Blue Moon Rises

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Also Updated the SETTINGS FOUND IN THE RULES! I know it's not much! But I may update again soon ^.^
Posted. Also, quick question: do lycans retain their sanity and reason when transformed (at least, early after they're first bitten) or are they just turn into rampaging berserk killing machines throughout the transformation.
Lycans: Human form - will slowly over time start to loose grip with reality, almost as though the wolfen spirit injected into their body is taking over and pushing out the human spirit within. Eventually their human self will loose all humanity and be nothing but a wolf stuck in a human form during the day.

Lycan in Wolf Form: They at first will retain memories and consciousness of their actions while in wolf form on the full moon nights. However as they slowly lose their humanity, their memories of their actions will slowly vanish too. While in wolf form they are pure instinctual beasts of hunger. Their human side may watch from the confines of their skull but like a horror movie they are forced to watch, their is little they can do to the script.

Now this Lose of Humanity differs from person to person, all depending on the strength of their spirit. So I'm leaving it up to the writer on this one on how swiftly they loose grip with their humanity but I would like for it to be a noticeable struggle within the roleplay ^.^
Ok, thanks. I'll be sure to keep that in mind for future posts.
Ah, quick question:
Where exactly is the IC? I've tried looking for it but haven't found it.
So conflicted on weather i should join or not.

NAME: Jesse Charles Greenburg
PACK NAME: Raff (Red Wolf)
AGE: 26
SEXUALITY: Homosexual
JOB: Auto-Shop Mechanic

SPECIES: Half Lyshien

APPEARANCE: Jesse is somewhere between lean and average, his physique coming from nothing more than working at the shop. He keeps his dark red hair short. Standing at 6'0 his size is much different as a human compared to when he's in wolf form. His wardrobe consists of nothing special except maybe the green jacket he wears a majority of the time. Jesse's more of the If it's cheap and looks alright then buy it when it comes to buying clothes, and If it's mostly clean and doesn't smell bad then throw it on type when it comes to what to wear for the day. Though he does lean towards tight long sleeve shirts and blue jean pants mostly.


THE WOLF: Jesse's red hair carries over to his other form, his fur thick and coated in the same dark red color. Being only Half Lyshien he's somewhat smaller than the other Lupine forms. But what he lacks in size and strength he more than makes up for in speed and stamina.

PERSONA: With only a Lupine form to rely on he tends to try and stay away from fights, that doesn't mean he's one to easily back down, he knows when to fight and when to run..usually. While he has an easygoing laid-back attitude he can be a bit hotheaded at times, especially when it comes to certain situations. Other than that he just keeps going day after day, his loyalty to the pack, his family is firm and unwavering. Even to those who would rather not to have to lay eyes on him.

HISTORY: Jesse's mother was Human and his father was Lyshien. The man is an enigma, he doesn't have the anthro-morphic wolf form like everyone else, or if he does he doesn't have access to it. This would be the thing that would define him his entire life, few would say that he was what the future of their kind was becoming, their evolution. Some would claim that it was just a defect, that it happened and felt neutral about it. While others would say that he was broken, cursed, and some even suggested he be put to death when was a child. The death part blew over eventually as he grew older, but the way few looked or treated him created friction and even conflict between him and some of the other pack members. Jesse managed to shut a number of people up over the years when he'd become a scout, a fast one at that. But he still caught the whispers, and even got into the occasional argument when some wanted to confront him or talk about him like he wasn't around. Jesse might obey pack law and rank, but rank be damned if they badmouthed him or his parents right in front of him.​
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PRE - APPROVED! WELCOME ... again and sorry about the move again!
That's fine ^.^ I will be posting tomorrow myself once i see who all else is joining us and then we may do a little Time skip to get everyone in one area lol.

