Even though she had the grades, her application was denied. This was hard on her, but after going to special combat camps, and beating every Starfleet cadet at their own tournaments, her second application was accepted. She was the first romulan to be accepted into the academy.

Her life at the academy was great, most of the students weren't too bothered about her being there, but some of the other students studying combat found it unfair she was there. Especially because she proved to be the best.

She made friends with a few of the students, one called Orion, who studied plants. Also a Vulcan girl who was studying physics. They both encouraged her on her darkest days.

☆ Nova specializes in martial arts, Klingon and Romulan weaponry and archery.
☆ She can also use guns and blasters, but prefers hand-to-hand.
☆ Purple is her favourite colour.
☆ Her and Orion are good friends, she always hoped they would be on the same ship.
☆ Nova doesn't get crushes, but she has found herself day-dreaming about the perfect wife.



name → Ezra Osmond

age → twenty three

ethnicity → american

sexuality → unsure

occupation → student / missionary

religion → mormonism


height → five seven

build → slim

appearance → Ezra is a pale, baby-faced and shorter than usual. His skin doesn't tan but definitely feels the cold, so his nose and cheeks get very red. He has a few freckles dotted across his nose and cheeks. His eyes are green near the pupil, and then transition into blue. In general they look pretty blue. His hair is a soft and thin, which is a light brown. He doesn't style it. He doesn't have any tattoos or scars.

style → Ezra isn't ever spotted in anything fashionable. On his mission, he is always seen in the white shirt and coloured ties. Black suit pants and shiny black shoes. He cycles through all of the same outfits. He in general looks kind of boring.

Well intentioned, optimistic and proud are the best ways to describe Ezra. He always tried to come off as friendly and as nice as possible. No matter who he speaks to, he smiles and tries to please everyone. He genuinely believes God's will guides him, so he's not usually too sad when things don't go as planned. He's definitely a little absent-minded, and needs a lot of guidance to keep him in line.

Ezra does feel anger and confusion a lot too. He hates it when people make fun of it, and all he can to is smile and turn the other cheek. It keeps him up at night, sometimes he has a hard time keeping the faith, especially after a hard day, but it always returns in the mornings. He does not break down easy though. He'll tear up if shouted at, but won't stand down. He does shout back when angry, which is something he's working on.

Ezra isn't very private, he feels he has little to keep secret. If people ask him personal questions, he's happy to answer. But somethings to make him uncomfortable, and he tries to avoid any lewd situations.


Ezra was born a tiny baby to Jonathan and Sarah Osmond. He was a happy child in a genuinely happy family. It was clear to him early on that a solid marriage and strong faith was the key tp happiness.

He was brought up in the church of Mormon, and studied hard in school too. He was a strong believer in God and hated it when the other kids would quesiton it. The leaders of his church took a particular liking to him.

In his church, Ezra had a lot of friends. He was quite the popular boy, and definitely had a lot of girls fawning over him. Ezra never felt anything for them though. He had heard that love was this mind blowing, butterfly inducing experience, but he couldn't feel not one caterpillar when looking at the girls. He just assumed he needed to meet the right one.

When he was seventeen, his eldest church leader, who had shown a lot of interest in Ezra, had been in contact with him a lot more. Ezra would stay in the temple to speak to his elder, who would definitely get too close for comfort. It wasn't until one night Ezra noticed something was off, when the man was stroking his thigh. Ezra didn't let himself get into those situations after that. He didn't fully understand, but it made him deeply uncomfortable.

As he went to college, he studied English Literature. He loves to read, and imagines that being a writer would be the best job. But as he got there, he realized he wasn't the popular one anymore. Kids gave him weird looks when he tried to talk to them about God. And people disliked his forward approach and chirpy voice. Lots of the jocks called him a sissy, but Ezra put that down to his baby-face. He found it tough to keep his faith, but he didn't let them bully him into depression.

As soon as he got his college degree, he began a long mission. He was really dedicated to his church, despite what happens in it, and wanted to spread the word. The mission was tough to begin with, he missed his parents and church friends dearly, and found himself feeling lonely. He couldn't wait to join up with his elders to preach together.

Not many people in the neighborhood wanted to talk to him, and the ones that did were only being polite. It wasn't until he got to a certain door that things changed.



× 「BASIC」×

Minnie Marsh / Miss. Debbie Bowers
High School Music teacher


Debbie looks like she doesn't want to conform to anything. She has pale skin and a skinny body. Although she still has thick thighs and a little bit of a pudgy stomach, but she couldn't care less. She has a fair amount of scars on her from all her reckless behavior. She has grey-blue eyes, usually circled in smokey eyeliner. Her hair is naturally a light brown, but she dyes it a dark black, and it's always cut with a razor.
Debbie loves to dress loud and messy. She loves ripped clothes, which is lucky since she hasn't been able to buy herself new stuff in a while. Lots of band t-shirts, jeans, leather and sneakers. She has a few silver necklaces and rings too. You won't usually catch her in anything smarter, but sometimes she wishes she had a reason to wear a dress.


"I don't give a damn about my bad reputation."

Debbie is mostly blunt and sarcastic, but in general she's cheery. To people who can accept her looks, she's actually quite likable. In class, she keeps it light-hearted, and likes to make the kids laugh. With her co-workers, she's also funny, but a little more sarcastic. It took a while for her to filter out all her curse words.

When it comes to opinions, she couldn't care less. Debbie just wants to live her life now, and doesn't listen to advice. It can come off as stubborn and slightly bratty, but she thinks her way is the only way, and doesn't trust other peoples advice.

"I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim. They also know how to jetski, so."

After going through a lot of shit, and being betrayed, Debbie had to learn to completely shut everyone off. She used to be kind hearted and a little quiet, but also had her heart on her sleeve. Now, Debbie's heart is so guarded you'd have to catch her at an extremely vulnerable time to talk about emotions. She is distrustful and doesn't like to talk about feelings. She keeps everything bottled up and doesn't control her anger very well when it comes too much.


"Your pictures that you left behind, are just memories of a different life."

Debbie was born as Minnie Marsh to a single mother in middle class America. Her father left quickly when he found out her mother was pregnant.

She quickly proved to be an advanced girl. But, she had to be just to be recognized in school. The teachers wondered how she was so good at science and maths, and kept trying to catch her out. They thought she must be cheating off one of the boys, but she was just smart. She wasn't any good at English or anything, but her understanding of technology was amazing.

When she was 10, she was put into an "extraordinary talent" school, where she excelled at the technology. They were a very small school, and different to any middle school. In fact, it wasn't. The kids in the class ranged from 7 to 17, and they all helped build new technology. A childs class project was easier to plagiarize than what the russian's were up to.

When she was 11, her baby brother was born. And he joined his sister in the school. She didn't know that her mother was separated from her son, Charles, and was put through a lot of government tests. Minnie got to see him occasionally, and loved him so much.

She spent most of her teenage years unknowingly working with the government. Teenagers don't have to be paid, and don't have to be credited.

She barely saw her mother, who had now slipped into a bad depression and became an alcoholic. But she really wanted to see her little brother. When she was 18, she demanded to see her little brother, who had said he wanted to stop the experiments because they hurt. Minnie shouted at the workers and pushed past them, to see her brother screaming and hollering in the deprivation tank. She got herself into trouble for doing that, and had to hide it when she snuck out at night to go see him. She tried super hard to convince him to escape, but he didn't wanna leave "home."

Minnie attempted to take her brother with her when she escaped, but he snitched and she had to run for her life to leave the facility. She ran and ran, and kept going until she couldn't feel her legs. That was the last time she saw Charlie.

"Everybody goes away, in the end."

Lost and alone, Minnie went to find her mother, who she hadn't seen in months. But when she found her, she was passed out in her own vomit. Minnie stayed at that house for a few days before realizing her mothers boyfriend really didn't want her there. He came onto her, and that was enough for her to pack her bags and leave.

