Camp Demigod (Better name coming!)

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Bjorn took on a look of pure innocence once Angelo appeared, looking slyly over at Fenfir as he listened to him lie. He looked back at Angelo and nodded along with his words though his mischevious grin was plastered on his face. He watching Angelo fly away and laughed, clasping Fenfir on the shoulder "your a good man Fenfir. Us Norse kids have to stick together and oh what fun it'll be to see the greeks get in trouble at breakfast" he chuckled and starting walking toward the dining hall.
Haruko stepped into the mess hall and looked around at the people that were already there. Since she had been at the camp she had seen many different things that people ate. She was curious on what each thing was. She wanted to try them so bad, but Inukami was one for tradition and wouldn't let her stray off the celestial path.

Haruko approached a small table and knelt down on the floor. Before her ladies-in-waiting left they made sure to leave things that were in her everyday life. That included a traditional table with cushions and traditional table ware.

She sat patiently as Inukami went to fetch her food.
Fenfir smiled slyly as the Angelo flew away, saying that the Greeks would be in trouble. But Fenfir could not shake the feeling that he actually knew he was lying straight to his face, it was funny and scary at the same time. Fortunately, all thought if the situation left his mind when Bjorn laughed and grabbed his shoulder. your a good man Fenfir.

"Us Norse kids have to stick together and oh what fun it'll be to see the greeks get in trouble at breakfast". Bjorn said and he laughed.

Fenfir looked at him quizzically and raised and eyebrow. "Norse kid... you are mistaken, I'm a Norse Man, with a capital M." he said as he walked towards the Mess Hall, laughing loudly. Once they got to the entrance, Fenfir quickly looked around for a seat, most of them seemed to be taken already. "Man, why do so many people have to be hungry in the morning." he said sarcastically.
So, you've been found guilty, Björn? asked Lakfi as she came out of the girl's cabin and hugged both of them by the neck. It was well known that Lakfi's mother oversmarted Odin himself to get advantage of a father she never loved and that her father (and she and her sisters by extension) were hostages in the house of aesirs, so they were spected to have certain animosity against one another.
The reality was that she enjoyed laughing and Björn pranks made her laugh.
Can i punish him? may i use the horses?
Bjorn chuckled as he looked at the crowded hall "well im guessing theirs some room because some mischief maker git water all over some chicks and they have to clean up" he mused to Fenfir. His gaze turned to Lakfi and he smiled "actually im innocent till proven guilty. And ive done nothing wrong" he winked at her "but lets see if one of the councilers decide to accuse me infront of the camp like last time" he chuckled as he remembered last time he had done some serious sassy back talking that had earned him two months of cleaning the swords in the armory.
Haruko gently swayed from side to side as she waited for her food to arrive. Her black hair moved with her all the way to the floor where it gathered in a pile. Honestly she loved her hair, but it was quite inconvenient to have it so long most of the time. At the moment though she was to busy replaying a song in her head that she had heard from one of the other girls. She didn't quite understand the song, but it had a nice tune to it and the feel made her happy.

It wasn't long before Inukami came out of the kitchen with her food hovering above him. There were several plates of food and a tea kettle. Inukami didn't bat an eye at anyone else in the room as he made his way to his master. When he got to the table where Haruko sat he let the food down placing a clean plate in front of her with chop sticks. She clapped for Inukami excited to get her food. "As wonderful as always Inu-san!" The light her body emitted grew a little brighter in response to her cheerfulness. Picking up her chopsticks she held them between both hands and closed her eyes as if saying a prayer. When she was down she separated the chopsticks calling out "Itadakimasu!" before placing food on her plate to eat.

Inukami sat on a cushion beside his master watching her eat contently. Honestly he was making sure that she ate everything that was there.
Once most of the campers were at breakfast Angelo headed for the mess hall. Landing outside of it he went to his table which had been pulled with nectar and ambrosia. Once everyone seemed settled he stood up and said, "good morning everyone, I hope you all slept well. This morning someone caused a disturbance in the girl's cabin bathrooms. Until the culprit comes forward capture the flag is off, the kitchen will also not provide snacks so in between meals you will have to get your own food. Lastly no one will be allowed outside of camp if you are caught the punishment will be severe, there are now harpies stationed all around camp to help me keep an eye on you. I know this may seem like an invasion of privacy, but my job is to keep all of you safe and act like a parent to all of you and part of being a parent is punishing when children do something wrong. So until the culprit comes forward this is how it will be, anyone with information on this should come to me immediately." He boomed over the crowd of teens. He glared at Bjorn with a knowing look and then took his seat.
Alex was seated at the greek table enjoying his breakfast. A plate of glorious bacon. "Damn, I had stuff to do outside camp today." He shrugged. "Oh well."
"That's different." he said sternly in reaction to Bjorn's idea of getting the girls wet, with water. "Who would not pay money to see that." he said ridiculously. Fenfir was the hugged by a tall, 999 year old woman, who looked no day older than 17. Her name was Lakfi. During her short conversation with Bjorn, he just couldn't help but curse the gods for taking the forms of teens, it was really tripy to realize that the woman you were talking to was about 982 years older that you.

