Can you get this for me?..

Can you find me a sophisticated dinosaur?

Can you please find me a doped flame?
Am I doin it rite?


Can you find me the longest eyelashes ever?
This long enough?


Can you find me the most epic trio of all time?
The world's largest socks hanging from the world's largest set of drawers :D

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Can you get me a version of spongebob that will make me go "OH MOTHER OF GOD WHY!?"?
I cant believe I had to do this to my favorite character, but...


Can you find me a sexy ass wolf?
Lol I actually screamed "Oh dear mother of god, why?!"

Here ya go, one sexy ass wolf. Well, in human form. From True Blood <3

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Wilst thou giveth me a pale irish wrestler that will make my heart skip a beat?

Well... he's an Irish wrestler? I don't know about heart skipping... sounds dangerous.

Get me a picture of a cat who's doing something cats shouldn't be doing. >:[
Prrr he made my night. I wanna RP with Shaemus <3

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Silly kitty, computer repair is for nerds!! Can you get me the most amazing cartoon bear on the net?
What am I supposed to be finding now?

Find me an interesting thing to give on a first date.
Here, this belonged to my last girlfriend


Can you find me the most expensive pen ever?

Price: $1,470,600

Find me an Awesome, Large Chocolate Sculpture =D
Here you go!


Can you find me the largest pizza ever made?

"According the keepers of human history over at the Guinness World Records, the largest circular pizza ever baked weighed was made in Norwood, South Africa by Norwood Hypermarket on December 8, 1990. It weighed 26,883 pounds."

Can you find me the angriest airplane?
Cant get any angrier than an angry bird


Can you get me a cool ferris wheel on fire!
Oh noes, fire! I'll save the babies! -Disturbingly serious voice- But only the babies.

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Can you find me an awkwardly hilarious picture of a certain mother-hating football-headed cartoon baby?
Here you go

find me a picture of the largest finger

I would like a four dimensional rubik's puzzle, please!
Here you go

Can you find me a man pulling out his eyeballs?