Blue Exorcist: Rise of Gehenna (Accepting!)

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Mai Ukiyo, orange
Mai watched the events unfold as the late students entered the classroom dramatically. The clipboard soon was hit against the desk causing Mai to jump a little. The jump as only noticeable if someone was looking at her so that is a good thing. After things settled down, Ms. Izumo asked if anyone needed a temptaint. Mai didn't get the temptaint but due to her laziness, she put it off. The only productive thing Mai did was get information on the teachers and packed her bags...on the last day of summer. Now she has to deal with keeping a façade all day getting injected by an angry teacher.

Mai raised her hand confidently into the air while looking around. It seems that other students didn't get theirs either. At least, she didn't look like a fool.
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Kaida &amp; Ryuu Akatsuki, DarkRed
Kaida and Ryuu both looked at their teacher as she confirmed that they were there and noticed her irritated expression. Unexpectedly, she didn't really say much about them coming in late, so Ryuu turned to look at Kaida and they both shrugged at each other at the same time; not exactly bothered by their homeroom teacher's foul mood. Ryuu then silently cheered in his head when Izumo didn't mention anything about it, but had instantly turned to her attention when she slammed the desk with a clipboard and mentioned of the temptaint. As this happened, Kaida and Ryuu quietly found an empty seat in the middle row on the left side of the classroom, and took their seat beside each other.

Both knowing that the temptaint didn't have much to do with them, but was more or less directed to the humans, Ryuu and Kaida sighed, simultaneously running their hand through their hair. I'm bored.... Ryuu thought to himself as he leaned on his hand and looked around the classroom as Kaida blankly stared into space, thinking of some stories she would tell her brother when she had the chance. As Ryuu briefly looked around the classroom, his eyes landed on a girl who had confidently announced that she had already received her temptaint, though he had lost his interest, just as fast as she had gained his attention. Hoping that the subject would pass, he didn't bother to wonder what his sister was thinking and just stared at the clock, as it moved agonizingly slow.
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Demons had started disappearing at a rapid speed and it was causing a few to cower in fear, wondering who was behind all of it. Not Femme, however. As of late, she had gotten some very interesting news about Astaroth possibly running about on human soil. Upon hearing it, she decided to let him find her for anything that he may need. Femme wasn't the typical demon who would listen to the orders of just anyone, even if they were much stronger than herself, she was willing to challenge whoever asked.

Running her fingers through her white blonde tresses as she walked down the alleyway with her katana swaying behind her, as blood drained out onto the pavement of a recently slaughtered demon who took her lightly. "I just want to relax.. Is it too much to ask for some peace and quiet just once?" She said softly to herself, while the clicks of her heels echoed down the dark path, disappearing into a darkness that engulfed her.
R E I - A S T A R O T H, #ff0000

Standing on top of a buildings ledge, he had the perfect view of the alley beneath him. His aura, his energy was concealed, however, his demonic hazel eyes were locked on the fight between two demons below him, on the street, but he was particularly interested in the white-silver haired demon, who obviously defeated her opponent easily. His grey coat was fluttering with the wind as he pictured the scenery soaked in blood, but that was all in his mind. "Hmmm.. She'll be a great addition to my plan..." Rei smirked, before he dropped off the ledge, and landed swiftly on the ground, next to the dead demon.

His hands were crossed behind his back while he enjoyed the look on the dead corpse, before diverting his attention towards the path Femme took. Astaroth knew exactly the type of demon she was. He kept tabs on the most deadly demons from hell. He had to, for his own purpose, for his own motive. However, this time, he was alone, but his own higher demons, Kagura and Shinra, were always around, but they concealed their presence. They would only show up if they were deemed useful in any situation. "Here comes another one..." He sheepishly stated.

The smell of the demon blood attracted another of its kind, or rather, half Astaroth's kind. However, this demon was not sane. A big wide smile, with them red bloody eyes, and red spikey hair, and torn up clothes. It was as if this demon was asking for a death wish. The worst thing the demon could do was to stumble upon Astaroth who was in an exciting mood. Taking slow steps while his arms were crossed behind his back, he tilted his head to the side, while looking at the pathetic demon, who was on the same level as them scum, the humans. "Do you have a death wish?!" Astaroth asked.

The demon did not respond, it only growled, as if it was hungry. "Are you sure you're fine.. Demon-san?" Laughter escaped Rei's mouth, before the demon started rushing towards him. Only seconds later, a combo of silver arrows went right through the demons heart, his head, and his entire body. It was on the ground, acking in pain.

