Appreciate Yourself

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wandering thoughts
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It's good to be self-aware of our own flaws and shortcomings, because it helps us on the way to making ourselves better people. It's even better if we can accept that we have problems and aren't perfect, and if we can acknowledge these flaws while still doing our best for ourselves and the people around us.

To those of you who have doubted and questioned yourselves so many times, to those of you who are going through things in life right now:

Please take a moment to think today, of what you are most grateful for, what other people love about you, and what trait you like the most about yourself. Don't skip the last part. Think about it, and grow to appreciate yourself a little more, or remember to appreciate that part of you.

I really like this thread. I've been putting a lot of stress on myself lately because the people around me have way more of an impact on my emotions than they ought to. So, thinking about this has been incredibly therapeutic for me.

1. I am most grateful for the absolutely amazing life I've been given. I'm incredibly blessed and I've started volunteering more because I know just how privileged I am. I have an amazing horse, a wonderful boyfriend... I just bought a house, I have a nice car, a good job, I've lived all across the world, and I have everything I need to live comfortably. I never go hungry or cold, I always know I have a roof over my head and someone who is there to love and support me. That is incredible.

2. My most defining characteristic that people like about me is my optimism, I think. I really try to remain positive as much as possible and even when something bad happens, I'm really good at taking a moment to compose myself and realizing the world isn't ending. It makes me a good leader at work because I don't turn something small into something huge.

3. What I like most about myself? I like my ambition. I'm incredibly ambitious and I will always strive to make the best of myself. It's how I've done well in graduate level school, it's how I've progressed as far in my career at such a young age, it's how I've built my entire life independently. I never stop improving myself and for twenty-five, I'm really proud of how far I've come, all I've done, and what I hope to achieve in the future. I love my ambition and my level of expectation for myself, and my drive to achieve those ambitions.
I'm exceedingly grateful for the people surrounding me. I have amazing parents, beautiful siblings, and thoughtful friends. All of them have helped me grow and encouraged me, and I'm a better person because of them.

One quality I've noticed people praising me for is that I'll be there for them. I will always be willing to listen to you, comfort you, and help you. Sometimes, I give advice when I should just listen and vice versa, but I do try my best. A few others I've been complimented on are that I'm an outspoken person who questions everything and that I'm able to make the best of a bad situation.

A quality I like about myself is that I'm heavily empathetic and put others before myself. I will fight for you, I will take care of you, I'll do whatever it takes to be there for you, no matter what.
1. I'm really thankful for all the chances that I keep on getting in life, even past all the many mistakes I've made, and all before I even reach my twenties. It's so easy to forget that there are people who love me and believe in me, after I threw away a couple of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities out of misguided thoughts about how to fend for myself. I was never alone, and though I only realize that now and I still have my moments of 'don't you dare pity me/let me hate myself in solitude', people like @Sen, my mother and my father, and loads of other people show me how truly blessed my life is in the end. I was one of those people who had everything going for me until I hit the proverbial fork in the road where I had to decide for myself, and I chose to do it alone. When I was feeling lonely and alone, I forgot to turn to the people who loved me the most. Now that some paths had closed for me I really have to reflect on what I want to be, and what I want to get, I look back and remember these people and realize that it... Doesn't really have to be so hard. I keep on making it difficult for myself, but there are people backing me up and pushing me forward, if I let them.

2. @Sen has always told me that she loves me for my kindness, even if sometimes I find it hard to see that trait in myself. Let me be honest, I wasn't always the genial and positive presence I try to be nowadays. I was much more sullen, lost, and self-absorbed way back, and I still have my diva moments even now. Yet this girl keeps on telling me that I am a kind person. My parents told me that they love that I had a bright and inquisitive mind as a young girl, and that I always ask questions and enjoy puzzles and problems. ... I'm not sure if I still have that side to me now. My closest friends told me that my laughter had always been infectious and memorable, is that a good thing? lol I laughed more freely and more often more than three years ago, and it always elicited laughter from them... So... I guess I did a good job in letting them forget about their worries and their own problems by being that source of laughter for everyone. My closest friend since grade school loves me because I was the one who did that first step in befriending her when she was still the scary bully back then, and because I'm imaginative and always had my head in the clouds. I think that was what bonded us together, her responsibility and my whimsy.

