Camp Demigod (Better name coming!)

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Kyron went along his own way, wandering around like he normally did before deciding he was tired and he would head back to the cabin. Not having done much today, he had no reason to shower, so once he made it to his bed, he changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a sleeveless shirt, crawling into bed without much else to say. Jericho looked at Kyron questioningly until her rolled his eyes and patted the bed, allowing the great dane to climb up into the bed with him, curling up next to Kyron before slumping down to fall asleep.
Bjorn had woken himself up a few times in the night on accident. The trickster had always had a bad habit of talking in his sleep and during this last year it accasionally caused some sleeping spells to come out which is why everyone hated sleeping in his cabin, one moment your sleeping the next moment your blankets magically get tossed to the end of the cabin.

By the time his alarm buzzed he flicked his hand lazily, sending the little clock smashing into the wall, curling up with Dracul and pulling the blankets over his head.
Kyron had no need for an alarm, as he wa always up at 6:30 each day. He got dressed for a workout and made his way to where Bjorn slept. He looked at the time, he should have been up by now. With a sigh, he shook his head and grabbed the blanket, yanking them off of the trickster as he said loudly, "Rise and shine! Day one start now so get up and get moving!!"
Bjorn jerked from his sleep at the sudden loss of his blankets, he groaned at the sight of Kyron "Do you have nothing better to do then be up at this hour? Does the sun even rise this early?" since the trickster usually just slept in P.J bottoms, his lean upper body was on sight. Revealing that the pale skin was covered in scars, most made from a sword of somesort. The worse was a big scar that ran from the top of his left shoulder down across his abs to his right hip.
Kyron noticed the scars and studied the worst one for a moment. Had these been caused by that sibling of his that was here before? No matter, he smirked at Bjorn and crossed his arms, "I said seven. So that means you get up. at. seven." he replied as he gave a hard but playful pat to his ankle before turning back around. "You have five minutes to get dressed, I will be waiting outside."
He grumbled in annoyance "fine you oaf"
oaf being the best insult he could think of this early in the morning. He sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He yawned as he began to search threw his things for some clothes, finding some shorts and a shirt to workout in. He brushed his teeth slowly, hoping to take as long as he could to get ready.
Kyron watched his watch as he waited outside the door. Four minutes had passed and he still was not out. He banged the door a couple times and called in saying "One minute, then I am dragging your sorry butt out of here". He meant that too. When kyron gave someone a time frame, he made sure to keep with it. Blame the inner soldier he had, part of being the child of Ares.
"I will turn you to ice" he called back in a empty threat, he wished he could be a bit more intimidating though he assumed that would just edge on a child of war a little more. "im taking my time Mr. Impatiant, since im up this early i might as well enjoy the earlyness for a bit"
Kyron rolled his eyes and sighed. Damn this guy was difficult. "You can enjoy shit when you arent training, now lets move." he called back, "Only girls take their time in the morning, should I start referring you as Miss Bjorn from now on?"
The last comment got the door open real quick "You will call me no such thing" he said scowling up at him unhappily as he came out, arms crossed over his chest stubbornly. Dracul slithered to the door and peeked out curiously.
Kyron merely shrugged as he made his way to the training area, looking back to see if he were following. Once there, he grabbed a wooden sword and tossed it to Bjorn, then went to grab a nearby gym bag, dragging it over and opening it. He pulled out something but held it behind his back when he turned to face Bjorn. "Yesterday, I gave you the opportunity to try and attack me and make me stagger, but you had little to no rhyme or reason to your movement. This exercise will help you not only with speed, but coordination and reaction, as you will need that when facing an enemy. So without further ado" he flung his arm forward and released what he was holding, a tennis ball, straight at the trickster, saying "block it!" just as he did.
He caught the sword instead of dropping it this time, that was progress in his eyes though he knew catching a sword was different than using it. He watched and listened to him warily, a bit nervous to see what he had behind his back. Assuming it was something dangerous since his opponent was deadly. He looked startled as something was thrown at him, immediatly dropping the sword and bringing his arms up to shield his face out of instinct. The ball hitting him in the elbow "You cant just throw stuff at me and call it training! How was i suppose to block that, i didnt even know you were going to throw it at me"
Nights. They were the worst for her. She had never experienced nights come and go like this before. Where she was from they had days that lasted for what seemed like forever and nights that could last a couple of days, human time. She had tossed and turned in her futon trying to convence herself that she needed to sleep, but it was hopeless. Laid awake thinking of the people she had met and the things she had done. It was all to boring as she listened to the others sleep.

Finally the first rays of light peeked over the camp. Her eyes opened instantly, it was another day. Jumping out of her futon she changed quickly into a dress and ran to the door, slipping on her ssandals she stepped outside. She wasn't very far outside when she looked to the sun and greeted it like she did every morning.

"Time to run." With that said she took off through the camp on her morning jog.
"Rule number one!" exclaimed Kyron, ignoring the outburst made by Bjorn, "Always be quick to react! Expect the unexpected and you will survive for another battle". Again he took a step forward, grabbing a few more tennis balls as he began tossing them at Bjorn in random order. "Rule number two, not everything has to be blocked, you have legs for a reason, use them when it is the most helpful option."
"Expect the unexpected, thats so cliche" he scowled but had his sword in his hands firmly now. Despite his attempts to block the tennis balls he seemed to have terrible eye hand cordination and missed almost every ball until he started to cheat. His magic came into play and a few of the balls lifted into the air and flew at Kyron, he laughed as he spun one around to hit the ares child in the back of the head, sending the rest of the floating balls at him at full speed. He laughed and using the advice of using his legs more he turned and jogged a safe distance away still laughing. Obviously thinking it was very funny.
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