"Hmm?!" Astaroth understood exactly what had happened, and therefore, was immensely irritated. An exorcist was there, on the rooftop of a building. It was because of this exorcist, the demon looked so pathetic. It was running away from the exorcist. "So you're the reason for why this demon looked so... miserable!?..." He rhetorically asked.

The exorcist did not respond, but once Astaroth turned around to face him, the person before the exorcist was none other than Astaroth, the half-demon, the one Rin Okumura had notified the Academy and the exorcists about. It was a vague description but the exorcist immediately knew that he was someone they had to get rid off. Someone to kill on sight, or perhaps capture. Moments later, the cocky exorcist decided to aim and shoot a few arrows towards Astaroth.

The half-demon's expression was serious. He was annoyed that the exorcist ruined his moment of peace, his moment of amusement and fun. "Is this how you answer the King of Hell!?" Rei denounced, though he was not expecting an answer at all. Within a flash of light, he disappeared.

Standing right behind the exorcist who was unable to react to his speed, Astaroth looked down upon the crouched enemy in a condescending way. The exorcist turned around, his eyes were wide, but he tried to bring out his holy knives, but his time was over. Rei's hand grasped his face before he could react, or counter-attack.

He smashed the exorcists face on the rooftop floor so hard that a small, but deep crater around the head was made. Blood gushed out from the enemy's mouth, which sneaked itself in between the half-demons fingers. The head was smashed from behind and a circle of blood around the head was only growing. "You exorcists... Underestimate me..." He finished, but with a dominant voice. Letting go of the dead exorcist, Rei stood up. Gazing at the sky.

"Now... Where was I?" He said, before he disappeared. Someone piqued his interest, so Astaroth knew exactly what was next on his to-do-list.
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Ren Shirogane, green
Ren frowned as she was dragged to True Cross Academy by her hands. She was late courtesy of her mother, who basically decided that helping her daughter get ready for the Academy meant doing it very slowly was the best idea to do on the day of actually going to said Academy. The brunet did have to silently admit that a momma bear Alyss Shirogane was better than the manipulative and bloodthirsty exorcist Alyss Fiernia. But what was odd is the fact that her mother was taking her there rather than mushing her to the destination while she left for another one of those missions or family agreements with those shady demons. What was her mother after this time?

While she rapidly tried to think and rationalize what plot her mother had in mind, Ren didn't even notice the fact that they were closing in on her homeroom. And of course when they had arrived, Alyss just had to slam the door open. While knowing full well who, in fact, was the teacher for her child with her 'This will be for fun' face and interrupted the class. "Hello to you, Kamiki-chan!" And ever so slightly did Ren want to die then and there.
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After what seemed like forever, Femme found herself on top of an abandoned building on the edge of the city with little to no noise around her. Finally she was starting to get the peace and quiet, she had been looking for before being disturbed by another demon. Things had gotten a little out of hand as late because of all the exorcists running around to get rid of demons, who caused a threat to the humans.

Femme didn't care much for humans, but she wouldn't hesitate to kill an exorcist if it attempted to kill her for no reason. It was rare for her to hurt a human without reason and with how things have been with the academy nearby, it wasn't a chance she was willing to take either. With Astaroth running about the human world, things were going to get a bit out of hand and she would soon have to choose between living and death. Death was not an option for her at all, she liked living quite a lot and in death everything ends.

So the choices are between possibly helping the exorcists, which made her skin crawl just thinking of it, or joining Astaroth, which didn't sooth her worries either.
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Kaida &amp; Ryuu Akatsuki, DarkRed
As Kaida was in her own world and Ryuu was overtaken by boredom, their attention was brought to the door when it slammed open. The one who had greeted the teacher didn't seem to be someone who was in their class, but the younger looking girl was most definitely one of their classmates who had come in later than the pair of two siblings. That fact, made Ryuu not feel too guilty about being late compared to the girl.

While Ryuu was feeling better about himself, a thought had occurred to Kaida and she frowned slightly in disappointment; her brother catching a glimpse of her expression before it disappeared. "Hey, what's wrong?" Ryuu questioned quietly, slightly concerned with his sister's change in emotion. Kaida shrugged and turned to face him as she whispered in an inaudible voice for only Ryuu to hear. "I just realized that..." "That what?" He asked impatiently as Kaida dragged out her sentence. "That we don't get to share dorms," she finished.

