Among Them

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The alien, Krulu, did some of his own recapping as he traveled deeper into the cave. It was dark and cold, but none of that really seemed to bother him much as he explored. The cloth and golden armor had been left behind, shoved behind a pile of stones large enough to hide them. He didn't really feel like wandering around in the bloodstained clothing for the moment; that, and it brought along memories of the explosion, the burning bodies of his fellow Sectid soldiers.

Krulu shuddered.

His steps were near silent, his silver eyes scanning the cave walls. There really wasn't anything very remarkable here, except for the occasional stalagmite. The blandness of it all made him remember, made him have thoughts of home. Soft, almost transparent curtains would sway in a gentle breeze, their colors highlighted by the two suns that loomed in the sky, sustaining millions. Someday, he would make it back to that place, the home he cherished so much. But, to get there, he would need a ship. He realized that he would either need to procure one from here, on Earth, or he would have to modify something else. It could take years...

*The Following Morning*
It was nearly 9am when Nicky's phone went off, a text from David.

Hey, u wanna do sumthing 2day? I'm free.

It was Saturday, and David didn't work Saturdays. As it turns out, he had had a huge crush on the girl for the longest time -- and it may still be there. David was a little shy for the football jock that he was, so he didn't advance as much as he probably should have, as much as his friends had said he should. Despite that, he had a reputation as a pretty nice guy. Perhaps too much so.

David looked down at his phone, at the text he had just sent. He felt hot, flushed, completely embarrassed and unsure. He leaned against the lamp post, looking out over the playground that was fenced off in yellow police tape. There were cops and marines everywhere, taking samples of the sand and all that. He couldn't help but wonder what had gone on to attract so much attention...
Nicky awoke to her phone going off. She felt around for it on the table and looked at the text she had gotten from David. "Sure" She texted back. Suddenly she remembered yesterdays adventure. She jumped out of her bed and quickly got dressed as fast as she could. She pushed her phone into her pocket and ran out the door. She hurried her way to the park, though abruptly stopped seeing all the tape. She had thought that she had hidden the blood, but she guessed they had equipment to sense things. She had to go another way. She slipped through the trees and made her way towards the cave. She flipped her phone back out. She had already said yes to David before she remember he alien. She texted him again. "But later today okay. I have some thing to do first." She put the phone away and ran towards the cave. She headed inside. "Hey? You in here?" She shouted out once she got to the opening.
At first, David had gone to get her attention at the park, but his phone going off in his pocket stopped him. She had just been texting. The message read that she was busy, but... He had just seen her, right there! His blush deepened, and he had started to walk up to her, but stopped. It wasn't any of his business, right?

David let it go, shoving his hands into his jerseys pockets and looking down at the sidewalk.

At first, Krulu was nowhere to be seen, not inside the cave. But, he had heard her call for him, and came out of hiding. A tall, grey figure stepped up behind her, coming from the outside. He hadnt replaced his clothes, and stood there completely bare, letting the sunshine beat down on his back, shine on his shoulders. Would da from the previous night had already healed most of the way, the one on his mouthless face seeming as nothing more than a rather prominent scar.

'I am here,' he announced directly to her mind, silver eyes looking down on her.
Nicky stared at him for a moment, getting a batter look. "Well, it looks like you are healing well." She said to him. "But the play ground were you were last night is all covered with caution tape." She walked into the cave a bit more so she wouldn't be seen. "'re like an alien. According to the government you're not suppose to be real. Oh, have they lied to us." She thought out loud. What was she suppose to do with an alien now. "We should probably get you to another place if they know you were at the play ground. Maybe an abandoned building of some sort." She began to think about the city and its lay out. "There might be one that you can use, and no one will bother you."

Nicky didn't hear her phone go off yet, David didn't respond back to her. She took out her phone and began to text him again. "David? Is later okay?" She sent him the text, then pushed it back into her pocket.
Did all humans enjoy these caves as much as this one? How many people did she think would really come looking for him here?

'How will I get there without being noticed?'
He asked, tilting his head slightly. There was no one around at the moment, and he was hesitant to step out of he sunlight, so Krulu stayed where he was, just a few feet beyond the mouth of he cave.

Speaking of things that he needed, he had used his gauntlet. There was no more technology for him to cannibalize into other things. He would need to look into that. Of course, the way that Nicky said that no one else knew about his species, he doubted just how technologically advanced they really were.

David felt his phone go off in his jersey pocket. He pulled it out and read the text, realizing that he had been so caught up in thought that he had forgotten to reply to her earlier text.

'Ya, that's fine,' he typed out, hit send, then dropped it back into his pocket. What was up with that? David had to take a minute to remind himself that seeing her at the park wasn't suspicious. She could have just been on the way to... Wherever it was that she was going. No, it was just annoying that she had evidently forgotten about whatever that thing was in the first place.
Nicky looked at her phone, seeing David's response. "Hm, that's true. Isn't there anything you could do to make yourself look like a human." She began to ask him. "You seem to have all that technology or maybe make something. Then it would be easier to get around places. I could get anything you need or well that we have here." When she first saw the aline he was injured, she wondered what that was about and why he was here in the first place, did he want to be?
Krulu stopped to think for a moment, his eyes going blank as his mind worked. It was possible to make such a contraption, but, he rather doubted that this world had what he needed.

'I would need a holographic projector, a three dimensional image of a human male, a power source small enough to be inconspicuous, and tools,' he told her flatly, once again looking down at her. 'Are these things available?'
"Yeah, I think." She replied. "I just have to go search for them. Which may take me a little while." She began to think of places were she could find these things. It was going to be hard for herself. Maybe, she could ask David for help and say it was for a project that she was doing. If she had him helping she might be able to find thing faster. "Okay, I'll go get them." She turned away from the alien and walked out of the cave. She pulled her cell phone out and began to text David. "Hey, can you help me get some things for a project. I could really use your help." She sent the message.
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