Blood Red Roses

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"Still waiting for that mug of ale..." The inn keeper quickly returned, handing her the ale and scurrying off once more. "Now we may talk." Rose led the way, opening the door and holding it open for the boy.
He graciously nodded and sent a quick message to all the men in that bar.

"This is how a man works, gentleman."

He then startedwalking with Rose, listening to the sounds around him and sniffing the air.

"Someone just threw up behind that bar and two couples are having very rough intercourse in the inn."
"Very... Intriguing, I suppose." Rose downed the ale quickly and tossed the mug aside. "So, what's your name, kiddo?" She crossed her arms and leaned against a post.
Vince stops and looks at her. "Vincent, decenden- I mean, normal peasant boy."
The warrior raised an eyebrow, but inquired no further. "Rose." After a few moments, Rose asked, "What brings you to such a bad side of town? Closest nursery is on the other side of the kingdom."
Vincent frowned for a second at her comment but calmly replied "My family and I were driven out of our home and we were separated by bandits,"

"Short and to the point, I like that. Doesn't sound too good, though." Rose unsheathed her dagger, flipping it in her hand. "Mother died after she gave birth to my brother. Father was a farmer, growing corn and raising cattle. One night, we were traveling along the road that separates Talismania and Ralgrok. That was when the marauders attacked. Killed my father, drove me and my brother away. One week later, we stop at an inn. As we're sleeping, the bastard inn keeper set it on fire. My brother died because of him..." Rose hid her sadness and tightened her grip on the blade of the dagger, slicing her hand open, causing blood to drip down. "So I took a still burning piece of wood and rammed it into his chest. And now, I'm here, baddest mother fucker in town."
(*waves* OwO)

Vincent widened his eyes a bit and felt a small pang of pity, but was careful not to show it, so he decided to change the subject.

"How well can you use that weapon? All I have are my fists and.. special ability's."
"Oh, Kramanier? He's a pretty good weapon, great for bleeding things dry!" Rose unsheathed then dark blade, the whispers entering her head once more.

Yessss, what shall we desssstroy, massster? The whispers were heard by Rose and Rose only. Anyone else who could hear it would go insane from the general tone of the whispers.

The blade glowed red as Rose twirled it around in a finesse fashion, quick and fluent. "Kramanier has been my sword for a long time. I love him just like a pet."
Vincent smiled and looked at it.

"I see. I'm afraid I'm not very good at using weapons, I think it may be because of my powers.."
"Weapons are my powers. That, and a few spells I learned from a wizard."
"Well, aren't you a gentleman? Aren't you suppose to take your date out to dinner?" Rose sheathed Kramanier, leaning back on her post.
"D-date? O-O"

He reaches into his pockets, finding only a couple of coins.

"...I, suppose so."
"Do I have to do everything? Seriously, it really feels like that." Rose rolled her eyes, digging into her satchel. In her hand were sixteen silver coins, each worth a week's worth of food. "Here, I'll pay."

(Referencing to video games when she says "Do I have to do everything?" since she sorta originated from one)
"No no, I have lived on my own for a good long while, I will find some food."

He sniffs and listens for a second.

"How does deer, raspberry, and wild herbs sound?"
Rose placed a hand on her hips. "So, that's your idea of a romantic dinner? Venison and wild berries?"
"I can make it romantic, follow me!"

He then runs off into the woods and starts picking berry's and herbs, placing them in his bag, looking for Rose.
"Oh, brother. I've discovered nature boy..." Rose followed suit, holding onto Kramanier.
He sees here and senses a deer close by. Vincent then slinks through the wood and suddenly spots it. He then throws a rock behind it, causing it to come closer to him.
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