❁Black Lilies: ~Academy of the Damned~❁

Character Skeleton: (still under construction)

Name: Taiki Yamato

Codename: Black Jester Menace Yamato




Joke's on You -

Hail to the King -

Dance of the Marotte - Taiki uses his cello bow as his Marrotte or "Bauble." In this technique, the bow's hairs all come a loose and all split in two. Each hair is thin and sharp. The hairs will create a circular pattern, almost like the blades of a helicopter, which help it to move up into the air. The Marrotte will then maneuver towards the enemy. Once close, the circular pattern will increase in speed, chopping away at the enemy. The technique can be mild or high. "Mild" meaning that the hairs will only cut at the enemy, leaving painful slices in the skin, almost like really deep paper cuts. "High" meaning the hairs will harden out and will be fast enough to be exactly like the blades of a helicopter, and will be able to cut off limbs of an enemy.

Theme Song:

Special Talent:: An Amazing Cellist.

Brief History:
NAME: Samuel Samson
CODENAME: Monochromio Psychodelica


POWERS: Psycho Mime

Invisible Walls: Can create invisible barriers. He can create black and white patterns on his constructs and if he traps some one in an invisible box he can create the patterns on the inside of the box to dazzle and disorient the person inside. Additionally he can hide behind the walls and not be seen through it but it won't hide anyone else. They can still hide behind it though for cover, if they know where it is. If the walls make up a box, he can pull and extend the box into different sizes.

Immaterial Material: Samuel can mime up some objects, like a shield, sword, scythe, rope, a kettle. Like the walls they will be invisible and can be patterned to his desire. The invisible objects and barriers will become briefly visible when struck or thrown.

Silent Performer: He can't talk or even make noises. He has to communicate via patterns or words on the barriers or on his skin that are comingled with his clothing. The constructs he makes, however, can make noise. IE if he's holding an invisible chain in his hand it will jingle and clink when he moves it.


SPECIAL TALENT: Engineering/Calculations

BRIEF HISTORY: Samuel had a fairly average childhood. He had two siblings, brother and sister, and his parents, Mom and Dad. Dad worked very hard at his job and one day came home to announce he had gotten the promotion he had been working so hard to get. The only catch was that they had to move to Japan. It was a big catch but one the family was going to work through together. Samuel thought it would be an interesting challenge. Despite the cultural barrier, Samuel excelled in his studies. He was mostly known for designing all kinds of things for the various clubs, like visual effects for the Movie Makers and Drama, and lab equipment for the Science clubs to name a couple. After two years of acclimatization, he accepted a scholarship to Kuroiyuri Academy.
So, are we going to start this soon? Because it looks like there are enough characters.
can I join this roleplay?
NAME: Kai Kinshei
CODENAME: Deathly Shadow

APPEARANCE: sadie-visual-kei-band.jpg (Guy on the very right)
HENSHIN: M00003.jpg1SP00003_01.jpg
POWERS: Teleportation
Thousand needles of death (Uses great marksmanship with teleportation by teleporting rapidly to different areas while throwing needles at the enemy)
Kunai Rapture (teleports to various areas around an opponent while throwing a kunai with chain, slowing cutting him/her to make his last moments painful, then chokes him/her to death)
Weapons Bombardment (opens a vortex that releases various weapons upon the the opponent, including but not limited to scythe, daggers, knives, kunai, shuriken, etc.)
THEME SONG: Falling Away From Me by Korn
SPECIAL TALENT: Marksman with variety of weapons.
BRIEF HISTORY: Life has been boring for Kai. There's no excitement at his old school. Full of preps and dweebs. He doesn't get in trouble but teachers despise him for his impartial attitude. He usually sulks in his room or practice his marksmanship by killing animals in the forest. His parents decided to send him off to the academy on a scholarship they applied for him.
Hey Ashaekin. If you want to find a picture of that guy by himself, just google "Tsurugi Sadie" <3