Burning Away

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Lily laughed along with Maria. "True." She herself had held up fairly well to the drink, but it was strong even by her standards. Still, the people of Esterl were known for a few things. One of them was their innate love of, and tolerance for, alcohol. She felt slightly sympathetic to Maria's predicament, and to Ethan's as well. The man had retired fairly early by her watch. She wondered if the drink had effected him that much. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind when she heard footsteps descending the stairs. Ethan had returned, appearing a bit more comfortable than before. He sat down by the fire without so much as a word.

"Yes, welcome!" She joined Maria in greeting the king's return. The girl still maintained an energetic tone, despite the circumstances. "Would you like some trout, your Grace? I cooked a bit too much earlier, there's still enough for another plate." As she spoke, her accent seemed to fade slightly, as if she were composing herself again. She doubted Lindwell had gained an appetite since he'd left, but it seemed impolite not ask. It was his fish in the first place, after all.
Ethan muttered back a low response to the two greetings, but was barely audible. Silence hung in the air for a few moments before Ethan responded to the offer of cooked trout, "No thank you. I'm not hungry." Ethan responded, dryly. It was amazing that the man had not ate all day, but still felt no pit in his stomach needing to be filled with food stuffs. After a few moments more, Ethan cleared his throat to speak once more, "There's two bedrooms upstairs. Lily will take the one on the left, and Maria will take the one on the right." Ethan's tone was now stern, as if he was attempting to give an order, but lacked the force he had possessed before he had started to drink. Something in the man wanted to make him continue to talk, and speak with his assistants, but no such motivation actually materialized. Ethan almost smiled as he realized how truly boring his two compatriots were. One was so dry and so virgin in enjoying the companies of others, as well as socializing, and the other was most likely lying through her teeth the entire time. Ethan held his smile as he remembered those in his past who were the quickest to refer to him with honorifics. Those that wished to curry favor, or appear as a loyal servant. Ethan was not a King at the moment, nor did he have an army. Yet there Lily sat tacking on 'Your Grace', and "Your Highness". It was likely all a show, but Ethan knew that from the start.
Maria finished off the trout on her plate with another large forkful. Sated wasn't quite the word, the hunger remained, but she had persisted on less for longer as her routine before. Once out of necessity and many times in the course of her military education, only never in the grip of civilization where she could eat freely. Ethan's decision to pass up a perfectly good meal confused her on that detail. Given the circumstance, it might have even been called rude, but if he wasn't hungry that was that. She shrugged, almost indirectly apologetic, to Lily. Quietly, she set her silverware down on the plate and considered running it over to the kitchen at once, but refrained. Lindwell had something to say, and she waited to listen. A few seconds passed as she compared his words with what she knew about the estate. "Is that okay, Mister Lindwell?" She asked, staring over at the aloof man by the fire. "You should have a bed, I can keep watch over the ground floor." She wouldn't have protested something that registered even vaguely as an order, if it didn't have to do with her sleep. The alcohol was going to make it easy, she hoped, but she still didn't expect to sleep much in the new house. Her request delivered, she stood up from her chair. It was a mistake, the world devolved into a blur once more and the soldier nearly toppled over, placing a hand on the table to steady herself. That raised another, horridly pitiful thought in her mind: It was a long way up the stairs.
Lily slightly frowned at Ethan's rejection of the fish, but shrugged it off. If the man wasn't hungry then he wasn't hungry, that's all there was to it. The girl rose from her seat at Ethan's next comment. She was a bit surprised at Ethan's next comment. Was he really ordering them to bed. She held back a chuckle, the image of a parent trying to send his unruly children to sleep crossing her mind for a moment. Maria seemed content to sleep on the ground floor and keep a watch over the place. She almost made her own protest, as she wasn't quite tired yet, but she figured arguing with the man over something so trivial was pointless.