Minnie ended up in a big city, desperate to find a home. Through 18-22, Minnie lived on the streets, snorting coke and drinking til she couldn't feel anything. She chopped off her long brown hair and dyed it black, lost a lot of weight and became Debbie Bowers. After the government attempted to track her down several times, and she was betrayed by her sell out friends, she had to re-invent herself.

The age of rock and roll became her friend. She used her technological brain to start her job as a groupie, then worked as their sound technician. She learnt how to play the guitar and even did back up vocals for some of their gigs. Although, all this spot light was beginning to feel dangerous.

Debbie realized when she got older that she wanted a life. And eventually, she wanted to find her brother. She couldn't do that playing the guitar and working the lights. She needed to get away. The tour bus stopped at a gas station near Hawkins, a place she spent most of her life locked up in. She saw in the news that they had closed down that facility. This seemed like a safe place, who would think to look for her here? If they were even still looking.

Now, Debbie got the job as the High School music teacher, and learnt about the AV club, and decided she'd be a part of that too. Life would be a lot easier now.

Or so she thought.


》#483327 》#514e4d 》#a78479 》#838274 》#9aa7a8
》Debbie is not interested in working in science again, she didn't want any part of that.
》She absolutely loves loud music, and loves to rock out.
》She hasn't touched a drug since she arrived in Hawkins, but as soon as September rolls around, she worries the stress will drive her back.



× Name × Паша Левинский / Pasha Lewinsky
× Age × 23
× Ethnicity × Russian
× Sexuality × Bisexual
× Occupation × Gymnast


× Height × 5ft5
× Build × Muscular
× Appearance ×
Pasha is short, muscular, everything you'd expect from a male gymnast. He's pretty pale, but can catch a tan pretty easy. His hair is a dirty blond, which he rarely styles. It is wiry and curly in texture. His eyes are a bright blue, they look very light in the sun. He has many scars on his body, from lots of injuries. He has no tattoos, but has his ears pierced.
× Style ×
Dressed to impress, Pasha owns lots of expensive clothing. He likes red, black and brown. He likes lots of accessories and wears sunglasses a lot. Leather and fur is also incorporated into his style. Although he spends most of his time in shorts and sweats, for gym practice.


× "I'm not arrogant, I'm just better than you." ×
Basic words to describe Pasha are; Competitive, aggressive, loud and blunt. He is a very dominant personality and can't stand to be in the background. He knows what he wants and aims to always get it. Pasha likes to be heard and can get aggressive when he is being ignored. He's not always such a jerk though, most people will generally find him easy to be around, but it does feel like you're working hard when you spend time with him.

× "You just want attention, you don't want my heart." ×
Pasha is also very closed off, and doesn't deal with rejection or failure well. He can't control his emotions when it comes to these negative things, he gets very angry and immature when he has to face rejection. He also doesn't deal with relationship problems well either, if he gets a hint the other person might leave him, he'll dump them that instant. He also hates the feeling of being replaced, so he likes to keep himself in people's lives, even if they shouldn't be.


× "I was broken from a young age." ×

Born in a small town on the outskirts of Moscow, Pasha was a tiny baby. His parents weren't sure if he'd survive, but he did. His mother was a housewife, his father a well off gymnastics coach. Pasha was introduced to the sport at 4, he used to tag along to his fathers sessions.

In school, Pasha was made fun of by the other boys for being feminine, and attending ballet and gym with the girls. His father encouraged him to man up and ignore him, his son was going to be a superstar.

As the bullying continued and Pasha got older, he rebelled from his parents and the school. He was sick of being bullied. Pasha began to smoke behind the dumpsters, and would turn up to gym competitions without practicing. To everyones surprise, Pasha was still coming first, despite the lack of hard work.

At 14, Pasha's dad was getting more aggressive, he would force Pasha to go to practice, and would abuse him if he found out he was skipping it to smoke. Pasha rebelled further and got into a lot of physical fights with his father. This put a strain on his parents marriage, and when he was 16, they divorced. Pasha would argue until one night his father knocked him out. He still represses this time of his life.

× "My bruises only scarred my mind." ×

At 17, Pasha qualified for the Russian Olympic team, and this temporarily improved his relationship with his father. He had realized that this was his only path to success, after dropping out of high school. He trained much more, and was the youngest on the team.

Pasha quickly met up with other attractive men on the Olympic team, and his attraction that he felt towards his female counterparts spread to the men too. Pasha got particularly involved with the tallest rower on the rowing team. Their relationship started aggressively and passionate. He loved to skip practice to make out with him. Their relationship was the start of a long string of unhealthy relationships. He was caught by his father one day, and their relationship devolved into the physical abuse of when he was younger.

At the Olympics, Pasha was able to grab the gold, despite the black eye he was rocking. He was one of the youngest gold medalist, and became quite famous in Russia.

× "That guy? He's got daddy issues on his daddy issues." ×

His late teens to early twenties was uneventful. He went from training to parties and hookups. His relationships were only based on sex, and didn't last long as the other partner couldn't stand his explosive personality. Although, Pasha clung onto his exes as long as he could.

at 21, Pasha won his second Olympic gold medal, his fame still doing him good. His relationship with his father was non-existent besides being his coach, Pasha stopped talking to him. His mother barely saw him. Pasha was convinced he didn't need anybody or anyone. Even though he craves attention and validation, he doesn't need to be loved.

At 23, he's training for his next competition, and is focusing on getting his next gold.


× Colour palette ×「#C0ADA0 #271317 #4F2328 #757A7E #8C5B5A」
× Pasha loves rock music, and anything thats loud.
× He won't touch drugs, but he doesn't mind getting wasted.
× He loves ice cream.


Jaspar Strange // Santino Ramirez // 30 // Bisexual // Portugal //

Charming // Arrogant // Selfish // Emotionally unavailable // Humorous // Apathetic //

Money + Dogs + Rock music + Drinking + Hockey + Running
Authority - Early mornings - Skeptics - Pop music - Coffee -



Santino's life didn't start in glitz and glam. He was born in the slums of Portugal to a single mother. She was well meaning but couldn't handle having the responsibility of having a child at 19. Her life was spent trying to raise Santino, and fighting off her early stages of drug addiction.

His childhood was a little rough, he felt little affection from his mother so running wild wasn't hard. Santino went to a rough school but was one of the more rebellious kids. He wasn't popular or unpopular, he just sat outside of his class with his friends and cycled around the neighbourhood.

As a young teen, he watched his mothers drug addiction worsen, but there wasn't anything he could do for her. In fact, Santino just spent his life just passing high school and smoking cigarettes behind the dumpsters. He opted for leather jackets and loud music over anything else. Santino was almost mad he had become a loser like his mother.

His mother was becoming aggressive because Santino was refusing to help, she often verbally abused him because he was "Just like his bum of a father." Santino spent more time in the streets than he did in his own home.

At 17, Santino's best friends mother passed away. Santino used his humor to cheer him up by "channeling" his dead mother, by mining her rage fits and saying funny things. All the neighborhood kids loved it. He did it as a joke, but then started charging a euro for ever channeling he did, kids from all over town got into it, and Santino got better. He watched people's facial expressions carefully, and could recognize when he was on the right path.

When a rich kid's uncle got wind of the boy wonder, he had to see what it was all about. Obviously once he seen the act, he had to invest. Offering a life in entertainment was all Santino could have asked for.

It only took Santino one year on Spanish TV to be picked up by the American business. Who didn't want a young, handsome medium from Europe on their TV?

When they asked for his name, he didn't want to give his Spanish one, Americans were embarrassingly bad at pronouncing Spanish names, so he decided that on a limb, he was Jaspar - Like the stone! When the TV producers got a hold of it, they decided to make him Jaspar Strange, the boy wonder from Europe.

Ever since his big break, Jaspar had made a substantial living in Hollywood. He had a mansion, girls everywhere, the fastest car and enough money to send home for his mother to off herself with drugs. He couldn't attend his funeral, but he did pay for the whole thing. Which became a theme in his life, paying for things instead of making connections.