3. ... This is the hardest question of the three, but I did say not to skip it. Can I say that I love myself for being myself, even if in the end, I am a deeply flawed person? That I love myself for being more aware of my shortcomings now, than I used to? I was always the person who ran away from reality and rejected it if it didn't make me happy. That was why I was known as the school bookworm. I'm no longer the cloud cuckoolander 24/7, but I still have my imagination. And I love that I can still get lost in imagining all the scenarios and stories in my head. My dreams are still interesting and colorful, and honestly book or story material if I could only remember them solidly after waking up. Is it okay for me to love myself when I know there's still a lot of things I need to do? ... Yes.
I shall contribute to this thread because I am a narcissist apparently certain people want to see me do so, and why the hell not. 8D

I'm most grateful for my family. It feels like the lame generic default answer, but it's the only answer that fits. I've been through all sorts of crap, and my mother and siblings have been there the whole way through. Extended family is more hit and miss, but some of them have been great. I'm not going to go into the whole litany of shit that my family has helped me through, because this is a thread for nice and positive things, but without each of them I would be a vastly different person and quite possibly dead or homeless by now, and I'm grateful for their help in avoiding those possible alternate paths.

The thing people seem to love the most about me is my sense of humor. It tends to be the thing that first makes people like me, or (and this is the more common thing on the internet) it's the thing that makes people realize I'm actually not just some big snarky asshole and am actually fun to talk to. There are a lot of people I'm now friendly with who at first disliked me or were intimidated by me because of how I often appear in serious discussion threads, but after hanging out in chat rooms with me for a while they were won over by my charm and wit.

The trait I like the most about myself is probably my resilience. I get stressed out and have to go retreat into solitude sometimes, but no matter what shit is going on I don't actually break and the stressed periods rarely last much longer than whatever is causing it. I just don't really carry worry and stress forward from one thing to another, and it's all thanks to my ability to quickly recover from bad times. I would probably just be a mess of a person if I wasn't so resilient, and I like not being a mess so that is my favorite thing.
1. So, I know this is the same basically as most everyone else has put but, family and friends would be the short answer for what I'm most grateful for. Oh, and lab. I moved around a lot as a kid and I've always been a massive introvert. Like the only thing personality tests can ever agree on is that I am at least 90% introvert, and at times it borders misanthropy just how much I freaking hate to be around people. So safe to say making friends was and is and always has been and probably always will be really really hard for me. But my family has always been there. Especially my sister. I have always admired them for being smarter and stronger and more level-headed than me, but they have always tried to remind me to be grateful for what I have and to remember that I am loved whether or not I think I'm worthy of it. They have guided me, sometimes a little more than I wanted to be guided, and have never ever stopped loving me, even when I thought I was all alone. As for friends, I'm really only talking about two people, this one awesome girl who kept in touch with me after high school, and my bestie I met in college two years ago. The girl who kept in touch with me after high school I basically consider like a sister and she is probably the person on this earth I value the most outside of my immediate family, because *laughs, kind of like a few other people have said, after graduating high school I was kind of a mess. I kind of decided to give up on all of my high school friends because of all the drama that had happened there. But even though we weren't the closest in high school itself, she never gave up on me. And that saved me in so many ways that even she really doesn't know. And the last thing is the lab I'm currently working in, because I joined it almost as a fluke. I didn't have great grades, I wasn't sure I wanted to continue in science, I didn't even provide a resume I just sent a mass email to the genetics professors saying, "please hire me, I'll wash your dishes for free." Instead, I ended up joining this amazing lab where I've learned so much and been allowed to take control of my own projects. It sparked a love I didn't know I had for science and all the mysteries of the world, and has helped me decide where I want to go when I know so many people right now are struggling to figure that out themselves.

2. People have so many reasons to love me, how can I choose? *sparkles obnoxiously. Nah, just kidding. I think what I've heard people say they like about me most is that I'm honest, true to myself, bring joy into other people's lives, and am a good listener. Those are four things, trolol, but it was kinda between those four. My bestie has said that one of the things she values about me the most is that she can trust my opinion when I give it and that's hard to find. I'm not sure I'm all that great a listener, but a few people have said that, and my sister certainly seems to think that I've been very sparkly to my family, so I'm just gonna take that as it is.

3. I think the trait that I most like about myself is my ability to slow down. It's something I've taken for granted in the past, and even disliked about myself, because I've never been very ambitious and that's caused my mom especially a lot of worry, but I think I've really really come to appreciate this tendency of mine to just take things as they are, and allow myself to be absorbed in the beauty and quiet and simplicity of the moment. It's a quality I've always had as a daydreaming little kid, but especially lately when there are so many times that I've had reason to be stressed and freaked out because life just goes too fast for a slow little creature like me, being able to take a step back and calm myself down by drinking in the now and seeing things no one else notices - it's been a lifesaver. (Recommendation to all you folk out there: sometimes, when you're walking home late from class or work or something, just turn your head up and stare at the sky and see if you can see stars. It's the most wonderfully humbling and calming thing you can do on a regular basis if you're like me and walk home and have bizarre hours.)
1.) I'm grateful that I have access to all sorts of help and support in my life. I have supportive family, I have supportive friends — I come from a family that's financially stable enough to afford my medication. I have a family that doesn't buy into the stigma surrounding mental health medication or insist that I don't need it. I tend to get wrapped up in my own problems pretty easily, but, man, it could be so much worse if I didn't have any of these things.