She nodded to the would-be king. "Alright, fine by me." She picked up her glass from the table. "I'll have one last drink though, if you don't mind." She needed something to hopefully lull her to sleep, otherwise she'd be lying awake for half the night. She poured one last glass of the liquor, sipping on it and strolling across the room toward her trunk. She leaned against the wall, setting to work finishing her drink and waiting to see the resolution of the situation between her compatriots with a dim curiosity.
"In case you forgot, Trinan, that was an order. If you are feeling in the mood to contest superiors, I can recommend a great number that'd love to have you." Ethan's response was short, quick, and painful, like the crack of a whip striking through the very fabric of the air to lash out at it's target. However, Ethan did not even look back at Maria as he retorted, instead opting to lean forward in his couch and stare deeply into the fire. Ethan remained silent for a few moments, personally wondering if his lash had been justified or not. He concluded it don't matter if it was justified or not, he needed them to know his say was final and absolute, with no room for debate or contention, "You don't have to go to bed, right now, but you now know your sleeping arrangements." Ethan replied directly to Lily's seemingly compliance to head directly to bed. He refused to allow his two, apparently, faithful followers to sleep in less than spectacular conditions while he slept in his perfect bed. He would of allowed either one to chose the room they wished to bed in, but the king did not trust the thief amongst his personal effects. That being said, nor did he trust Maria, but he knew Maria would be far less likely to take his possessions to the nearest pawn store and sell them.
Maria held herself in silence, not even daring the sigh that she felt coming. Her post was too important to lose over such a small issue. Sleep was never sound for Trinan, but her offer to remove herself from the proximity of others had been declined. It wasn't something she wanted to talk about, and so it wasn't something she could fairly expect Ethan to accommodate. "Understood sir," she said flatly, lifting her eyes from Lindwell and returning them to her empty plate. She lifted the plate, carrying it unsteadily over to the kitchen and leaving it amongst the other sullied kitchenware. That was a pile she could tackle sober, in the morning, after her routine, after running her belongings up from her apartment. Ugh. The amount of work she could cram into one morning was finite, and the simple quantity of footwork involved in what she needed to do was playing against her. She was happy for Ethan, he had a nice home to live in and she was sure she would come to appreciate the estate, but there on day one its location was unfortunate. Swaying slightly and resolutely defying the alcohol in her system, Maria returned to the room, looking over at Lily to see that she was still there, but content to retire at the hour. That decided it for her, there was nothing left for her to do that day, and then Lindwell let it go. Whatever Lily ended up doing, she was committed. "Thanks for the meal," She said, reiterating a sentiment she had already said, but it simply didn't feel right to let supper end without ceremony. "I think I'll be going to sleep as well." She waited for Lily to finish her drink, studying the walls of the house.
Lily watched as the situation was resolved relatively calmly, given Ethan's intensity. She shrugged, and followed Maria's example, taking her plate to the kitchen. She turned up her glass, downing the remainder of the liquid before shaking her head and placing the glass near the plates. She returned to the room, walking back to the door and lifting her trunk with a heave. For the first time during the entire night, she wobbled ever so slightly. Regaining her balance, she walked towards the stairs, trunk over her shoulder. "Goodnight." She said, waving her hand back to Lindwell as she and Maria ascended the stairs.

