
Rita was in disbelief, but she aimed the gun at the man out of habit as she was dragged inside by her little sister.
"Mira.... Care to explain how you knew a man was here? Dreams are just a child's imagination..."
Rita was ready to shoot the man, glancing to her sides, the floor looked rather "clean" for a corpse holder.
"Who are you? What are doing in this building!?" Rita almost charged at the man.
Mira still held her hand. "Because I saw him yesterday!" she giggled.
The man stepped back, his voice a low growl. "Aye, drop the gun." He said. "Someone said a kid was I checked it out. They took my house so I stayed here." He held up his hands. He wore a black body suit under a white dress, his hands covered. "Calm."
Mira smiled.
Rita grunted and lowered her gun after a moments of tension.
"So there are more then one person here, why are you using the building of corpses as your new place?"
Rita looked down at Mira.
"Mira I want you to stay close..." As she looked back at the man. She was confused on what was going on.
"I told you. We fell to the rumor there was a kid here, and the others stole our houses." he shrugged.
Mira didn't listen, skipping around, giggling. She did not, however, leave the room. She stayed just within sight.
"Well yes I know what you told me! I ain't a moron. But why this specific building? It's suppose to be the corpse building. What if you get infected!?"
Rita watched Mira closely but not as closely as the stranger. She was starting to get a headache, from everything.
"Wait... Infected.... Are you infected!?"
The man shook his head. "No, I am not infected. And this was the only building that we considered safe enough from the others." he sighed. "Is that little girl okay?" he did not understand why the girl was dressed as a cat and skipping around and giggling.
Mira paused by the door, looking through before continuing.
Rita looked over to Mira.
"What? Never seen a girl who played dress up? Mira wait! Where you going?"
Rita ran after Mira but was too late, Mira already entered the door. She lifted up her gun and aimed at the door barging through like military official.
She paused as she entered.
The man closed the front door. "No.." he followed.
Mira was looking around the room. It had cots, and three people were sleeping. Mira frowned. "They weren't in my dream.." a spider scuddled across the floor and she screamed, running tearfully and terrified to Rita.
One of the girls bolted out of bed, looking at Rita, then Mira, then the man behind them. She used her hands, speaking in sign.
The man shook his head.
The girl nodded and yawned, laying back down and falling back to sleep.
Rita quickly grabbed Mira and shielded her from the things around her.
"What is going on here...."
She looked at the man. Nothing made sense around here, what was with these random people who weren't infected in a corpses building? Wasn't it true that if you touched them, you would get infected?
"Mira, I think it's best we go for the day." She whispered to her.
Mira nodded, whimpering, her face buried in Rita's side.
The man sighed. "That was Kate. She's mute." he said. "The little boy is Blake, Kate's brother, I'm Daniel, and the woman is Vera. They had the same problem as I."
Rita guided Mira out towards the entrance.
"I'll be back tomorrow. I want to know more about this problem and things."
Rita opened up the door for Mira, it was already getting late. Didn't exactly seem they were there that long, but now days, there is no such thing as time. Gently, Rita pushed Mira out.
"Mira, I don't want you going back there anymore."
Mira sniffled a little. "But..but what about the container?" she said, still shaking from the spider. She absolutely hated spiders. They were like forcing a baby to sleep in the dark by their self for days.
She sighed.
"We will get it some other day I suppose. For now let's just get back and rest"
Rita absolutely hated that building, but Mira was focused on getting some container that supposedly cured Brutis. Did Rita have a choice?
Rita made sure no one was near then opened up the appeared rubble to let Mira in.
Mira quickly scrambled into the hideout, running over to her sleeping space and picking up her stuffed teddy, holding it so tight it was amazing the head didn't fall off. She went to Rita's spot and sat beside it, talking to her teddy. "Mr. White.." that was the black teddy's name because it had a white nose. "you missed was all brown and had lots of fur.." she shivered. "I HATE spiders..." she frowned, pulling her knees to her chin, squishing Mr. White.