Black Manor

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"In there? Oh, yeah, that room! It really isn't so bad after a while. I know it might've just been me, was actually pretty nice in there!" Keith's face lit up the minute the room was mentioned. The others, it seemed, had not found the way out to their own families as he had. He wanted to tell Jarrett that the room was another potential escape route, but he decided to wait until Abigale left. She seemed surprisingly close to Serena, and he didn't want her to snitch on him.

Speaking of Abigale, she seemed to be speaking with Miya about her letter. It looked like the two of them got along well, though their relationship had seemed slightly rocky when they'd first met. Abigale was looking at the letter with apparent approval, and Miya seemed content to have Abigale touch her stomach. Miya spoke, and Keith once again found himself trying to decode another language. All he could catch this time was "you", "baby", and "listen". If his French needed work, his Japanese was practically at an infant's level.

As Keith looked about some more, he thought about the room again. It was Eli's turn to enter, wasn't it? What would he find in there? Keith wasn't sure what he hoped Eli would find, mainly because he didn't know what to think about Eli himself. But he still silently wished Eli good luck, hoping he wouldn't actually need it.
Jarrett glared at Keith, frowning. "I'll have you know that I've been through over three seasons of these 'tasks', buddy. There's no, 'pretty nice' at all. Sorry but I'm not that stupid." He walked away, shaking his head. Abigale listened to the conversation, looking over at Julius in the process. He had crawled through the hole to help find the picture of himself that Jarrett had found days before. "Elise.. How I missed you so.." He folded the portrait, tucking it away in his clothing and looking at the crowd. They seemed so desolate."

Serena let the knife fall from her hands, her body trembling as she fell to the floor. The blood pooled out from her leg, causing her to feel cold all over. She shook, finally grabbing onto a rag with her bloody hand. Now you see, Serena.. No matter how much you try to stop me and object what I do.. I will punish you for it. Be wise and follow me. Serena screamed, sitting up as she threw a glass behind her. There was no one there. "GET OUT! Please.. Leave me alone!" She tied a noose, wrapping it around her neck. She tied the noose to the window, grabbing onto the ledge as she opened the window. The air of summer greeted her, and for a fraction of a second she inhaled, taking in the scent of the world one last time. She jumped, smiling as she was finally free from the voice. She suddenly felt herself being yanked backwards, her smiled turning to horror as she realized that they had removed the noose and shut the window. As she stood, there was no one in the room. You'll have to do better than that, 'Rena..."
Unsure of what to do with her written letter, Sazael decided to hold on to it. Thinking about it now, she had no idea where any of her siblings lived. She was aware that they were still within the main region where they lived, but it was a rather large area. If she had no clue of their whereabouts, then surely Abigale wouldn't. Her hand clenched around the folded letter lightly as her eyes drifted towards Julius once again, who was looking at a picture and speaking to himself. She brushed her hair back with her hand, pushing it out of her face.
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Julius looked over at Sazael, his lips twisting into a grin as he stood. He decided to look around the lower levels, grabbing a hold of Jarrett and nodding. "Let's explore." Most of the lower levels had been places that Serena banned Julius from ever entering. He didn't understand why, though he knew there would have to be a pretty big reason. The whole led to a tunnel that seemed to steep down, giving the look of the tunnel a dark and eerie color. Jarrett scowled, looking to Julius with a frown. "I found this during season two of the tasks.. What do you think could possibly be here?" Julius shrugged, his brain musing over the thought of how scared Jarrett might be at that moment. "I'm not sure.. Something is definitely telling me that there is more in these rooms than the human eye has found."

Jarrett laughed dryly, swallowing hard as he realized that he could indeed be 'prey' to Julius. He shivered, looking down at his feet. "Oh.. That's right! You couldn't possibly be human.. Especially not with the painting I found of you and that woman. But that woman isn't Serena, is it?" Julius growled softly, shaking his head. "It is someone from years ago.. I miss her so much."
Keith watched Jarrett walk away, doing his best not to let his disappointment get to him. He had tried to distract Jarrett from his fear, and all he had done was made the poor man upset. Such a combination of powerful feelings could lead to stress, and that could lead to a heart attack or the like. Jarrett probably didn't have the same problem that Keith had with unhappiness and secrets; it seemed to be something exclusive to Keith alone. Many of his childhood acquaintances, for example, had often shown distress, and it had never led to anything drastic. At least, as far as he knew.