As the duo made their way to the top of the stairs, Lily turned towards Maria. With a weak smile, she spoke. "Well, it's been an interesting day to say the least. Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning." She reached her hand out, turning the doorknob and entering into her assigned room. The room wasn't barren, but it wasn't exactly cozy, either. It seemed Lindwell had saw fit to supply the essentials, but little else for what she assumed was the guest bedroom. Lily placed her trunk in the corner of the room, double-checking it's lock before leaving it. She began shedding her clothes, reaching to the back of her belt first. She unbuckled the dagger that had been affixed to the rear of her belt, sliding the sheathed weapon beneath her pillow. She smirked. Old habits died hard. She finished undressing and climbed into the bed, pulling the blankets over herself. The girl sighed, rolling over. It was a strange situation she had gotten herself into. She wondered how her second day with this odd trio would go. Eventually, the alcohol began to work it's magic, and she slipped off into sleep.
Ethan sat silently as both of the women eventually made their way upstairs, and to bed. After a small amount of time, Ethan stood from the comfy, and toasty, couch and began to walk over to the table, cleaning off the rest of the reminders that a small congregation had joined here at the beginning of the night, and replacing the contents with his various papers and pieces from before. However, after everything was back in it's place, Ethan did not take a seat at the table. Ethan then journeyed to one of the front windows, that peered out onto the dark streets, still blanketed by some snow. The man placed a hand on the wall, to lean on, and stared into the dark night. Evidently lost in complete thought, the man stayed in his position, seemingly completely content with his activity.
Maria climbed the stairs slowly, placing every step with care for her dulled sense of balance. She nodded wordlessly to Lily, turning to look down the dimly lit hallway. The door of her room for the night stood out, one of the few on the corridor. Forcing the door open, Trinan stepped into the room and immediately set to work darkening it, paying no mind to Lindwell's personal accommodations. It was what she figured a regal bedroom would look like, but she wasn't interested in standing around passing judgment on the man's taste in decoration. She folded her vest, laying it on the floor, and fell onto the top of the bed. Softness smothered her senses, and Maria laid there for a while, content. Her mind ran one more checklist, habit's final action of the day. She already needed clothes, that continued to sit at the top of her list. The entire situation was idiotic, and her own assessment gave her pause. Her miniscule reputation was held aloft primarily by her reputation for personal, some would argue reckless, action as an officer and even she was perturbed by the singular lack of forethought in this entire operation, on her part and others. Prep day? A preparatory hour would have been sufficient, but was withheld still. Grumbling face down into the bed, and dreading the coming morning, Trinan succumbed to comfort and lapsed into sleep.

Day 2

The brick came back down, her fingers cracked in unison as the ruined digits crumpled and splayed under the impact. Her screams were locked behind a ruined jaw, only a gurgle, forced to spectate silently as it struck one last time. Maria's eyes fluttered open, she was sitting beside Ethan's bed. The soldier held her legs close, apparently she had fallen asleep resting her chin on her knees after the first few rounds. Sighing in exasperation and exertion, she pushed her way to her feet, and looked around the morning lit room. It was definitely not her own, and slowly her mind began to recollect and piece the world together. It was time to get to work, hopefully Lindwell had no objections with her dedication to hygiene. It never struck her as a strange habit for a soldier to have, just because her and her scouts were content to live like dogs in the field didn't mean they had to at home, but it had been said enough. Again, she twisted the door open and made her way out into the hallway and wasted no time in heading for the front room.

Over Lieda, the first hints of sunlight had crept over the horizon. It was early morning, but the city's streets remained busy. The snow had settled in to stay, but as if in apology the morning sky remained a perfectly empty stage. Mild coldness hung in the air, a turn down from the harsh, windy chill of the day before. Even if the weather was forgiving, the people were not. After only one exposure, the citizens of Lieda had learned their lesson, and everywhere winter clothing was the norm for those who could find it. The quietness of such a peaceful looking morning was completely foregone in the city. Shouts and cries muffled by distance reverberated throughout the streets, and the din of thousands of conversations made sure that a drone hung over the town no matter where one went. The disturbance before the House of Affairs had dissipated into obscurity, even the subsequent quarantine established by investigating gendarmes had disappeared into the evening. Within the capitol, the affairs of the day were merely beginning as politicians and the occasional marshal found their way to work, but the capital never truly stopped moving forward.
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Gareth slushed through the snow on the street, and with careful blue eyes, he watched over the crowds, all gossiping, trading, journeying, and commuting about, with a certain foreign curiosity. The way things were done in Lieda and, for that matter, Arcartus as a whole was very much different from the friendly bumbling of Keilaudrin, and many things about the young Harker jutted out amidst the throng of strangers. His clothes, his mannerisms, his etiquette, his accent, yes, it was all so verily alien to the normalcy the citizens of Lieda were accustomed to. Even the weather had thrown the squire off just a bit, and on the night he had arrived, Gareth immediately purchased better coverage in the form of the winter accessories he wore the morning that he'd met with Marshal Ludrick Boyd and Grand Marshal Alexander Wolcott. Notably, after a sort of riot of outrage outside the House of Affairs. Another face from that day stuck out in particular, belonging to Mister Lindwell, a person of interest to Gareth by Lindwell's overall suspicious mien. Gareth sensed something almost malicious, but he dare not call Lindwell an evil man—nay, they'd seen each other yet too little to make any early judgments. Time would tell.