"Well, yeah... Males and females are separated even if we're siblings," Ryuu said, as he tried to analyze what about it that made her upset. Although he had a feeling he knew what it was, he was aware of the fact that she would cover it up with something else. Knowing that she would be like that, he decided not to pry answers from her and let her say what she pleased. After all, it didn't matter if they told each other directly or not. They would already know what the other was feeling or thinking to some extent. "Why?" Ryuu asked, only to cut her off when she was about to answer. "Wait, let me guess... You're dumb stories." Ryuu said as he sighed. "Somehow, I'm glad that I won't be sharing a room with you for once. That, and I'll finally be able to get some sleep." He stated jokingly, his words contradicting his soft expression that showed Kaida not to be worried. "I guess I'll just have to find a chance to tell y-"


"Then I'll-"

"Not happening." Kaida then pouted and Ryuu put his hand on her head. "Admit it, I have the advantage this time," he said with a smirk as Kaida swatted his hand away, turning her head to where no one would be able to see her faint smile. Ryuu too, then smiled as he faced the front of the classroom and folded his hand behind his head, leaning back to see what would unfold as he began to wonder if the guardian of the girl was acquainted to Kamiki sensei considering how casual she seemed to speak; unless it was just one of her personalities.
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R E I - A S T A R O T H, #ff0000

It was not difficult for him to track and find any demons. And after seeing the one demon who he knew fairly well about, he tracked her down. His own presence was concealed, and he was looking at her from a few buildings away. Yes, Astaroth was also standing on the rooftop of yet another building. A smirk came across his face, before he disappeared. It was actually quite odd, but he used the stairs in order to get to the rooftop. Taking his time as he walked up one floor after another. 'Femme, the ruthless Demon...' He chuckled to the thought of it. Her reputation was quite intruiging.

After a minute or two, he opened the door leading to the roof. A smile was plastered on his face. His eyes were narrowed down. The view from the roof was quite breathtaking. He gazed at the stars before he decided to reveal his presence to the demon before him. "The view here is quite beautiful, don't ya think?" He playfully asked Femme. Before taking a few steps forward.

"If such a view existed in hell, I'd never visit the human world.." Rei stopped in his tracks. His black hair, with violet cheek-length bangs fluttered, before he ran his finger through his hair. Femme was the first addition to his ulterior motive. Even a demon such as her was kept in the dark, but rumors about him were flying around like a flock of bird does through the sky. However, she was an important puzzle, for now atleast.

A shrugged but lazy-like sigh escaped his lips, almost making a bored expression. "I wish hell did though.. But its a shame... That all the interesting things and wonders are in this world.. Wouldn't you agree?" Crossing his arms before his chest, he locked her eyes at Femme who had her back facing him, and stood by the ledge.

Clapping his hands together, as if he was bringing himself back to his real reason for being there, he spoke up. "Anyways, Femme.. You know why I'm here.. Right?" He grinningly finished, wondering what the nice demon before him would actually say. Would she agree to his terms? Would she try to run? Maybe fight? It was only a matter of time. And he had a feeling things would go his way.
Mika raised her head,

"I have my temptaint."

She said plainly. With a smirk. Mika already sees demons.. She got hers when she was little. Mika put her hand down and sighed,her eyes closing slowly.

'Mm... Getting sleepy...'

She thought in her head.
Mitsuru Haru, #00CCFF

Mitsuru was beginning to doze off once more after the role call. He noticed all the people coming in, they were pretty damn late and it made him seem like a 'goody-two-shoes' in which he didn't want to come off as that. He could really care less about class and just wanted to be made an Exorcist immediately. He had his reasons for wanting to kill Demons. He also wouldn't be too kind or lenient on any demon living in the Academy, such as the man known as Asmodeus behind him. He felt something was off with that kid but didn't say anything as he figured he was just getting the wrong feeling.

His eyes closed until he felt something bounce off the back of his head. His eyes snapping open and his hand instinctively began moving towards his katana but he stopped himself. He also didn't want to be known as a trouble maker, so he just gritted his teeth and fixed his hair. Muttering something under his breath as he closed his eyes again, waiting for this class to be over already.
Homeroom Teacher, orange

Izumo had just opened her mouth to speak to the ones that had risen there hands indicating they hadnt received their Temptaint yet, when suddenly her classroom door was slammed open, again. The tick on her brow coming back full force she whips around to confront the intruder when suddenly Exorcist Alyss greets her 'Oh great....' a heavy sigh escapes her lips at seeing the other Exorcist with her much too enthusiastic attitude. "Shirogane what are you doing her-" She was about to berade the other woman when she noticed Ren, Alyss's daughter, half hidden behind her mother. 'Ah...I crossed her off as absent already, guess Alyss held her up, typical' The perpetual scowl still on her face Izumo gestures toward Ren "Bringing your daughter to class Alyss? You do know your late right?" She mildly inquires. Seeing the time Izumo shakes her head 'This is taking too long!' suddenly she starts shoving Alyss out of the classroom, for those looking it would be rather comedic.