Now at 30, after his own glorified documentary movie, countless reality tv appearances and season 10 of his own show, Jaspar lives a comfortable life away from Spain. He made an entire new life for himself, but a lonely one at that.


𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷 𝓱𝓾𝓷𝓽 10.30.17

𝓈𝓂𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝒷𝑜𝓎



Austin Luke Hunt
Southern American
Arkney, USA



Outdoorsy // Adventurous // Lone Wolf // Introverted // Shy // Passionate // Aggressive //
+ Horseback riding + Swimming + Drinking + Climbing + Sight seeing + Adventure +
- Loud social situations - Reading - Being dismissed - Working with money - Having to cook -



Born and raised in the heart of Missouri, Austin didn't see much besides his small town. Arkney had three neighbourhoods, and everyone owned cattle. Austin had a fun and comfortable childhood. What could be better than running through the grasslands of the country? He was pretty much left to run wild by his cowboy father and chef mother. But he was still a momma's boy and barely broke the rules.

As a teenager, he worked on his fathers ranch and learnt all the tricks of the trade. Austin always wanted to grow up just like his father; in a cowboy hat with a trusty horse. His first horse was Western, the tallest brown horse Arkney had ever seen. At 16, Austin was too short to even ride him.

Austin's high school had no social hierarchy, with ten people in his class, everyone was friends. His best friends all were dating each other, leaving Austin to be the constant third wheel. Everyone joked his sweetheart was out there in LA or something. Although a lot of the younger girls crushed on Austin hard. He wondered if he even wanted a sweetheart. Of course everyone did, the country dream was a wife and two kids on a farm. But he wasn't sure why he wasn't as excited for it as everyone else.

At 18, he watched a lot of his friends leave for the cities, and others buy ranches way out away from Arkney, a few stayed though. Austin didn't care though, he found company in himself. And Western, who he could now ride. At 16, he was short and chubby, but 2 years had pushed him with one last growth spurt. Austin had a glow up. All the girls who had fiances were feeling like maybe they should have given the third wheel a chance.

Austin stayed in Arkney, planning to buy his own plot of land to build himself a small home, just for him and Western, but on Austins 20th birthday, his father had a stroke. His old man had to stop showing his prize cattle, Austin happily became the man of the house, even though he had to give up on his dream house.

Now, the more he thought about it, the less he wanted to have a sweetheart. More realistically, Austin wanted a male companion. Just as a friend? Austin didn't think so. He had no idea what he was wanting, but something about the way Bryce looked when they went drinking together at the lake, or when Brad had drunkingly hugged him too tight. Austin liked it.

But self discovery like so wasn't possible in the small town of Arkney.

He currently lives with his mother and father, showing prize cattle and keeping the ranch looking sparkling clean.



Name: Tristan Argyros
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Closeted bisexual
Nationality: American
Occupation: Lawyer


Height: 5ft8
Build: Athletic, not ripped. His arms are toned, along with his torso. He isn't physically strong, more flexible and agile.
Physical Appearance: Tristan is conventionally attractive. Blessed with blond hair, blue eyes and good bone structure, Tristan grew up lucky. He has tanned skin. His facial hair grows pretty slow, but he could have a full beard if he wanted. He has a few scars on his body, mostly from being reckless.
Style: In work, Tristan wears the most expensive suits. Black and brown are his favourite colours, he likes looking both old-fashioned but very in style. He likes looking expensive and has a bias towards designers and limited editions.


|| Lazy || Cowardly || Naive || Loyal || Calm ||
Tristan grew up in an expensive household. His parents both top tier lawyers in their own firm "Miller Argyros" spoiled their son to no end. Tristan is very bright, but is used to everyone doing everything for him. He isn't aware of how privileged he actually is. He never studied, but could rely on himself to pass most of the time. He can't be bothered to do lots of small tasks, and could have done so much better if he actually studied.
Even though he is a lawyer, Tristian always covers up his own ass first. He hates conflict outside of the court and usually tries to avoid it. But in the court, he is very calm and witty, he isn't afraid to defend the controversial clients.
Towards his family and firm, Tristan is the most loyal. He wouldn't betray any of them for anything. He trusts that nobody there would do anything of the like to him. However, he is naive in his trust. He believes most are like him, undying loyalty to him. That's not always the case, but he doesn't learn.

Tristan's father was the best lawyer in the state. Not a case was lost, but when a misconduct happened in one case involving a very wealthy client, he sued the firm for millions. His parents and Tristan worked insanely hard to prevent it, but the firm lost a lot of money in the process. Tristan resorted to the lowest form of profit, fraud.
Going to a client of his own within the banking business. Tristan knew he was guilty of fraud, but got him off with a fine. After a small payoff of loyalty from the firm, Tristan's friends pushed some buttons and got some money into his personal account.
Once his assistant realized what was happening, she went to his parents. To avoid their firm being tarnished any more, his father turned him over. Unfortunately, their rival firm got hold of this information. Taking the perfect chance to get Tristan convicted, nobody in his own firm would represent him. He spent the last of his money trying to get somebody to represent him.
After a long and tedious trial, Tristan was convicted of fraud, 7 years, 5 on good behavior.
Sadly, Tristan stood out in prison, for obvious reasons. He didn't do very well in the first prison, and ended up in several fights, 5 years was looking for like 7 as he was transferred to a higher security prison.

- The Olympics
- Sleeping
- Reading
- Winning
- Spending money
- Cats
- Hot coffee

- Conflict
- Liars
- Long trials
- Bugs
- Cooking
- Big Dogs
- Loud Music
- Gymnast
- Problem solver
- Lawyer


Raphael Hamilton

"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."​
- Maya Angelou

Raphael Dorian Hamilton
Kingsman Agent
Music & degree, University of Oxford


Raphael has the body of someone who certainly works out. For his job, he has to be in shape, so his body is solid. Even though it wasn't as smooth and bulky as it was 20 years ago, he's still strong.
Raphael is tall and slim, not skinny. His skin is tan, and his hair is a mousy brown. He keeps himself clean shaven, every hair is trimmed and his hair is always styled. His eyes are a deep brown. Most of the time, Raf isn't showing much emotion in his voice or face, but he has a handsome smile when he decides to flash it.
Due to the nature of his job, Raphael is always in the suit when he has to be. He suits up quite nicely, and always looks sharp. At home, Raf chooses comfort over style, and generally doesn't look too fashionable. He likes cardigans, sweaters and shirts.


|| Introverted || Sarcastic || Blunt || Romantic || Lonely || Grumpy || Hard-Working ||
|| Classical music || Sweaters || Coffee || Reading || Skating || Cuddling ||
|| Big dogs || Soda || Being lied to || Hand to hand combat || Being make fun of || Watching Sport ||
|| Violinist || Fencer || Figure Skater || Marksman ||


Born with the metaphorical silver spoon in his arse, Raphael was a privileged boy. His father was an Oxford Educated Psychologist and his mother a concert soprano. He was an only child, and got anything he asked for. At 4, Raphael was handed a violin to learn, so his passion started. He went to a private school and got friends, focusing mainly on his interest in the violin. Raf adored classical and wanted to go into it like his mother.

When he was 10, his mother got him into fencing and figure skating. She wanted to see him excel, which meant extra classes after school and at the weekends. He spent most of his childhood alone, or with his figure skating partners. There wasn't time for fun, only for practice.

As a teenager, Raphael had passed all violin grades with distinction and was headed towards any university of his choice. He passed all his classes with flying colours, down to the hours and hours he spent in front of his desk. He got into Oxford on a sports scholarship.

As he finally learnt a little more independence at university, Raphael realized he was more interested in boys than girls, and it became definite after a few kisses at house parties. He never came out to anyone, but if anyone asked, he'd probably tell.

At 20 Raphael was the national champion in fencing and got a gold at the national figure skating contests. He felt his interest in the sports falter, but he had to continue to keep his scholarship.

After finally graduating, Raphael went to train with the Olympic fencing team. He wanted to be a violinist, but his parents insisted he went into the sport. They had him move back home, and his social life slowed down again.