"I will be the last thing you will see...weak...foolish...mad...Insanity..."
Markov Akula Voichek
Hell Fiend
Alpha Lycan

Mark is a tall 6.4 FT tall man from who he was in the pass...changed slightly,appears to be Tired all the time and with a serius gesture planted on his face all day from dawn to dusk,His own Build is Bulky slightly,do not to much muscle in human,his facial hair and Overral head resembles what his fur looks when "I go on hunts" and spiky,his head is slightly square in form possesing small eyes and a slightly flat nose,Moving from facial lets go with Body.

his body is Full of scars from Chest to toe from what he did to himself as he turn or some reasive in battle,do aside from scars he dose not posses any tattoo of any kinde,or a lunar, from that oddly he has one very deep scar on the left of his waist,compared to other scars this one is much deeper and easy to notice.A Nother feture is what he wears,nomater what time it is he seems to wear some kinde of leather Labcoat,and a sweatshirt under it,do the best reson why he wears it,is to hide his scars or any other Body marking.
Know as "The Hell fiend" when the full moon is in the sky,mark turns in to a tall and very bulky 13.4 Feet tall lycan,oddly slightly taller than other Lycans,he is a lycan with bright glowing Yellow eyes and oddly compared to other Lycans Black Fur,Markovs is brown or redish-like in color,Starting from around his neck and head all the way down his back to his tail coverd in spiky brown Fur,there is aswell slight patches on his arms and back legs,his Mouth is full with sharp fangs but he has 4 Frontal canine Fangs that have grown out of proportion,always leaving themselfs visible even with mouth closed,looking like sharp hooks or needles,Like most Lycan,s Markov is Very Bulky and clear detonation of pure his apperance dosent end there....

When in rage Mode the fur on his back arms and legs "Egnite" on fire... NOT actually on fire it dose show clear apperance of pure rage and has gone mad,its unknown what makes his fur shimer or glow in "Flaming colors" when he is in rage but because of this odd happening he was named "Fiend"

Markov is silent and slightly a mystery after he was turn to a lycan,for "Neutral" markov is silent,serius,Observant and overral cruel,he dosent speak much to "Outsiders" But he dose just shows great dislike to them,and sometimes hostile and willing to kill them if he has to,"Allies" on the other hand he has shown to be more open but rather commanding way,always trying to show he is the Highest one and the strongest like a competition,do always on the look out on respecting others like they shoold at him,kinda like a general of sort, to "Enemies" he has shown to just try and kill them and very hostile do he shows some chance to let them he will try and kill them.

Overral markov is a serius,silent,Bossy and hostile towards most but it all depends on WHO he is with,if its one of those....small he calls them he would try his best to have there head on a plate..
"They turn me in to this........"
Markov was a Normal man,human,he work and was a sentinel to his family,it was no difference from any other man,but it all change to him long ago,6 years at the age of 18 Markov was Just haging out with his its NOT that Kinde of more....Markov was a Trouble make back then always Thinking of breaking in to places like closed parks or so,but one full moon as they Traveld down the city to head to his house one of his friends "Ryan" was acting little wierd,he mention he whanted to be alone and they could leave him behinde,but ofcourse they wont do that....only for them to see the Nightmare they never wish....Ryan started to scream in pain,clawing his own skin,slowli growing biger and intimidating...he was one of them.....With common seans in hand,Markov and his Trouble maker friend who were not one of those demonic beast scaterd and Ran for there very Lives,Mark could not think of they never knew dint matter.

Hearing the horro roars of nightmares from were they Once stood Markov was for the first time..actually scared to death,he never thought he would see one of them especially from some one he knew long,but it was worse as the beast...was right behinde him...the streets were empty as most must be in there homes scared after hearing the howl of the beast,but markov was grab by the leg and Thrown aside hitting one of the walls,in pain,feeling his doom near markov try to call for help but was to late,the beast leap foward do.....he was saved....a Nother one came in do smaller compared to the beast,it jump inbetween him and the creature...and Protect him?....Seeing Both Weres fight each other and claw at one a Nother,markov had a chance to escape,the smaller were stop attacking the large one and...attack markov insted? he felt the Bite of the small were on his side,he whinse in pain but was soon removed as the large beast takes the furry creature off him,markov dint know what happend as he dint look back do he was left with a Bite on his left side......but from that night on.....we has never been the same again....trying to hide what he has just become....trying to...kill years pass this has become part of his life and has been hiding from the rest...and hunting those dam minature were,s
E S T H E R | E L I Z A B E T H | B L A K E


Species: Human

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Job: Student; Coffee shop barrista



Height: 5'4"
Weight: 113 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Esther stands at average height with a thin, frail build. Due to poor regulation habits, her cheeks sit sallow on her face and dark circles often hidden by coal-colored locks lay beneath her eyes. Her wardrobe generally consists of old, worn-out T-shirts, sweaters and jeans, many of which bare fraying edges and stretched collars. A jittery twitch jerks her hands at her sides every minute or so, and she is often seen fidgeting about when attending classes. Her icy blues dart in every direction with a paranoid gleam.



