BB Codes?

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So, I'm a designer, and I really like learning new codings and languages and such, and I was wondering is there more bb codes that Iwaku doesn't list? Because I've seen the tab one and I haven't seen that on the list. :o
Yes. :o

Which ones? Good question. @Diana is very good at this. :D

There are some unlisted parameters, like [fieldset=title, color, font]...
Title, #0080FF, Courier New
But I don't actually know any specific examples. Most of my styling is done with [div]s. ^.^;
I believe that everything should be listed on the BB Codes help page (which it seems like you've already visited) except tabs.

I don't think there are any other secret BBcode functions.

The fieldset function is actually on there btw, @Sammy Khoa!
Oh, yeah. I'm surprised I never noticed that about the extra parameters.
I just learned it myself a few weeks ago from Rae, I think. I can't quite remember.
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