
Jezebel considered it. Yes, she actually considered it. Life in the forest was rough, the scars on her arms and legs were proof of that. And she was constantly vulnerable with almost no means of escape. Sure, she had plenty of room to run. But no one could outrun the Warden. No one.

With a sigh and a cross of her arms, she relented. "Fine," she said, not sparing even a slight happy tone for the woman, "but if one thing goes wrong, I'm gone. I'm not going to let you get yourself killed." She looked at them both. "My name is Jezebel, by the way." Her gaze flicked over to Zain.

"Are you coming or not?"
"Umm... I-I gues..." He said figuring he had nothing else to really do and learning about his powers and the new dangers he faced was always good... plus it would be safer for him. The things on her cheek looked like they could be painful. She also looked strong, and she could probably protect him though he doubted he would be any help. "I just got the powers yesterday... I um... don't think I can help." He voice was quiet, almost inaudible but he really did want them to know. He was just a bit shy and never really talked to people at all so talking to complete strangers was a bit unnerving. Even talking to his friend had been difficult for him and he had known her for years. He looked between them unsure if he had said the right thing though his head was still angled down. It was getting quite cold, he didn't know how this girl could have survived this whole time out here... well she did have fire at her fingertips... literally.
"Well, good. I can teach you a thing or two," Jezebel said with a smile, her ears accustomed to quiet sounds. Still, the uneasiness in the back of her mind was growing. They weren't alone. She knew that much. But it wasn't the shadows that worried her. They were always there, whether they attacked or not.

No. There was someone else lurking in the dark, waiting for the right moment.


Aria watched the scene below her, the fire girls power so very, very tempting. But no. She would wait. Wait for just the right moment. That moment was not tonight. Not here, not now. She would wait for them to bond, to become friends. She would wait until they cared about each other.

And then she would relieve one of them of their aspect. She would rip it from them, leaving them wondering how to counteract such an attack. It would hurt them all, but especially the Drena she chose. Especially them.
"Keep an eye out for Shadows and follow me. Also, you might want to cover up those scars, most normals aren't as accepting as me, as I'm sure you know." She turned around to abscond, but stood still, looking over her shoulder to make sure they were following.