For now, Harker set his course for the House of Affairs, on his way to continue the business of the day prior. He doubted it was all said and done, but he figured it was in order to check the progress.
Ethan stood, clothed in the exact same clothes from the day before, by the front window. The clothing the man wore instantly pointed that at some point he had went into his room while Maria slept, without waking the girl or being noticed. Melting snow caked the man's boots, making it apparent he had been outside today. As he stood, his left hand tightened around Harmony, while the other hung loosely at his side, it was clear the man appeared to be searching for something. His entire body stayed still as the surface of a pond, but his eyes darted around, looking at the small confined space the window spared him onto the open street. Either purposely ignoring Maria, or ignorant of the sound she produced as she made it downstairs, was not clear, as he stood in his same position. On the dinner table from the last night laid all Ethan's papers, except everything was now neatly stacked and cleaned up, presenting a picture of a very organized desk. The amount of work that had went into it's organization was impressive, considering the heap it had been earlier.
Lily's eyes opened lazily as the first rays of morning sunlight found their way through the window. For a moment, she rolled over, her eyes adjusting to the brightness slowly but surely. Eventually, she sat up, and with a hearty yawn pulled her self out of bed. She stretched her arms above her head with another yawn, reminding herself of the events of the previous night. Somehow, she imagined her two compatriots were already up and ready to start today. Neither of them particularly struck her as the type to sleep in. She chuckled to herself, opening her trunk. She dressed herself in a similar fashion to the previous day: trousers, button-up shirt, jacket. The shirt, however, was black, and she had donned a light red jacket that was noticeably thicker than the one she had worn the previous day. In addition, the garment seemed to be lined with grey fur. She had no intention of freezing in another freak snow storm. Finally, she wrapped her belt around her waist, strapping her dagger to the back. She pulled the tail of her jacket down, covering the weapon, and pulled on her boots, opening the door with a creak.