At 23, Raphael was almost going to compete in the Olympics on the fencing team, but he was approached by a man, who offered him a job in secret service. He hated where he was going in life, and he wanted a change. So much to the distaste of his parents, Raphael dropped out of the team to see where the job took him.

So after competing with other candidates, Raf learnt a lot about himself. He enjoyed the fact he could have friends, go outdoors and shoot guns. The Kingsman were impressed by his swordsmanship and his adaptability. After beating all the competition, Raphael was made Percival.

The new life was exciting at first, but the nativity quickly fell through. He realized he couldn't tell anyone who he was anymore. He became withdrawn and lonely. Every relationship he attempted to start up fell through. His fellow Kingsman made friends with him, but sadly he lost a lot of close ones. Arthur found him to be particularly annoying, since he always voiced his unwanted and blunt opinion on everything.

Throughout the years, Raf gave up on friendships and relationships. He found more comfort with his own companionship and enjoyed time with his music again.

At 42 his closest friend, Gaheris, or Philip to him was killed in a rescue attempt. It really pushed him into a bad place. After knowing him for ten years, he was sent to find a replacement. Typical of him, he left that to the very last minute.

- Raphael suffers with a bit of a stutter. He struggles with pronouncing his S's, and really hates it.
- He still has all of his fencing and skating medals and awards, all hanging up in his office room.
- Philip "Gaheris" Hunt was his closest friend.
- He is left handed.

|| Kyle Bradley || Botanist || True Psychic || Soft Vocals ||

Kyle Bradley
Biology lab technician
Biology with Botany B.Degree


Kyle is a little husky. He isn't very toned but also isn't skinny. He has a soft tummy and thick thighs. He's okay with being a little bit thick, but sometime's worries he's getting fat.
Kyle isn't in the least bit intimidating. He's short and not the most muscular. His hair is blond and unkempt, he allows it to fall however it wants, which leads to him constantly playing with it. His skin is very soft and is pretty tanned.
Kyle isn't afraid to show who he is. He parades his crystals and wears a lot of jewelry. Loves to wear sunglasses and necklaces. He has his ears pierced. He is grungy, and most of his clothes are ripped or distressed, but isn't too hard core.

|| Plucky || Romantic || Open-Minded || Short-Tempered || Whimsical ||
- Kyle believes he is psychic and is spiritual. He has predicted a lot before, and believes that they can be wrong, but knows what he sees. He loves to visit other psychics and says he can always spot a phony.
- Kyle also believes in healing crystals. He always has one around his neck, corresponding to what he wants to see in life.
- He believes in reincarnation and karma. He believes in past lives. His favourite past life of his was when he was a King's servant in the 13th century, accused of black magic.
- Skeptical of aliens but not dismissive.
|| Crystals || Pastel colours || The country || Horses || Singing || Early mornings || Grunge music ||
|| Rude people || Being rejected || Greasiness || The cold || Ice cream || Bats ||


Family - Kyle loves his grandparents, his grandmother indulges in his beliefs, and they don't talk to granddad about it. Still, he loves them and they look after him. He's too scared to come out to them, but they have always known.
Kyle's parents were absent from his life. His father dumped his mother when he found out she was pregnant. His mother slipped into depression when this happened. Kyle was raised mainly by his grandparents, so much so his mother left when he was one, going back to her job in the city.


||Mason Riley || Deadbeat Bassist || Conspiracy Theorist || Defend the Pop Punk ||

Mason Riley
"I ain't gay but he looked good when I was drunk, kay?"
gas station cashier
High School grad


Mason is pretty hench. In most of his spare time, Mason likes to work out. In the mornings he lifts weights, helping him gain a lot of muscle on his arms. In the evening, he goes for runs around the town. He's toned and is proud of his body.
Defining Marks:
Mason dyes his hair a lot. It's naturally dark but he bleaches it alot.
A little more punkier thank the rest of his band, Mason chooses to sport ripped and distressed clothing. He likes to wear denim and flannel, he likes to stand out a little and doesn't mind looking a bit out there. He also has a lot of piercings and stretched ears.

|| Care free || Rebellious || Apathetic || Calm || Distrustful || Caring ||
|| Smoking || Running || Long lie ins || His dad || Whatever Eli is selling || Exploring ||
|| Early Mornings || The cold || Ghost stories || Being ignored || Being drunk || Swimming ||


Family - Mason is really close with his father. His mother died when he was five, so he misses her but has no strong attachment to her. His father didn't run, but looked after Mason all through his life. He's also a bit of a loser; he works in a factory and drinks a lot, but it means he's very apathetic to Mason's drug habits.



Rami El'Zier || Heavy Arms || Rebel Alliance || Trust No One ||

Rami El'Zier
Home Planet:


Rami is extremely built. His chest and arms are muscular from all the labour work he's done. He's tall and makes an intimidating silhouette.
Physical Appearance:
His hair is a thick black, full of texture. He barely looks after it, and it has grown quite long but occasionally he gets it buzzed on the side. His eyes are a dark blue, with heavy dark circles. Rami has tanned skin, very rough and always scratched.
Defining Marks:
Rami has a thick white scar running from his right eyebrow down just below his cheekbone.
Rami cares little about fashion. He wears whatever he can, and tries to be comfortable. In combat, he wears heavy armour and always has explosives strapped to him, ready to throw when needed.
When it comes to combat, Rami takes what he can get. He prefers to go in guns blazing, usually with rocket launchers or explosives. He's not the perfect marksman and isn't the best with rifles, but can shoot just about anything if it's automatic. Rami is also comfortable with blunt meelee weapons and with a bat or a stick, he can pack a punch. However, he's not any good with hand to hand, without a weapon Rami is not as dangerous.


|| Distrustful || Aggressive || Hopeful || Thoughtful || Ambitious ||
|| Sleeping || Lots of Food || Being hugged || Explosions || Winning || Planes || Listening to music ||
|| Hand to hand combat || People prying into his business || Drinking || Being interrupted || The Empire ||


Rami didn't know his parents, they sold him into slavery as a small child. All he knows of them is that they're pieces of shit that he doesn't care about. There was always an older boy with Rami as a child, who claimed to be his older brother.
- Rami is very close to Bail Organa, who always gave him faith in the alliance.
- Rami knew some of his fellow soldiers. After the incident, Rami didn't share too much with anyone.
- During his rogue years, Rami had close calls to romance, but always scared away from getting too close.
When he was 3, Rami was sold into slavery. His parents were too poor to look after him. His first owners were kind to him, but as he grew older, they gradually made him do more an more work. He spent a lot of his time off with his apparent older brother. He looked after Rami, put cloths on his cuts and gave him his extra milk. Rami looked up to his older brother, who he called Cassie. When he was 14, Cassie said he was going out to find them some milk, but never came back. Rami always assumed he'd come back. He never did, Rami didn't know what happened.
During a small invasion of his home town, Rami managed to escape. He ran and ran until he couldn't breath anymore. He collapsed on the desert floor. He woke up in a ship, surrounded by a group of people. They had saved him from dying. They were the rebel alliance, who had come to prevent the invasion but saw Rami barely suriving his escape.
So at 18, Rami joined the alliance. He began as just a soldier, but found that he had a liking for the explosives. Soon, if it needed exploding, Rami was your guy. He educated himself in his spare time, he knew every fire starter that you could get your hands on in the galaxy.
When he turned 24, Rami became an assassin. Instead of swift sniper to the head, Rami could take out battleships with one boom. If they needed a group of spies taken out all at once, Rami was the man to go to.
When he was 25, he had a mission to create a fuss to distract a group of stormtroopers so his team could infiltrate their communications. He thought the two homes were empty, so he planted the explosives, but heard the crying too late. Rami tried to go to save whoever was in the building, and ended up destroying the whole mission. Two of his own team and three children in the homes were killed because of his mistake. This event took a giant toll on Rami. He became closed off and refused to participate in any mission, and ended up going rogue.
It wasn't until his 27th birthday that the alliance came to find him. Bail and a group of men found him in a run down bar, convincing him to come back to help them defeat the death star. It took work and a couple of lies to convince Rami to return. When he did, he saw how bad the star could be, and decided to join forces with the rebels once again.


