Bleach RP

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Karin looks to Yuzu again.

Renji looks to Shaki and Kenyuka and shruggs his shoulders. He then hears his phone ringing and steps to the side and answers it.

Karin thinks to herself while Renji's answering his phone ~ I know my brother Ichigo just wants Yuzu and I to be safe..And that's a good thing..But how it's going to happen is beyond me right now..All I can do as of yet when the hollows attack is make sure my friends don't get caught up in the battles..And protect Yuzu at other times when the hollows come after the two of us..In which I can fight the hollows when they attack..According to Toshiro I'm getting stronger in my spiritual powers during each hollow battle I face in which I've had several I was in..the two hollow battles i fought alongside Toshiro..the one I fought against a hollow while alongside Ichigo's friend Chad..the one where I defended Yuzu against that hollow that attack while we were visiting our mother's gravesite, and the two hollow battles i fought with Yuzu, Jinta and Ururu from Urahara's shop, and Don Kononji at my side..

Renji while on the phone "Yes Captain..I met up with Sora..Some of us, the group I've joined up with are currently at Ichigo's place and the others, Toshiro's group and Yoruichi's group are at Urahara's shop currently.." After reporting that he listens for a few minutes and then says "Yes. Well after we all got together at Urahara's a couple of hours ago, we split into three groups to gather up some teenagers from the Karakura middle school and a couple of more kids from the Karakura elementary school that had high spiritual powers..According to what I've heard the head captain knows about all these children from Yoruichi's word though he hasn't met them in person yet, and that some of them have fought the hollows and some of them haven't, though they all can see the hollows as well as all of us." After he reports that Renji listens again for a few minutes and then says "You want Ichigo and my group to wait here? Okay..See the two of you later when you get here then." Renji hangs up and then he goes inside the clinic as well and Kenyuka and Isshin follow.
Ichigo is pacing the front room and hes thinking:i so wish i could keep Karin out of this. Yuzu will be easier because she cant see things but Karin i might have to accept that there is no keeping her out of this now.
Paige is watching his pacing.
Meanwhile, Johnathan - after completely hiding his presence - followed Renji and crew to get some information about the weird happenings lately.
Yuzu heads inside herself after Renji, Kenyuka, and Isshin do.

Karin stays outside though to think and thinks about the events of the past several days and the info all of them found out in the past several hours as well.

Renji sees Ichigo pacing back in fourth when he gets inside and then sees Paige at the side watching Ichigo. He then looks to see Sora at the side and standing next to Paige and sees Sora is deep in thought too.
Paige keeps watching Ichigo while thinking:why is he so antsy? Is this really a good time for anybody to be so tightly wound like he is?maybe i should ask why hes so tense....i dont think he will tell me.She then folds her arms and keeps watching Ichigo pace.
Renji knows that Ichigo is in very deep thought with worry for his sisters at that moment and as tense as Ichigo is, Renji knows that it wouldn't be wise to make the wrong motion towards him or interupt Ichigo's train of thought at the wrong time. He knows though that Byakuya and Rukia are coming to the world of the living and to the Karakura clinic specifically to meet them soon and that he has to inform them all of it so they won't head to Urahara's shop before Byakuya and Rukia's arrival.
Ichigo notices that hes being watched as he paces but he ignores the stares and keeps pacing, as it is the only way he can think clearly at the moment.Maybe I need to chill. I'm getting too worked up.

Renji goes over to Sora, being careful not to interupt Ichigo's pacing as Renji has to walk across the room to get to his squad comrad, and then says to Sora "The captain called and asked if you got here okay. I told him you did and about what we've been doing these past few hours and about all the children and their powers awakening inside of them and that some of them were fighting the hollows and some of them weren't according to what Keegan and Kenyuka said earlier. The captain said he's on his way here and he's bringing Rukia with him. He wanted us to wait for him here at Ichigo's place to which he said Rukia will show him where it is when they arrive in the town."