The small woman nonchalantly bounced down the stairs with a bit of racket, and descended onto the bottom floor with a grin. Maria had evidently been there for only a few moments, but Ethan appeared to have not moved an inch from his location the night before. This idea was proved false when Lily noticed the snow on his boots. The man had evidently started the days work a while ago. "Good morning!" Lily beamed to the other two. Though she had been chastised for many sins, the one that had gained her the most ire in the past was being the most dreaded of all creatures: a morning person.
Maria walked into the room, glancing over the table as she entered. Someone besides her was busy, it seemed, or Lindwell just loved to look at the mess of documents, the purpose of which remained unclear to her. They were his private papers, nothing she was or wanted to be concerned with. Lindwell himself caught her attention next, the stoic man standing armed by the door. Something seemed off about him, and she quickly realized that at some point he had changed. Discomfort at the implications involved crept over her, but she kept moving until she was upon the door. She stopped, and took a second to stretch, throwing her arms up and rearing back. It was a moment to think, as she contemplated whether or not Lindwell's tight schedule even had time for her personal needs. It wasn't practical to have her acting without provisions, but something had set her on the idea that he just might be that callous. Whatever the case, it was something she would endure for the sake of her purpose, all the while wondering if her immediate compliance served only to undermine that task. Letting her wrist go, and lowering her arms, she started to breathe out. Her concentration was ruined by a high pitched burst of noise from behind her, a voice she quickly recognized as Lily Tosli. "Morning," she replied, turning to acknowledge the new arrival. It was astounding to think that after everything Lily had drank she was still acting like that. It was true she wasn't particularly ailing herself, but she felt none of the cheer she saw in the smaller woman. If no one else in the house was, Tosli was pleasant company, but she desperately needed to get her moving done. "Mister Lindwell," she began, giving the a polite second before continuing. "I'm going down to the docks to get my belongings. No decorations, just a few sets of clothing. Am I needed here or may I?" Her voice was low, roughed by the morning, but the scout was still trying at what she passed for a polite tone.
Ethan remained silent and unmoving as the duo came down the stairs and the morning rituals had began. Ethan was pleased to hear Lily being upbeat, instead of the usual dreariness that most people afforded mornings, "You may go." Ethan responded, dryly. After a moment of deliberation, Ethan turned back to look at Maria, "Be careful." The words hung in the air, sounding sincere but seemed more of an order, than out of actual caring of the woman. Ethan considered giving Maria Harmony for a moment, but decided against it. It'd be wrong for him to allow someone besides himself to use Harmony, "Lily, please make coffee. The beans are in the pantry." This time, the tone suggested this was more of a request, the king even tacking on a polite please. It seemed that the man had settled into a different role than yesterday. Yesterday, Ethan was a commander, and Lily and Maria were soldiers. Now, however, it seemed that they were merely his followers, and his rigidness was somewhat dissipating. Ethan turned his head away from Lily and back out the window, "Hurry back. We have business today." Ethan addressed Maria, once more shifting his tone to that of an order. The man continued to look out the window, now, still searching.
Lily looked back and forth between her companions. It seemed Maria had to travel to the docks to retrieve some of her belongings. Ethan seemed to be more relaxed today, something Lily was grateful for. As he made his request, Lily smiled. "Of course." She strode into the pantry, searching for the aforementioned coffee beans. As she searched, she called out. "Maria, if you wouldn't mind, could I join you?" The sound of shuffling could be heard from within the store room. "I haven't been able to see much of the city, what with the snow storm and all." She finally found her prize, a can of coffee beans. She took a deep whiff as she opened the can and grinned. Coffee smelled lovely.

As she made her way out of the pantry, she started up again. "Assuming that's alright." She turned towards Ethan. "If you need me for something I'll stay behind, I just thought it would be good for me to get a little more familiar with my surroundings." She strolled to the kitchen, and set to work on the coffee. "Plus, a little coffee never hurt anyone. Stay for a cup, at least." The smell of the black liquid began to float through the house. She hoped Lindwell saw the reasoning behind her request, and didn't take it for a waste of his time. THe more knowledge she had of the streets of Lieda the more useful she would be.
"Yes sir," Maria said, nodding towards Ethan and getting ready to head through the door. She had every intention of being as quick as possible, she didn't want to be seen and her belongings would all fit in the same bag if she was neat about it. It seemed that in anticipation of her absence he was already placing requests on Lily, and for a brief moment she regretted her decision to go, but that was simply unrealistic. Life was going to be impossible without a few changes of clothes and that was simple fact. The soldier froze, her hand on the doorknob. She wouldn't quite be able to bring the many copies of her uniform along. Redirecting her attention from the inconvenience, she turned and looked at Lily, trying to discern what she was trying to do. "Sure," she said flatly. "There's a lot to see on the way." She was glad to have the company, even if it didn't quite show. Coffee on the other hand, seemed like the wrong thing to be drinking with her mouth so dry, but she wasn't going to turn it down. "I'll have some, then," the scout quietly stepped away from the door to stand at the threshold of the kitchen. It wasn't as bad as yesterday, but she was still feeling the need to get out of the house as quickly as possible. For her new life to work, at some point the building would have to stop making her sick, but it already housed far too much regret for her. It would be a small price in comparison to the reward, that mantra seemed to be the only thing she could answer herself with.
"No. You won't." Ethan replied through gritted teeth to Maria, "The coffee is not for us, it is for the guest. As soon as Lily finishes making the batch, you both will leave and return as quickly as possible." Ethan stated, now speaking the the all too familiar tone of a commander giving orders. However, Ethan kept his back to the two, and remained unmoving as he spoke to the two of them. Ethan sighed after a moment, hanging his head slightly, "Maria, you and Lily will be rooming with each other in the guest bedroom. If the guest decides to stay, they will lodge in my room." Ethan broke the news to the two of them. It seemed that the event had the would-be king high strung, leaving his thoughts in a million pieces as he quickly tried to pick them all back up and examine them, "When the guest arrives, do not speak unless spoke to directly by the guest. Be polite, but curt. The more you two speak, the worse it could make it for us." Ethan added. While the statement seemed slightly rude, Ethan had spoken as if it was a fact, and not as if he actually thought that every word out of the two girl's mouths lessened his position.
Lily was taken aback by Ethan's sudden change in attitude. Her head cocked to the side as he mentioned a guest. She'd heard nothing about this development in their schedule. Curiosity almost led her to stay behind to see who the newcomer would be, but she already moved to go with Maria, and from the sound of things she wouldn't be getting much out of it anyway even if she did stay. She finished brewing the coffee, and returned to the front room. She pulled her overcoat from the rack, draping it around herself. The dull blue-grey coat stood in stark contrast to the vibrant red jacket beneath it.

