Ask A Real Pro-Wrestler Wrestling Questions.

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How much of it is staged?
Have you ever had a moment in practice or a match where you were like "Wow, this position is REALLY AWKWARD."


Have you dudes ever gotten in to some gigglefits because of whacky match shenanigans?

I've had plenty of those moments lol, Head scissor holds are the worst for that exact trail of thought. Essentially the opponent wraps their legs around your neck/head in a leg based sleeper hold. it can be ESPECIALLY awkward when you face towards them... .-. .

And one moment that had me stifling a laugh and a my partner too, was the time we wrestled in Butlins, Minehead. One guy decided to go a "Wizard" Gimmick, the flowing robes and pointy hat, the full shebang if you will. Anyway, as he entered the ring, he tripped over his robes and barreled forward. Everybody in the crowd chanted "Gandalf fucked up!" and we couldn't hold our laughs in.

Who are your wrestling idols? :)

My main, top idols are as follows: Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man Randy Savage, British Bulldog, William Regal and Keiji Mutoh. Those are the guys that I look up to and have inspired me even outside the ring.

Do many indie wrestlers have gimmicks? If so, what's the weirdest gimmick you've encountered?
Short answer: Yep, nearly everyone has a gimmick of sorts.

Long answer: Nearly everyone MUST have a gimmick really, even those who seemingly have "no" gimmicks since they at similar to "Counter-Cultures" You could technically call them "Counter-Gimmicks" if you want. It's most often played assmall as just an emphasized version of yourself, like for instance CM Punk, he's often used his Straight Edge lifestyle as a Heel Persona, often acting quite radical about it, even militant at times.

The weirdest gimmick. Not even joking, one of my friends used to perform as "Happy Hobo the Homeless Clown" Needless to say he only ever had ONE match as that gimmick. There's plenty I've seen, such as a guy using a Shining Wizard Variation called "The Shining Dick" and that guy I'm glad I didn't wrestle lmao. His move set is bonkers.

Is there any videos of your matches?
Sadly, I've never been the one to record his own matches. Although, and I don't know where there'd be, but I'm sure some of the promotions I worked for have videos of my matches somewhere.
How much of it is staged?
Matches are predetermined, that's a given really. as for the rest? Well most often than not we plan our spots and go over them before the match, some of the big ones at least, like anything that involves a table or a big diving move to the outside of the ring. The rest? we often tell each other what to do in matches as quietly as we can if we need to. The slams are real, and they still hurt like hell. There's bounce on the mat at all, no spring underneath to lessen the impact of the moves.
There's bounce on the mat at all, no spring underneath to lessen the impact of the moves.
That seem's pretty dangerous. :/
Is there a reason for them not installing that stuff?
That seem's pretty dangerous. :/
Is there a reason for them not installing that stuff?

You learn how to land, and you learn how to slam your opponent to reduce the damage to a whole minimal, that's the main reason why. It'd be like if Rugby players were told to "not tackle" people.

Are there types of matches you refuse to do?

Barbed Wire Matches, anything that involves a scaffolding(Yes, there's Scaffolding matches, extremely dangerous too), and Hardcore matches that involve weapons that are notoriously really evil for doing damage. Landmine matches, etc.

Barbed Wire Matches, anything that involves a scaffolding(Yes, there's Scaffolding matches, extremely dangerous too), and Hardcore matches that involve weapons that are notoriously really evil for doing damage. Landmine matches, etc.
What the fuck? How the fuck?! WHY THE FUCK?! THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?

SHIT BE LEGAL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? x_X
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Barbed Wire Matches, anything that involves a scaffolding(Yes, there's Scaffolding matches, extremely dangerous too), and Hardcore matches that involve weapons that are notoriously really evil for doing damage. Landmine matches, etc.
... How the hell is that a thing to begin with? >.<
Japan bro. That is how. Look up "FMV wrestling". It's were legends like Mick Foley got a rep.
Have you ever hit someone with a chair or been hit? Also do you wear a mask?
Do you enjoy being touched then pinned to the ground by fit, muscular, men?
When Rhyno Gored you. On a scale of 1-10, how badly did that shit hurt? I feel like it hurts, just the sudden ram and slam to the mat.

Barbed Wire Matches, anything that involves a scaffolding(Yes, there's Scaffolding matches, extremely dangerous too), and Hardcore matches that involve weapons that are notoriously really evil for doing damage. Landmine matches, etc.
LANDMINES?!?! How the fuck do you make those safe?
Have you ever hit someone with a chair or been hit? Also do you wear a mask?
Both, been hit and gave a chair shot to someone! And yes, I've worn 3 masks over my career. May main inspirations all wore masks, plus I'm Lucha Libre Historian too, love that culture.

Do you enjoy being touched then pinned to the ground by fit, muscular, men?

You betcha my little kun.

When Rhyno Gored you. On a scale of 1-10, how badly did that shit hurt? I feel like it hurts, just the sudden ram and slam to the mat.


I turned to my side as he gored me, which is someone you do NOT do when a 200lbs man comes charging you. Broke a rib and bruised a few. I'd rate it easily a solid 9.

LANDMINES?!?! How the fuck do you make those safe?

Not literal landmines but fireworks and pyrotechnics all mashed up to make it look like a landmine :D.
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Are there any videos/recordings of some of your matches? Like on YouTube?
Do you spend a lot of time travelling? :3 If so, what was your favorite location?
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