Amusement of Despair OOC

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You haven't had maple donuts yet. *kidnnaps Keaton to get Mable donuts*
There's a place by my house that does fresh donuts every morning. They're fucking fabulous.
Why are you kidnapping me for maple donuts? I have one for you right here, I was gonna give it to you. /Gives Niji her Maple Donut/
Maple's does that too (I think) that's it! We're going on a donut run! *grabs everyone for donut run* its not a flavor but I'll nom!
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Is this rp full or can you still sign up?

*Did try to go through all pages but is busy unpacking*
We're closed, sorry
Okay. :3 Thanks.
Why do I not get fucking alerts when IM WATCHING THE THREAD!
Because Maple?
I set it to give me emails. I've been continuously obtaining them.
The only times ive been getting them is when someone new asked to join.
Who hasn't started toward the fountain?
Me. All my OCs are waiting on someone.
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