- Libertine notes
Rami is a top, and is a bit aggressive. He's not very dominant and even though he doesn't acknowledge it, he does what he's told.
He's not that experienced.

OOC Notes:
- There may be continuity errors, my Star Wars knowledge is limited.



Augustus Quimper

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
☆゚ Basics ☆゚.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Augustus 'August' Quimper
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Facial Features:
August has a delicate, long face, with a strong jaw line. He has a fair amount of freckles, especially out in the sun. His facial hair grows in quick, but he tries to shave it as much as he can.
August is slim and on the shorter side. He eats when he can but often forgets, so he hasn't got much meat on him. He's got some skinny muscle that shows, but only because no fat can cover it. He's not very strong but he is fast and a very good hider. He's naturally pale but he tans easily.
Defining Marks:
There are a lot of scars on Augusts body. He has bite marks on his hands, scratch marks on his legs and a very big gorilla scratch on his chest.
Fashion was never something August cared about. He wears whatever is suitable in the area he's travelling in. Mostly dressed in unwashed shirts, shorts, scarves and weather appropriate items. He has goggles around his neck often and a big backpack full of stuff.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
|| Extroverted || Friendly || Impulsive || Hopeless Romantic || Absent Minded || Anxious ||
August loves people. Not quite as much as he loves animals, but it's close. He's very extroverted and is very easy to talk to. Sometimes he comes on a bit too strong and some people don't like that, but generally he's forgiven. He's quite sweet and likes to get to know people.
He's also quite impulsive. Nearly none of his decisions are thought trough and he doesn't learn from his mistakes. August has no concept of consequences. He's also absent minded, to make matters worse. Lots of simple info like birthdays and names usually escape him. He's lost many things before too.
When it comes to relationships, August gets crushes like he gets colds. He loves to love. The idea of soul mates and Prince Charmings are always the thoughts that go through his mind. He day dreams about finding his perfect partner and doesn't have a bad feeling toward love. He has a weird way of showing it, and finds it hard to convey how he feels. It's mostly through bad poetry and weird gifts.
Even though he's extroverted, August gets very nervous that he's doing the wrong thing. His worries keep him up at night.
|| Birds || Travelling || Hot countries || Alcohol || Drawing || Plants || Dates || Cuddling || Baths || Early mornings ||
|| Large insects || Being confined || Liars || Long essays || Loneliness || Long bus rides || Patronizing people ||
|| Connection to animals || Green thumb || Sketching || Running || Travelling ||
|| High functioning austism - not diagnosed ||
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
August was blessed into a happy family. His mother, Florence came from France to marry August's father, Ernest. He was an inventor who managed to profit off one of his patents to give them enough money for a relatively comfy life. Florence was a housewife. He was an only child, and his parents were wonderful. He got to play outside in their big garden and always got what he asked for in time.
As a child, August found it insanely hard to make friends. He was loud, unpredictable and cried when someone did something a way he didn't like. Eventually August stopped trying to make friends and found refuge in his garden.
After making many mud pies and falling out of trees, August found a basket of eggs up in the biggest tree. He kept a close eye on it and saw the mother bird constantly looking after them. This is where he found his deep connection with birds.
The connection became an obsession. August was sitting in the tree, watching the birds hatch and grow, even managing to feed them seeds from his home. There was a lot of trust between them. He watched them take their first flight.
August's bird obsession took him all the way to preteens, into further education. There, his interest in birds spread to all sorts of animals. His first trip to the zoo blew his mind open. His mother hated the mess of the bird feathers and muddy boots, but his parents supported him. Ernest was a quirky guy himself, it was nice to see August finding his own feet.
There were maps, and August saw holes. He knew there were more animals out there than they were saying. August got into many arguments with his teachers over how many bird species there was, and over the birds he had allegedly discovered.
When August was seventeen, his father traveled to Europe to sell more of his technology, in hopes of getting money for August to go to university. For the longest time of waiting, Ernest didn't appear back home, and not even a letter appeared. It wasn't until 8 months later they got a letter informing them that Ernest's ship had been lost at sea.
It destroyed his mother, who went cold and hid away in her room for the longest time. August, desperately needed comfort found himself slipping into the darkest part of his life. His main comfort was the stray pets and wild animals that found his garden to be a new home. He fed them, washed them and looked after animals that nobody wanted. They seemed to understand he was upset.
Florence slowly came out of her cocoon, and tried reconnecting with August, but it was hard. August felt abandoned and Florence still in grief. She finally found help from her church, which helped her become a stronger christian.
As Ernest was lost, so was his income. There was no hope of August going to university. Instead, he decided to take what was left of his inheritance and left to discover the animals he knew were out there.
His first trip was to the united states, whilst intimidating, the people were certainly helpful. He got on a ship, despite his fear, and ended in Africa.
After a year in Africa, August had discovered many species of bird and rodent. Although he got dangerously close to some, earning a whole host of injuries. In Congo, August had accidentally ambushed a family of gorillas, and had to go to hospital with an attack to his chest.
He sent home letters and his full sketchbooks, which his mother read proudly. She was still in grief, but had dedicated herself to her faith who supported her.
After a trip around Asia and avoiding the world war, August had set up in South America. He spent another year and a half in the Amazon rainforest, almost becoming one with the jungle. Not being around people was becoming insanely hard, so he had to retreat back home to see his mother for a while, patching up his notes on his animals and partying hard. His need for social interaction went wild. He jumped bar to bar, met pretty women and found out he definitely did like men too.
August finally found his way back into Brazil, finishing his break. He had spotted some unknown bird with crazy blue and red feathers and couldn't stand to leave a country knowing there was an animal out there not documented by him.
|| August has never had a relationship. He has kissed many girls and one or two men though. His priority is discovery, but he craves a relationship longer than a kiss.
|| August spends a lot of time in certain places if he finds an injured or abandoned animal looking after them.
|| While it's not easy to offend August, and he's usually oblivious to sarcasm and insulting language, he hates to be patronized or talked down to.
|| Has a fair of boats, but manages to get himself onto them. Definitely has panic attacks in his cabin on the first day.
|| If he likes a place, he quickly finds a job and a roof.
|| Loves to drink. He's no stranger to getting too tipsy on his nights off, and everyone has a story about him. He's not very famous for his work, his drunken antics do stick with people though.
|| Writes his feelings on his journal pages and screws them up then throws them away. Nobody has found one as of yet.


Audie S. Jäger

Name: Audie S. Jäger
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sexuality: Homosexual
Nationality: German
Family: English Mother - Jane Clarke / Jäger
German Father - Hans Jäger


Height - 5ft6
Build - Audie is pretty slim, but toned up when he joined the army. He has tanned skin and dark hair. His eyes are a blue-grey colour.
Defining marks - There are a couple of scars on his back from where his father hit him, but they've faded. He gained a recent one on his face, on his cheek and temple from where shrapnel got caught. The scar is thick and white.
Style - Audie loved to dress in the latest fashions. Suits, hats and sometimes bowties. He wore his best suit when he sang at the bars. When he joined the army, he wore his uniform. Audie sometimes gets scruffy, but he can't grow proper facial hair. He had very gelled up hair during his singing career, but when he joined the army, it did get messier.


Personality -
|| Flirty || Charming || Emotional || Fragile || Optimistic ||
First impressions of Audie are usually flirty and charming. He's a people pleaser and likes to flirt with girls and boys, although he usually does that to impress them, not to get their romantic attention. People also find his singing voice impressive, and he's very proud of it. He's generally outgoing and an extrovert, and is very good with people.
Insults get to Audie very easily. And he cries even easier. He hates it, but he really can't help but tearing up when someone yells at him. He takes everything personally and is very emotionally fragile. He's also not afraid to let people know how he feels. He's very open about most of his positive and angry emotions, but doesn't like to tell people when he's feeling sad. He's a little needy, which he also knows gets on peoples nerves.
Audie also tries to be optimistic. He always believes the best will happen in the end. No matter what happens, he always hopes it'll turn out okay for everyone. He's very caring and wants to see the people around him doing okay. He's a pure person with a kind heart, but he has a lot of emotional baggage.