Keith snapped out of his reverie and looked up, realizing both Julius and Jarrett were no longer anywhere to be seen. Where could they have gone? He hoped they weren't having another argument like the one at the pool of blood. But hadn't they been the ones taking care of the current challenge? Without them, Abigale would probably be forced to take over their responsibility, and that would...this place was too quiet. Something didn't seem right.

As Keith's eyes swept over the room, he saw everyone staying in their places and keeping to themselves. The camaraderie he had been able to share with some of the other prisoners felt somehow distant. Keith's hands began to quiver; this mental isolation was typical of him only when he had a secret. But what secret did he have, and why didn't he know what it was? This was the first time he had not known what the secret was before fearing it. Whatever it was, he needed to distract himself, and now. So he walked over to Ryan, who had remained in the fetal position since leaving the room, and quietly said, "Ryan, would you like for me to help you? I will if I can."
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She watched as people did their thing, knowing that there weren't that many people left. She was sure to be locked in that room soon. The anticipation itself was killing her, and she was toying with her house key to calm herself. Although she'd made the decision of no allies, she still wanted to converse, but she doubted anyone knew sign language here. Sighing, she decided to at least give it a shot. She stomped her feet riiculously, only to get at least someone's attention and then began.

Her hands moved gracefully in the practiced motions as she formed her sentence,"Does anyone know how to sign?"

Perhaps if she distracted herself, the tasks might not eat her away. She wouldn't make friends, but acquaintances couldn't hurt, right? When she got out, there was no if about it in her mind, she wanted to be sane, still.
Abigale smiled, moving her hands to form a sentence. "Yes, I do. What is it I can do for you?"

She looked to the group, sighing softly. "Eli.. You're next. Do you think you will be okay?" Something about the man with the orange-red hair was oddly sadistic. She frowned, shaking her head. "This task shouldn't be too hard.. Miya. I've been informed that you will be excused from the next task. Eli will take the gemstones that Sid had collected." She stood, walking around the room and frowning. The walls were a brown brick; The floor was carpeted in an unattractive green color. The cells themselves were small and intimidating. "I'd feel trapped in here after too long.."
Serena opened the door, nodding to everyone. "Well.. This has been fun but I have plans for all of you.." She grinned slightly, her eyes wild. She pulled down her dress, careful to not show the wound on her leg. "Abigale. Retrieve Julius and Jarrett from the hole. No more tasks. Instead.. We're going to do something more difficult. You all will be a 'guest' in my mansion. Feel free to mingle and eat as you wish. You will each get your own room.. The ones who can stay and survive in the mansion will eventually be set free. I will be personally delivering your messages to your family tomorrow morning..." She opened the door with the key, nodding to everyone. "The mansion doors are locked, and the windows are too. There is no way out. Feel free to explore, though.."

She entered the living area of the mansion, watching as Abigale helped Miya and Sazael to both to their feet. "I'm sure you will all enjoy living here. There is so much to do and see. There will be challenges you all have to overcome, though.."
Sazael stared at Serena as she entered the room, giving her an emotionless stare. Sure, she hated the woman, but as of now, she couldn't even waste time on that. Instead she should try to heal up her cheek, which she wasn't sure if it'd leave a scar. Not that it mattered. Though she felt uneasy to be on her own (or atleast, walk around on her own), she wasn't completely comfortable with anyone besides Julius. She silently handed the folded letter to Abigale before turning away, looking through the opened doors cautiously and taking one step out. Her hands gripped the ends of her hair draping over her shoulders as she immediately began roaming the hallways aimlessly.
Julius smirked as Abigale yelled for him, shrugging. "You lucked out on this task, Jarrett.. I wonder how much fear you hold inside yourself." Jarrett scowled, muttering cuss words under his breath. Julius grinned, pulling himself out of the hole and looking around. He entered the living area of the mansion, looking quietly to Serena before running up the stairs. He didn't stop until he was in his room. Something was very wrong with Serena. Abigale clapped her hands, walking around the room and smiling to Miya. "If any of you need to find your rooms, just let me know."
Upon being told that she was going to be excused from the next task, Miya felt relieved. It was good for both her and the baby. Since blood loss and stress is horrid for the baby if taken to the extreme. However, when Serena decided to keep them around for a while, Miya started feeling uneasy. Her Husband wasn't going to sit well with that. For sure, she knew. But since she now got the chance to mingle, she decided to start with Sazael, the girl with the blue hair. Unsure of what to say at first, Miya complimented the younger woman. "I like your hair."
Georgio: The French Psychopath, red

