IC Black City

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Halo would never fault Jax for keeping him at arm's length. They knew each other more intimately than that, yes, and that was nothing he would ever take for granted, but he could feel the slight resistance at times, when he tried to pull closer. He wanted to know more, to be more, as he always did whenever he felt the tug of love at his heartstrings, but he would never force Jax to bare more of himself to him if he wasn't ready. Perhaps the other was content just like this, or he was shielding himself from potential future heartbreak. Either way, Halo watched him with faintly adoring eyes, even when given short, almost polite answers.

"Of course. I'll let the art speak for itself." the redblood finished that train of thought just as the food was brought to them with a flourish, the fresh scent of honey drizzled over figs casting a spell over the table. The salad itself was art, wild and bright with greens, pinks, reds and yellows, all tossed in sweet dressing. They ate in mostly comfortable silence, smidges of conversations left alone in their infancy if they were even addressed at all between them. When it finally came time for them to leave, Halo paid for the meal with haste, before dutifully escorting Jax out, a gentle hand on the small of his back, a show of affection that was only taken away in order to allow him to open doors for the other.

His exhibition was only a short walk away, so he lead Jax down the street with warmth in his eyes. "What did you think of the meal? Did you feel led astray by my tastes?" Halo asked teasingly, amusement in his eyes.
code by wren.
It took everything in Arabella not to squeal in adoration when Stella greeted her. There weren't many times the lavender-haired beauty didn't shoot Bella a genuine compliment whenever the two spoke; whether it be face-to-face, over the phone or whatever else! After going through things with her ex, it was a nice change of pace to not have to walk on eggshells all the time. She could just be herself when she hung out with Stella.

Now the only thing she had to do was stay out of her head about them going on their first real date! That would prove to be difficult. 'OH. MY. GAIA! We're going on our first real date!! Ahhh!' Belle thought, internally screaming behind her smiling face. Sure, the two of them hung out plenty of times as just friends; but tonight, the only thing they did cement down was this was indeed a date date.

"Awh, thank you!" She beamed before grabbing the green drink and taking a sip. "Dude, I got one earlier this morning before you came in, and I don't know how he did it, but it had no flavor!" Bella scrunched her nose up before taking another drink. "You definitely make 'em the best." She waved her drink at Stella, pointing the straw at her matter-of-factly. Was she just talking out of her ass about the drink? Of course not! Stella made an amazing cup of coffee! Was she sure that she'd rather shit in her hands and clap than drink a coffee Stella's coworker made her. Yes.

"That sounds like a good plan to me!" Arabella beamed, leading the way out the door before Stella locked it. And with that, they were off!


"Look at these cute shark socks I found!" Arabella squealed as she pretended to strut down a runway, pointing her toes out as she showed her legs off. "They're eating my legs!" She laughed. Little things like this was what Arabella enjoyed so much about spending time with Stella. She could be the little weirdo she was.
code by wren.
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  • Sweet
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"Hey, watch it!" Cosimo laughs, holding his drinks up from two younger college students who had just started to argue. " Go sit down, dude. No reason to get rowdy, get a round on me." This bar was one of his safe spaces, he definitely couldn't have a couple of kids ruining the atmosphere. Especially not when he had Lenore with him, she wouldn't put up with it. And she shouldn't have to.

He scooted around a couple of chairs and set down a beer for himself and a glass of orange liquid slowly bleeding into red towards the bottom. "Tequila sunrise for the lady." He said half jokingly. " Your 'something sweet.'"

He pulled himself into the booth across from her and let himself relax, his shoulders aching from their day of work. " And don't worry, it's on the house." He added smoothly, shooting her a pair of finger guns before swooping an arm in to grab his beer. " I figured we'd eat before we have to talk more about this case, give us a bit of a break off the clock." He sighed, letting himself show how tired he actually was for a moment before perking back up and taking a drink.

Code by Jenamos

Marzia leaned forward against the front counter of her salon, a soft sigh leaving her lips. Business was much slower than she had anticipated since she had opened a few weeks ago. Hardly anyone had applied to work with her and only no one had booked appointments at the spa. She was selling her cosmetics but it left her with little to do outside of the lab.

She glanced around the empty salon, pursing her lips and trying hard to not feel discouraged about her progress. She plucked her phone from her back pocket and started up a few more employment opportunity ads, humming optimistically to herself.

She put some music on the sound system and tied her hair up into a ponytail, getting ready to restock and tidy up the shop to distract herself.

「 」
Code by Jenamos

Cordelia lowered herself into her tub, buried to her chin in lavish bubbles and basking in the smells of jasmine and amber. She smoothed her wet hair back and allowed herself to relax finally after her extreme encounter with Archibald. Her back and neck had begun to ache and she found herself facing malicious cravings, so she decided to soak instead. She'd poured herself a glass of cheap wine, her face twisting a bit at the taste each time she drank it. She was offended Archibald had even gifted it to her.

- - -

After her soak, wrapped up in her silk robe in front of her large bathroom vanity. She found herself staring at the text from her cousin. She sighed deeply, staring at herself in the mirror and practicing her expressions over and over to keep moral.

Meet me at Dionysus in an hour? I'll call a driver.

She turned her attention back to the large mirror and began setting her makeup out on the counters. As she was applying her moisturizers and serums, she had a mental debate with herself as to if she would tell Isiah the truth of the matter or not. She wasn't sure about it, seeing as she hadn't told anyone about the affair with Archibald to begin with… Much less her recent trip to the facility… She didn't like to keep things from Isiah, and she knew he would be hurt that she hadn't told him before.

