Awakening From the Dream

Lyra nodded,
"You came from my mind,
you were a figment of my imagination.
I think something shorted out in my pillow,
it collects dreams,
and you were made real.
...If that makes any sense to you."
It was a bit harder trying to explain something to
someone who wasn't part of the reality you knew.
"I see you like the mirror."
"I can see myself Lyra! Come look!" He continued to examine himself
Lyra walked up behind him.
"Cool isn't it?
You can see me now too.
It shows anything infront of it."

((OCC: I have to leave for a bit now.
Sadly. D:
Don't have too much fun without me ;D))
"This place is alot better then the coffee shop" Hope turns to face Lyra and looks at her with his perfect aqua blue eyes. "Are you happy im here?"
Lyra looked up into Hope's eyes, and thought she might melt into the floor.
"Of course I'm happy Hope,"
she hugged him,
"You're the one who was there for me.
It's a miracle you're even here now."
And it was.
She hadn't had someone she could serious talk to in ages.
Well, that she'd been awake.
"Hope smiled and hugged her tight, until he felt his heartbeat and fell face first on the floor. "AH LYRA!!! SOMTHING IS INSIDE ME!!!! DEMON BEGON!!!!" Hope starts to beat his chest red
Lyra jumped back,
"Hope no!"
She grabbed his wrist,
"It's your heartbeat.
It's what human's have to pump their blood.
It's keeps us alive."
She was afraid he might get scared more often than normal.
She looked at her bookshelf and pulled down a biology book.
"Here, this might help,
it has basically everything that deals with living things,
including humans, in it.
It might help you."
Hope put the back and put his head on her chest listening for the heart beat, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "Lyra i feel warm next to you, can i always be warm?"
Lyra was bright pink.
Never had she even encountered a guy this close,
except for one boyfriend, but he turned out to be a jerk.
She wrapped her arms around Hope.
He was warm too she noticed.
"You can't always be warm, but for now you can.
I do have school in the morning though."
Hopes head shot up with a big grin, "Lyra! i'll go to school with you!" He got up and looked around and grabbed a random book and began "Reading" it..upside down.
Lyra chuckled.
"Hope, I don't think you'll be able.
You don't have any birth records...
but I promise I'll hang out with you every waking chance!
I just don't want you to get yelled at by my professors.
They're a bit strict."
Hope now had the book right side up and started to read, fast. "Lyra! I know that word, birth its right her, hmm that looks uncomfortable. I didn't know you once had feathers" Hope was reading on chickens.
Lyra literally facepalmed.
"Hope, do I look like a feathery chicken?"
She pointed to the mother hen.
"Look, how about you and I get some sleep.
Things may be a bit clearer for both of us in the morning."
"Ok Lyra" Hope smiled and picked her up and plopped her on the bed and he crawled in after, pulling the covers over her and holding her close to his body. "You always wished for me to hold you during the night"
Lyra was picked up and snuggled into bed.
Hope had wrapped his arms around her.
She decided her face would now be a permanent blood red for the rest of her life.
Well, uhm, goodnight!!"
And she closed her eyes tight,
wondering what would happen when she woke up.
In the morning Hope had been thinking as Lyra sleeped soundly in his arms. He had remembered Lyra saying she always wanted to eat breakfast in bed, Hope assumed breakfast was food. He understood the concept. He decided to grant her a wish and find breakfast and bring it to her bed. Hope slowly got up and walked out the door.
"Hmm if i were breakfast where would i be" Hope exclaimed. A Student walking out of a dorm heard Hope and walked up. "Hey man you a visitor?" Hope looked at the male and smiled "Yes im with Lyra but shes asleep and im gonna surprise her with breakfast in bed" The guy chuckled "Hehe dude your a sappy guy haha Yo man i'll help ya out follow me" Hope nodded and followed him into the cafe. The guy looked at Hope "You can use my guest card i got an extra one" Hope thanked the guy and soon got trays and trays worth of food and made his way back.
Lyra had slept soundly all night.
For some reason, Hope's presence made sleeping easier.
She woke up groggily and wiped at her eyes.
When she looked over, there was no Hope.
No answer.
She held back the urge to tear up.
It was all a dream.
She sighed and burrowed back under her covers.
It had seemed so real.
Maybe it was just something she wished.
Hope struggled with the door nob but managed to get it open. He placed the trays at the bed and looked at Lyra "Good still out cold, shes so beautiful. i could look at her forever" Hope sat at the floor next to her and kissed her lips softly
Suddenly Lyra felt something on her lips.
Her eyes flew open to see Hope there, kissing her.
She exclaimed.
He wasn't gone.
It wasn't a dream.
She practically tackled him when she hugged him.
"I thought you weren't real!
You weren't here this morning..."
Hope hugged back and smiled lightly, "Princess i went out to get you a surprise not to make you sad"