Am I the only one?

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Yes, I never did pole dancing.

Am I the only one who has Alfredo Pasta with Cranberry Juice?
I haven't, but I have had orange juice with spaghetti.

Am I the only one that sometimes goes on retro binge, trying to look for old youtube videos uploaded five years ago or more?
Yes. I go on YouTube binges, but not for retro videos specifically.

Am I the only one who wishes they had more people to game with?
Nope! I wish I had more people to game with.. specifically people who liked my sort of games, since I'm a filthy casual :D

Am I the only one who waits until they have to bounce-walk to the bathroom because they're trying to bang out one more reply first?
Yes. I'm not in enough RP's where I currently need to be doing that.
And all of General Chat combined isn't even active enough anymore to make me need to camp out in order to keep up.

Am I the only one who hates having a runny nose?
No. I also hate that.

Am I the only one who cleaned her room today?
I didn't. I had to go to work. :3

Am I the only one who plays with her phone sometimes at work? >.>
I play with my phone all the time at work. It's one of the only things getting me through this working alone BS.

Am I the only one filled with anger and grump?
Yes, but it's because of my ass being sore

Am I the only who brushed my teeth with a sexual toy.

am I the only one going to a concert tonight?
No. I hate being an organizing nutcase

Am I the only one who has moved to iwaku from another site
Nope. I came from Dragon tear. When it was still a forum

That was 10 years ago or something though. Maybe longer

Am I the only one who was here when iwaku first went online?
Nope, but I've been here for a few updates.

Am I the only one who likes the taste of burnt food.

Am I the only one who logged on to 50+ alerts?
Atm, yes.

Am I the only one who isn't sure what to do what now?
yes :(

Am I the only one going to bing on TV tonight?
Maybe. One of the things I'm debating is marathon Fate Stay Night season 2.

Am I the only one who hates how having a computer in your room makes your room become an oven?
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