A mere human, Esther holds no special skill set to speak of, and it is unlikely her poor body would withstand the blows of combat for long. However, because of her thin frame, she is remarkably agile and light on her feet, allowing for silent, furtive expeditions.

She carries a pocket knife at all times, despite having never learned a proper technique for its use.



Once a happy and care-free girl, Esther exists today as a sullen student with bouts of apparent schizophrenia. She jumps at nearly everything that moves. Submissive to a fault, she hates stepping on others toes or bringing any sort of attention to herself, be it good or bad. Esther prefers to blend into backgrounds and pass by unnoticed, an easy feat for one as small as her. However, despite her introversion, she remains stubborn and headstrong, and often battles the thoughts inside her mind with a wish to speak out and voice her own opinion. This never fails to ignite a fierce frustration which generally ends with Esther laying curled up in a dusty corner of her bedroom.

  • Her grey taby cat, Mochi
  • Cloudy skies
  • Adventure novels
  • Darkness
  • The Arken Forest
  • Canines of any sort


The sun streamed across the sky like kite ribbons the day Esther Blake was born. Not a single cloud blemished the blue. Her parents saw this as a sign of good luck, and raised their child with all the love in their hearts. She grew into happy, healthy little girl, always bouncing around and bursting with fits of laughter. Childhood swept by like a sweet summer breeze and before the couple knew it, their daughter had grown into a lovely teenager. Considered plain by some and a beauty by many, Esther held the added benefit of intelligence and continued her junior and senior high school years without a worry in the world.

That is, of course, until one particular night...

The call came in the middle of her last class of the day. Snow fell in sheets. The sky loomed overhead, dark and foreboding. There was a terrible accident just outside the city. A young couple... crash... bodies broken and bloody... Authorities speculated the possibilities of some wild animal attack, judging from the deep gashes in their sides. But of course, they couldn't be sure.

A fit of hysteria broke out inside Esther's mind. She couldn't stay home, couldn't stay inside her neighborhood or even the city she resided. The girl pushed forward through the outskirts of the town without bothering for a jacket. With every trudge through the snow, she felt her body grow numb and her mind shut off. She walked on without direction or care to look up. Only by the grace of an exposed root that sent her tumbling to the cold, hard-packed earth did she finally realize how far she had gone. By then, the full moon in all its glory had risen high among the clearing clouds, as if showing itself off as some priceless gem only the stars were worthy enough to hold.

A sense of fear carved itself deep into her heart. Her hair stood on end, though not from the cold. Some innate sense of danger deep inside her soul told her to run, to find her mother and father and be safe within their hold. But nothing happened. An odd sound reached her ears past the silent chatter of scattered nightlife. She ventured towards it.

A black mass of fur and flesh lay in the scarlet-splotched snow several yards away, surrounded by group of massive, snarling wolves. Esther's breath caught in her throat as her gaze locked with the gleaming orbs of one creature. She thought she saw intelligence in its eyes, but disregarded it, claiming a trick of the light.

When she ran, they ran after her. Always close behind, but never at her heals. Occasionally, one wolf would jump out in front of her with its snarling feral face, forcing her in another direction. A cat-and-mouse game. It seemed to Esther to go on for hours, but when finally she broke through the thick treeline, she collapsed, alone and safe. For the time being.

Her mind reeled in mental agony and her lungs burned with her sobs. She never truly recovered from that night. Gone was the happy, go-lucky girl of Arkendale. Gone was the bubbling laughter.

In her place, a paranoid shell of a person remains.

Esther Blake broke down that night. She knew of the legends of human-wolf creatures hiding amidst the city, but never paid any attention to it. Even now, she blames the sight on the adrenaline rush to keep herself somewhat sane. But the stray thought every now and then makes itself known in the forefronts of her mind and she can't help but wonder of the sort of creatures this world held...
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