Georgio finished his letter to his only living relative his twin brother, and he reluctantly gave it to Serena. Georgio could tell by the way she pulled down her dress that something was wrong with her leg. Georgio hoped that she would bleed out, whatever she was he hoped she could die. Georgio was skeptical about leaving the who would of thought he would ever not want to leave the room. There's no telling what lied ahead. Georgio made his way to the inside of the mansion. It was beautiful and antique looking. Serena may be an evil person but she had taste. "So you just really want us to "mingle" and that's it?" Georgio didn't believe one word coming out of Serena's mouth, he couldn't trust any of these four people. Serena, Abigale, Jarrett, and Julius were all creatures from a different world. Georgio would just do whatever he had to, he wanted to get out of here and never look back.
Serena nodded, glaring at Georgio with a look of exquisite hatred. "Yes, that is exactly what I am wanting right now.." She walked around the room, waiting for the others before pointing to the staircase. "There are two floors in the mansion. I have approximately fifteen bedrooms and that is certainly enough for all of you. Feel free to pick your room and get settled in. Abigale will bring you a change of clothes soon." She walked back into her office, shutting the door and locking it. She turned her head as she heard the whisper next to her ear again, screaming harshly. YOU IDIOT! THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE MANSION!

Julius walked around the room, singing to himself as he smiled. "I've got no strings; So I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone. They've got strings; But you can see.. There are no strings on me."
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Startled by a sudden comment about her hair, Sazael turned to see who it was. She was surprised to see the pregnant woman, Miya. As a reply, she gave the woman a small nod, her eyes fixed towards the protruding belly. Being the youngest and last child, she never really got a chance to see someone who was pregnant. But upclose, it was really odd, yet fascinating. She then turned to a door and opened it cautiously. It appeared to be a normal room, so she assumed it was a room meant for them.
Jarrett walked up the stairs, yawning as he took his in surroundings. "Everything is so new here.." He felt a pressure on his back, and suddenly felt himself lifted into the air. He screamed, trying to wriggle out of the grasp of whatever held him. Julius looked up at the sounds of the screams, narrowing his eyes. Jarrett was suspended in mid-air. No one was behind him nor did anyone have a hold of him. Julius could see a faint imprint of a hand grasping onto Jarrett's shirt. He walked over to Jarrett, pulling on his leg and frowning. "You're not budging." Jarrett held a look of fear in his eyes, his body tense. "J-Just get me down, Julius." Suddenly Jarrett was thrown backwards, hitting the wall behind him with a hard thud. He was unresponsive; Abigale raced over to him, her eyes looking to Julius. He had been pushed back as Jarrett was thrown. "What the hell happened, Julius?" Julius was dazed, his blue eyes looking around the room. "I'm.. I'm not sure. Something threw him and pushed me at the same time." Abigale rolled her eyes to herself, holding Jarrett's head in her lap. "We need to get him to a bed. Now."
Hearing a sudden loud thud coming from upstairs, Sazael hurried out of the room she was in and up the stairs, looking back at Miya only briefly. As she soon neared Julius, Jarrett, and Abigale, she saw that Jarrett had been knocked out. A confused lookcame across her face briefly, her eyes looking between Abigale and Julius. From what she was seeing, it could have been Julius who had knocked him out or, doubtfully, Abigale. That, or something happened to Jarrett and the two just happened to be there. Either way, she was confused and frightened.
Abigale and Julius lifted Jarrett up, taking him to the nearest room. He was laid on the bed, and Julius walked out, nodding to Sazael. "The most.. Exciting and odd thing has just happened.. It seems as if there is an unknown entity here." He kissed Sazael's cheek, wandering off to find some pillows to prop up Jarrett's head. Abigale looked down upon Jarrett, a frown crossing her face. When Jarrett had first came to the manor, Abigale detested him and snubbed her nose and the blonde headed boy. After a time he grew on her, though, and she felt an immediate need to protect him. Surely he guessed that she was indeed a vampire? She ran a hand over his forehead, gently kissing it before smoothing his hair back. Was it love, or just a giant feeling of infatuation? Whatever it was; She kind of liked it.
Serena paced, looking out the window. She felt like jumping. Could she? Would she? She shivered, grasping her hair and calling for Julius. Julius entered shortly, frowning. "I assume you called to yell at me, Serena?" Serena shook her head, smacking her face a couple of times to make sure she was indeed in reality. "N-No! I... I'm dealing with something very bad, Julius. I... I don't know how to handle this.." She screamed as she heard the voice again, shaking her head. "It's here again!" Julius shook his head, grabbing Serena's shoulders and shaking her lightly. "No.. You're mind is sick, 'Rena. You need to get help." Serena began to sob, her voice coming out in the harsh, evil whisper that she had heard so many times before. "Serena is not here anymore, Julius. She's mine now." Julius stepped back, looking at the wound on her leg. "You're hurting yourself now? I thought that was something only I did here, Serena."

