Assassin's Tale

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Dain faltered, to sit with the Princess, while she eats?! It was her direct orders though.. Dain sighed to himself and sat down. He was once again faced with this awkward situation, she was peacefully eating; on one hand, she could enjoy silence, on the other hand she might find it even more awkward if he just sat and stared at her. Dain came to a compromise. He stared at the door and asked the Princess

"How was your day?"

Not the best thing, considering he was with her all day. But it would be interesting to see it from her own eyes.
Claire took a sip of the cranberry juice inside the goblet, before looking over at Henry when he asked her about her day. "Oh, it was almost the same, the only difference was you." She said with a smile. Every day was basically the same thing. She either met with noble people, passed time around the castle, had her lessons, eat dinner, then go to sleep. It was frankly boring and she wished for something else to happen. He had made a difference in her day. "How was yours?"
"It was fine Princess."
There was then silence.
Startling the princess, Dain said out of nowhere:

"Would you like to walk the garden with me after dinner?"

Dain then realized that the "with me" wasn't necessary. But he knew they would be allowed, the king said that they could take small walks around the grounds and that maybe even, if Dain proved himself to be capable enough, little trips to the village nearby.
"That's good." She murmured, before taking another sip from her goblet and taking a couple of bite from her food. Silence had filled them and she figured he wasn't going to say anything, so she continued to eat. Although, when he decided to speak up, Claire jumped in surprise. "Oh yes! I would love too." She grinned, happy to finally be able to go outside. It had been a while since she walked through the gardens at night and she was looking forward to seeing the stars.

It hadn't been long before Claire finished her diner. Standing up from her seat, she looked at Henry. "Let's go on that walk." She said eagerly. She seemed like a child with the way she was acting, but she didn't care.
Dain escorted the Princess out and onto the garden grounds. They walk a few steps and she nearly falls over, noticing this Dain asks

"Would you like me to hold your hand Princess?"
Claire had been to busy gazing up at the now appearing stars in the sky, that she didn't notice the uneven terrain; so she stumbled slightly. Managing to regain her balance, she continued on. Although she was surprised at his offer, she took his hand nonetheless. "Ah yes, thank you." She gave him a small smile. "Isn't it beautiful?" She murmured as her gaze returned once again up at the sky. She was rarely let outside of the castle this time at night, so she was going to treasure this while it lasted.
Dain too gazed up at the sky, it was. Out of the missions he had been on, this was one had the best sights. "It is , Princess." The moonlight fell in such a way on the princess, that it made her hair look like soft little waves. Without thinking he reached out and stroked it. Feeling embarrassed he quickly returned his hands to his side, before seeing that he and the princess had never stopped holding hands.
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