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  • Sympathy & Compassion
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Look, I'll be real straight with you. Straight as an arrow, straighter even. The Ratha' Alzilal is a find among finds. When I tell you that I've kept my eyes, ears and resources plugged into every backroom and hidden in the palms of every invite-only auction bouncer, you might wonder why I didn't just call you first. Though Avoran had, for a moment, wondered why Jon hadn't called him first, the thought was quickly devoured by the insatiable curiosity that roared to life at the mere mention of The Ratha' Alzilal. Even though he had dealt in rare acquisitions for years, the prizes he sought often turned out to be translations of original texts. Printed with careful attention to detail in vain hopes of capturing the 'perfection' of the original manifesto. Unfortunately, like any misguided student filled with the adoration of a mentor's genius, the pursuit of perfection destroyed the nuance of a hand calloused by trial, error and agony. The Ratha' Alzilal is a find among finds...either Jon had accidentally woefully understated his appraisal or he was deliberately trying to mislead the young magi's appreciation of the value of such an acquisition. Fortunately, as the doors to the citybus creaked open and the stop announcement blared over the intercom, Avoran's curiosity would soon be satisfied.

The bus doors closed behind him, cutting off the announcement of the next stop with the relieved gasp of pistons and two honks, leaving Avoran just across the street from his destination. The two story building stood wedged at the corner of the block and extended halfway down in either direction. The apparent lone entrance stood at the center of a collection of arching stone frames that suggested windows and equally spaced inlaid pillars that extended from the sidewalk to the overhanging laid brick on the roof. Avoran opened his phone and checked the address that Jon had texted him earlier. Setting the comedic irony aside for now, Avoran jogged across the intersection and strode down the street opposite the entrance in search of a suitable position to get prepared for negotiations.

Avoran's search was pleasantly short as he soon found a service alley that stood between his destination and the restaurant next door. The neon sign glowed against the darkened windows, CLOSED, it hummed just above the ambient sigh of the city. Heaps of grease-splashed garbage bags lay slumped against the restaurant's wall, the contents consisting of half eaten meals and bits of just-too-old ingredients leaked out of hungry mouse holes. If not for the sickly stench of cooking oil pervading the air, Avoran might have thought this was a truly lucky find. Avoran sucked his teeth, sucked up his objections and walked down the alleyway until he came across two large, steel dumpsters that stood side by side. Glancing over his shoulder at the heap of restaurant refuse, he reasoned that it was unlikely anyone would stumble upon his magic and potentially throw a limb in the gears. Turning his attention to the gap between the dumpsters he quickly put his plan into action.

Avoran exhaled softly and murmured an incantation while drawing a circle inthe air with his right hand. As the tips of his middle and index finger traced a line in space, a dark line tore itself into existence and, when the circle was completed, filled itself from the outside inwards in swirling spiral arms as if drawn into an event horizon. Avoran then repeated the process and created an identical circle that floated in space above it. The air around the conjured circles prickled with a strange energy and though almost imperceptible initially, the was the hint of a sound not unlike wind rushing through the gap of a window and its frame or perhaps water down a drain. Somewhere, somehow, one might get the feeling that space was in motion completely absent of their say in the matter. Avoran held his hand between the two circles, his palm facing the bottom and began to focus and pour his magic into the center of his palm. A marble sized mass appeared in midair and as if contained by an invisible sphere, quickly filled from the bottom with a pitch black liquid. Just a bit more...he's only a man...no need to pack too much of a punch. A volkswagen? More than enough. Satisfied, Avoran moved his hand away and the marble fell into the circle below and instantly fell out of the circle above it. And so it continued until it was a nearly imperceptible blur of mass and incredible density. Now then, to business.

At the entrance of 457 East Washington Street held firm the sole hired muscle that stood between the valuables of one Aberdeen Swathmore. The muscle, Jorge, had been in Aberdeen's employ for just shy of half a year and had long ran out of patience for the exhaustive and absurdly particular list of daily requirements for his continued employment there. I don't want to have to remind you that while you do not represent me, your appearance is representation OF ME. Do you understand? For five and a half months and a healthy paycheck, he had each one of his six identical, double breasted, slate grey suits dry cleaned and pressed, his dirty blonde hair cut short on the sides and trimmed on top, styled with a part on the right and maintained with a thin bladed comb and his shoes brushed and polished just so. For five and a half months he listened to Aberdeen pat himself on the back with far flung tales of glorious conquest and the smirking promises of what was soon to come. But as month six wore on his nerves, he'd begun formulating an exit strategy; casing his current employer's wares half the time and the other half flipping through the paper for job offers. So, when he saw who was, in his estimation, a wanna-be rockstar heading straight towards him, he welcomed the bristling hairs at the base of his neck as nothing more than a bit of excitement before his inevitable departure.

As Avoran approached Jorge, Yidra, who had been scouting the layout of the building and sharing the most pertinent details with Avoran via their Pact Sight, landed on the magi's shoulder and settled with a ruffle of feathers. Avoran held out his hand accompanied with the same amicable smile that his father had often worn as part and parcel of his business man's affect, "Hello!" he said brightly, "Mr. Swathmore wouldn't happen to be in, would he? I've been sent on to make an offer on an item in his collection."

Great another normie...Jorge did his best to mask his disappointment as he looked Avoran up and down. The bird was a little...strange, but wasn't unusual for this town. His focus quickly shifted from Yidra, to the spellbook that hung almost too casually unguarded in the belt-hung holster, to the briefcase that probably held a tidy sum of money and finally to Avoran's fixed smile. Bad luck, kid. "Mr. Swathmore is in his office. Second floor, first door when you hit the landing." Jorge paused, eyeing the spellbook. It's like he doesn't even care about the damn thing. I could take it off him before he could even flip to his favorite page. Eh...someone else will do it... "You don't mind letting me take a look at that spellbook you've got, would you? It's policy. Can't just let anyonego in there with a loaded gun."

"Oh? This old thing?" Avoran fished the spellbook out of the holster and held it out to Jorge. "You can keep it while I'm inside if that makes this whole thing go faster. My client is pretty excited to have this deal signed and sealed by the end of the day. You understand."