She nodded to Ethan. "The coffee is finished. We'll be back shortly." She headed out the door with Maria into the street. The snow crunched beneath her feet as she walked beside her comrade. As they walked along, Lily spoke up. "Did you know anything about a guest?" She shivered slightly. The cold still wasn't something she was used to.
Jasper was out in full regalia, wearing his snow-white steel curiass, greaves, and vambraces. Underneath his armor, he wore a even whiter pressed officer's uniform from the Arcartus State Military. Hanging from the royalty's side was his rapier, shiny and sparkling as ever as it longed to be unsheathed and used in a battle. Hanging off his left shoulder was a blue half cape flecked with spots of gold. Nearly anyone peasant or nobility would recognize the overly dressed man as royalty.

Jasper had decided that today would be the best day to stop by the magnanimous building known as the House of the Affairs as he was to speak with an old friend. Jasper had arrived much earlier and gotten all business out of the way for the day and now he was intent to go and enjoy himself. Secretly Jasper loved being the fourth son to the King. It afforded him the amount of freedom and resources and normal member of royalty would have, all with the bonus of being so insignificant that not many in the government cared for his actions.

"I could go back to that tavern." Jasper whispered to himself, glancing around the grounds of the House of Affairs. Suddenly a newcomer that Jasper had never seen before in his life was approaching the gated grounds of the municipal building. Keeping much more muslce, a handsome face, and a body that screamed 'energetic and tough'. It was difficult for Jasper to put an age to the man, but Jasper's best guess was mid-twenties. Before the blue eyed man could even reach the gate, Jasper was already waving a hand for his attention, "Good sir!" Jasper called out while making sure to speak with the right tone and force expected of royalty.
A man who appeared about his age beckoned and called for Gareth, and he stopped in his tracks with a puzzled look on his face, raised brow and pouting lips unsure of exactly why he was being called. The diplomat walked over and the features of the man's appearance became more noticeable. The man wore flamboyant clothing, a military outfit with an extravagant cape. His voice was authoritative and forceful, and of course, a subordinate as Gareth was, the squire obediently heeded the call and presented himself before the authority figure. "Ah, uh, yes?" Harker said, the intrigue and curiosity building in his voice as he brought his blue eyes upon the man with the emerald eyes that stood out against the black hair the squire could see. Gareth felt a little odd, being called out seemingly randomly by a stranger working for the government, but he bit his thoughts back and for now followed along patiently and curiously.
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