"Oh nevermind, I have a class to attend! Now shoo!" She almost slams the door once Alyss was outside, her annoyance meter on the high end. Moving back to her desk she looks to Ren. "Go ahead and take a seat Ren Shirogane. We're just about to start with the Temptaint application, have you received yours yet?" She asks while swirling the purple/black liquid inside the vile

Half-Demon, purple

Aithi smiled at the newcomers, she felt bad for them getting scolded and possibly in trouble later, but at least they made it. Giving the boys and girls a friendly wave as they take their seats she tries memorizing their names as their called, but there was so many she doubted she would remember them all.

As the teacher asked who hadnt recieved their Temptaint yet she leans back in her chair her hands resting on the desk. 'Have I? I cant see demons....But I am a halfie....Should I raise my hand...?' Frowning she debates with herself mentally. Deciding it was best to see what Izumo-Sensei does Aitheria raises her hand a few moments after her desk-partner does. Looking to the shy girl she giggles lightly. "Guess we're both newbies to this huh?" Her voice is soft and light. Her eyes wonder around the class noticing the various hands going up 'Looks like theres quite a few without a Temptaint...'

Wind Demon, red
Deus stifled his chuckle as the snow head fixed his hair his movements showing obvious aggravation. Taking the high road apparently as he didnt pick a fight with Asmodeus for doing it. Looking up his molten gold eyes scan the newcomers with mild interest, he could sense the Demons among them, but they didnt seem to be hostile.

At the mention of the Temptaint he just makes a "heh" sound, leaning back in his chair as he folds his arms across his broad chest. 'Guess theres a lot of Taintless here. Wonder what demons this test will summon...Problay Goblins.' At the intrusion of what he assumed to be another Exorcist-possibly a teacher he arches an eyebrow. He felt bad for the girl being dragged along by what seemed like quite the eccentric mother. Maybe hoping to get her mind off the embarrassment Deus gives her a casual wave
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Shunske Watnabe
Shunske was standing just outside the door trying to muster up the courage to go in. His fingers, as usual, rested on his lower lip, his sleeve hanging just above the knuckles to cover his scars. He had just turned the corner as soon as the door had been shut and was now nervously wondering if he should bother turning the knob or just go home. Unfortunately, the decision was made for him. The door sprang open, causing Shunske to take a startled step back and an older woman was shoved out. He quickly moved aside to avoid being run over by her momentum, and with a quiet "Excuse me" he slipped inside before the door closed.

Looking inside the class he noticed that most of his usual seats were occupied. Looks like I'll have to sit in the front, he thought with a grimace. He looked toward his teacher, Miss Kamiki if he remembered correctly, and bowed. "Please excuse my tardiness," he apologized.

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Kinira Harlow, skyblue
Kinira giggled at the display at the front of the classroom. She was finding the teacher rather amusing, so long as she wasn't the one in trouble. She watched as yet another student slipped inside, and wondered if perhaps he was a late registration since he hadn't been on the roster. Kinira watched as the teacher tried to regain some order in her class, still pondering what part the liquid in the vile played in receiving a temptaint.
Shunske Watnabe

Shunske glanced over at the white haired girl at the sound of her giggle and felt his face start to heat up. He absentmindedly rubbed at his scarred wrist over his sleeves to calm himself down. Quit being so paranoid, he thought angrily. It probably has nothing to do with you. He took a deep breath and rushed to an empty seat without waiting for the teachers reply, sinking into the desk by the far right wall of the classroom from where he had entered.
As Femme was staring off into the sky, she heard a voice from behind her talking about how he had wished such skies existed within hell. While he was speaking, she couldn't help thinking that if such sights existed there, it wouldn't be called what it is. It's not place where anyone should feel relaxed or calm, it's a place that only blood and death exist. Knowing who was there on the rooftop with her, Femme refrained from taking any kind of measures that could result in her being harmed.

Astaroth was not to be taken lightly in anyway at all, those who did were all fools or overly confident in their skills. "I knew of you being here, but for what reasons I am unaware.. All I know is that it must be very important for you to be here physically." She replied as she turned on her heels to lock eyes with the male standing behind her, who seemed to be watching her the entire time as if waiting to see if she'd do anything.

"Although, I am not fit to be within your presence.. I have to wonder why you would seek me out of all other demons more appropriate for whatever it is you have in mind." She admitted that she wasn't the strongest amongst some demon, but neither weak.
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