"Yeah, whatever," Jorge replied absently as he took the spellbook from Avoran and began to thumb through it. Just like that? Kid, you're not gonna get far in this city. Your whole spellbook just like tha- what the hell... To put it plainly, the spellbook that Jorge now held open in his hand was barely worth the paper it was printed on. The margins were filled with haphazardly taken notes and doodles, the dog-earned corners so firmly creased that he couldn't imagine they had been referred to more than once and most curious of all, every indication of study stopped just about halfway through. This kid wasn't just unprepared for The Black City, he was a damn amateur Spirit Magi. "You're good to go," Jorge handed Avoran's book back, took a step back and to the side and pushed the front door open, "Remember, first door on the landing."

「 」
code by wren.
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The arrival of their meals filled the natural lull in the conversation. Jax offered a slight smile to his companion before allowing the meal to take precedence. Despite his previous experience, Jax was not disappointed, if anything the negative encounter improved his meal due to his low expectations. It was fresh and sweet but he did not feel as if he was drowning in that sweetness. Even the presentation was better than it had been during his last visit. Jax reconsidered his negative assessment of the restaurant. It had certainly earned another visit.

The two men ate quietly with only the occasional comment breaking the ambience of low conversation and candlelight surrounding them. It was comfortable and Jax enjoyed it a great deal. Once their meal was over, Halo escorted Jax out of the restaurant. He did so with his usual charm and Jax fell comfortably into step beside his date as the older man directed their progression down the street.

"Fishing for compliments?" Jax teased. But he only waited a beat before responding.

"It was good." He caught himself saying it with more sincerity than intended. The older vampire had a habit of wringing sincerity out of Jax, even if only in small doses. It was as impressive as it could be frustrating for the hybrid, who prided himself on his aloofness.

After that, comfortable silence overtook the conversation again as the two men continued down the street toward the gallery. It was a brisk trip in chilled air and Jax was once again impressed at Halo's lack of clothing. In appreciation, he eyed the man a couple of times along their route. It didn't take them long to arrive at the gallery, and Jax stopped only briefly to allow Halo the opportunity to get the door, as he was sure the older man would. Jax wouldn't dream of depriving Halo of the pleasure of his gentlemanly ways.

"Am I about to be marvelled?" Jax asked with a hint of amusement, although spoken in jest he suspected he would find the exhibition impressive.

"I expect to be," he added with confidence.
Code by Jenamos
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A smile spread across Stella's face at the other girl's delight.

"That's wild," Stella interjected as she took a sip of her own sweet and salty drink, a delicious combination of flavours. The barista wondered how you even managed to make a drink with no flavour. Even if you fumbled the recipe it still would've tasted like something, right?

"Of course I do," added the younger woman with a mischievous grin, "it's the secret ingredient!" She finished with a wink. If she actually used a secret ingredient Stella would've gotten fired, but that didn't mean she couldn't play around. Her teasing comment was the end of the exchange and the two girls left the coffee shop behind.


A large tan bag swung mildly on its hook in memory of Stella's touch. The large size and excessive use of buckles appealed to her despite it being an overall bland purse. But that wasn't good enough for her to seriously consider buying it. Her examination was interrupted by an exclamation from Bella. Stella snapped to attention, leaving the bag to continue its sway as she focused on her date. A smile of anticipation flashed across her lips even before bright eyes landed on Bella. It was a warranted smile as Stella's eyes slipped from the redhead's face down to her feet. Bella wore a pair of eccentric shark socks. She laughed as she playfully showed them off. Stella was smitten.

"Those are great!" She enthused. They were delightfully silly socks. "Are you going to get them?"

Stella stepped away from her position near the wall to take a seat on one of those small benches for trying on shoes. She caught a hint of herself in the mirror from her periphery, boots flat on the ground to either side and fingers wrapped around the front of the bench. Stella hadn't had much luck finding anything she liked yet but there was a lot of store left. And taking a moment to appreciate some cute socks and the cute girl in them felt right.

"Are you excited about Sunday?" She asked. It wasn't going to be a massive event but it was going to be enough of a thing and Stella was feeling the buzz of anticipation. "Are you going to dress up?" Costumes were optional but encouraged.
Code by Jenamos
Whether by design or result of decades of a single-minded pursuit of power, Aberdeen Swathmore's office could be more accurately described as a museum of the Black. In Aberdeen's prideful estimation, there wasn't a finer collection in all of the Black City, perhaps not even on this side of the continent. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of tomes, grimoires, manuscripts and spellbooks filled the ground-coffee jacobean wood shelves that occupied all but one of the walls fully. Years of covetous safekeeping and obsessive inspection gave each volume an outwardly ageless appearance and those with golden lettering glinted against the light. His most prized and recent possession, The Ratha' Alzilal, he kept in a safe that was built into the wall.

Aberdeen stood with his back to the door. He wasn't expecting any visitors and as such, had devoted most of the afternoon checking for dust and damage. He ran a gloved finger down the spine of an old favorite, a spellbook he'd pried from the desperate grip of a magi who had been bisected at the navel by a nasty bit of sorcery gone wonderfully wrong. The Black, how he loved it! How it spoke to him! In a different age, it would have been his war room. Oh, Leonard! To be at war again! Born to an age of boredom! How lucky you were to be splattered across the cobblestone as a young man than to grow old as I have!

The whine of door hinges pulled Aberdeen from the morbid romance of memory and turned him about in a hurried hobble away from the bookshelf that flanked his desk at the back of the room. The golden fox-head handle cane had seen the old man through many winters yet he hadn't managed to make it the true replacement it had meant to be. Another bum leg! Another left foot! What good are you if you aren't helping me move faster?! Better to be splattered across the cobblestone! It was particularly irksome on those days when his bones ached at the chilled air that cut through him as if they were wrapped in ragged cheese cloth instead of skin. It was particularly infuriating when, despite the limitations of his ailing and aging figure, the moment demanded strength! He clasped his free hand over top the one that gripped the ebony handle, abating the tremors that had rushed up from his wrist and rattled his elbow and turned towards the door, "Jorge, how many times need I remind you to grease the damn door?!I can't even think whe-." Pause. It wasn't Jorge's broad frame that filled the frame of the office entrance, but instead a young man whom he'd never seen before. Aberdeen cleared his throat, shrugged the tension from his shoulders and pushed against the cane to stand just a bit taller for the moment, "Whatever it is, it had better not be a waste of my time."