2.) People on Iwaku seem to really like my positivity, my empathy, and my willingness to help others. I've also gotten a lot of compliments on my GMing ability. My roommate likes my sense of humor.

3.) I'm proud of myself for not giving up, and for being so determined to improve myself. If I didn't have any of that, I could be in a much worse place right now. I'm also proud of how far I've come already. Recently, I looked back at some old PM convos where I talked to friends about emotional/life stuff. And, comparing my mindset on things back then, to where I am now? I'm stunned at how much I've changed already. I used to think I was such a lost cause, I thought I had no power to improve my situation. I'm so glad that's changed.
1. I am grateful for my immediate peers. They are positive when they can afford to be, they are not the type to start drama, and they are always willing to lend a hand.

2. My friends seem to like to watch me play horror games because I have a motormouth when scared. They keep recording me. TwT

3. I like my determination. ^.^
I'm just hear to say the Bunny gif made me happy.
Mm. That might be too shallow. Uh... Let's see.

1. Luck. I don't really have too many skills, and the ones I do have or aspire to just fall short. But somehow in spite of all that, I've managed to make friends. Somehow, very few people have managed to attach themselves to me despite my lonesome personality and I love them dearly. I don't do as much to, nor could I ever, properly repay their kindness, but.... there it is. Additionally, I tend to do quite well in my courses despite the lack of appropriate effort given. Not that I'm particularly intelligent enough to do so, but more like I get by regardless. This general luck applies to most things for me in many other areas, but those two stand out the most for me I guess.

2. Observant. I don't have any talents whatsoever, which is such a bane for someone who wants to be both an artist and a writer. But despite that I have found ways to become marginally "well-enough" at both through hours and hours of study. Words do not flow through me nor do any shapes I create make the slightest sense, but I've found gimmicks that give me, at least in the eyes of others, potential ability. And considering the alternative... that's no so bad.
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1. I'm most grateful for the internet. It may sound silly, but to be honest, because of it I have found irreplaceable people, like my Mister and my good friends. I found people with the same interests as me, I found a place I could be me.

2. People seem to always say I'm easy to talk to and make friends with, that I'm sweet and kind. ^_^' It's kinda embarrassing to mention o///o

3. This is a tough one. I have low self confidence, so it's hard for me to see good qualities about myself. However one thing I do believe I'm good at is not judging others, and being able to relate and get along with others who are different than me, be it race, religion (or lack of) or something as simple as pizza toppings.
1. I'm grateful for good rp partners like @Fairy , @Xenojade , @Manna Beast , and @lilmissjames who make or made me really think about what I write, and give me so much to work with. Finding good partners is rough, but I feel like with each person, their different styles and strengths improve me as a writer. There was a time that I could only come up with something under a paragraph, and I just couldn't express myself very well. There's a lot more people I should be thanking right here, but my stupid memory can only hold so many names, so I'll just give credit to all these great folks for now. Even if you don't know it, you guys rock. These kind of rps really aren't typical for me, and I really appreciate all of you. And, I know our rp ended, but thank you @Yuuki_Tatsunohi for being so very patient and understanding with me. Thank you as well, @Kagayours Not only were you patient with me, and put up with me, you've provided me a LOT of helpful advice. You're wonderful, keep up the great work.

2. I'm often told I have a nice voice, and I'm a good speaker I suppose! It's given me a bit of confidence, because I can tell you, I wasn't so confident about this kind of thing before, but the more I've been told it, the more I've opened up and spoke. It's just a cycle of goodness, and it sometimes makes me think about becoming a VA (if you know me, I probably haven't admitted it to you) and recently, I've gotten motivated to get some streaming equipment, because it makes me happy if I can make others happy even when it's just by speaking.

3. Hm, that's a difficult one... there's not much to like, but, I will admit at times I quite like my facial structure, teeth, and, back when my hair was longer, my hair. Seemed like the only things that weren't messed up. I know it's pretty superficial, but at times it makes me confident.
Sherlock Holmes
I cannot agree with those who rank modesty among the virtues. To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are, and to underestimate one's self is as much a departure from truth as to exaggerate one's own powers.