Likes -
\ Singing \ Swing music \ Tall men \ Running \ His mother \ Dogs \ Fruit \
Dislikes -
\ Being insulted \ Being told no \ Drinking \ Cats \ Dairy \ Being cold \

Other -
Audie's singing voice -

Theme Song -
Scorpions - Still Loving You


Audie was born in the centre of Berlin on 1st December. He was a very small baby with a very small chance of surviving. But he pulled through and his mother made sure of that. She had already had two miscarriages and the couple were loosing hope, but Audie was the first baby to survive.
He was a very loud and fun-loving kid, all the neighbourhood kids liked him and wanted to play with him. Although when he hurt himself, Audie would cry. His father always shouted at him not to, because boys needed to be strong. His mother was quiet when this happened, because her husband was quite militant. Audie also got told off for being too feminine, and Audie quickly got the message. Since he knew boys, he knew he liked them. And as soon as he was told off by his father, Audie tried to like girls and be a man instead.
As soon as he was a teen, Audie showed unbelievable talent as a singer and composer. His music teacher wanted to see him go into music school, but his father said no. He did keep singing though and his father wasn't against that. In fact, he knew how to play the piano and they had duets at family parties. He just didn't want Audie to turn it into a career.
At 17, Audie had his first kiss with a boy. It was a much older boy, who said he liked Audie and wanted to kiss him behind the shed. He totally agreed, quite eager to find out what it was like. It was quite innocent, Audie left the unknown man feeling drunk on it. From then on he leant that he definitely definitely liked boys. The older boy wasn't somebody he knew, and worked at his school, but he left soon after.
After leaving school with very little qualifications, Audie started working in bars. At first he was a bartender, just making his way around. His father wasn't happy he didn't join the military, but Audie stopped caring. He felt like he was an independent man now. He was just a teenager, but he felt like he was ready to take on the world. Another motivator for his independence was his first proper, encounter with a man. He was just a little bit older than him, but Christof charmed him into a little secret relationship. It was definitely romantic, Audie was doe-eyed the first time they met. But it also was sexual, and Audie was definitely ready to hold onto this one. He felt like a big man, with a job and someone who he called a boyfriend. But it couldn't last more than a month or two. Audie didn't fully understand why, but Christof wasn't committed to his sexuality, let alone Audie. It broke his little heart and left him a little bitter.
when the war started, things changed. Audie was now a singer, thanks to Christof's encouragement. He gained a local reputation as the swing kid with a big voice. He moved around bars and sang with the local bands. His opinion on Hitler wasn't good or bad, he just focused on his own life.

However when his father learnt he was part of the swing kid movement, he beat Audie so hard. He was now part of the Gestapo and couldn't have his child going against him. He said Audie was to join the army or he was going to give up the whole of Audie's bar to the police. Of course Audie agreed, upset that his father hit him.
The army promised him he'd be back singing in less than a year, so Audie was optimistic. He wasn't too afraid to give it a go, it'd make his country and family proud.




§ Han 'Tax' Montri § 32 § Male § Neutral Evil § Texas Hold'em §

Name: Han Montri
Nickname: Tax
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Gang member - Poker player -



Height: 6ft4
Build: Thick, Muscular, Broad shoulders and strong chest.
Mods: Han has an all natural top half - Excluding his eyes, which are a natural brown, but have been fitted with a high end interface. His mods are found under the knee. He lost his legs in a car crash when he was 18, but he got his prosthetics fitted soon after. They're chrome, and give him a speed advantage over the average man.

Style: Han dresses smartly. He wears a collection of browns and blacks, in the form of long coats and suits. He is always clean shaved and he likes to style his hair. If it was expensive, he'll wear it, but fashion doesn't play a massive role in his life.



§ Open-Minded § Bossy § Grumpy § Accepting § Selfish §
Pattern: Calculator
Being a Calc, or a calculator, means Tax can see the total of numbers in a persons hand. For example, the amount of cash he's being handed, or the amount of bullets in a gun. But most importantly, he can see the total of the cards in a hand during poker. This gave him a pretty good advantage.

§ Tax is still very close to his mother, he texts her all the time to make sure she's okay. She lives, far away from the city. He hopes she never gets pulled in to his lifestyle.
§ He also tries not to get too close to anyone. After helping Troy and his weird collective, Tax found himself feeling a little bit aligned to them. He doesn't hang out as often, just because he's scared of becoming too attached. Plus, he had a gang to lead.

§ Han smokes and drinks, only when he's under pressure. So he always has a lighter and a pack of cigarettes on him.
§ Despite what many people think of him, Han has never actually killed anyone. He'll beat somebody to the brink of death, but letting them live is the real penalty of crossing him.
§ Loves to cuddle. Hasn't been hugged in years, but would cuddle anybody at this point.

Han was adopted when he was just a couple of months old by a lesbian couple. They were both successful business women, and loved Han with all their heart. Han grew up in a world where he got what he wanted every time he asked. He went to the most expensive school in Bangkok and was a clever child. His childhood was a good one.
When he got to his teens, Han began to see the numbers. Of course he drifted for a while, but then they began to make sense in the maths tournaments. As he got a little bit older, he tried his hand at poker and gambling. A much older Calc had shown him how to use the seemingly useless number pattern for bad. He began earning quite a fortune. He was young and naive, but when he started beating criminals, and taking gang members money, he gained a reputation he didn't know about. He unintentionally put his life in danger.
When he was 18, he and his mother were deliberately crashed into on a freeway. His mother died in the hospital, and Han lost both of his legs. He was angry that they couldn't save his mother, but soon learnt of the true nature of the crime.
A gang that had lost a lot of money to Han tried to get rid of him. This gave Han a place to direct his anger.
It didn't take him long to use his money to buy mods for his legs, or to get involved with gang rivalries. The rival gang happily accepted Han into their group, and he earned them a lot of money against the one that tried to kill him. His mother barely noticed, she worked overtime to get over the death of her wife.
Years of working for a gang, Han gained a higher rank and a reputation for being relentlessly cruel. He earned the nickname 'Tax'. When someone was in debt to the gang, through drugs mainly, Han would get the money back + interest.
He spends most of his time travelling to find people who owe him money for drugs, playing poker, and living his lavish lifestyle. His mother still doesn't know where he gets his money from, but he always treats her.



Troy Liu |♦| 22 |♦| Male |♦| Chaotic Neutral |♦| Street Rat |♦|

Name: Troy Liu
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Criminal - Con Artist - Will do if paid




Height: 6ft
Build: Slim, toned body. Not too lanky, pretty average.
Mods: His eyes were originally dark brown, but had them illegally modded to an electric green. These give him a basic interface that interacts with his city.
Style: Troy's style is eclectic, dark and bold. His hair is a peroxide blond. He wears a lot of jewelry, and rip-off designer brands. He wears leather, fur, metal, whatever he can get his hands on. His signature look is bleach blond hair with neon light up shoes. During work he wears a black mask [see spoili] that helps him interact with the customer, but also covers his identity.


|♦| Impulsive |♦| Sarky |♦| Insecure |♦| Brave |♦| Quick Learner |♦|
Pattern: Accountant
Troy can see how much money that person has in their name, and used to be able to see how much money they had on them. Very useful for who to con and who to pick pocket. Even though he's rarely moral, he doesn't want to steal from poor people. He targets the richer community.
♦ Troy isn't aware of what his family is up to now, he hasn't seen his father since he ran away from China.
♦ His closest friends are on the streets, but he's especially close with a cop who continues to let him off in exchange for useful info. Tana is like a brother to him, although he has to be careful the frequency they meet, he doesn't wanna get either of them in trouble.
♦ After Malcolm got himself into trouble, and dragged him into it, he collected a group of people he could trust. Tax is a bit of an asshole, and still a little intimidated by him. Malcolm was like a big brother, and he liked him. Angel was like his weird uncle, and ran his mouth more than he did.
♦ Troy's network of people is huge. He knows everybody in the underground world, or at least a guy who knows a guy. This is quite a useful bonus that comes with hiring Troy.
♦ He has a massive distaste for the red-light district, mainly because of his years working there. He'll only go there if he's getting paid. He hasn't disclosed this information to anyone.
♦ Loves reptiles. Like, He wants to own pet snakes and lizards, the natural ones are better than the artificial ones.
♦ He wouldn't say he was attracted to girls that much, but he certainly has kissed them before, and makes emotional bonds with them. He still considers himself gay.