"A waste? I wouldn't say that," Avoran feigned a struggle to hold up the briefcase at arms length, "an offer for an item in your collection, that's what I've brought to the table Mr. Swathmore."Crossing over the threshold, he started across the room towards Aberdeen's desk, the leather panels of the briefcase thudding against his thigh with every other step. Impressive...first editions, original prints...can't even read that one. I'll have toget my hands on it. "Mr. Swathmore, my client is interested in purchasing an item in your collection. I believe he said it was the," he fished a bit of paper out of his pocket and made as if to squint at what was written therebefore shoving it back into the pocket, "The Ratha' Alzilal? Is that right? You might know it better as The Lament of Shadows? In any case, my client is prepared to make a generous offer...provided it's authenticity can be verified."

Aberdeen bristled under his coat and made little effort to hide the contempt for the young man as he snarled through gritted teeth, "I know it best as The Ratha' Alzilal. Better than you. Better than your client. Better than the mad hands that put pen to paper." With a huff, he adjusted his tie with a quick tug left and right, "Regardless, it's not for sale. Not even for two of those loaded briefcases." That's right, it's not for sale. Aberdeen's eyes narrowed as he cast a curious gaze across the young man who stood so brazenly in his office. Why? How? The Ratha' Alzilal had been hidden from the world for decades. Generations had been born, lived and been buried all around its resting place. The seal on the time-sealed crypt had been cracked by chance and only by incredible fortune had Aberdeen's eyes and ears been in the right place to send word along. Yet, here this young man stood, plain as the nose on his face. "Who did you say your client was?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Swathmore," Avoran replied with a smile as he placed the briefcase on the desk and with his forefinger pressed firmly on one of the corners, spun it around so that the latches were now facing Aberdeen, "confidentiality clauses in contracts. You know how it goes, couldn't tell you even if I wanted to. But what I can tell you," Click! Click! "is that you will find the offer quite fair. My client knows how hard these books are to come by." Steadily, Avoran eased up on the pressure that had, for the while, kept the briefcase closed and revealed the neatly stacked and bound bills that filled it from end to end. Sometimes all that it took to entice a seller was just the right amount of theater. "So, what do you say? Are we in business?"

Pointless! Just take it! Yidra shuffled back and forth along Avoran's shoulder, clicking its beak testily. To the spirit, the office's contents were little more than man and magi's folly and vanity. The Black had always been beyond their true understanding. They had hurled themselves into the river to drink greedily but always drowned. Gasping and gulping. Spitting and swallowing. Pathetic. This Aberdeen Swathmore wasn't even an enticing bargain. I wouldn't chew his bones even if the vultures had already done the pleasure of stripping the flesh bare. I can smell the weakness, I can smell th- what is that smell...like old coals. Smoldering. Rotten...Yidra's focus darted up and down Aberdeen searching for the source of the strangely familiar smell until, suddenly, locking on the right pant leg. Oh...is that how it is?

The golden fox-headed cane slammed on the table and splinters of wood skipped and bound across the desk. Aberdeen gripped the table as if he intended to crush it between his fingers, his knuckles splotched red underneath the taught white skin. "In business? Boy, you haven't the slightest notion as to whom you are speaking! BUSINESS?!"Leonard's trembling, bloodied, battered fingers flashed across his mind. There, there. Just a few more fingers. Let go. LET GO! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! LET GO! Bones. Viscera. Bits of Leonard splattered all over the cobblestone. Blood began to pool under his nails as they dug into the hard wood of the desk. But then, suddenly, a calm washed over Aberdeen. Better to be splattered...eh, Leonard? A smile crept across his lips that grew wider when he noticed that the young man was in fact, a young magi, a spirit magi. "Apologies, I may have lost my temper there. There's a lesson in this, for me, for you...mostly for me, I suppose. I've grown old, soft. I thought it was this damn city! THE BLACK CITY, that made me this way. But no, it was me the whole time. No more. Not again, not for a moment longer. I wish you could see it, the greatness of the times to come."

The spirit's senses came alive with the stench of the pulsating black that had hungrily devoured most of Aberdeen's leg. It was as if the creeping sickness had been awoken by the old man accessing his mana. Oh...there's still some fight left in him. Be careful, I smell it on him. Yidra clicked its beak excitedly.

Aberdeen turned to the bookshelf behind him and consulted the spines in search of a fitting end to the young magi's life. A fitting return to form for the black magi. Not this one...not this one either...ah-hah! He pulled the book off of the shelf and began to flip through the pages as the book lay open in his palm. "We were so alive back then, so full of ambition. They tried to beat it out of us, you know? The Circle always knows best. The word of our progenitors shall reach beyond their graves to dig new ones for our ambition! You're lucky, you know," the rustling pages stopped beneath Aberdeen's bloodied forefinger. The perfect spell. It would bore its way through every bone in the young man's body and yank them from him screaming. Another spirit magi for the pile. Aberdeen began to recite the incantation, turning about on his heel slowly as the words began to tumble from his lips. He could feel his mana churning as his intent took shape through the black words. His heart raced like he'd suddenly embraced a lover and then just for a moment, he looked up from the spellbook and saw that Avoran was pointing at him. Wha-

A small black circle appeared at the tip of Avoran's finger and in the next instant, visible light contorted around the circle, twisting what seemed to be the very fabric of reality down towards the pitch black center. BOOM! The sphere tore through the space between them in a moment between moments and excised most of Aberdeen Swathmore's upper body and, along with it, a considerable portion of the back wall of the office from reality. The old man was everywhere and nowhere all at once. Once pristine pages of the collection were dyed crimson and those that were not stuck to the walls or ceiling, fell to the floor in a heap. Thud! The safe door fell to the floor.