Serena's view on reality began to crash down around her; She realized that it was her own mind that had clouded what she thought was real. Yes, it was Keith who was correct all along, Serena. You indeed scammed him, but he did tell on you. A bad penance for hurting you... How does it feel to know that your mind has fooled you into believing everything? Jarrett was hurt by you, remember? You pulled a string that was tied to his shirt. He flew against the wall. How does it feel to know you have maimed many people? Sid. Spirit. The many others.. They are all a part of us, now.

The tears began to fall as she looked into Julius' face, nodding. "I... I'm ready for you to bury me, Julius. Remember how you had to do it before? Y-You were trying to resurrect Elise.. But I came back instead. P-Please do that now, and use the dust in this vial. You know what the ritual requires." Julius nodded, hugging Serena and kissing her cheek. "Forever, my friend." Serena sighed, feeling his fangs sink into her neck; Everything went black, her body being drained of the blood. Julius waited until he felt her heart stop, grabbing the vial around Serena's neck and cutting a wound into her wrists. He poured the ashes onto the wounds, biting his finger and drawing blood. He dripped the blood into her wounds, watching them slowly heal over. He dripped more into her mouth, fascinated with how her teeth seemed to change, making way for the fangs. She was now a vampire.

The 'new' Serena sat up, looking around. Julius held her, rocking her back and forth. "S-Serena?" Serena looked up into Julius' eyes, shaking her head. "Julius.. I missed you." She put a hand to his cheek, grinning as a tear slid out of her now green eyes. "Hello, my love." Julius squeezed who he now knew was Elise, sobs escaping his chest. He had finally found her. They sat that way for many minutes, holding each other. Julius finally pulled Elise to her feet, shaking his head. "It's.. Been many years since you have been alive, my love. We need to get out of here. Can you remember where she hid the keys?" Elise shook her head, looking around the room. "I will try to remember."
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As soon as Sazael left the room, Miya figured that she should rest. She went to the closest room to her and went over to the bed and relaxed herself, laying down on her side. There was still a lot of mistrust on her mind. For all she knew, Selene could be lying to Brian about her and trick him into thinking that she and their child have lost their lives. These thoughts sent her into a depressive state. In response, the baby kicked. "Aww, its okay, we'll head home soon. I'm sure Daddy misses us."
Ever since Ryan had left that room where he had faced his fears, he had been empty of emotion, walking here and there with the group, doing as he was told and not thinking about anything. he was a blank slate on the outside, while his conscience fought for control on the inside. As he walked, he did so without knowing his own steps and merely following everyone else, like a shadow. But now, however, the cloud passed away from his eyes and he realised he was standing alone in a hallway. There had been a sudden change in him, causing him to become awake once more, and now, his mind raced with thoughts of how he had gotten there. He remembered a cell, a girl... No, he couldnt go back to that. He couldnt seem to remember anything after that, like how he got there, but he knew he needed to think of what was ahead and only that if he was to stay as stable as he suddenly was now. he had to hold onto this moment. He looked up and down the hallway, seeing no movement, then broke into a jog. He needed to find someone. he needed to get them out. He knew now that he couldnt leave until that had happened, or else what would he leave for? He needed to make a difference.
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