"Let's not destroy the Mess Hall with flying horses, if it was cows, that would be a different story." he said sarcastically as he strolled off looking for a table. As Fenfir walked around, he noticed a girl sitting at a small table with cushions around it. He looked around at the other tables, they were all large picnic like tables, and she had a small... whatever it was. Fenfir walked up to the girls table and raised his eyebrow.

"Do you mind if I take a seat, this is the only table around." he said with a shrug of his shoulders. He then looked over her... dog, he couldn't put his finger on it, the dog looked nice enough. Fenfir faintly heard the remark Angelo made about harpies and sighed outwardly, Bjorn had better fix this.
Bjorn winced as he heard the camp punishments but he still had a smug grin plastered on his face and a mischevious look in his eyes. He leaned back in his chair and winked at Angelo as he locked gazes with him. Before turning his gaze back to his snake, petting the serpent a few seconds before speaking loudly. His form blurred and suddenly he was the spitting image of Angelo, except he still had his vibrant green eyes.

He knew this would get him mad but changing forms was just oh so fun. He did this alot, pretended he was Angelo and made other kids do random chores and make people think they were in trouble. He spoke in the exact replitca of Angelos voice "well. I mean if it was just a freak accident i guess no one needs to be punished. Accidents happen am i right?" He laughed.
Haruko looked from her food with her chopsticks still in her mouth. She looked at Fenfir curiously at first then smiled. Swallowing the food in her mouth she removed the cholsticks.

"Please have a seat!" She said with a smile. No one had sat at her table with her since she arrived. She was beginning to wonder if she at brought the wrong table or if her manners were bad. She motioned to the cushions around the table. "Please make yourself confortable."
"Thanks." Fenfir said casually as he took a seat on one of the cushions across the table from...Haruko, he was bad with names. Fenfir was about to start a conversation back up when he realize he forgot to even get any food. Fenfir slamed his palm into his face and groaned outwardly. It was breakfast time, and he had forgotten to her any food, he probably looked stupid. He could have just excused him self and gotten some, but then how would Haruko think of him, he could also just play it off, but he already looked stupid trying to do so. "Soo, Haruko right...your....umm pet won't kill me will he." he said glancing at the dog.
After reaching the medical building, Enyo left her brother there to wake up and recuperate. She walked toward the mess hall only to discover that she was the last one, besides Ezio that is. She didn't quite know how to be when her brother was not around, but she felt that he was the same way. When she went to sit down, she didn't know where to go. I don't know what to do, Ezio usually knows where to sit, but I can't see anywhere. She stood in the middle of the room looking like a complete fool. Being told by his attendant, he would not be awake for possibly an hour an a half.
There was never a dull day at camp.

Devika's sides were still sore from the morning's surprise. One of the boys had done something to the girls' toilets, causing an overflow that was more like a geyser. Luckily the toilet had been unused; it could have easily been worse. It was rather funny, the way those girls ran about and smacked Bjorn for his transgression. It was a bit silly, she thought. It was only water, after all, and the sun was bright today. A few hours outside would dry them off. She laughed riotously at the sight, but it stopped being humorous when they all got punished.

Once that announcement had been ceremoniously dropped on the demigods heads, Devika grabbed her jug of water and settled near Bjorn, sitting on the table instead of on the bench. Perhaps she could talk to him- her father was a trickster of a different sort. She loved a good game, but she hated to see those punished who didn't deserve it.

After taking a long drink of water, she spoke, looking at the transformed Bjorn out of the corner of her eye.