Avoran slowly lowered his hand, "There you are."
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code by wren.
As humble as Halo was with his love, he certainly was not when it came to his tastes or his looks. Both were exquisite, after all, yes? An adoring sigh, both laced with humour and affection left his lips at Jax's teasing, though he settled on a simple, pleased smile when his friend admitted that the food had been good. With leftover pep in his step, he'd soon enough guided Jax to the museum where his exhibition was currently being displayed, as content as an obedient puppy to chivalrously hold the door open for him.

"I would never dream to show you anything less than marvels, Jax." he implored with that seemingly everlasting genuineness of his, following after Jax and letting the door shut behind them. The museum hall was littered with guests, taking in the sights of the introductory pieces and the like, but Halo did not dally, guiding the other towards the rightmost hallway, where signs and the like were put up to advertise the presence of his art. A dashing image of him was plastered onto each sign, his smile soft and knowing, his name in bold, enticing letters.

Though normally they would have been stopped to have their tickets scanned, the silverblood at the mouth of the hallway only blinked in an unsurprised manner, as though they'd seen Halo a dozen times over in the past few days. "Have a good day, Alanis." he offered kindly, but the other only grunted in response. Halo's eyes were sympathetic.

In truth, they had seen him far too often ever since his exhibition had been slated to appear at this museum. He had a hard time staying away when all of his heart had been poured into art then shipped away from him for the public eye. It felt as though it needed his supervision. With a graceful bow towards them, Halo escorted Jax to the first sculpture: a pair of legs, pale, lithe and expertly chiselled to look soft and malleable, pulling up stockings towards hips and thighs that were absent from the art.

"This was the first one I completed with this project in mind. A full four years ago, I believe. It's a bit nostalgic to look at, in truth." he chuckled quietly, "Though it does not leave a lot to the imagination. Much less whimsy than the more recent pieces."
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Jax had made his comment in jest but Halo responded so earnestly it left the younger man staring wordlessly at the silver-blue of the back of his head for the moment it took Halo to get the door. The quip Jax had yet to prepare dead before it even formulated in his mind. Halo was an extraordinary man in the mundane sense but he had a way of making the mundane marvellous. Jax quickly collected himself and sauntered into the museum.

Once inside, Jax didn't miss a beat, leaving his momentary befuddlement at the threshold. The two passed breezily through the foyer where they left behind an assortment of patrons going over the exhibits. Jax spared them a glance. In another situation, he would've taken time to observe them as they strolled from one art piece to another, but that night they held little interest to him. His attention was reserved for his date — and Halo's art. To the right, they passed a guard — Alanis — who seemed in a dour mood. Jax didn't say anything to them, but he offered a polite nod of acknowledgement as they passed.

It hadn't been long since Jax was last in a museum. A month prior he had escorted an older gentleman with a fondness for impressionist art to a gallery. It had been a fine experience. Impressionism wasn't a style Jax particularly cared for. But never could anyone have guessed Jax was anything other than enthralled. He was excellent at being a delight when the situation called for it. It was easier sometimes, too. The divide between himself and his persona was greater. That wasn't the case with Halo. Jax was more subdued, closer to himself. But detachment remained.

Halo stopped and Jax stopped closely beside him. The shorter man snaked an arm around his partner's waist as his eyes travelled from the likeness of his image up the pale legs. They looked impossibly soft, so soft Jax wanted to caress them, even though he knew they would feel hard beneath his fingers. That was one of the marvels of sculpting. Although not whimsical, it was a remarkable piece.

"One dedicated to a lover, I presume?" Jax asked as he glanced down at the caption. It was a titillating scene and not one Jax could imagine dedicated to a child or parent.

"Did you start it with the exhibit in mind?"
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
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"You should get an actual assistant," Akira tilted his head in his direction pointedly, but the smile on his face said more. He was more pleased than in any gentle lecturing mood. Pleased with himself for retrieving a meal Edmund may actually enjoy, though he kept silent when he asked where he had gotten it from. He was not keen on sharing his pots just yet, least of all when it was far less fancy than what Edmund was surely used to given his background and status.

He was by far one of the most relaxed Red-blooded vampires he had the pleasure of meeting. Relaxed meaning he didn't turn his nose up at those who didn't share his position in society. The diverse cast that walked upon his stage made that very clear. But by his speech, dressing, and standards were still very higher-class vampire.

So, when he registered the onion soup in his hands, Akira reached into his own bag. Buried in there was a pack of breath mints stowed away for this very reason. He stumbled slightly in his search when the following question mentioned his novel. His smile quivered just enough that he had to cover his mouth shyly to hide his lack of confidence. Most of all for the answer to come.

"My novel," he repeated, buying himself little time. Very little time. "I started it."

At last, his hands touched the cold metal of an Altoids box. He pulled it out and offered it to Edmund. "For later," he explained and sat back in his seat. "And I did start, but I didn't get as far as I would have liked. I find myself erasing and rewriting more than a little. I am not making the progress I would normally. Well, normally is a stretch." His drive and determination were always fluctuating.

He turned in his seat to face the blond, "The characters are more difficult for me to center this time as they are a reflection of people I know. And truth be told when I base these characters on individuals I know, they are usually dead." Was that grim, it sounded a bit grim, but it was the truth and Akira didn't stumble as he carried on. "But these people are alive. They're still changing and surprising me and therefore I don't know how to anchor my characters. I know I can rewrite them in my image and I have tried, but it changes the story a little when the story is tethered to them. I think I'm making it more complicated than hit has to be, but I don't want to write something I'm not satisfied with." He didn't realize he started using his hands for gesturing until he finished speaking. He dropped them in his lap and offered a half-smile.

"I can email you what I have so far. I did bring a printed version in case you prefer something in hand, but as little as it is, it's still a few pages and I know you're busy with the season." He glanced at the stage. His eyes took in the scene of the working cast and crew mates.