Troy was born into povery stricken China. His mother was a secretary, His father a retired business worker. When he was 6 months old, his mother left him in the night with another man, and that's all that he and his father knew.
He grew up a rebellious kid, and didn't do well in class. His father drunk himself into a deep depression, and could barely look after Troy. So he was raised on the streets. As a teenager, Troy began smoking and doing drugs, getting himself into trouble with the police. His father had given up on Troy a long time ago, and the two barely spoke. Troy didn't harbor any bad feelings towards him, but to him, his real family were the kids on the streets.
When he turned 16, he and his group decided to escape to Bangkok. The journey was full of illegal train rides and hitchhiking, but they made it to the city. They gathered all the money they had to rent a tiny flat.
The group eventually began to split. One guy had cheated on his long term girlfriend, which forced the group apart. Troy defended the girl, but the boy eventually forced the two out.
The two friends lived on the streets during their 18th. They survived by stealing and selling goods, begging and eventually, sex work. Troy doesn't like to bring up that time in his life, but his time in the red light district only lasted a few months.
However, that was where they met a bigger, older community of criminals, who looked past their organic looks and took them in. The two proved their worth, and eventually earned their mods. Troy bought electric green eye implants, his friend chose a more complex, internal mod. However, the botched surgery didn't go well for her, it scarred her, leaving her with missing organs and poorly replaced lungs. She ran away.
Troy tried looking for her, but eventually gave up and started his own life. He bought a one room flat up top of a shop and keeps his bills paid by conning rich people. Not a hard life, especially when he can see how much he's stealing. He wanted to join a bigger criminal circle, but his best friend - a cop, won't let him.
After trying to do a good deed for once, Troy upped the bounty on his head ten fold by helping Malcolm and his stolen mod to safety. Although it gained him some more trustworthy friends.



Name: Dr. Samba Sharma
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Medical Doctor - Specializes in Neuroscience


Height: 5ft8
Hair: Naturally dark brown, long, wavy
Eyes: Dark Brown
Physical Description: Samba is a tall, thin lady. She never has time to eat, and is constantly on her feet. She still has a bit of an hourglass, her hips especially wide. She also has a long torso. Her skin is dark, and smooth. She usually has her hair up when she's working, and a minimal amount of make up. She sometimes has eyeliner on, and maybe lipgloss, but she usually doesn't have time for it. She wears a lab jacket all the time, but at home she relaxes in pajamas. When she goes out, she doesn't mind wearing short tight dresses and high heels.


Theme Song: Get On Your Knees

|| Selfish || Hard-Working || Patient || Aggressive || Sensual ||
In general, Samba is constantly busy. Her job is constantly throwing things at her, so there is no stopping her. She is aggressive and tough on her co-workers, simply because she wants the job to be done to the best possible.
Even though she's aggressive, Samba is very patient. As a neurosurgeon, she has to be. She knows the brain like the back of her hand, and knows if you rush anything, it could be fatal.
Outside of work, which is rare, Samba can relax. She enjoys to party and drink with her friends. She's a very sensual person and knows that she's an attractive women. She's confident in herself and in her work.

Being correct
Like minded people
Cute boys

Long shifts
Strong Spirits/Alcohol
Being Challenged



Name: Rodrigo Suárez

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demi-sexual / Homo-Romantic

Nationality: Brazilian

Occupation: Soccer coach


Height: 5ft10

Physical Description:

Rodrigo is toned, and a little defined. He has dark tanned skin and thick brown hair. He manages to stay in shape because he does go jogging and skating, but also has an extremely high metabolism. He has dark eyes and dark circles.

Style Description:

He wears casual clothes, mostly tee's and ripped jeans. He likes to wear baseball hats and necklaces. Sometimes he wears a more sporty look, including football shirts and running shorts.



|| Quiet || Insecure || Obsessive || Active || Irritable ||

Rodrigo is generally quiet, despite being an extrovert. He enjoys to be around his team or his friends, but likes it when they're the ones talking. Most people find him oddly charming, but his good looks deter him from teetering on the edge of strange. He's active and enjoys to be playing football or skating, and doesn't like to be sitting down for too long - unless it's for his tv show.

The neglect of his parents made him quite needy and obsessive. When he fell in love with Elijah, he deluded himself into genuinely believing he was in love with him too. He even got to the point where he believes they are in a relationship, Elijah is just too busy to meet up with him. His house seems normal enough, but his basement is his shrine of his 'boyfriend', posters are everywhere, photos litter the desk.

When things don't his way, or he's taken as a fool. He can get very irritable. He's prone to getting hurt, but doesn't show it. Instead, he shouts and makes a fuss. When his teammate teased him for being a girl, Rodrigo hit him, so he's not afraid to throw a fist or two.


Listening to punk music


Being ignored
Not being taken seriously
Waking up late
Junk food
Girly clothes



Rodrigo lived a rough childhood. He grew up in a poverty stricken neighborhood in Brazil, with his mom and dad and two older brothers - Both moved away when Rodrigo was 4. His mother was neglectful to Rodrigo, turning a blind eye when his father shouted at him. Both harbored negative feelings to Rodrigo, after two sons, the couple were desperate for a daughter. When Rodrigo was born, both were unhappy. So much so that his father would shout obscenities at him, and made him do 'girly' things. He would wear girls clothes and make up, even when he asked for a football for his birthday, he got make up instead. When Rodrigo turned 13, he hit puberty, which made his abusive parents angrier, since he was an early developer. He lost any hint of girlishness. His mother, who turned out to be on heavy drugs since he was 9, had lost all interest in her son. However, his father was delusional, even psychotic. He tried to make Rodrigo be girly, and when he refused, his father would hit him.

When he was 14, Rodrigo had enough, he ran away into the city. There was a small fuss at the school, but due to the lack of care at home, Rodrigo faded into obscenity.

Two years on the streets, Rodrigo scraped by through begging and stealing. He managed to make friends with the homeless, and he met an older man who was a local drug dealer. He managed to convince the man to let Rodrigo work for him. So he had a small room to himself, and a job as a drug dealer. This was how he was introduced to TV. When he wasn't on the streets, Rodrigo would lock himself up in his room and watch a show. At 17, he was obsessed with it, especially a young male character. He connected with him so much, he was so cute and kind and funny! It was like the character looked at Rodrigo. He felt like that boy knew all his pain, and loved him for it.

The obsession didn't stop when Rodrigo was reported to the child services at 17, and taken into care. He was to miss the drug lord who had become like a second dad, but the clean housing and nice carers weren't too bad. He went back to school, and eventually took up football and skating. He was scouted by an american soccer coach, who thought he was naturally talented. At 19, Rodrigo was taken to the states, and trained with other Americans. He found he enjoyed the sport, and climbed the ladder of success. When he was playing for one of the better soccer teams, he generated a little fan-base. The charming boyish looks, skills and tragic backstory made Rodrigo quite an interest. As much as he liked the attention from girls and small news shows, Rodrigo never wanted to be a star. In his mind, he was dating a boy called Elijah. He was a famous actor and he should be the one in the limelight.