"Thank you for the morning's entertainment." She smiled broadly, dimples appearing in her soft cheeks. "I would love to know how you managed that, later." She swirled the water in her jug, simply offering a moment of silence before continuing. "Not quite sure if it's worthy of a true trick, though. Everyone knows it is you, just as everyone will know it will be you behind the next incident." Finally she looked at him, challenge in her eyes. "A true trickster knows that the people must be kept guessing. It ceases to be trickery if everyone else knows it's coming, you know." She ran her fingers through her thick curls, seemingly lost in thought.

"If it were me, I'd throw myself upon the mercy of the angel... Beg forgiveness. Make myself a hero among the camp for taking the responsibility that is mine. Tell them that I will do better, so much better." Her voice dropped to a soft, conspiratorial whisper. "Let things die down, let people forget... and set up a trick so grand that no one will see it coming until it springs." She grinned at him in a nearly flirtatious way, then stood on the table, leaping nimbly down.

"Of course, that's just me. I prefer things to be... complex and intelligent. It's quite alright if you can't pull off something with any level of sophistication, Bjorn." She tossed her hair in a billowing dark cloud. "Have a good day, and you should put something on those bruises!"

With that, she walked away.

Haruko couldnt help but blush when he said her name with any honorifics. "Umm.. no. He won't. " she looked away from him clearly embarrassed. She had not gotten use to the customs of others yet.

Inukami looked over Fenfir his eyes seeming to narrow. " You will address her as Haruko-hime" There was a growl behind that adorable voice.

"No, no Inu-san. Fenfir-san may call me Haru-chan." She smiled to Fenfir as she petting Inukami. "I am sorry about him. Where I am from we don't call others by their given names without honorifics."
Xavier sat at his table wondering where Ezio had gone of to. He really didn't have many friends at camp, all the girls where all girly and stuff, except for Enyo who was war crazy. The guys some of them were cool, some were to focused on fighting, some all they wanted to talk about was girls, and some just caused pranks. He figured after breakfast he would go and check on the demigods in the sick bay. He strangely had healing powers, he really wasn't sure why but he wasn't going to complain they were his favorite power.
Fenfir literally jumped out of his seat in surprise. "You dog can talk." he said in wonderment." Well I shouldn't really be surprised, almost everything can talk in our world." he said scratching his head. "Anyway, Haru-chan is it, mind explaining what that means to me." He was truly perplexed, that was something he only saw on anime, and he hates anime, for some weird reason, just looked stupid compared to what he went through everyday.
Bjorn cringed as he listened to her suggestion "did you seriously just ask me to beg forgiveness to that guy? No offense sweetheart but thats the most pathetic thing ive ever heard. It'll be a cold day in Hades household when i EVER beg anyone for anything" he laughed at her suggestion "i do tricks to amuse myself. I care little if everyone or no one knows i did it. But i appreciate your suggestion"

Although a challenge always sounded good, he watched her start to walk away with her taunting words "hey! I can make good sophisticated jokes. Im very intelligiant for your information" he couldnt help but jump at her challenge "you'll see Devika!" He said, the gears in his mind starting to turn and plot. A twisted grin appearing on his face, he liked her idea now. The thought of a grand prank that would rock the whole camp made delight twinkle in his eyes.

Bjorn got up and walked over to where Angelo was sitting, Darcul followed behind him like a shadow. Some people jumping away as the anaconda slithered by the tables. He stopped infront of the angel and sighed dramatically "Youve got me. I cant take the pressure. It was me, oh great Angelo. Dont punish these innocent and slightly boring demigods for my hilarious crimes. I caused the incident with those girls so punish me as you will" his whole tone was over dramatic and mocking.
She tilted her head to the side trying to figure out the best way tp explain it. "You are calling me Haru as a shortened name. It is a sign of friendship and the 'chan' Is an honorific used with friends." When she was finished explaining she noticed he didn't have any food. "Oh! I am sorry. My manners have escaped me! Inukami another plate please."

Inukami looked from her to him then bowed his head. "Yes Hime-sama." With that he wandered off to fetch him a plate.
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Angelo glanced up at the boy. "Don't give me that tone young man, I understand who your father is, little pranks like banana peels and pies in people's faces I can deal with, but blowing up the toilets I can't deal with. Your punishment is cleaning the stables for one week, any problems and I will add on to that punishment." He finished, then standing up he announced that the punishment would be called off although the harpies would stay. Normally he wouldn't embarrass a camper in front of everyone but Bjorn needed to be embarrassed.

After hearing what Angelo had to say Xavier headed towards the sick bay. Looking around he saw a few demigods who were healing from accidents and a few demigods who were sick.
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