Sora nods and says "Okay Lieutenant Abarai sir. We'll wait here then."
Paige looks flustered by ichigos pacing but she doesnt say anything to him. She seems to know better than to stop his pacing, despite her curiousity a to why hes pacing.
Kenyuka looks out the window while waiting for Byakuya and Rukia's arrival to the Karakura clinic. Knowing that Byakuya and Rukia don't know anything about him, Kenyuka is feeling a little nervous about what their reactions will be when they find out.
Paige moves the window, getting agitated by Ichigos pacing she doesnt want to watch him anymore. She just wants to get everything figured out so she can report back to her captain.

ichigo finally stops pacing and sits down thinking.i am way too worked up. I need relax
Renji notices Ichigo sit down and goes over and sits down himself next to him and says "I didn't want to interupt you while you were pacing the room and thinking. But now that you're resting for a few minutes I want to mention that I spoke with my captain a few short minutes ago and he said he and Rukia are on their way here to your place. He wants us to wait for him and her to get here before we go back to Urahara's to meet the others."

Kenyuka looks to Paige who's standing next to him now and says "You trying to figure everything out?"

(Do you want to play either Byakuya or Rukia in the rp or do you want me to play them both?)
(i can be rukia)Ichigo nods. "Alright."

Paige nods. "I need to report back to my captain as soon as possible."
(okay cool^^ and I'll be Byakuya then^^)

Renji nods and says "Everything is going to be fine Ichigo. We'll all help you make sure both your sisters are fully prepared for whatever might come their way. Ikkaku is also doing the same with that Keigo kid from your high school from what I hear."

Kenyuka "I see. Well you can report back to him what's happened so far. I mean Renji did that when he gave a updated report to my brother while the two of them were on the phone a few minutes ago. He reported about how me and all my friends having our powers awaken within us and having gathered us all so we'd all be together when the discussion of the battle plans and strategies took place, even though he didn't say who I was to my brother, as in my identity, or what my friends' identities were when he gave the report. About some of us having fought the hollows and some of us having not yet fought them. About the many hollow attacks that you all have fought. And about who else has arrived here to lend their assistance, such as Captain Hisugaya and Lieutenant Matsumoto who are waiting at Urahara's."
Meanwhile, in Johnathan's hidden corner, he was slightly curious. 'Are they bringing in who I think they're bringing in? Ok this was slightly more serious than I though.' He thought to himself. More captains? This could not get any more worse.
Karin who's outside the clinic by herself is recalling everything that's taken place over the past few days and nights in her head while looking up at the sky.

About a half hour later a gate opens in the sky. Then two figures come through the gate to the world of the living.

The gate opening rather close to the clinic, Karin notices it. She recognizes one of the two figures that came through to be Rukia. Karin doesn't recognize Byakuya though when she sees him, due to the fact that Karin had never met Byakuya before. She then sees them decending to the ground and sees them land in an area about 6 blocks away from the clinic and figures it might take them about 15 more minutes to reach the clinic.

Byakuya walks alongside his sister Rukia as they head for Ichigo's place and Byakuya thinks about all the things that Renji had reported to him as they walk.
Rukia is walking next to her brother, wondering how ichigo is doing.

ichigo nods with a sigh. "I know that. I just can't help but worry."

"Well i don't have the means without Ikkaku." Paige looks ashamed.
Kenyuka "Oh I see." He then sees her ashamed expression and says to her "Hey don't feel ashamed. If you need Ikkaku to be with you in order to give your reports then you need him. And I think most lower ranked officers have to give their reports that way anyway, report to their superior officer and then their superior officers give the report to the captains they follow. I mean it's nothing to be ashamed of if that's they way your captain ordered you to give your reports to him."

Karin just stands in the same place and sees Rukia and Byakuya coming up to the clinic about 10 minutes later.
"I just feel like it would be better if I could report directly to him" She flushes and looks down. "But this is my first time in the world of the living." For some reason she is embarrassed to admit that, as if she would get teased endlessly. She didn't know why she felt this way.
Sora hears this and walks over to her and says "You know Paige. I have to give my reports to Lieutenant Abarai and then he gives them to our captain. Unless it's a solo mission, in which Captain Kuchiki hasn't given me one of those yet, unless a lower ranked officer lower that 3rd seat is on a mission like one where they are alone on the mission, then they always have to give their reports to the superior officers, and the superior officers then give the reports to the captains. It's just the rules, so as Kenyuka said, there is nothing for you to be ashamed of having to give your reports that way. And don't worry about the fact that this is your first mission to the world of the living. In my opinion, from what I heard had gone on here in the past few days and nights reguarding how hollow attacks have been coming from left and right, you're handeling your first mission very well. I'm sure Ikkaku and Captain Zaraki will think the same too in their opinions about how your first mission is going."