He dropped out of soccer at 21, and made it as a soccer trainer in his state team. Turned out he much preferred it here. He trained his team each day, and got to go home to watch the show at night. Rodrigo had heard from his brothers, who seemed like they wanted to be part of his life now he was living the good life, but he still blamed them for leaving him alone with his psychotic parents. He had a good collection of friends now, and wanted to introduce them to his boyfriend, who he really wanted to meet now.


capable of doing terrible things

"I made my fantasy life more powerful than my real one."

Name: Caspar Hellström
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Nationality: Swedish
Occupation: Company Financial Worker


Height: 6ft4
Build: Lanky, not very defined
Hair: Fine, blond hair
Eyes: Blue
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: Septum, ears
Caspar dresses in black and grey. He enjoys fashionable clothes but also likes simplicity. He wears hats and sneakers, but doesn't have much color to his wardrobe. He tries not to stand out, but he still wants to look good. His fashion sense is reflective of his home and life; minimalist, neat and expensive.


|| Quiet || Selfish || Apathetic || Introverted || Short - Tempered ||

Caspar is a quiet man, he doesn't like to be the center of attention and appreciates it when he's in his own head space. He comes off as a bit of a jerk, but can be warmed up to. He has a stone cold bitch face, and can be quite intimidating. He doesn't like to share and finds it hard to warm up to people, but with enough time and space, he'll find people he actually likes. He doesn't like to see the people he likes spending too much time with others, he doesn't like to share.
Caspar has little opinion on the way the world is, he isn't interested in politics or in controversy. As long as he can keep his job, he's okay with that goes on. He lives a simple and quiet life on the surface, enjoying fashion and music.
However, he does have a temper and when pushed hard, Caspar can quickly change his tune. He's been known to lash out with violence in his voice, and takes all of it out on other people.
He's a bit of a sadist, and doesn't feel bad for any assholes who get fired. And a sadist when he finds himself in the bedroom, too. He can get really intense during sex, which has made some of his previous partners nervous.

Criminal Background:
|| Murder || Cannibalism ||
Caspar grew up in a family of cannibals. His father's side ate the meat of men, he and his mother weren't aware. When it was 10, Caspar was taken hunting with his father and grandfather. Only to find out they took girls and men from their jobs and let them run about in their hunting range to be hunted, then cooked. Caspar was horrified at first, sure it was wrong to eat people. But with a lot of convincing and conditioning, Caspar came around to the idea. As he hit puberty, his hunting and cannibalism gave him somewhat of a sexual rush.
He was told not to tell his mother, but he accidentally let it slip. His mother was horrified, and got into an argument with his father. He was taken away from his home and eventually moved to America with his mothers retired parents.
He learnt that cannibalism and murder was a gross crime, and deterred from doing it throughout his teenage years, but he couldn't help the twisted dreams from getting to his head. Caspar craved the taste of meat, and the rush of the hunt. He got his degree in economics and scored a lucky hit at a successful company. He worked his way up easy. He had killed two men, but now he was desperate for more. Snuffing the life out of them quickly wasn't as much fun as being able to shoot them. Caspar missed the hunt. But he couldn't possibly do it alone.

Finally moving into a big home of his own, away from his depressed mother and dead grandparents, he was free to live his life as he wanted. When Caspar was 24, his mother committed suicide. Capsar pitied her, and buried her without a funeral.

A life alone was something Caspar had never had before, and as he began dating, he stepped closer to a bond that was also new to him.

♦Early mornings
♦Minimalist, Avant-Garde style
♦Spending money
♦Classical music

♦Long nights
♦Being drunk
♦Messy rooms
♦People who talk a lot



|| Amelia J Turing || Vault - Dweller || Dishonorable Knight || Dirty Jobs ||

Name: Amelia J Turing
Age: Over 200 years (Aged 25)
Birth Place: Boston, America
Current Location: Goodneighbour, The Commonweath
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Separated
Species: Human
Ethnicity: American

Physical Appearance:
Amelia is around 5ft6, slim with muscle and pale. Her skin is covered with soot or dirt. She has blue eyes, which she puts heavy eyeliner over. She has bags under her eyes from all the non-sleeping she does. Amelia has a strong jawline but slim lips, which usually have a cigarette between them. She has red hair, with a thick fringe and cut into a bob. She usually keeps a tough look on her, and speaks with a rough voice.

Amelia discarded her jumpsuit ages ago. She wears a dirty white tank top with a brown leather jacket over. She wears thick green pants and heavy combat boots. She still has her wedding ring, but doesn't wear it. She still has her holotags in her back pocket. Her weapon of choice is a bayoneted shotgun, or something sharp to whack people with.

|| Romantic || Aggressive || Sympathetic || Extroverted || Protective || Nihilistic ||

First impressions of Amelia are usually rough. She is blunt and straight to the point, and usually sarcastic. She just wants to get what she needs and fast. She's not easily impressed and isn't interested unless you're offering caps. In any combat, or confrontation, Amelia is aggressive and isn't afraid to point guns. But she usually doesn't want to kill innocent people, just wants to keep people at a distance. She has a lot of hatred inside of her because of her husband, but she doesn't know where to put it, so it usually ends up being taken out on undeserving innocents.
However, past her sarcasm and aggression, Amelia is a sympathetic person. She still has parts of her softer, pre-war self - Caring and protective. She wants to see people she cares about get the best they can, and doesn't discriminate against ghouls, robots or sometimes even synths.
She likes to do philosophical things like smoke and watch the sunset. She believes nothing you do matters, because the world will always keep spinning. She isn't optimistic or pessimistic, just a realist who just wants to get by.



Amelia was born in 2052, North America. She grew up in a military household, with a soldier as her single father. They were close, Amelia wanted to follow in his footsteps. She grew up a tomboy who wanted to be just like her dad. When she was 16, she dropped out of school and joined the military cadets, where she met her first girlfriend. She had a bright, but short spark with her first love interest before she met Daniel Turing, her first and only boyfriend. She eventually ended up marrying him. The two got their first house and Amelia dropped out of cadets to become a stay at home wife. They began to plan a family together, but the war got in the way of that...


Vault 111 was opened up by the institute, and many people were exterminated, but her and Daniel managed to escape into the commonwealth. Amelia wasn't prepared to leave all her friends behind in the vault, but Daniel forced her to follow him into the wasteland.
They spent a lot of their first days in the commonwealth trying to get protection, weapons, anything to defend themselves before they decided to find a society. After weeks of wandering, the couple managed to find their way to the Cambridge police station, and got caught up in the feral ghouls attacking the BoS. Daniel and Amelia helped defend the soldiers and eventually secured the station. This lead to the leader, Paladin Danse to welcome the couple to the BoS. Without any other security, the couple decided to fight the Brotherhood's cause.

Within months, both Amelia and Daniel became Knights. Daniel easily got into the Brotherhood mindset, whereas Amelia could never fully dedicate herself to the xenophobic way. She found it tough to exterminate ghouls and synths who seemed so human. But with every death she witnessed, it made her skin thicker. Daniel became more and more aggressive, the battlefield made him more violent. It pleased Maxson, but made life worse for Amelia. Every time they failed, he would take it out on her. Verbal became physical abuse towards her.

After 8 months with the Brotherhood, the couple had a pivotal moment. After finding out one of the settlements were synths from the institute, Amelia and Daniel's squad were ordered to exterminate the settlement. Amelia raided the shelter to find two children hiding behind their mother. They begged for mercy, and Amelia gave it. Daniel found her backing away from the shelter and decided to do what she couldn't. They returned to the prydwen, Maxson promoted Daniel for his dedication, which outraged Amelia. She decided enough was enough, she screamed at Daniel, condemning him for what he had become, but didn't want to hear it. After hitting her, he confided in Maxson, who dishonorably discharged her to the wasteland.

Broken and lost, Amelia began to wander the commonwealth. She found herself residing in Goodneighbour for quite a while, making a living doing the dirty work of good folk. Theft, buying chems, even the occasional assassination. But it was just enough to buy her a room in the Rexford and a pack of cigarettes.
