Can you get this for me?..

Here ya go.

Please find me some delicious panda bread. :)
Bon apetite!


Could you please get me some cool looking swimming mouse?
here you go

swimming m ouse.gifcould you get me a sexy hot latin dancer?
Um... kay.

Can you find me a dolphin playing sports?
I wonder how that would work but you go ;)


Could you get me a car made of dead bodies or part of bodies?
here you go


Can you get me the ugliest person in the world?
Here you go very cute
JEDIkitty.gif Can you get me a cat that looks like hitler?
It's a link that takes you to your own profile :P (so long as you're signed in to Facebook)

Oh lol. I was like "HOLY CHIZZ HOW DOES THIS GUY KNOW ME?! And... Hey he's a butt >:T I'm not ugly! At least not the UGLIEST person ever..."
Yummeh looking.


Can you find me a funny piece of bologna?
How's this?


Can someone find me a rather cute-looking alien?

Cute enough? x3

Can you get me a picture of kitsune triplets - two boys and a girl??
BAM! So kyoot.

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I SHALL REQUEST UPON YOU A PICTURE OF A BREATHTAKINGLY HANDSOME VAMPIRE (And it better NOT be any of those twinkling man-ginas from Twilight! Think more... True Blood.)

Aww yeaahhh.

I request the highest of fives!