– Sherlock Holmes

Though I'm not as severe a logician as Holmes himself, I do dislike underestimating myself. Behaving modestly is one thing, but I never underestimate myself. That would be undermining myself. Sabotaging myself. That I will not do.
I'm grateful for where I'm now. The friends I have, the people that I met so far. Mostly everyone that has tried to pull me out of this pit of negativity, pessimism, and self loathing I had for myself and the world. For believing in me, trusting me, seeing the me for who I'm, accepting me. There are a lot who helped a hand in that, and they know who they are if they read this.

I suppose the part people like the most about me is how grounded I'm as a person? Or that I'm a good listener. I have no idea, to be honest. I hear the compliments, however!

The part I like the most about myself is my adaptability and resilence. It has given me the confidence to pull through and believe that all will be fine, even if it isn't now. Over the years I have learnt to find my own place of comfort, even when terrified, or when everything seems to be against me. I try to take a lesson from it, cry a few tears, and move on. Some say that it is my stubbornness that refuses to back down, but if that is the case I'd say that I like me being stubborn! It has given me chances others didn't think would be possible with me.
I always think I'm awesome

Even when it's a bad day, I just remind myself

A bad day only lasts 1 day
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1. I'm most grateful for my "team" that's kept me smiling, happy, and upright over the past months/years. From my family to professional colleagues to friends, and even my dog, I truly believe that I'm hybrid that represents all of those truly awesome others that stick with me through thick and thin.

2. I believe what others like about me most is that I'm easy to get along with; I don't have an ego so anything goes with regards to others in my life. I'm also still very immature in many ways, and to many others around me that is like a breath of fresh air, so I've been told. I also don't believe in living a life full of rules, so I guess that makes for much more fun times (within reason of course).

3. I stand for what I believe to be right, no matter how others stand or see things. I don't take sides with people, I take sides with whatever I feel is just and on the moral high ground.
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I am a good artist.

I am a good writer.

I am good at video games even if it took me an hour to beat a RE7 boss.

I am generally polite.

I am also very good at procrastinating.

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1. I am most grateful for God and my family. It sounds cliched. And, well, it is. But it is certainly not trite, especially not for me. I don't want to go into detail, but God literally saved my life. Not in that metaphorical, "Jesus loves me" kind of way. He literally stepped in and performed a miracle, one that I will remember for the rest of my life. Sure, not everyone believes in God, but I certainly do. And that is one of the many, many reasons why. It is God's grace and love that has brought me out of the darkest times in my life and allowed me to see the beauty of it all. Without Him, I would be a much different person. So different that I probably wouldn't recognize myself. Then, of course, there's my God-given family. My grandfather has been like a father to me since I was young, and my grandmother and mother have been a source of strength from the moment I was born. Even my brothers, whom I have grown to love so greatly, have been there. In fact, they've experienced much of what I have. They understand me in ways that most people can't, and I cannot be more thankful for that. Unconditional love and understanding is a rare combination in families these days, and I'm beyond thankful to have found it in mine. Even if I can't say the same for everyone in my life, I can at least say it about my grandparents, my mom, and my brothers.

2. I think what people love most about me is my ability to understand their situations. Even if I haven't experienced it directly, I'm able to place myself in their position and empathize with them. Furthermore, I'm able to connect with people on a deep and personal level. I'm quite literally willing to bare my heart and soul to people when they need to know that I understand, to some extent, how they feel and think. My openness, while it has harmed me in the past, is not a source of naivety. Rather, it's a source of strength that I want people to draw from, knowing that they can trust me even if I screw up along the way. Not to mention my neverfailing sarcastic charm and wit. ;)

3. The trait I like most about myself is my positivity. I know, strange coming from me, the Queen of Pessimism. Really, I can be quite the pessimist. But, I guess that's the crux of it. In reality, kind of in tandem with my ability to understand others, I can give people the benefit of the doubt. Even if I have a hard time trusting others, I'm willing to put my own distrust aside for the sake of others. I'm also hella resilient, and I have God to thank for that, too. Even though I've been through lots of shit, I can still hold my head up high and approach others with confidence. I love people, I really do. It's part of the reason I want to be a teacher. I want to have that constant interaction, especially with teenagers who are still trying to understand what the hell is going on. It's a passion that I'm cultivating, and hell I've named like four traits at this point. BUT BASICALLY, I can be positive about others and try to understand their perspective, and I'm pretty resilient. I think. Yeah...*throws glitter*
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