@wren. 」​

  • Sweet
Reactions: wren.



Isiah was no vampire. He was a snake. A snake in the form of a blond, blue-eyed, vampire with a smile that was mischievous and smarmy though mistaken to be charismatic by the masses. Vincent was not one so easy and ready to accept his surface appearance at other, least of when he could see through his act with a single glance. One look at him, and Vincent knew he was guilty as charged -- or soon to be charged.

Regardless, he paused at the sight of the man. He hadn't seen him in weeks, but it felt longer. He looked the same, bright and pompous as usual. Fashionable as always and still very healthy in appearance. Good for him. The imp.

Vince matched Isiah's smile, it was more forced but intended to be politely sarcastic. There weren't many warm looks he could think to offer him given the reason he was there. His anger and annoyance had you to be resolved, but it could be alleviated. Isiah was proving that to be more difficult with his sly comments, but what else was new? Would he really be Isiah Fisher if he wasn't working some angle to jab at him and dig under his skin?

The comment almost made Vince self-conscious enough to check the scent of his breath. Almost. "It's Jo Malone London, Isiah. I thought you of all people would guess that, but I can understand the whiskey mistake. You've been drinking, after all." His octave hadn't lowered or raised, but there was the hint of a laugh in his voice. "But thank you for the invite, I only have a few things to say."

Carefully closing his umbrella as he accepted the invitation, Vince walked past Isiah and into the foyer of the surprisingly warm home. Perhaps it was only his large place that lacked the warmth. It certainly lacked people, the voices of others aside from his own and the barks of Benjy. Even with one other person around, Vince could tell the difference of the company.

"I hope your tour went well," Vince added nonchalantly, dropping his folded umbrella in the nearby bin. He knew that it had, he'd been following it closely since the first performed concert. "I was enjoying my vacation of your absence well, but I'm sure the others will be happy to see you again."

His gloves were first to go, then his coat, and then he was no longer overheating, his cheeks and nose considerably less red. Maybe accepting that wine would make this meeting go easier. If not, he knew it would at least be good because if there was one good thing Isiah brought to the table it was alcohol.

"Hello, Soos," Vince calls to the younger male the moment he caught sight of him.

@wren. 」​

  • Haha
Reactions: wren.
Man, he hates the bus. They're always crowded regardless of the time of day, hot as the pits of Hell, and seem to always smell sour. It's an assault on all of his senses. Unfortunately, neither he nor Simon can afford a car, so this is all they can do to close the distance between their place and The Mirage in this rain. Of course, he could have stayed home, but if he did that, then he couldn't watch Simon be a dumbass in front of Cian for the umpteenth time. An adorable dumbass, but a dumbass nonetheless. Cian is also a dumbass, being clearly in love with Simon too but refusing to admit it. So, obviously, he has no choice but to wingman for these poor souls.

Simon doesn't seem uncomfortable at all, sprawled out next time with his legs on his lap. Whenever they take the bus, it's usually a race to see who can make a footrest of each other's laps first, and Simon's cheating ass beat him this time. He better enjoy it now because he'll never get the privilege again. It's an easy enough grievance to forgive, though, when Simon brings up Halloween costumes. He grins almost as madly as the character his costume will be based on at Simon's idea, smile only growing as he continues.

"You're a damn genius, Simon," he praises. "If anyone can pull off a 'sexy Mad Hatter,' it would be me," he purrs, miming a proud hair flip with the long hair he doesn't have. "And if I don't get treated like a whore on Halloween, the whole holiday needs canceled." He leans forward mischievously. "But you just wanna dress slutty for Cian, huh?" He pokes his forehead. "I'm sure he'd love you in a bunny costume."

The following accusation is to be expected, but he slaps Simon's legs anyway, cheeks heating up despite his best interests. "Oh please, as if you wouldn't ditch me faster than I can snap if Cian offered to rail you in a bathroom stall." He leans back, settling against the window behind him more comfortably. "Besides, you're assuming I can even get Angus to agree to come with me to a Halloween party in the first place. You know he's allergic to fun like 85% of the time."

What will the others wear? "We can probably convince some of them to join us if they aren't sold on a particular idea yet. Or even if they already have, since our ideas are undoubtedly superior to theirs. Maybe we can collect a full set of characters, like Pokémon."

What they really should have been collecting is umbrellas, apparently, as Simon's fails them before they even get off the bus. "You're still using that piece of shit? How many times has it given up on you?" he laughs, although he holds back the rest of his complaints once the driver starts rushing them off like a dick. "Simon, you know I have —" he tries, but Simon is already gone, poorly attempting to block the rain by holding his bag over his head. Making sure to flip off the bus driver as he hops off the bus steps, he opens up his own far more reliable black umbrella, stepping out into the rain. Simon somehow always manages to forget that Alois has his own umbrella, even with how often he has to share it with him after his own dollar store umbrella has inverted itself or refuses to open. While he pities his friend's poor memory, it at least leads to endless amusement for him. Besides, it's like a mini-payback for all the times Simon has mocked him for being a moron.

He walks at only a slightly brisk pace for the rest of the block to The Mirage, Simon long since having vanished from his sight. By the time he reaches the shop, Simon has already draped himself (quite literally) all over Cian. The man certainly wastes no time. He contracts his umbrella and shakes off the rain droplets clinging to the plastic over the well-worn astronomy-themed welcome mat just to piss Cian off, although it's unlikely the blond even notices his discourtesy with how well Simon steals his attention. He slithers his way over to the front register, perching on the front desk (despite Cian's squawking) with a polite, "Hello~"

Not that either man is paying attention to him at this point.
  • Haha
Reactions: MaryGold
His poor floors. Well, the shop isn't technically his, but he's here so often and in charge of most of the upkeep, so it might as well be. If it was truly his, perhaps he'd be thinking about installing a new floor. Sure, the all-wood thing is great for the aesthetic, but it's not exactly the most long-lasting of flooring types. It's particularly vulnerable to water, which, go figure, is one of the most common liquids to get on it. And Simon and Alois are definitely dripping.

