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Ruby held her wrist as still as she could as she watched Caspain climb down the hole with his new cat features with a stick to use as a splint. She had never broken a bone until now. And God did it hurt like a mother------.
Caspian climbed the first few feet, then dropped the last few feet, landing perfectly on his feet. Maybe he was being too reckless-- after all, it was hardly like jumping the last five steps in a stairwell-- but he was now part cat thing, he reasoned. He had to test his abilities out somehow. "Okay, so," he began breathlessly, taking Ruby's wrist with gentle fingers and measuring the stick against her arm. A perfect fit; that was good. Now, cloth or string to bind it with... Shooting the girls an apologetic look, for while he wasn't fat at all, he definitely didn't have defined abs of any sort, Caspian stripped his now all-but-ruined shirt off, and tore strips from it to bind Ruby's wrist with.

A few moments later, her wrist was wrapped securely with the splint, tight enough so that she couldn't move it and loose enough that she could still feel her fingers (this had been trial and error, since Caspian had never broken a bone before, either) and Caspian stepped back, not bothering to put his shirt back on-- it was in rags, anyway. "I'll go and see if Garrett's back yet," he offered, and without waiting for an answer, dug his nails into the walls of the hole-- thank goodness it wasn't completely straight, and he had the smallest of footholds to cling to-- and climbed back up.
Ruby nodded her thanks and watched as he climbed up the wall. This whole orideal was defiently trying and fraying her nerves, but she was doing her best to keep everything in check. Like she had said before, they couldn't afford to fight amongst themselves. They had to work together if they wanted to survive. She sighed and leaned against the wall as Caspian climbed out of the trap door. She heard something click and the trap door above them swung shut. She watched it with a horrified expression. Shit. She thought, her heart sinking as the sun was cut off from them, plunging them into darkness.
"Cas!!" Kendall screamed as the door closed, hoping he would hear her. She gripped Ruby tightly as the darkness surrounded them. Her eyes adjusted quickly, but the adrenaline of the situation was lingering in her system. She released Ruby and looked around. Were they trapped? Were they going to die? Was it all because she fought with that snake girl?

OOC: Would it be alright if I played another character as well? I was thinking someone with the abilities of a bat.

Ruby grunted in Kendall's vice grip around her when the trap door closed. But soon the girl let go and she could breath easier once more. "We have to find a way out of here." She paused. "Obviously." She felt around her, not having the night vision that Ruby had. She was hoping to find another secret lever or something. But it seemed the only way was forward.
Garrett walked around the forest looking for anything he could to get the girls out. When he stumbled accross a felled tree, that looked to have been struck by lightning recently, he knew it was perfect. It wasn't too big or too small, and had a lot of little branches and nubs sticking out the sides for easy hand and footholds. He picked up one end of the tree with his big hands and started pulling it, walking backwards. His muscles were flexing against the weight but he didn't even seem to notice it. He pulled the tree all the way back to where Caspian stood. When he turned around he was already asking Caspian for help.

"Hey man care to help me ...." He noticed the look on Caspian's face.

"What is it?" Garrett asked him, looking around. "What happened? What's going on?"
Caspian was kneeling on the ground, examining the cover. "One of them triggered something inside the hole, I think," he said quietly. "Makes sense, no one would dig a hole like this for no reason and it was too perfect of a hole to be natural. But I don't think they know how to open it up again. Do you think you can get it open?"
Garrett looked at Caspian with determination in his eye.

"I better be able to, or they're going to be stuck in the dark." He replied. Garrett walked around the trap door. It looked like it was made of some type of metal. It had been well concealed in the ground before but now it was a stark contrast to the browns and greens around it, standing out with its shiny silver color.

"First I think we should use your brains and then my brawn." Garrett said to Caspian. "Can you look for either the latch that Ruby hit or another one? I'll help but I have no idea what I'm looking for. If we find nothing I'll start punching."
Caspian walked around the edge of the metal and then stepped directly on it and knelt on it, carefully scraping at the surface with the tip of a nail. He didn't make so much as a mark on it, and sighed quietly to himself, not really expecting to. Latch it was, or button or whatever, but to have something outside the actual tunnel...

