Amusement of Despair OOC

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So I haven't gotten any notifications from this and I've been on vacation. I'll try to get caught up when I get back. Sorry guys, I don't know what's going on.
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Weird, me, you, Kuro and Tensa haven't been getting alerts.
Didn't get any alerts, so, I had to go Manual in this.
So I'm moving (I wasn't supposed to be for a couple of months but it got moved up) and I don't really have any time for this:/. I'm sorry guys but I think I have to drop out.
It's alright, careful moving!
I'll be leaving as well. If anyone wants to play Alice, feel free.
Alright, thank you for letting me know
If I do restart this, there well be less characters so there won't be some much waiting. How many, I don't know yet.
Well the original thing had 16, and that was original choice, so we could do that. Seeing as how two people dropped out, we have the right number for it now. We could simply delete the IC thread and restart it.
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Then anyone who doesn't post within 48 hours for their characters to awaken will just be kicked, to avoid the issue we have with a few characters here (Audrey the Wannabe Darlene)
OR alice could be NPC controlled, and Monokuma will pull out the first killing as a warning shot?
At worse I don't mind having to control it to then be a dick. :P
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