"Use the doormat, guys," he reminds his personal demons, watching the way they try to wipe the water from their faces. They look kind of cute, like a pair of wet puppies. But if they shake, he might scream. "Which spirit did I piss off enough to warrant this visit?" he laments, still in his chair, feet propped up once more across the counter. His phone is quietly playing one of his rock playlists, and he may or may not have just spent several minutes prior to this playing fake air guitar. You have to entertain yourself somehow during these slow hours.

"Perhaps contrary to your worldview, Simon, the point of entering a shop is to buy things; I'm not sure you can classify that as a favor. In fact, I believe you owe me for still letting you guys loiter in here all the time."

Alois wastes no time in making himself comfortable on the counter, getting his grubby fingerprints and muddy boots all over the glass. He tosses his head back, groaning loudly. "Now I'm going to have to clean that, you ass. What do you guys even need all these candles for?" 'Candles' has been their excuse for some time now, but they hardly ever buy any in bulk. Although they're both quite poor so that probably has something to do with it. Still, they should be investing their money into things like proper heating before... whatever they're doing. Candles are a staple of most magical feats, true, but since when has Simon actually been productive in his studies? They're probably up to absolutely no good. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumbass, they are.

"How'd you get your makeup like that?" Alois asks, poking at his eye and making him sputter.

"With makeup brushes," he deadpans. It took him 10 minutes to perfect just his eye makeup alone, and the amount of layering he had to go through to get the right shade was an absolute nightmare. As much as he'd like to own a million makeup palettes, he's unfortunately just a shop manager. He's not exactly Mr. Money.

"It looks really pretty," Alois smiles, turning toward Simon. "I don't think I could pull it off as well. What do you think, Simon?"

Oh, jeez, now he's wingmanning. Honestly, it's quite smooth — he has learned to expect much less grace from him usually. But he's been 'on the scene,' as they say, for longer than they have, and has far more experience. Simon is going to compliment him because he at least has some game — or he'll chicken out and say Alois could do it better. It's all so stupid, and he's unsure which answer he'd prefer. But he'll pretend he doesn't get it, even as his face heats up beneath his foundation. "We have two entirely different faces," he points out, "I'm not sure that's a fair choice to give him." AKA, don't put him in that position, because then it puts me in an uncomfortable position.

"Anyway, you need candles, right?" Yes, candles. He can do candles. That's simply a decision between colors and scents. He slips out from behind the counter to walk over to the candle shelves, the height difference very apparent when he reaches up and around the smaller man to grab one of the frankincense ones. If he's behind him, he doesn't have to see the look on his face. "If you want something scented, I suggest this. It has a lot of the benefits of classics like lavender and eucalyptus but is much safer for pets."
code by wren.
  • According to Plan
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♤ jesus "soos" juarez ♤
i don't know where i come from but i know where i'm going
isiah - [ @wren. ] | vincent - [ @MaryGold ]

The dark haired male was too busy focused on the rare steak and why he had to eat it, to notice the doorbell ringing. Only once Isiah arose from his seating in the kitchen, did Jesus' eyes lift from the disgusting piece of meat. "Who else is invited to dinner?" Using his fork to scratch his head; almost bouncing his leg like a full grown dog. He would do anything to get rid of this steak and still keep Isiah from ringing his neck. He knew he couldn't just outright say he didn't want to eat it; knowing that his father figure would be extremely upset and disappointed, if the young hybrid didn't at least TRY the meal. "Ughhhh." He groaned, after taking one bite. It wasn't too bad but he preferred the meat smoothies.

While he waited for Isiah to return with whomever was at the door, Jesus started poking at the steak. As if it would come alive and attack him. As undercooked at it was, it wouldn't be a surprise if said event occured. While playing with the piece of meat, he didn't realize it was soo slippery. As it came falling to the ground, trying his best to catch it, and failing. "Crap! No!" Covering his own mouth fast, checking to make sure Isiah didn't hear the loudness of his voice or the slap of the meat against the pristine floor.

Jumping up out of his chair, Soos got to work as quick as he could to clean up his mess. Grabbing the steak and looking around for what to do with it. He started panicking once he heard footsteps getting closer to the kitchen. "... shit... shit... ahhh." Cursing under his breath. He lasered in on the sink and didn't think twice, as he submerged the meat into the bubbly basin. He should have looked in the sink before doing that but he was irrational and in a panic. Plunging his in hands into the soapy abyss, pretending to do the dishes and whistling.

Jesus heard his nickname being called by a familiar voice and he almost jumped out of his shorts. Turning around, bubbles and soap covering his hands. "Hey Vince!." Waving, causing suds to fly all over the place. He couldn't look at Isiah for more than second, before turning his attention to the sink and back at Vincent again. "Joining us for dinner? Isiah made some pretty good steaks." Licking his lips and pretending that he had already finished his. How the hell was he going to get himself out of this one?
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  • Haha
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
Isiah nearly rolls his eyes at Vince's clapback, but instead, he uses the elitist version (tightening your lips and squinting) for that air of false pleasure. Vince, while not having been born into his wealth, will certainly understand his intent. "Only a few?" he repeats, quirking an eyebrow in pointed skepticism. "You traveled all this way to see wittle ol' me just to 'say a few things'? You could have just texted me," he points out innocently, clasping his hands behind his back like an alert child. Whatever act he's trying to pull is interrupted, however, by the distinct shattering of glasses coming from deeper within the house. "Dammit, Soos," he breathes, mostly to himself, eyelids fluttering momentarily as he looks up to the heavens in exasperation.

"I hope your tour went well."

Isiah grins, bending over slightly to lock eyes with the shorter male currently discarding his layers. "Of course it did," he chirps. "It was my tour," he adds, drawing out the sentence like he's saying something mystical.