"I think there'd be a button rather than a latch, latches are old-fashioned, not the kind of mechanics used here at all," he murmured, stepping back off of the metal. "Not on the ground, where someone might step on it, maybe hidden in a fake tree or something else not on the ground?"
She looked at Kendall. "What do you think?" She asked. "Wait to see if the boys get the trap door open or go forward and see if we can find our own way out?" She was scared, and she was pretty damn sure Kendall was to, but they couldn't wait forever and a choice had to be made.
"Garrett!?" kendall didn't know if they could hear her- or even if Caspien had noticed the door close. She looked at Ruby, who obviously couldn't see and was facing the wrong way as she spoke to Kendall.
"We need to find a way out, who knows how long this might take..." Kendal grabbed Ruby's good hand and started walking, letting her night vision guide them to werever the tunned led.
Garrett heard the call from Kendall down below, but it was very muffled. If he hadn't been standing right next to the trap door he never would have heard her. He stomped on the door and yelled as loudly as he could, cupping his hands around his mouth and pointing his face towards the door.


"I hope they heard me." He said to Caspian with a sigh. This just kept getting worse.
Ruby nodded her agreement and let Kendall guide her through the dark tunnel. She kept glancing back, as if in hopes Garrett and Caspian had opened the door or if enemies were behind them. But so far it was just the two girls.
Kendall jumped as she heard the booming sound from behind them. It sounded like the tunnel was collapsing!

"Ruby, hurry!" Kendall started to run, pulling the hawk-woman along as she went through the winding tunnel. Oddly, the dirt tunnel felt comfortable, like a home.
No doubt the feeling was Armadillo related.
(OOC: I have a twist to add to the story. What if Ruby turned into an actual hawk? Like, they got too much hawk DNA in her blood? Just kinda throwing ideas out there.)

The ground shook a little beneath their feet as they ran as the tunnel collapsed on them. Man. This blew. She would find an old tunnel that collapsed on them. She hoped being crushed wasn't her or Kendall's way to die. She thought as she continued running.
Kendall kept running, running until she was out of breath. The tunnel didn't completely collapse, but the earth had come loose near the trap door. Kendall tucked her hair behind her ear and sighed. Bugs skittered over the eathen walls, boy did they look delicious.
Ruby glanced back at the collapsed tunnel where they had just been and then looked ahead of them. Was that a light? "Hey. I think I see a light shinning through a door." She said, pointing.
Caspian stared down at the slab of metal for a moment, his expression unreadable, before turning away. "The switch. It has to be around here somewhere, and they sound fine for the time being. The best thing we can do for them is to find it and either join them or help them back up." Without waiting for an answer, he scaled the nearest tree, searching for anything out of the ordinary that might lead them to the controls of the door, and was soon lost from sight, concealed in the foliage as he moved from tree to tree, searching.
Her body swung from branch to branch in reply with his movements keeping a close eye on him she observed his development and lightly tilted her head a little. Realising that Garrett wasn't following him, she continued on to look down at him from the highest of the tree tops. Tilting her head observing him helping the girls she let out a gentle laugh towards him on the ground.
Garrett heard a laugh coming from the trees, and it sounded feminine.

'The snake girl shows up at the worst possible time.' He thinks to himself, hoping that it is not the snake girl and that Caspian just has a really girly laugh. He knows he's reaching but he doesn't want to admit that he could be getting attacked from any angle at any moment. Not knowing what Cecile has in plan for him he prepares himself for an attack. Keeping his feet firmly on the ground he scans the area looking for the button or whatever it might be. He pretends that he didn't hear her laugh, hoping that he can catch her off guard when she attacks.

'Please come back soon Caspian, I don't know if I can take her on alone ...'