Bleach RP

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Paige beams, feeling better. She had felt that She wasn't doing well so it makes her feel good. "Well thank you."
Sora "You're welcome" He smiles at her.

Renji sitting on the couch with Ichigo says "Well that made Paige feel better I see. That's good. I'm happy Sora could help her." He then feels his captain's spiritual pressure slightly and says. And seems Captain Kuchiki and Rukia have arrived just now."

Byakuya sees Karin up ahead of him and Rukia and says to his sister "Who's that girl that's looking torward us?"
"That's Karin, one of ichigos sisters." Rukia says.
Paige perks up. "More people."
Karin waves to Rukia and Byakuya and smiles.

Renji "Yes Paige. My captain and his sister just got here." He gets up and goes out to greet them.

Yuzu hearing Rukia is at their clinic goes outside to greet them as well and Yuzu waves to Rukia and Byakuya when she sees them.

Sora watches Yuzu walk past him following Renji outside. He then looks to Ichigo and smiles as he goes over and sits beside him.

Isshin just goes into the kitchen.
Rukia waves at Yuzu with a smile but the smile fades quickly. She knows they aren't here for th pleasantries. So she lets her hand drop to her side awkwardly.
Paige is excited but nervous. She has never met Renji's captain before.
Karin and Yuzu are happy to see Rukia but they also know that things are serious like she does.

Kenyuka stands in the open doorway of the clinic, looking to see Rukia and Byakuya as they had arrived and Yuzu and Karin greeting them. Kenyuka takes a deep breath, still not real sure what to say to Byakuya or Rukia, considering this is the first time he's meeting his brother and sister in person, instead of just hearing stories about the two of them from Yoruichi and Urahara.

Karin looks back to see Kenyuka standing in the doorway looking over to them.
Rukia doesnt speak as they approach.

ichigo sense rukia. He has not seen her in a while so he is nervous
Kenyuka feeling nervous himself, the cause of his nervousness being meeting Byakuya and Rukia in person as he's about to do, takes a couple more breaths, putting on a nervous smile as he waves to them as they approach him with the others following them heading back into the clinic.

Sora sits next to Ichigo on the couch inside the clinic.
Rukia waves once and let's her arm drop. Around her brother she feels like she must be formal.

Ichigo watches door, more nervous than he really should have been.
Kenyuka notices that Rukia is trying to be formal while around Byakuya as they come closer to him, and Kenyuka, having been born in the Kuchiki family like Byakuya was, understands this. So he smiles and puts his arm down after greeting them, and then nods showing his respect for both of them, having a more confident look now.

Byakuya glances to his side at Kenyuka once he reaches him, gives his brother a slight nod as well, and then continues to walk on through the doorway entering inside the clinic.

Sora stands up when he sees Rukia and Byakuya at the doorway and bows his head slightly to greet the two of them.

Karin and Yuzu go over to Ichigo's side when the come back in.
Rukia nods at her brother as well as she walks in.

Ichigo is dead silent.
Yuzu gets a bit silent as well, a memory of a past event coming to her mind at that moment, specifically the memory of the time when she battled in her first fight against the hollows teaming up with Karin, Jinta, Ururu, and Don Kononji, where they went up against about 4 to 5 huge hollows and a bunch of other smaller hollows, and that the hollows where defeated by some mysterious creature that, even though Don Kononji named the creature Karakura Lion jet, no one really knew where the creature came from. At the same time these thoughts flow through Yuzu's head, she eyes the necklace and pendant around her neck that her mother instructed her father to give to her when she turned 12 yrs old among her other gifts. She knows that Karin got a necklace among her gifts too, but remembers that Karin's necklace didn't have a pendant like her's did. She wonders deeply about it and about all the events of that battle as well, as she keeps eyeing her pendant, not really knowing what to make of the situation.
Memories unwillingly flash through Ichigo's mind against his will. He remembers when he went to Soul Society to save Rukia from execution, he remembers how they were a team before that. A slight smile curves on his lips as he remembers all the bickering between the two when they were a team.
Isshin glances over at Yuzu seeing her standing against the wall noticing she's being real silent and sees that Yuzu is focusing on the pendant her mother had instructed Isshin to give to her as a gift for her most recent birthday.

Yuzu stays silent as she continues to mellow in thought for the next few minutes. She then tucks her necklace around her neck beck to the inside of her shirt.

Karin looks over at Yuzu and then glances to see that their father is looking at Yuzu's direction as well. She then looks back at Yuzu and wonders a bit about what's going through her sister's mind.
Ichigo is still lost in his own thoughts, not really paying attention to what's going on around him at the moment. He is still thinking about all the times they bickered about things, and how angry he that he thought about it most of those times he overreacted.

Rukia notices the glazed look in Ichigo's eyes. He's lost in thought isn't he?​ She thinks to herself.
Yuzu goes over to the window and looks to the outside.

Kenyuka stands next to Byakuya and Rukia as he watches Yuzu noticing this action of hers.
Ichigo is still lost in his thoughts, now having a full blown stupid grin on his face.
Renji sees the kind of grin Ichigo has on his face and says as he looks to Byakuya "I wonder just what Ichigo could be thinking in that head of his with that type of grin on his face."

Byakuya "Not sure as to exactly what Ichigo is thinking about at this moment Renji. But his silence for the past half hour sense Rukia and I arrived deffinently tells me that he just might be remembering some of his past battles if not all of them."
Byakuya turns his attention after that to Ichigo's sister Yuzu who's still looking out the window, seeing Yuzu not only looking at, but holding the pendant part of her necklace in her hand now.

Yuzu then decides to go back outside, so while still grasping the pendant part of her necklace with her left hand she heads for the door, opens it, and goes out into the yard. Once there, she looks towards the sky.

Byakuya watches Yuzu go outside, and then as a precaution incase Ichigo didn't see Yuzu go outside the clinic, Byakuya looks over at Sora and nods to him, silently motioning to Sora to go out to where Yuzu is.

Sora nods back to his captain and does as ordered.