"I was enjoying my vacation of your absence well, but I'm sure the others will be happy to see you again."

He snorts, straightening up. "Yes, I'm sure it must have been a relief to you. Which is why you're here, in my home, talking to me," he smirks. Although they both know that Vince is there to address what happened this morning. Vince is a lot of things, but he isn't stupid — well, not entirely. It probably didn't take long for him to put two and two together. Not that he can prove anything. He has several enemies, after all, and the tip to the police was anonymous — who's to say that it was Isiah specifically who called them?

"Come on, let's go make sure the moron hasn't hurt himself," he chuckles, in a clear reference to Jesús. He leads Vince down the rest of the foyer and into the dining room area, taking note of the missing hybrid and an equally missing plate. "Soos, darling~" he sings with fake cheer as he follows the sound of running water in the kitchen. "You better not have broken one of my expensive plates on purpose to avoid that blood and are now trying to make it up to me by washing dishes."

Oh. Oh, it's even worse. "What are you doing?" he demands, staring agape at the poor piece of meat in Soos's hands being massacred with soap of all things. He almost sobs when Soos spooks and drops the poor thing into the soapy water below. He pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut as he lets the situation sink in. When the initial horror at watching his hard work goes to waste subsides, he starts laughing without really meaning to, body swaying and bowing against the nearest surface available — in this case, Vince. He places a hand on Vince's shoulder to keep himself upright, practically cackling into the man's neck. He's not sure if his laughter is more borne out of amusement or pain at this point.

When he's done, he pulls back, wetting his lips as he regards the sink again. "Well," he begins, "I guess I have to make a new steak. Soos, you can have the rest of my plate before it goes cold. Think of its now subpar quality as payment for what you've done. And you're doing the dishes for the next two days. Now get that damn steak out of the sink."

"And Vince," he adds sweetly, taking his hand off the man's shoulder that he'd forgotten he'd left there, "Since I have to make myself a new steak, I might as well make you one as well if you're hungry?" He should still have a couple of cuts left.

With as much grace and dignity as he can muster, he retrieves a new pan from the cupboards, grumbling to himself as he begins the process all over again. Welcome back home to him. He fishes for his phone while the pan heats up, smiling at the text from his cousin.

Ah, but my dear, even when we're banned — we're not. Dionysus it is, I'll see you tonight!

"So," he begins, casting a glance to Vince again once he's tucked his phone away. "What 'few things' did you have to tell me?" He asks the question as drily as possible, already knowing what Vince will likely throw at him. He douses the pan with oil, rolling up his sleeves so that he doesn't get any grease on his suit. "And keep in mind I'm preparing your food right now and could easily poison you."
code by wren.
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold and Justin
The stranger's thanks sound like a clear dismissal, so he nods with a polite smile before turning back toward the front desk. He's stopped, though, by the man speaking again, imploring him to help him select a book. He looks more awkward than a guy of his giant size has any right to, shifting uncomfortably like a child waiting to be scolded for being an inconvenience. His smile softens, taking the other's larger hand and shaking firmly. "Pleasure to meet you, Azza."

Pulling away toward the shelves, he begins scanning the books as if the perfect one might just pop out to them. "I do not read much sci-fi," he admits, "But I enjoy mysteries. It is fun to try and solve crime before characters do." His eyes catch on the line of Sherlock Holmes novels, perking up as he taps at the first book's spine. "Have you read these? They are classics for a reason; they're very good." Without waiting for a response, he pulls it out and holds it out to him to examine further.

"You can read them chrano-chron-in order if you want, but they were written to be entertaining separately, too." He smiles, clasping his hands behind his back. "No space, though, unfortunately."
code by wren.
Jax's hand around his waist, warm through the thin organza of his blouse, coaxed his nerves to sing. Halo loved the affection the other showed when he wanted to, how casual gentleness could taste so sweet. He could feel Jax's pulse through his hand, the rhythm of his blood pumping steadily, a beat that Halo's heart wanted to match, an intimate symphony in broad daylight. He leaned into him ever so slightly, careful not to disrupt the balance between them but happily accepting any and all love shown to him.

His smile was soft as he followed Jax's eyes to the caption below the sculpture. The plaques had all been done in Halo's handwriting (though he hadn't done them all by hand, they'd simply crafted a font from his writing samples.) The letters were feathered and written in a light hand, the cursive chiselled with the same care and grace as his sculptures.

1. water into wine, nylon into silk
"Yes. One of my firsts that I've kept in contact with over the decades." The fondness in his tone was meant for both Jax and the unnamed lover depicted in front of them, "It was originally meant as a gift for her to put in her home, but the first thing she'd said was, 'Halo, where the hell am I supposed to put this in my house?'" He chuckled quietly, shaking his head, "I hadn't thought of that. But I ended up keeping it and that lead to me wanting to share it, wanting to commemorate every single love I've ever felt. The project shifted from making gifts for their homes to being something to be shared and celebrated."
code by wren.

Irene danced gracefully around the shop, broom in hand and sweeping up as she swayed. The soft music of a harp hung in the air, comforting scents of jasmine and vanilla incense wafting through the cozy shop, and the shop was lit by the gentle glow of warm yellow lights dimmed slightly.

Irene had preformed a wonderfully hopeful flower reading earlier in the day, but apart from that had barely seen anyone all day. She had sold a couple of stones and a necklace, but hoped the day would pick up soon. The shop did decently well for its size, so she tried to be grateful for that alone.

A soft sigh left her lips as she plopped down into a ridiculously comfortable armchair, pulling her legs up into the seat with her and wrapping her arms around them. " Almos? Are you still napping?" She called out quietly, craning her neck to see if she could catch a peek of him beneath the checkout counter.

A soft knock could be heard, followed by the crash of a book tower in the back of the store, continued by the patter of quick padded feet speeding towards her. " Oh, Almos…." She chuckled softly, rising from her seat to go and tidy up the mess her hare had caused.
「 」
Code by Jenamos
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